Archangel Michael's 21 Day Prayer: what it is for, how to do it, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is Archangel Michael's 21-day prayer?

The Archangel Michael's 21-day prayer consists of a prayer with the objective of freeing believers from their spiritual limitations. It is extremely powerful, as it was psychographed from Archangel Michael by medium Greg Mize.

This prayer provides those who pray it with a complete cleansing of the spirit, so that it is able to rid people of any kind of evil entities, spiritual parasites, and even spells.

St. Michael the Archangel is worshiped in different faiths, being considered the great leader of God's army and the Heavenly Prince. This is because Michael is known to have great powers in fighting the forces of evil.

However, there is still a lot more information about this powerful prayer. If you really want to understand everything about it, keep reading carefully.

Prayer, Archangel Michael and Spiritual Cleansing

Before you begin this powerful prayer, it is essential that you have some knowledge of certain things, such as understanding a little more about the powerful Archangel Michael, the importance of spiritual cleansing, and whether you really need it, among other things.

To stay on top of information like this, follow along as you read this, and pay close attention to the details.

Archangel Michael's 21-Day Prayer

During the challenges of each day, many times you may experience difficult situations, such as envy, evil eye, and others, so you may end up being the target of entities that cling to your spiritual body. Thus, the 21-day prayer of St. Michael comes into your life with the purpose of getting rid of everything that has been doing you harm.

According to specialists, this spiritual cleansing aims to open new doors, bringing many opportunities. After all, it gets rid of any kind of negative energy that may be holding you back.

Experts also say that in the first two weeks after beginning the prayer, it is common for a person to have strange dreams. If this happens to you, calm down, because this is normal and part of the process. Remember that after this spiritual cleansing your life will change absurdly, for the better. See below.

"I call upon the Christ to calm my fears and to erase any external control mechanism that might interfere with this healing. I ask my Higher Self to close my aura and establish a Christic channel for the purposes of my healing, so that only Christic energies can flow to me.

No other use can be made of this channel other than for the flow of Divine energies. I now call upon Archangel Michael of the 13th Dimension to seal and protect this sacred experience completely.

I now call upon the 3rd dimensional Circle of Security to seal, protect and fully enhance the shield of Michael the Archangel, as well as to remove anything that is not of a Christed nature that currently exists within this field.

I now call upon the Ascended Masters and our Christed assistants to completely remove and dissolve each and every implant and its seeded energies, parasites, spiritual weapons and self-imposed limitation devices, both known and unknown.

Once this is completed I call for the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with the golden energy of Christ. I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free! I am free!

I, the being known as (state your name) in this particular incarnation, hereby revoke and renounce each and every loyalty commitment, vow, agreement, and/or contract of association that no longer serves my highest good, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, time periods, and locations.

I now order all entities (that are connected with these contracts, organizations and associations to which I now ¬renounce) to cease and desist and to leave my energy field now and forever, and retroactively, taking their artifacts, devices and seeded energies with them.

To ensure this, I now call upon the holy spirit Shekinah to be witness to the dissolution of all contracts, devices and energies sown that do not honor God. This includes all alliances that do not honor God as the Supreme Being. Moreover.

I ask that the Holy Spirit "witness" this complete release of all that infringes God's will. I declare this forward and retroactively. And so be it. I now re-secure my covenant with God through Christ mastery and dedicate my entire being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being to the vibration of Christ, from this moment forward and retroactively.

Moreover, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say and do, and all things in my environment that still serve me, to the vibration of Christ as well. Furthermore, I dedicate my being to my own mastery and to the path of ascension, both the planet's and my own.

Having declared all this I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life to accommodate this new dedication and ask the Holy Spirit to witness this also. I declare this to God. Let it be written in the Book of Life. May it be so. Thank God.

To the Universe and the entire Mind of God and every being in It, to all places I have been, experiences I have participated in, and to all beings who need this healing, whether known or unknown to me, anything that stands between us, I now heal and forgive.

I now call upon the Holy Spirit Shekinah, Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain to assist and witness this healing. I forgive you for whatever needs to be forgiven between you and I. I ask you to forgive me, for whatever needs to be forgiven between you and I.

Most importantly, I forgive myself, for whatever needs to be forgiven between my past incarnations and my Higher Self. We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christed beings.

We are full and surrounded with the golden love of Christ. We are full and surrounded with the golden light of Christ. We are free from all third and fourth vibrations of pain, fear, and anger. All gates and psychic bonds attached to these entities, implanted devices, contracts, or seeded energies are now released and healed.

I now call upon Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that have been taken from me and return them to me now in their purified state.

