Saturn in the houses: retrograde, in solar revolution, synastry and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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Meaning of Saturn in the houses: retrograde, solar revolution and synastry

The planet Saturn in the houses brings with it great teachings. The position where it is, is the one that usually makes the total feeling of an individual be of rejection and, at the same time, shows us that it takes effort for results to appear.

Saturn is responsible for all the difficulties that appear in the path, in general, but they are agents of change. This can be seen in several different situations, such as the solar revolution and the period in which the planet is retrograde, for example. Do you want to know more about Saturn in the astrological houses? Read the following article!

Saturn in 1st house

Natives born with Saturn in the 1st house have a negative behavior. They are usually more quiet, closed and even difficult to know, because they count on a great seriousness.

As for their feelings, they have a great capacity to deal in a mature and objective way. They are persevering and patient, but depending on certain aspects, they can become arrogant and unfriendly.

This is a position that also talks about health issues that can be influenced, especially teeth, knees and joints. Are you curious? Read more about Saturn in the 1st house below!

Saturn retrograde in house 1

If Saturn is retrograde in the 1st house, you will experience moments in which you will have to seek to build your foundations, to find where you should really stand in life. This concerns yourself only, without relating the influences and desires of others.

But there is a need to take care not to become a grumpy and moody person. This is a time of understanding and you need to learn to relax a little.

Saturn in the 1st house of the solar revolution

The solar revolution in the 1st house indicates a more exhausting time for the native. However much you are with a very strong determination to change situations and get out of your current state, there is a feeling of exhaustion.

The year tends to be tense and full of challenges and obstacles to overcome. It will be a very complicated and intense period, so problems will be so complicated that they can even be created by you.

Saturn in 1st house synastry

The person who has Saturn in the 1st house, in his relationships, has a strong tendency to act in a very protective way towards his beloved. In general he feels responsible for his partners and therefore he needs to be careful with this attitude.

Quickly, the attitude can turn into something uncomfortable for your partners, who may feel pressured or prevented from doing something. You need to focus on seeking more mature attitudes and understanding this is essential for a good relationship.

Saturn in the 2nd house

People born with Saturn in the 2nd house are more mature and responsible, they dedicate a much greater attention to their personal values. Besides this, their way of acting, in general, is with a good control of their attitudes, being very conscious of it.

Being very controlled and centered people, it is normal that these natives develop well in areas of life which deal with bureaucracies, because they have a strong ability to manage situations.

Still, despite being aware of their value, they end up being people of low self-esteem. Want to know more about Saturn in the 2nd house? See below!

Saturn retrograde in the 2nd house

Saturn retrograde in the 2nd house brings an interpretation that this person, in another life, lived only thinking about financial matters and benefits of this nature. Now he tries to reapply these values to his present life.

This is a person who has a great resistance to change, given this scenario. This is all because it is notable that the native cannot understand how their values fit into this world and may feel confused because of this.

Saturn in the 2nd house of the solar revolution

If Saturn is in the 2nd house in the solar revolution, this is seen as a strong indication that the native will have some problems in his life and that the vast majority of complicated issues that will arise have a connection with money.

It is necessary that this person seeks greater control in relation to this, because there is a very strong tendency to suffer with financial difficulties and earning money will be something very difficult for him, throughout his life.

Saturn in the 2nd house synastry

The person who has Saturn in the 2nd house has a very strong concern about this, even in relation to his or her partner.

There is also a strong tendency for the native to control his partner's money, and this person's way of acting can make his partner feel suffocated and repressed in a material sense.

Saturn in the 3rd house

People born with Saturn in the 3rd house have a great facility to separate the bad from the good and the right from the wrong. They are very serious and structured people, with a sharp mind.

Natives with this position are organized and value this in their lives. In general, they seek to know more about any subject and study hard.

This position also favors communication. These people have a great facility to express themselves. Do you want to know more about Saturn in the 3rd house? Follow us!

Saturn retrograde in the 3rd house

If Saturn is retrograde in the 3rd house, the native will automatically face problems regarding communication, which should be positive. There is an impediment that hinders the path between the construction of thought and the words spoken.

The problem is that in this case, the native formulates his thoughts in a unique way and fails to realize that, around all this, there are some other details that could assist in that thought that is not being seen.

Saturn in the 3rd house of the solar revolution

The 3rd house is connected with knowledge and communication. With Saturn in this position, there is a demonstration that this can and must improve, more and more, so that the native can deal with difficulties.

Conflicts with others can be avoided or resolved more easily with this understanding. These individuals tend to be very demanding in relation to acquiring knowledge. This can quickly become a burden.

Saturn in the 3rd house synastry

Conversations with partners, due to Saturn's placement in the 3rd house, take on a more serious tone. The two of you can connect to the point of creating deep and very interesting dialogues about everything.

