Prayers St. Camillus de Lellis: for the sick, for healing, health and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who was St. Camillus de Lellis?

St. Camillus de Lellis was a great Italian religious who lived in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. After his canonization, he was considered, within the Catholic Church, the protector of the sick and also of hospitals. This is because, during his lifetime, the saint founded the so-called Order of the Ministers of the Sick, known as Camillians.

From a traditional Italian family and with a participation in the Roman clergy, Saint Camillus de Lellis was the first son of a mother already in advanced age, at the age of 60. Although his father had great merits, for having fought and won several crusades, he went bankrupt still in the youth of his son, since he spent all his money on bohemianism and women.

In this article, you see many more details about the life of St. Camillus de Lellis and its power in the prayers made to him. Check it out!

Knowing more about St. Camillus de Lellis

When we think about the life of a saint, we are always conditioned to think that their lives were all full of miracles and religious dogmas, but this is not always the case. For St. Camillus de Lellis, the sanctified life came later, but it was of such intensity that he founded a charity group that, today, is present all over the world. Learn more about this saint below!

Origin and history

According to some books, Camillo was aggressive and turned to the bohemian life, like his father, who led the family to ruin. He was feared and led confusion wherever he went. However, his life changed drastically when he had a frank conversation with a Franciscan friar and, during the conversation, the young man expressed his desire to become one.

At that time, the boy decided to enter the Franciscan Order, but at first he could not stay because he had an ulcer on his foot that urgently needed medical treatment. Studying the case, the doctors discovered that he had an incurable tumor on his foot.

Thus, unable to pay for treatment, Camillo, just over 20 years old, began working as a servant inside the hospital. However, still addicted to gambling, he was sent away. The sudden change only happened when Camillo had a vision, at 25, which he never revealed. This caused him to change suddenly and become a man of light.

Miracles of St. Camillus de Lellis

When St. Camillus de Lellis was canonized on July 29, the miracles that were attributed to the saint dealt with two cures: the first of a young man suffering from a malformation in his chest that was simply healed one day.

The second was also a boy who had a serious infection in his blood and, like the first, asked the saint for a cure. One day, he woke up cured, including the wounds that the illness caused.

Visual characteristics

Soft and serene in appearance, St. Camillus de Lellis wore a large black coat with a red cross on his chest, as did the other members of the order he founded, the Camillians. He was also always involved in care and healing procedures, together with his rosary, which accompanies him in almost all the images.

What does St. Camillus de Lellis represent?

When we speak about St. Camillus de Lellis, the first thing that comes to mind is the Order of the Ministers of the Sick (Camillians), which is, to this day, one of the great landmarks of devolution and service in caring for others, just as Jesus Christ did.

Today, the organization is growing every day, and everyone who is part of it is very grateful to the saint for being able to do good.

Devotion in the world

Having a great number of devotees, mainly due to the fact that he left a great legacy of charity, St. Camillus de Léllis is known mainly by the Camillians, who are active in the five continents, promoting the care of others, mainly in sickness. Thus, today, the organisation is established mainly in the poorest places of the planet.

Prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis to cure the sick

Since, in life, most of his work was to help the sick and needy, Saint Camillus de Lellis left a prayer that talks about healing the ills of the flesh, so that the life of those who ask for the protection of the saint is transformed and, in a miraculous way, restored.

It is usually done by those who already know a little about his life and work, so if you fit into that, read on!


The prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis is indicated for people who are already having some health problem and talks about restoration and healing, about freeing the sick from the evils of the flesh and thus healing himself, to live a life of blessings and holiness, as preached by Jesus Christ.

In addition, it is recommended to make a prayer bead and a novena with or on the sick person if he is unable to say the prayer.


The powerful prayer of Saint Camillus has a strong meaning, because it talks about giving up sins so that the flesh can also be regenerated. In the Christian conception, this is a very used and widespread logic among the faithful, promoting the healing of the body by the healing of the soul and, of course, making the mention that we are, in some way, responsible for our destinies.


O St. Camillus, who, in imitation of Jesus Christ, gave your life for your fellow men, dedicating yourself to the sick, help me in my illness, alleviate my pain, help me to accept sufferings in order to purify myself from my sins and to earn the merits that will give me the right to eternal happiness, amen. St. Camillus, pray for us.