Once these energies have returned to me, I ask that these channels through which my energy was being drained, be dissolved completely. I ask Lord Metatron to release us from the chains of duality. I ask that the seal of the Christ Realm be placed upon me. I ask the Holy Spirit to witness that this is fulfilled. And so it is.

I now ask Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask Archangel Michael to mark me with his seal, that I may be protected forever from the influences that prevent me from doing the will of Our Creator.

And so be it! I give thanks to God, the Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Sheran command, the Angels and Archangels, and all others who have participated in this continued healing and upliftment of my being. Sela! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the universe! Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth!"

The Mighty Archangel Michael

Prince of the Heavenly Militia, guardian, warrior, Archangel of Justice and Repentance, these are some of the ways that the Mighty Saint Michael the Archangel is known. Thus, according to the Scriptures, Michael is known to be a great fighter, and victor over any evil force.

St. Michael also has a great importance in all of human history, after all in the Book of Revelation he is the one who appears as the combatant, winning the battle against the evil one, for all humans.

Together with Gabriel and Raphael, they form the trio of Archangels recognized in the Holy Bible.

Although all three have a fundamental role and are considered equal, where each one has its specific mission, Michael always appears as the main one in the angelic hierarchy.

General of the heavenly army, Michael is the one who guides the faithful on the path of the fight against evil and temptations.

Spiritual cleansing

Spiritual cleansing through Saint Michael the Archangel is known by many as a true "soul cleansing", because it really sweeps away any kind of limitation, problem, or negative energy that is in your spirit.

So the purpose of spiritual cleansing is in fact to cleanse all your spiritual limitations, sending away any kind of mental parasites, evil entities, negative thoughts, curses, black magic, and anything else of the sort.

Spiritual cleansing, in short, is like a soul-healing process for those who are afflicted or repentant. In other words, you may come to this situation either as a result of other people who may do some kind of work for you, because of envy, for example. Or you may come to this point because of your own wrong choices. Either way, spiritual cleansing can help youwill help.

The Importance of Spiritual Cleansing

A spiritual cleansing brings with it numerous benefits. Able to rid people of spiritual weapons and even incantations, it makes it possible to find harmony in your life again. It brings more clarity into your life, so that you can see new meaning and purpose in the direction of your life.

This type of spiritual cleansing can also help you solve a problem, open a new door, or even bring peace back into your home or work. In short, spiritual cleansing can end your suffering, no matter what it may be.

How to know if you need a spiritual cleansing

Although it may initially seem like a complicated subject, finding out if you need a spiritual cleansing is very simple.

If there is an area of your life that is not working and everything is going wrong, this could be an indication. For example, your relationship has been going through some troubled times, full of fights, disagreements, and you can't understand why this gale is passing through your life.

Or even problems at work, in your financial life, situations that before were going as well as possible, and out of the blue, it seems that something started to go wrong. These problems can interfere even in your physical body. Therefore, if along with these divergences you have been feeling pains in your body, head, etc., probably you are in need of a spiritual cleansing.

Why do the spiritual cleansing with the 21-day prayer

Because it is repeated for 21 days in a row, St. Michael's cleansing consists of a complete cycle of purification. This prayer is recommended for all those who wish to rid themselves of negative life patterns, and who feel hindered in some way from moving forward.

The spiritual cleansing through the 21-day prayer is still recommended because it is a request for intercession to one of the most powerful Archangels in heaven. Michael is known by all for fighting evil and defeating it. So, if you have faith, he is able to remove all evil presence from your life. This in itself is enough reason to do this cleansing work.

How to do the 21 days prayer

Although it carries with it great power and energy, performing the 21-day Michael Archangel prayer is very simple. First of all, you must choose a quiet place where no one can disturb you, and a time when you will not run the risk of being interrupted.

Some experts also say that the ideal is to pray it at night, so that after finishing it, you can rest for about 1.5 hours. After paying attention to these details, all that remains is to say the prayer for 21 consecutive days, without missing any day, including Saturdays and Sundays.

Therefore, be careful not to forget, because if you skip a single day you will be breaking the prayer cycle, and this may harm the final result. If necessary, write it down on the notepad of your cell phone, on the fridge, or anywhere else, the important thing is not to forget.

The Benefits of Archangel Michael's 21 Prayer

The spiritual cleansing of St. Michael the Archangel brings countless benefits to the lives of those who pray it, from the removal of negative energies, to the clarity of one's goals, to the achievement of healing. So whatever your problem is, and in whatever area of your life it is affecting you, have faith that this powerful cleansing can help you.

Farewell to negative energies

Considered by experts to be one of the greatest benefits of the 21-day cleanse, the removal of negative energies removes all kinds of impurities from your mind. That is, from the bad energies that may be coming from other people, to your own negative thoughts.