However, there is a little problem on the way, something that needs to be dealt with in the native's behavior, because he has a strong tendency to block his partner and close himself in his thoughts.

Saturn in the 4th house

Natives with Saturn in the 4th house are not very dedicated to relationships, but are intense and emotional. When they notice this kind of situation, the strongest tendency is that they try to get out of the way and escape as soon as possible.

However, they have a very insecure personality and therefore end up acting in a way that is seen by others as cold. This behavior arises as a way of protecting themselves.

These people have a strong connection with their family side and like to feel the security that this can provide, because they end up having families with more solid bases and that are willing to welcome. Do you want to know more about Saturn in the 4th house? Read below!

Saturn retrograde in the 4th house

With Saturn retrograde in the 4th house, there is a strong insistence on emotional issues that may have been part of these people's lives all along. This, however, besides being a burden for these natives, can be heavy, for those around them.

There is a strong blockage in people facing this position, because they end up distancing themselves, so that they don't really see the deeper meanings of a situation. All this occurs in search of the sense of freedom that the lack of knowledge can bring.

Saturn in the 4th house of the solar revolution

The 4th house of the solar revolution is known for its family aspect and shows some responsibilities that the person has or not with such environment, related to the home itself.

Because of this, it is common for these natives to believe that caring for their family members and home should be seen as a duty, not as a choice to perform such duties because they feel satisfied with it.

Saturn in 4th house synastry

Saturn in the 4th house brings many family aspects, which will have a greater emphasis here. The person with this placement will notice how his or her partner assumes his or her responsibilities in this sector, both in the family they have built together and in their family of origin separately.

People with such a positioning create a very practical vision about family life, about children, house management and other various aspects that involve this sector of their lives. They are very practical, in general, when they need to deal with something related to this.

Saturn in the 5th house

People with Saturn in the 5th house, in general, are very talented and creative, but they have a characteristic that can be considered a complicated defect to live with, because it is common that they have a fragile ego.

However, they are natives who take everything very seriously. If they decide to get into a relationship, they do not do it if they do not want to live something well defined and with solid foundations. Anything these people decide to do is done in truth and with full commitment.

If it is poorly aspected, it is possible that this native will become a suspicious and careful person. Curious to understand more about Saturn in the 5th house? Read the details below!

Saturn retrograde in the 5th house

With Saturn retrograde in the 5th house, this native feels a great need within himself to overcome all the obstacles which appear in his life and which, in some way, affect his processes linked to creativity.

But there is a great dissatisfaction in people with this position, because they believe they are doing much less than they should or could in their lives. This happens because they end up postponing decisions a little and waste the creative energy they have.

Saturn in the 5th house of the solar revolution

Saturn in the 5th house during the solar revolution shows that in the next cycle of their lives, natives will go through a time when pleasures and entertainment will not be in focus and will take a bit of a back seat.

In this period, the biggest focus and goal is to favor the work sector in the lives of these people, who will be much more likely to devote themselves to their duties. But all this should be done taking into account a little fun, so that everything happens in a healthier and lighter way.

Saturn in 5th house synastry

Saturn is in the house of fun, games and children. Having this planet in Chess 5, it is possible that this native feels that his partner is not making good use of his talents and that this could be a great waste in his life.

In this sector, the person tends to take on a caring role towards his partner, wanting to teach him how he should or should not behave, especially in order to acquire more responsibility.

Saturn in the 6th house

People who have Saturn in the 6th house are always very patient, detailed and demanding, all because they have a great responsibility and make a point of executing everything in their lives in the best way.

It is normal for them to be very interested in their work, enjoy their jobs and take it very seriously. The biggest quest of these people is to stand out and be the best.

But if it's in a bad aspect, it could be that the sector of life most loved by these natives ends up experiencing difficulties, making fights at work tend to be common. Curious? Read more about Saturn in the 6th house below!

Saturn retrograde in the 6th house

Facing Saturn retrograde in the 6th house, this native tends to feel a greater responsibility towards other people. The choice for him, if he could, would be to face the battles of other individuals for them.

At work, they're amazing and can organize everything in a perfect way, but at the same time, they need to learn a lot to avoid becoming their own biggest critics. These people often charge themselves more than they should and end up falling into these little traps, which can cause major damage.

Saturn in the 6th house of the solar revolution

The solar revolution with Saturn in the 6th house will be a time of hard work for these people, which is something that can be seen by some even as a compulsion. The environment will not always be favorable or positive.

But it is necessary that, even if the native encounters difficulties in this sector, he or she learns to deal with them, so that worries and problems do not take over and end up affecting much more than they should, such as health, for example.

Saturn in the 6th house synastry

The person with this positioning has a strong tendency to try to educate his partner more, so that he will be more responsible with day-to-day issues and turn this into something more practical.