Prayer for St. Camillus de Lellis to give you health

Being considered the protector of hospitals and the sick, nothing fairer than St. Camillus de Lellis to have a specific prayer for health, to care and maintain the life force of those who are still healthy. So, keep reading and check the information about this prayer!


The St. Camillus prayer for health does not necessarily have an indication. It can be prayed by all and for all, since its intention is to attract good wishes for health and, consequently, a full and happy life. Some people, however, prefer to pray it together, right after praying the prayer for the cure of the sick, using it more as a 'reinforcement' of protection. But this is optional.


The prayer made to St. Camillus has a very beautiful meaning, since the way it is intoned suggests that peace for the soul and physical and soul health be conjured up first of all. This, indeed, is the precept of most of the prayers of St. Camillus de Léllis: complete healing.


Pious St. Camillus, who, called by God to be the friend of the poor sick, consecrated your whole life to assisting and comforting them, look down from heaven on those who invoke you, trusting in your help. Sickness of soul and body makes our poor existence an accumulation of miseries that make this earthly exile sad and painful. Relieve us in our infirmities, obtaining for us holyresignation to the divine dispositions, and in the inevitable hour of death, comfort our hearts with the immortal hopes of beatific eternity. So be it.

Prayer of reverence to St. Camillus de Lellis

There is a tradition among great saints that is a prayer of approach, as a way to stand before their sacred image, and to be humble and receptive, so that they will do their best in your life.

This is the case of St. Camillus de Lellis, who has a reverence prayer, which says, in a few words, how great his life and holy mission was. Check out the directions and the prayer in question below!


The prayer to honor St. Camillus is indicated for those who need a little spiritual support. It is a way to be closer to this saint and thus ask for protection and strength in all areas of your life. Always prioritizing health and well-being, this prayer can be read as an 'ode' to the saint and his infinite mercy.


With a simple but very symbolic meaning, the prayer talks a little about the life and charities that St. Camillus de Lellis did throughout his life. It also talks about his unique way of seeing the world and how, in a kind and sweet way, he made this world a better place. It asks for protection and strength to face the days, be them good or bad.


We revere you, St. Camillus de Lellis, for supporting the sick and nurses, for your kindness, dedication and love of God.

For his inestimable value that he always carried in his soul, we also reverence you and ask that you allow the paths of these sick children to be opened for healing, and the wisdom and discernment of the nurses to be redoubled so that they may have their hands blessed to help the sick when needed. St. Camillus de Lélis, your protection is revered before all of us faithfulwho always believe in your miracles. Preserve us from all evils. Amen!

Prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis for the sick

Different from the prayer that is prayed for a specific sick person, there is one from St. Camillus de Lellis that asks for the protection and healing of more than one sick person. Moreover, it is not necessary that you know them. It is often prayed in places where there are several sick people, such as hospitals and even war camps. So, get ready and perform the prayer below!


Indicated for collective prayers and for several sick people, the prayer to Saint Camillus is often made in spaces that receive these debilitated people. Indicated for environments of great faith, it is usually prayed in asylums, to ask for health for the sick and strength and vitality for those who are still in good health. It is recommended to make a novena of it, especially in specific situations.


Being a very beautiful and strong prayer, the prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis asks for help for the sick and intercedes so that they recover and can, in a form of gratitude, give back to the world the care that others and God have had for them. It has a curiosity, since it also speaks about the protection and care of those who care for the sick, uttering words of gratitude and wish for blessings.


Glorious St. Camillus, turn your gaze of mercy upon those who suffer and those who assist them.

Grant the sick Christian acceptance, trust in God's goodness and power. Give those who care for the sick generous and loving dedication.

Help me to understand the mystery of suffering as a means of redemption and a path to God.

May your protection comfort the sick and their families, and encourage them in the practice of love. Bless those who care for the sick, and may the good Lord grant peace and hope to all. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Saint Camillus, pray for us!

Prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis

Receiving thousands of masses and services annually and for being a much loved saint, St. Camillus de Lellis receives several prayers in his honor. The most popular of them is the one that talks about his holiness, being a symbol of gratitude and affection that the world has to offer for all the work he did in life. Check out more about it below!