So, even if you are a good person, your mind can end up filled with thoughts that put you down, and suck your energy. This ends up preventing you from moving forward, and consequently prospering in life. Besides, of course, the famous evil eye that can be hovering over you, fruit of the envy of your fellows.

By performing the 21-day cleansing, Saint Michael the Archangel is able to rid you of all this negativity in order to lift you up, open doors, and help you conquer your goals.

Connection with spiritual forces

The connection with spiritual forces can happen in many ways, such as through dreams, sensations, energies, among others. These are situations that go far beyond this earthly plane.

However, not everyone has a deep spirituality, and they often forget about it, which causes you to gradually lose that connection more and more. So one of the benefits of the 21-day cleanse is to get you re-acquainted with spiritual matters.

This prayer cycle will enable you to have a greater connection with your inner and outer energies, helping with spiritual connectivity. This is all part of a great process of inner knowing, in order to understand and accept your mission in this world.

The clarity of objectives

If you have been feeling lost, not knowing which path to follow or what decision to make, spiritual cleansing can help you open your eyes. This is because it helps remove negative energies, giving you a greater connection with the Divine, and consequently greater clarity in your goals.

This whole experience will make you see life with new eyes, have a broader view of the world, and, of course, be able to better see your purpose on earth. After the 21-day cleanse, you will find it easier to set your goals and make the right decisions.

Overcoming barriers

Unfortunately, being someone who is hard working, who conquers his space with his talent, often ends up arousing the envy of others. This negative feeling from your peers can make your life full of barriers, making it impossible for you to move forward.

This gives you that feeling of anguish, as if you are stuck and cannot get out of this situation, and you become frustrated as time passes and your dreams come to a standstill.

However, keep calm, because by performing the Michael Archangel Cleansing, you will have the chance to get rid of all these ties, and finally go on your way in peace and harmony.

Get the cure

Like a good spiritual cleansing, the 21-day Michael Archangel prayer can also be a strong ally for healing, whether physical or mental. So if you have been experiencing problems such as anxiety, depression, or some physical illness, trust in the power in the spiritual cleansing, as it can help you.

According to specialists, this is due to the fact that many of the diseases faced by human beings end up originating in the mind, that is, in the spirit. Diseases, such as depression, can begin due to some mental wear and tear, which can also end up affecting the physical body.

So by starting the 21-day work, you will be able to let go of negativity, get closer to your spirituality, seek self-knowledge, and find your purpose. This set of factors can help you heal, or at least reduce your symptoms and effects.

The 21-Day Prayer, its benefits and objectives

Like any powerful prayer, the 21-day prayer has its objectives, as well as its benefits, so before you begin, it is essential that you know all these details. It is important to understand what happens during, and also after the prayer. To do this, follow the reading carefully.

The objectives of the 21 days prayer

The great objective of St. Michael's 21-day prayer is to free the individual from any spiritual limitation. Thus, the prayer has the power to totally cleanse the spirit in order to rid the person of entities, curses, magic, spells, negative energy, evil eye, etc.

Moreover, after going through the whole process of the prayer cycle, it still allows you to gain more self-knowledge, in order to clarify your ideas. Thus, you will be able to move your life forward, towards your goals.

What is removed

The 21-day prayer is a purification cycle, so it removes any kind of spiritual weapon, emotional parasites, evil entities, negative thoughts, curses, incantations, spells, and black magic. It also frees the individual from blockages that prevent him from moving forward, and having a prosperous life.

Interceding for another person

When you realize that someone close to you has been going through a troubled time, it is possible to ask for intercession for that person, in prayer. First of all, it is important for you to know that when you pray, you have the possibility to connect with God in different ways: by giving thanks, asking for a grace or a sign. So, most of the time this ends up being something more personal.

However, it is also possible, and very good, to pray for other people, and thus to intercede for them. To do this, it is fundamental that you use empathy, because when praying for another person it is necessary to have the ability to deeply understand what he or she is going through.

On the other hand, regarding specifically the 21-day prayer, there is an important detail that must be taken into consideration: because it is a prayer for purification, it is necessary that the person you are going to pray for authorizes your prayer, because free will must be respected.

What happens during prayer

During the prayer, the spiritual beings will start working through your energetic body, in order to remove all the ties that exist in it. This process will remove any kind of bad influence and negative energy. Because of this, it is normal if you feel different sensations, or energies in and around your whole body.

If you feel tension in any part of your body, take a deep breath, relax and let go. You may also experience feelings of worry, strong emotions, and even cramps and nausea. Calm down, this is normal. Again you will need to take a deep breath, relax and let go.

It is still possible that certain visions of different colors may occur, especially in shades of violet and blue. These are some situations that can occur. However, it is worth remembering that this process is extremely personal and therefore can occur differently in each person.

