Queen of Swords card meaning in Tarot: for love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the card Queen of Swords in Tarot

The Tarot's Minor Arcana are divided into four suits (Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs and Swords) and each one has the so-called "court cards", which represent characteristics of a situation or person. Among these, the Queen reflects the most particular qualities, such as feelings, emotions and the internal world, associated with the element of water, the feminine principle and her occupations in everyday life.

The Queen of Swords portrays agility, practicality and rationality, characteristics common to this suit and its connection with the element of air. This card indicates someone objective and logical, who values analysis and rational thinking and who avoids distractions.

However, it can also indicate excessive seriousness and coldness, personifying someone who seems to be always distant and who is very strict with himself or with others. Below, see the main characteristics of the Queen of Swords card and its message in different situations!

Basics of the Queen of Swords in Tarot

Tarot is known for its illustrations rich in details, which are closely linked to the message of each card. In the traditional deck, the direction of the look, the position of the hands and the additional elements help to unravel the meaning and some details: internal or external issue, rational or sentimental, etc. Read on to discover the meaning of the Queen of Swords and its elements!


The suit of Swords is related to the element of air and to the mental plane of thoughts and ideas. It is linked to warriors, emphasizing the importance of discipline, strategy and analytical thinking.

The Queen of Swords is an intelligent, sophisticated and practical woman, approaching issues in a calm or even calculating way and diverging from the other queens of the Tarot and the sentimentality attributed to them. This protagonist has in her hands a sword and a critical judgment, not allowing distractions or mistakes, which can make her a severe and merciless figure, if she does not know how to dose her rigor.


In both the Rider-Waite and Marseille decks, the Queen of Swords is depicted sitting on her throne, holding a sword, which indicates discernment and clarity of thought. In the Rider-Waite deck, we see clouds in the background, which represent the challenges of the intellect.

However, we observe them dissipating and a clear sky opening, having the figure of the queen above these clouds, symbol of her intelligence and capacity to solve problems. Both decks include elements indicating fertility and prosperity. In Rider-Waite, we can notice this sign in the engraving of the queen's throne: the figure of a winged child, symbol of blessings.

In the Tarot of Marseilles, this message of abundance is transmitted through the emphasis on the belly of the queen, who has her left hand resting on it. In general, the firm posture of the queen, wielding her sword and sitting on her throne, expresses the general characteristics of the card: severity, justice and rationality.

Queen of Swords Tarot Meaning

The Queen of Swords has several guidelines for her interpretation and advice, varying according to

its question, its position and its combinations in a Tarot game. Below, read the main topics and understand the various aspects of this card, and check what its message for you!


As a mentor, the Queen of Swords can indicate how to proceed and what posture to adopt when faced with a decision or conflict. She asks you to look at situations in an analytical and rigorous way, indicating the ideal moment to decide what your priorities are and leave behind any distraction.

If necessary, do not hesitate to demonstrate a serious and responsible attitude when you are in a difficult situation. However, be careful not to exceed your authority.


If the Queen of Swords reflects a present moment or the unfolding of a future situation, be prepared to face some obstacles in your path. It's time to prioritize reason and be realistic about your goals.

Know that you have the tools to solve and overcome any problem that may come your way. But keep in mind that a setback may reveal a more promising alternative.


The Queen of Spades can indicate a depressive scenario where you feel lonely, have difficulty connecting, trusting, and socializing with the people around you. It's important to take some time to analyze the situation and get organized.

Evaluate the way you have been taking criticism and giving your opinions. Perhaps you are being too rigid with colleagues and yourself. Try to be more open and tolerant of others' comments.


The Arcane Queen of Swords asks you to be careful not to get frustrated with unrealistic and exaggerated expectations created by yourself, because they can generate a disappointment. The Queen can also symbolize a dissatisfaction with the outcome of something important to you.

Take your time to feel and process that frustration, but don't waste time mulling over and grieving over what's past. Remember to prioritize logical thinking and a more impersonal stance to overcome.


If the Queen of Swords is taken as advice, evaluate whether your day-to-day posture has been responsible and conscientious. It is likely that you are being frivolous about your obligations.

Be careful in everyday life not to have an impulsive, stubborn or arrogant attitude, forgetting how it can affect those around you and the consequences of your attitudes. Prioritize planning and neutrality in your actions.


The Queen of Swords suggests the importance of adopting a balanced attitude in everyday life, especially when deciding on something. However, reflect on whether your attitude has not been too cautious and whether you are not failing to go after your goals because of insecurity.

That is, pay attention not to end up paralyzed, waiting for a perfect opportunity. Know how to dose your caution, allow yourself to take risks and understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Strength and intelligence

The Queen of Swords card symbolizes a very intellectual and powerful character, so if it appears for you, try to highlight your strengths and abilities, especially those which involve reasoning and work.

If you are going through a turbulent time, do not be discouraged in the face of adversity. Trust your intelligence and your ability to analyze, judge and decide fairly.

Queen of Swords of the Tarot in different areas of life

After analyzing the main aspects of the Queen of Swords card, understand, in the following items, what it means in different spheres of daily life and receive some suggestions and advice for each area of your life!