The prayer to Saint Camillus de Lellis is indicated for any situation, especially if you are interested in praying the others in sequence. In a more emotional tone, it is very good for the person to feel, before making any request to the saint, a deep connection with him.

Usually when we are asking for something for the sick, we get distressed and lose concentration, so starting with her can help.


One of the most personal prayers about St. Camillus de Lellis speaks about the commitment that the saint traced, together with Jesus, to operate in the most remote areas and bring, besides healing, the word of the Lord. It makes a comparison, in a respectful way, between the works of the saint, the missions that Jesus left and even some that he executed before the crucifixion.


"God is everything the rest is nothing. Saving the soul is the only commitment that counts in life that is so brief."

The truth expressed in these words shone in Thy soldierly heart, Camillus, and made Thee the saint of charming charity.

Thou hast then lost Thy most important battle to surrender Thyself at last to God, with whom alone he wins who loses.

It was thus that you were forever seized by infinite tenderness for Jesus Crucified and you learned to recognize His face in that of the poor and the sick.

Help us to live the unity of the two loves, for God and for neighbour, as you lived them, so that we too may become like you a living image of the Good Samaritan and make our own with all our heart the words of your passionate invocation:

"I would like to possess infinite hearts, Lord, to infinitely love Thee... May Thy grace give me a motherly affection for my neighbor so that I may serve him in complete charity both in soul and body, with that affection, which only a loving mother possesses for her only sick child.

By the love with which Thou hast sent Thy Son to die for us, keep my heart ever burning with the fire of this love, that it may never be extinguished, so that I may persevere in this holy work and by persevering attain the glory of heaven

that I may with Thy elect enjoy Thee and praise Thee in eternity." Amen! Hallelujah!

Prayer of the sick to St. Camillus de Lellis

Different from the prayers to be chanted by everyone around someone who is sick, the Prayer of the Sick is a conversation between the sick person and Saint Camillus de Lellis, in which he asks for health and strength to get through this torturous period.

In a frank and sincere way, it is when those in need of help open their hearts and place themselves before the saint, begging for healing. Learn more about this prayer below!


The prayer of the sick is indicated for the sick, to be chanted by them, as a long conversation with an open heart. It is not always necessary to say it in a novena, like most prayers of St. Camillus de Lellis, nor in a rosary, since it is longer and has a more prayerful and conversational tone. You can also speak what you are really feeling, in your own words.


When prayers are made in the form of conversation and frank dialogues, the psychological part built up in this act helps in the thought of healing and, consequently, in the healing itself. The prayer of the sick, in particular, asks God for a look at their pains, together with the intercession of St. Camillus de Lellis, who is the ideal saint for the healing of the sick.


Lord, I place myself before you in an attitude of prayer.I know that you hear me, you know me.I know that I am in you and that your strength is in me.Look at my body marked by sickness.You know, Lord, how much it costs me to suffer.I know that you do not rejoice in the suffering of your children.

Give me, Lord, strength and courage to overcome moments of despair and weariness. Make me patient and understanding. I offer my worries, anguish and sufferings, to be more worthy of you.

Lord, accept that I may unite my sufferings to those of your Son Jesus, who gave his life on the Cross for love of humanity. I also ask, Lord, help doctors and nurses to have the same dedication and love for their patients as St. Camillus had.


Prayer for vocations to St. Camillus de Lellis

Charity has only one form, only one language: good. St. Camillus de Léllis was an example of it during his life, and it is only right that he gives some help to those who want to do good but do not know how. In the prayer for vocations, the intention is to dispose ourselves to the good to be used in charity, giving back to the world the best of ourselves. Check the indications below!


The vocation prayer is suitable for those who wish to do good for the world and for those who are searching for a vocation that will be beneficial. If you are lost, searching for a calling to your heart, this prayer can be the key. The distinctive thing about this prayer is that it seeks to help us in our mission on earth, and it also utters the words beautifully.


In the form of a prayer, the prayer of vocations brings a very beautiful vision of work, highlighting the importance of being an instrument of good. One peculiarity is that it mentions the community, the work of one having an influence in the life of the other, highlighting the fact that we are connected and are one being, even though individual.