You have to be careful about being rigid with your partner, because it may be more helpful for you to take action in a calmer way and without pressuring him or her for better results. The person may feel bad about this situation, so it is good to be very careful about the stance you take, in this kind of scenario.

Saturn in the 7th house

Those born with the influence of Saturn in the 7th house are disposed and want everything to be very dynamic, so in their relationships they want everything to be intense and in no way like lukewarm relationships without a hint of action.

Natives with this positioning are not willing to live dull experiences and always look for good and positive moments, which are worth living. For some, they can sound as very demanding in everything.

If Saturn is in a bad aspect, it could be that, due to this demand in relationships, this native suffers with some consequences and has difficulties in relationships. Do you want to know more about Saturn in the 7th house? Follow us!

Saturn retrograde in the 7th house

With Saturn retrograde in the 7th house, the individual may feel that other people are trying to hold back his actions, so that he ends up backtracking on the steps he has taken so far, because he believes a more mature and balanced vision is needed.

This position, in some cases, can also indicate a marriage, which will take place with an older person whom this native may even know from past lives. The position guarantees this person the possibility of resolving karmic issues, in general.

Saturn in the 7th house of the solar revolution

The solar revolution with Saturn in the 7th house indicates that this person will go through a period which will involve issues connected with relationships. Senseless and exaggerated demands can lead to major problems and generate imbalance and tension.

The planet is also an indication that these people may seek serious, longer-lasting relationships throughout this year. Thus they show a desire for stability in their lives.

Saturn in 7th house synastry

Saturn rules issues involving responsibility and commitment, something that should be a part of all relationships if things are to work out.

With this planet present in the 7th house, the native feels he can trust his partner much more and can count on him for any situation in his life. Whatever the relationship may be, the two of you have very strong potential for a lasting partnership full of dedication.

Saturn in the 8th house

The natives who have Saturn in the 8th house are very focused on sexual energy and are always looking for self-transformation in their lives in order to improve themselves as people.

They are always looking to change and evolve, and whenever they notice that something can be improved in their lives, they go after making it happen.

If it is badly aspected, it is possible that these natives end up blocking their sexual side and have to deal with the difficulty of assuming their preferences in this area. Do you want to understand more about Saturn in the 8th house? See below!

Saturn retrograde in the 8th house

The native, in the case of Saturn retrograde in the 8th house, ends up living using other people's perspective. Thus, the transformation they seek will make them use others' vision to promote the desired change.

Even after so much time, the person has not yet managed to grasp a sense of their own, and so they end up basing themselves on what other people would take into account as a transformation of value. In general, they end up acting very much on external influences.

Saturn in the 8th house of the solar revolution

Saturn in the 8th house, in relation to the solar revolution, speaks a lot about changes that provoke the opening of new paths, so that the native seeks and finds regeneration and rebirth.

There is a potential for some unresolved issues and even debts along the way which will clearly create a lot of worry for these natives.

Saturn in 8th house synastry

In this sense, Saturn in the 8th house can generate some disagreements between the native and his partner. In general, these problems will be caused by financial issues. The person, influenced by Saturn, can become more distressed and anxious in this scenario, while the partner remains calm and seems unaffected by the situation.

In other respects, the partner can also be very beneficial for this native, because he or she will help eliminate inhibitions in the personality which can lead to problems.

Saturn in the 9th house

People who have Saturn in the 9th house have a personality that can be seen as emotionally cold, but they also show that they are very mature in their attitudes.

They are people who, in general, take reason into consideration for their decisions and always follow the path that they consider correct and safe, because they do not like anything that brings them instability.

There is a strong tendency in these natives to seek to deepen in philosophical or religious questions. If Saturn is in bad aspect, it could be that these people lose this vision completely and become skeptical. Want to know more? See below!

Saturn retrograde in the 9th house

Saturn retrograde in the 9th house brings a very positive and special aspect to the individual. This is because this person will be much more in touch with a mature and wise side, which may have come to him or her from other lives.

For many people, the position can be seen as a great spiritual journey in which they are on a quest to find self-respect as well as have a more positive view of themselves.

Saturn in the 9th house of the solar revolution

The solar revolution with Saturn in the 9th house brings this aspect of a year with many challenges to overcome and difficulties that will appear in the sector of studies. It will be a time of general learning because, in the face of so many problems, there is a lesson to be learned.

The house can also indicate about travel, but in this case, you need a little more attention to proper planning, so that everything goes out the right way.

Saturn in 9th house synastry

The person with Saturn in the 9th house may find it great fun to challenge his or her partner's points of view; however, he or she may end up in a situation where you see yourself as his or her teacher, teaching him or her everything he or she needs to know.

However, this may end up creating discomfort in the partner and both of them face a situation of confusion between their points of view. But if there is a greater willingness, both of them can reach a balance on these issues.

Saturn in the 10th house

Natives who have Saturn in the 10th house are very demanding and centered in their ways of acting. For these people, the major focus is on their careers and they are extremely responsible with this.