In love

If you are in a relationship, the Queen of Swords symbolizes a difficulty in communicating feelings. It is likely that you are distancing yourself, afraid of being hurt, and that the relationship is cooling down. In this case, the best thing to do is to have an open conversation with your partner about the situation and give yourself to the relationship.

If you are single, the chart shows that someone very interesting may appear. But it may be difficult to win this person. Don't be afraid to invest in a relationship, but try to take it easy and think before you act. This is a good phase and you will be noticed for it.

Now, if you are in love with someone represented by the Queen of Swords, know that it can be difficult to captivate this person. It will require effort and dedication on your part. However, be careful not to overdo the conquest and remember to respect their space and independence.

At work

The Queen of Swords symbolizes a prosperous time in the work sphere, ideal to apply for promotions and seek functions directed to your intellectual side, as a teacher, coordinator, researcher, etc.

Your communicative side will also be in evidence, so take the opportunity to present ideas and plans to colleagues and superiors. To be successful, prioritise rationality when making decisions and transmitting information. Don't let yourself be carried away by emotions or any provocations.

This card also indicates the presence of someone more experienced, who can help you overcome challenges in the work environment, offering valuable advice and solutions. Soak up the teachings that this person can transmit to you and accept their criticism regarding your service, as they come to your personal growth.

In health

The Arcane Queen of Swords indicates many unexpressed feelings coupled with strong self-criticism and can mean a time of turbulence in your life. It is possible that in an attempt to show yourself capable, you have kept to yourself many annoyances. These begin to accumulate and can affect your mental and physical health.

It's important to look at these adversities and allow yourself to feel and express all your feelings in whatever way you need to. Don't stop yourself from crying, screaming, suffering and especially from asking for help from someone close to you or a professional. If this card appeared in a matter related to health and well-being, don't hesitate to take a moment to take care of yourself and listen to your emotional side.

Other interpretations for Queen of Swords in Tarot

The Queen of Swords can also bring many other teachings. Read on to understand its meaning in other situations, as well as to know what its challenges are and receive some tips to take advantage of the messages of this card!


It is common for some people to interpret the Queen of Swords in a different way if she is reversed in the game. In this case, she symbolizes an excessively cold and restrained person, accompanied by the feeling of being imprisoned and overwhelmed.

Allow yourself to relax a little and express your emotional side. Understand that mistakes and failures are part of life and help you to evolve. Try to let go of rationality and rigidity, as you may be preventing yourself from letting go of feelings, creating bonds, and taking advantage of various opportunities.


As an obstacle, the Queen of Swords indicates a complicated period in which you will need to balance reason and emotion, learn to listen to criticism and understand that it can be beneficial to your growth.

At this time it is worth paying attention to the way you communicate: your opinion and knowledge will be valued, but you need to be open to sharing it. Beware of harsh self-criticism and excessive worry, as you may find it difficult to connect with the outside world. Also, be alert to sudden approaches.


The Queen of Swords warns you to seek self-knowledge by discovering your abilities, your goals and your weaknesses. This will make it easier for you to face any setbacks and prioritize your desires. Avoid being overzealous and allow yourself to make mistakes and feel your emotions.

Be aware of your attitudes and the way you speak, so as not to alienate those who care about you. Invest in courses or classes that stimulate your intellectual side, but be careful not to isolate yourself in your castle of ideas. It is important to have a network of people you trust.

Queen of Swords in Tarot and some combinations

In addition to knowing the details and meanings of the Queen of Swords in various scenarios, it is possible to understand what is the interpretation and meaning of this card when combined with some other cards of the Tarot deck. Read on and check!

Positive combinations

Associated with some cards, we can observe the best aspects of the Queen of Swords, such as the capacity for fair judgment, intelligence and objectivity. These are some of them:

  • Queen of Swords and The Temperance: together they indicate the balance that favors decision making, progress in projects and the achievement of goals.
  • Queen of Swords and The Priestess: personalize the strength and dedication to move forward and achieve what you want. They emphasize the importance of self-care with the physical and mental.
  • Queen of Swords and The Judgement: indicate changes and new opportunities in everyday life, but not in the way you planned. Accept this deviation and be open to new experiences.
  • Negative combinations

    No card carries only a negative message, nor can it predict tragic events that cannot be avoided. However, some combinations with the Queen of Spades can mean some major challenges, such as:

    • Queen of Spades and The Force: both show an over commitment and a strong controlling drive in an issue, which may turn out to be detrimental to you.
    • Queen of Swords and 9 of Swords: these point to a very rigid posture. Someone refuses to see their own mistakes and defects, preventing their evolution.
    • Queen of Swords and The Tower: this conjunction suggests a disappointment and the difficulty of accepting a change. Do not hold on to the grudge of the past and try to forgive those who deserve it.

    Queen of Spades in Tarot is a card that indicates challenges?

    It is common that the cards of the Suit of Swords are considered negative, because they present bad messages, but this is a mistaken concept. The Queen of Swords can suggest some challenges to work on, like the need to balance the rational and emotional side, to be realistic and to analyze any situation well.

    However, the Queen of Swords also symbolizes a strong, intelligent person of sound judgment, which makes her capable of solving any adversity in life. So, when she appears in a Tarot reading, she encourages you to dedicate yourself to achieving what you want and deserve!

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.