Lord of the harvest and Shepherd of the flock, make your strong and gentle invitation "Come and follow me" resound in our ears! Pour out your Spirit upon us, that he may give us wisdom to see the way and generosity to follow your voice.Lord, may the harvest not be lost for lack of workers. Awaken our communities to Mission. Teach our life to be service. Strengthen those who desire to dedicate themselves toKingdom in the diversity of charisms and ministries.

Lord, may the flock not perish for lack of shepherds. Sustain the fidelity of our bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, lay ministers. Give perseverance to all those with vocations. Awaken the hearts of young people for pastoral ministry in your Church. Lord of the harvest and Shepherd of the flock, call us to the service of your people. Mary, mother of the Church, model of theservants of the Gospel, help us to answer "Yes".


Prayer of supplication to St. Camillus de Lellis

To place our expectations and beliefs on a saint is also a proof of love. Thus, the prayer of supplication of St. Camillus de Lellis is exactly that. It is a space to ask for protection and to be willing to love and idolize him; it is to place oneself before his feet, regardless of anything; it is to ask for love, affection, care and protection. In the following topics, you will see all the indications about thisprayer!


The prayer of supplication to St. Camillus is indicated to be done with a greater frequency, more than once a day. It serves for those who are going through a difficult time, not necessarily something involving health or the lack of it. Often, who prays is already quite tired of the mishaps of life and, thus, the prayer presents itself as a light at the end of the tunnel.


The prayer to St. Camillus is an appeal to the mercy of the saint, a complete income from those who just need and beg for help. Even without having a direct relationship with health, this prayer serves for several things, being considered one of the greatest requests for aid to St. Camillus de Lellis. It is sincere, pure and brings the maximum quality that the saint preached: humility.


Dear St. Camillus, you knew how to recognize in the faces of the sick and needy the figure of Christ Jesus himself and helped them to see in illness a hope of eternal life and healing. We ask you to have the same compassionate look upon (say the name of the person), who at this moment is in a painful period of darkness.

We want to ask you to intercede with God so that there may be no suffering during his recovery period. Guide the hands of health professionals so that they may make a safe and accurate diagnosis, giving charitable and sensitive treatment. Be favourable to us, St. Camillus, and also do not allow the evil of sickness to come into our home, so that healthy, we may render gloryto the holy trinity. So be it. Amen.

Camillian Vocation Prayer

Within the Camillian Order, the Camillian vocational prayer is the most important, since it is chanted by them every day with the aim of always being strong and ready to help, as well as always having individuals to continue the philanthropic project left by this great saint.

It is also prayed when volunteers make their vows within the institution. Below you will see the indications and the realization of this powerful prayer to St. Camillus. Follow!


The Camillian vocational prayer speaks to the people who already help in the work left by St. Camillus de Lellis. It is part of the routine of the missionaries and it is curious, since it speaks about future members and about how they can come to the organisation. It comes to open paths, so that whoever should arrive to help is very welcome.


As a request to the saint that he continue to make the Camillian Order grow, the Camillian prayer speaks about the situation of the world and is moving, even though it is simple. Bringing a new look at the world and the suffering that there is in it, it comes to make each one of us understand how, despite all the woes, we are perfectly capable of helping our neighbour.


Lord, who taught us to "pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers, for the harvest is great and the labourers are few", deign to turn your merciful gaze upon our Order.

Countless sick people scattered throughout the world suffer and die without dignified assistance; poor abandoned people die without knowing You.

The harvest is really big but its workers are few.

Make Your voice resound in the hearts of many young people at the moment of their choice of life, inviting them to consecrate their lives to the service of the sick, in this which You have deigned to call "Your work".

Bless those who have already come, and grant that they may correspond with fidelity to the vocation you have given them, to serve the sick and the poor. O Mary, Queen of the Ministers of the Sick, you yourself offer our supplications to Jesus, and you St. Camillus, help us with your valuable protection. Amen.

How to make a prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis correctly?

The right way to pray to St. Camillus de Lellis is through the heart. While ready-made prayers can, in a way, make the process mechanical, those of this great saint are humanized and speak from the heart. He was a man who lived his life following his heart. So, nothing could be more fitting than to approach him in this way.

If you don't feel comfortable before praying them, talk to him. Talk about how you feel, your fears, your anguish, and how you need his heavenly help. After that, when your heart is ready, chant the ones you've learned and connect even more with the grace you desire.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.