What happens after the prayer

After the prayer is over, you will find yourself in a state of deep relaxation, and this will make you feel sleepy. Because of this, it is advisable that you avoid moving for at least 10 minutes. If it is possible, sleep and rest.

Because it is an extremely powerful healing and deliverance process, it is fundamental that you still avoid watching TV, messing with your computer, or cell phone, after the prayer. Even activities such as cleaning, for example, should be avoided. Therefore, at the end of the prayer, just relax.

Also remember to thank heaven for the help you are receiving, and never forget to keep faith and hope.

What happens during the 21-day cycle

Because it is an extremely deep and energetic process, during the 21-day cycle it is essential that you pay attention to a few details, such as avoiding excessive consumption of meat and alcoholic beverages, not going to parties too often, and not having casual sex.

This series of things to do is advised, because you must keep your energy pattern high. If this does not happen, your cleansing is not likely to be very effective.

During the first two weeks, you may still experience some nightmares, or strange dreams. Stay calm, because this is part of the process. If you don't have any dreams, also stay calm, because this depends on each person. Furthermore, during this period you will feel motivated to make positive changes in your life.

The expressions and terms used in the 21-day prayer

Some expressions used in the 21-day prayer are quite different and unfamiliar to most people, so for you to really connect with the prayer, it is critical that you understand some of these terms.

From Ascended Masters, to Shekinah, to Ashtar Sheran Command, to Adonai Tsebayoth, follow what all these expressions represent.

Higher Self, Archangel, Michael, Circle of Safety and Ascended Masters

The name Archangel, on the other hand, represents a supreme angel, while Michael means one who is similar to God, and is traditionally related to the question: "Who like God?

When the prayer mentions the expression Safety Circle of the 13th dimension, it refers to a team of angels who act as protectors. This dimension is where beings of such importance live, like Michael himself, for example.

Finally, Ascended Masters means all Beings who have achieved true union with God, and thus have been given the mission to assist in the ascension of all human beings.

Shekinah, Ashtar Sheran Command and Metatron

Shekinah is a word of Hebrew origin, meaning: "Divine Grace, Primordial Light, Eternal Light in the world of Spirit". The expression Ashtar Sheran Command, on the other hand, is a little more complex.

It means a group of spaceships, from different solar systems, that belong to the Great Brotherhood of Light. Their commander is called Ashtar Sheran, which means "the sun that shines the brightest". They act under the guidance of Jesus.

Metraton is another word of Hebrew origin, meaning "Lord God". He is an Archangel who commands the other angels. According to history, Metraton was the spirit that guided Moses and all the Hebrew people when they were in the desert.

Saint Germain and the Violet Flame

Saint Germain was a French Count who lived around the year 1700. This was his last incarnation on earth. However, before that, he had many others, one of which, according to scholars, was being Joseph, the father of Jesus Christ. Thus, he became an ascended master of the 7th ray of the Holy Spirit, and relates to divine freedom and forgiveness.

As a kind of mission, his soul started to free all humanity from any kind of injustice, oppression and evil as a whole. The expression Violet Flame, on the other hand, was translated by Saint Germain himself, as a kind of light that goes out and undoes the mistakes that have been committed. Thus, it has the ability to relieve physical and emotional pain.

Maitreya, Selah, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth

Maitreya is a word that has the meaning of benevolent and kind; it is also the name of a great liberator of all humanity, known as the fifth Buddha.

Selah, on the other hand, is of Hebrew origin and means pause, so the interpretations surrounding this passage show that there must be a pause, so that thought can finally rise to the Most High.

Finally, the expression Kodoish and Adonai Tsebayoth, have the same meaning, which means: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Sovereign Lord of the Universe". In addition, Tsebayoth, is one of the 72 names of God within Kabbalah.

Why is Archangel Michael's 21-day prayer the most suitable prayer against the ills of modern life?

As time goes by, it is as if we feel that the world has become more and more a difficult place to live in. On the TV news you can see terrible news every day: parents killing children, children beating up parents, false friends ending the lives of those they swore to protect.

The motivations for crimes like these are becoming more and more banal: envy, money, or sheer pleasure in seeing the suffering of others. So, in a world so cruel and full of evil, often the mere fact of achieving success, getting a promotion at work, or buying a new car, for example, is already a reason for someone to turn their evil eyes on you.

In the face of so many challenges to face on a daily basis, the 21-day prayer of Saint Michael the Archangel seems to be a great ally against the breaking of all evil. After all, it has powers to rid the faithful of any kind of evil entity, negative energy, envy, spells, and so many other things.

So if you have been going through some of these problems, trust that this prayer cycle can set you free. Pray with faith, and seek the strength to move forward.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.