The way they approach their jobs can set them on a path to riches. What's more, they are usually recognized by others for their efforts. It is likely that over the course of their lives they will reach the very top of their careers.

If Saturn is in a bad aspect, the indication is that the person may not stand out so much in the work sector and has difficulties to grow. Are you curious to know a little more? See everything about Saturn in the 10th house below!

Saturn retrograde in the 10th house

Saturn retrograde in the 10th house shows a position of great dedication. These people, in general, feel that they have a great sense of responsibility and that they even need to account for everything they do with their lives.

In a karmic view, these individuals are trying to establish a meaning that they had not been able to determine in other lives. Thus, here, they try to understand everything that happened to themselves, regarding their images, careers and other points.

Saturn in the 10th house of the solar revolution

In the solar revolution, this will be a time of many challenges and all will be dedicated to the professional issues of the native. This will be a period of discovery and confrontation to find your place in the world.

There will be a relentless search for the stability you so desire, so that this native will dedicate himself so intensely that his attitudes may be seen as exaggerated. A balance is however needed so that this does not become harmful.

Saturn in the 10th house synastry

Saturn rules the 10th house by nature, and in view of this it is possible that you and your romantic partner will discover a much greater value in the relationship, because you tend to be responsible for some achievements in your beloved's professional life.

The professional field may be on the rise at this time between the two of you, and you have shown your partner that you believe strongly in what he or she is doing. This ultimately puts more depth into your relationship.

Saturn in the 11th house

People who have Saturn in the 11th house are undeniably the best friends one can have. They are always there to help and make a point of being supportive to anyone.

When they are friends, these people will go out of their way to help and do everything to be able to help an acquaintance in any way. In general, these natives end up building friendships with older people and build more stable relationships.

If Saturn is in a bad aspect, it is possible that the native feels very distrustful and this, of course, affects the friendship field, which is so high in this position. Want to know a little more? Read on!

Saturn retrograde in the 11th house

Saturn retrograde in the 11th house shows an idealistic person. This is a favorable placement for this issue. The individual often fixes his ideas on his dreams and hopes for life.

However, for these people, it is not enough to dream about what they want. They want to make it real and part of their life. In this way, they need to feel that what they have desired so much and run after is becoming tangible.

Saturn in the 11th house of the solar revolution

The 11th house is linked to friendships and projects, so throughout the solar revolution a person may feel that this cycle will not be favourable for making new friends, however strange that may seem.

This is because this beginning cycle is a period of introspection for this person. He feels a stronger need to remain quiet in his corner and to find new goals to pursue in his life.

Saturn in 11th house synastry

With Saturn in the 11th house, the native can feel that his beloved believes and expects much more from him on a social and humanitarian level. This position makes the person feel that his partner has acted differently, showing that he has much more importance in his life.

Friendships can make all the difference in your life, in relation to this placement and the person you are with this native. This shows that the desire is for him to be surrounded by good people and to bring positive feelings into his life.

Saturn in 12th house

Individuals who have Saturn in the 12th house have a very strong connection with the spiritual world, so they believe they have a great mission in their lives and that this is connected with the way they will give of themselves to help others.

They are likely to be very involved in humanitarian work, but if Saturn is poorly aspected in the 12th house, they may live a life dedicated to people. To learn more about this position, read on!

Saturn retrograde in the 12th house

With Saturn retrograde in the 12th house, these natives feel much more introspective and guarded, so their greatest concern is to develop in a positive way within themselves and to understand themselves better.

It is normal that, in this period, these people seek to build a stronger base within themselves, to avoid that everything ends up being destroyed unexpectedly. Another point to note is that these natives feel indebted to people who have less than him, and therefore tend to devote themselves to humanitarian aid.

Saturn in the 12th house of the solar revolution

In the solar revolution, Saturn in the 12th house shows much regarding karmic and spiritual issues of these people.

Through this, it can also be understood that the native needs to go through a process of growth. This way of seeing situations shows that this person needs to change and grow, both in spiritual matters and in life in general.

Saturn in 12th house synastry

With Saturn in the 12th house, the native may feel too responsible for his partner and this shows itself on an unconscious level because he is afraid of what may happen.

Thus, he feels an enormous need to help this person he loves, almost uncontrollable. He can indeed be someone important in that person's life, but one must be careful not to suffocate him.

Saturn and self-knowledge

Saturn brings many important aspects regarding life, showing feelings that, many times, end up being ignored by everyone.

Thus, it is important for the journey of self-knowledge, because the natives who have this planet in one of their houses end up knowing much more about themselves, in an encompassing and profound way.

The lessons that are taught by Saturn bring much difficulty but also guarantee valuable lessons, so that when these are absorbed, all the bad feeling of the initial difficulty becomes part of the past.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.