Orgonite: know what it is for, how to do, price and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Have you ever heard of Orgonite?

Within the world of spirituality, there are several amulets that can help and protect you on a daily basis and the Orgonite is one of them.

With the main purpose of transmuting negative and stagnant energies and positively renew the energetic vibration of people and environments, Orgonite is a set of metals, stones and resin that provides balance and healing.

This happens because Orgonite creates a golden layer that is able to capture all the negative energy of an environment, transform it into a new good energy and return this energy to the environment. It generates, in this way, a cycle of energy cleaning in the rooms of the house and with the people who carry a composition of this type with them.

Want to know more about the benefits of Orgonite, its shapes, values, uses, care, history and origin of this powerful amulet? Check it out below!

What is Orgonite used for and what are its benefits?

Orgonite is an energy protection instrument that has a different system than crystals, by being able to transmute bad and negative energies instead of just absorbing them. For this reason, this composition does not need to be taken into the sun or washed, like energy stones, because it has a constant self-cleaning system.

This cleansing characteristic makes Orgonite provide protection and healing for its users, so it relieves stress, cures headaches, helps hormonal problems and helps your relationship with the people around you.

Below we have listed more specific benefits for you to understand how much help Orgonite can give you, check it out!

Neutralizes the negative energies of the environment

Have you ever arrived somewhere and felt that the environment was "heavy"? This feeling is related to the energetic quality of that space. However, if you put an orgonite in that place, you will feel lighter, because this esoteric instrument will have neutralized the negative energies of the environment where you are.

Neutralizing the negative energies of an environment is extremely important because it prevents these bad energies from clinging to you, hindering your tasks and often causing unnecessary illnesses and confusion.

By virtue of this, it is very good to carry an Orgonite in your clothes pocket and spread some around your home and work environment.

Harmonizes body energies

Another much needed benefit of Orgonite is that this substance made of resin, metals and stones is able to harmonize your body energies. It works by attracting all the disharmonious energies that may be existing in you at this moment and transforming them into good energies that will bring you more peace and lightness.

Because of this, carrying an Orgonite in your pocket helps harmonize your body energy and also prevents the energy of people around you from disrupting your energy field. Nowadays, there are several models of Orgonite with variable sizes. You can choose one that fits in your pocket or even in the form of a necklace or bracelet to be always protected.

Purifies food and water

When reflecting on the transmutation power of Orgonite it is easy to understand that it is also capable of purifying food and water.

Just like people, objects and places, food is also an energy carrier and may be loaded with forces that will not always do you good. Therefore, it is important to place some orgonites at strategic points of the house and also next to the food and water. Thus, it will transform their energy and provide a food with good energy for you.

Decreases the effects of PMS

Another interesting feature of Orgonite is that its medicinal properties are able to decrease the effects of Pre-Menstrual Tension (PMS). This is because the components of this amulet transmute the negative energies that are trapped in your magnetic field into beneficial energies for you.

But what about PMS? When you enter the premenstrual period your energy field becomes weaker, because this would be a time of retreat and reflection. As it is often not possible to stop doing your tasks during this time, you end up being more prone to attract negative energies that, probably, at other times of your cycle would not be able to approach.

To better deal with this, it is advisable to use Orgonite, since, as we saw earlier, this composition has the power to transform bad energies into good ones. An advice is to always carry one in your pocket or as a necklace pendant to keep yourself protected.

Assists in plant health

Plants also tend to absorb the negative energy of the environment, so it is very important to have some scattered around your home and work. Exactly because of this, they end up accumulating heavy energies in their leaves and stems, and this hinders the development and health of plants.

Empirical studies have proven that a flowerbed with scattered Orgonites, for example, grows twice as fast as one without them. This happens because the Orgonite is able to absorb the negative energy that is accumulated in the plants and transform it into beneficial energies that will make the plant grow healthier and develop better and faster.

By virtue of this, placing some Orgonites in your flower beds and pots of flowers, vegetables, legumes and all kinds of plants will help them to become healthier and more beautiful.

Helps in the practice of meditation

As Orgonite acts as an environment harmonizer, transforming negative energy into positive energy, it also has as one of its functions to help in the practice of meditation.

When you are meditating, your brain, along with your energy field, turns your attention inward. However, if the environment in which you are meditating is heavily charged with bad energies, they will directly affect the quality of your meditation practice.

Therefore, an efficient tip to improve your meditation is to transmute the energies of the place where the practice will take place before you start meditating. For this, the Orgonite is essential because it will do this transmutation organically and quickly, without the need for you to put it in the sun or clean it in water, as is done with stones, for example.

Improves sleep quality

By virtue of its power of energetic transformation, Orgonite fights insomnia and improves the quality of sleep.

This happens because when you sleep, the energy present in your room influences the quality of sleep that you will have. A room that is too "charged" energetically will disturb your rest, and may even cause insomnia and nightmares.

Therefore, if you are looking for something to improve the quality of your sleep, it is recommended to place some Orgonites scattered around the room where you sleep, especially near the head of the bed. This will improve the energies of the environment and will make you rest more during the night.

Orgonite types and average price

Orgonite is an object made of resin, gemstones, crystals and metals that acts as a transformer of negative energies into positive energies. There are several different models and types of Orgonites, and it is important to know the specifics of each to choose which one fits best in each environment and situation you need.

Thinking about it, we separated more information about the types of Orgonite and the average price of each model for you. Check more below!

Pyramid orgonite

If you are looking for an orgonite to leave in your work environment able to control your anxiety, protect from envy, evil eye, evil eye, which brings lightness, concentration and focus, the pyramid shaped orgonite is one of the most suitable for you.

Being able to have several different sizes, this model of Orgonite is perfect for you to leave on top of your desk at work, in the rooms of your house where you usually receive visitors and in places where you need more concentration.

Orgonite necklace shape

Orgonite in necklace form is a great option for people who seek to be protected everywhere they go.

This is because Orgonite in the form of a necklace is able to transform the negative energies that approach you into positive energies, improving your energy field, mood and health during the day.

Still, there are several models of Orgonite necklace pendants for you to choose, such as pendulum, circular, square, among others. Thus, you can combine the necklace with your clothes and, besides a protective amulet, use it as an accessory to enhance your look.

Cone shaped orgonite

Available in various models, the cone-shaped Orgonite is responsible for acting as an antenna with the function of attracting the bad energies of large environments such as apartments, offices, businesses and transmute these energies into other more beneficial for you.

So, spread some cone-shaped Orgonites around your home and workplace, and this way you will be protected and the environment you are in will be lighter and more pleasant.

Rounded Orgonite

The Orgonite arrendonda is more suitable for small environments and individual protection. It can control anxiety, help in sleep, bring lightness to work and protect against negative energies, evil eye, envy, evil eye and against curses.

Because of this, it is recommended to always carry a round Orgonite in your pocket, backpack, purse, car and leave some scattered around your desk, bathroom and near the bed. They will protect you and improve your energy.

Elongated orgonite

The elongated Orgonite is also suitable for larger environments such as rooms, apartments, houses, offices and shops. It works as a super powerful antenna that captures all the negative energies of large environments and transforms them into good energies.

In addition to having an elongated Orgonite in your home, they are also great to give as gifts to the people you want to protect.

Orgonite flower shape

Orgonite in flower shape is great for spiritual cleansings, large and small places and also helps in cleansing bad energies brought by electronic equipment.

Therefore, an Orgonite flower-shaped is very useful to be placed next to the wi-fi device, beside the bed near where you usually leave your mobile device, next to the laptop or computer at work and also near televisions.

Acting as a transformer of the negative energy of the place and the evil energies emitted by electromagnetic waves from electronic equipment, the flower-shaped Orgonite can be found in various sizes and will improve your quality of life, sleep and mental, physical and spiritual health.

More Orgonite types and price

Besides the previous types, there are still many varieties of Orgonites. The star-shaped ones are indicated for cleaning energetic impurities of water and cleaning crystals, Orgonite pendants balance the energy field of the human body and protect the auric field, while the pendulum-shaped ones help in the treatment of psychological illnesses and emotional balance.

Regarding the price range, it is possible to find Orgonites with various prices, from R$ 25.00 to R$ 300.00 depending on the size, shape and types of crystals and metals that compose it. They can be found in exoteric shops, craft fairs and websites.

How to make Orgonite at home

Besides finding Orgonite in several websites and exoteric shops, it is also possible to make your own Orgonite at home. We teach you how to do it below. Check it out!

Materials to make Orgonite

To make your Orgonite you will need:

- Paraffin to grease your mold;

- A silicone mould in the shape you prefer;

- Fiberglass resin;

- Catalyst;

- Container;

- Pieces of precious stones, like quartz;

- Pieces of metals, mainly copper and silver;

- Protective equipment such as gloves and mask;

Procedure to make Orgonite

To make Orgonite, first you must grease your mold with something to demold, like paraffin, for example (but you can choose the demolding agent of your choice). Then, insert into the mold a piece of quartz or other crystal of your choice.

Then, insert the metal pieces until this mixture of crystals and metals reaches half of your mold. Leave the mold aside for a while and, in another container, put the resin and the catalyst and mix well. Then, pour this mixture into your mold with the crystals and metals. After a few hours your mold will be dry, so just unmold it and your Orgonite is ready.

Care for making Orgonite

Although it is a seemingly easy process, there are some precautions you should take when making your Orgonite.

First, remember to clear the energy charge of the crystals you intend to use before pouring the resin into them. This is because crystals absorb negative energies, and if you don't clear them first, these energies can get trapped in your Orgonite and impair its functioning.

To clean crystals there are different procedures, such as washing in running water and letting them dry in sunlight or moonlight, or even burying them for a few days so that mother earth removes the negative energies of your crystals.

Afterwards, remember not to be stressed while building your Orgonite, as stress also influences the quality of your harmonizer. Also make sure to wear a mask and gloves when handling the resin, as the smell is strong and irritates human skin.

Orgonite care and use tips

For being such a powerful item, it is necessary to take some care when purchasing your Orgonite. Therefore, we have separated below some tips for use and caution for you to know more about this precious material. Check below!

Learn how to choose the ideal type of Orgonite to buy

There are many models of Orgonite and each is best suited for a certain function. In this sense, the first step to choosing your ideal type of Orgonite is to understand what purpose you need it for.

If you need an Orgonite to sleep better, we recommend having some pyramid and circle shaped models scattered around the room. For anxiety, always carry a circular Orgonite pendant around your neck, it will help balance all your body energy and clear negative charges.

The crystals that make it up also interfere with its main purpose, so it is important to know what types of stones were used to make the Orgonite you intend to purchase.

Beware not to buy fake Orgonite

Another point you should pay attention to is not to buy a fake Orgonite. To avoid this inconvenience, always try to know the provenance of the crystals with the seller to ensure that they are really healing stones and not just other types of normal stones.

Also, when buying your Orgonite try to listen to your intuition and let it show you exactly which one you should choose.

Choose a suitable location for Orgonite

The way Orgonite works is similar to a wi-fi network, the closer you get to it the more energy will be transmuted and the further away, the less.

Because of this, it is important to place your Orgonites in strategic places, where you need her energy the most. Look for rooms where you receive more visitors; bedrooms so that you sleep better; some smaller ones in bathrooms, because it is a room in which bad energy accumulates; and near where you usually work.

For self-protection we recommend that you wear an Orgonite pendant that stays at chest height, because from this point it can better protect your entire energy field.

How to know if Orgonite is working

A simple and effective way to tell if your Orgonite is working is to observe the energy of the environment it is in. If the energy is less charged and more cheerful this means your Orgonite is doing a good job.

Otherwise, a tip is that you bury your Orgonite for three days so that the energy of nature revitalizes your amulet. Then just wash it in running water, dry it in the sun and use it normally again.

How to clean an Orgonite correctly

Orgonite has self-cleaning properties, so you don't need to wash it that often, but if you want to revitalize the energy of your Orgonite with some cleaning, it is recommended that you bury it and leave it in the ground for one to three days.

When you bury it, remember to think good thoughts and ask your Orgonite to absorb the good energies of nature. After this time, wash it in running water and let it dry under the sun and moonlight for a day. Then, just use it again.

Origin and history of Orgonite

Orgonite has a fascinating history. It was discovered by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the 1940s to harmonize the energy field of his patients and give them more calm, joy, peace and well-being.

Since then, Orgonite has been studied by several fields, mainly psychotherapies like reiki and crystal and energy therapy. Want to know more about the origin and history of Orgonite? Check it out below!

Orgone energy discovery

Also discovered by Reich, Orgone energy is life energy and in his theory it is in all of nature. The more orgone vibrations we have in our body and environment, the more relaxed you will be and the more pleasurable life will be.

Reich was a disciple of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, however, he broke with the current of his mentor and began his studies on orgone energy by proposing that the causes of psychological ailments were also related to the spiritual and physical energy of the human body.

His studies on Orgone energy were revolutionary and inspired the Sexual Revolution of the 1970s and the May 1968 movement in France.

Attempts to store Orgone energy

Still during the 1940s, Dr. Reich developed some equipment with the purpose of accumulating Orgone energy. The best known was a giant box that had the function of unblocking the chakras and releasing the vital energy trapped in the human body, making a deep spiritual and energetic cleansing.

Unfortunately, his studies were very controversial and radical for the time and, during a strong political repression in the United States, all his equipment was destroyed.

His disciples continued his studies later and, based on his theories, created the Orgonites, these energetic harmonizers made of resin, crystals and metals that serve to improve your vital energy, harmonize the environment, avoid anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Emergence of orgonites

The emergence of orgonites began when, after Dr. Reich's studies, other researchers, such as Karl Welz, started trying to create technologies that were capable of generating and transmuting vital energy, besides just accumulating it.

That's how Karl Welz created the first Orgonites, which later, by influence of Don and Carol Croft's studies, had quartz and energy stones added to their composition to enhance the power of the Orgonites.

Studies on the benefits of Orgonite

As we mentioned earlier, studies on the benefits of orgone and Orgonite were started by psychoanalyst Dr. Wilhelm Reich and continued by physicist Karl Welz and researchers Don Croft and Carol Croft.

Today, there are countless other researchers delving into the topic, books and easily accessible online materials that prove the benefits of Orgonite to human health.

After all, if you are in a well harmonized environment and your vital energy is flowing in the right way, this will make all the functioning of your body improve as well, creating an immense circuit of healing and protection, and that is what Orgonite provides for you.

Does Orgonite really work?

If you've read this entire article, several questions you might have regarding Orgonite should have been answered. Still, an important question may arise: does Orgonite really work after all?

Many scientific, pseudoscientific, psychoanalytic and therapeutic studies have proven the effectiveness and veracity of Orgonite through theory and empirical evidence of perceiving the environment lighter with this harmonizer and your vital energy flowing better also in the presence of Orgonite.

Because of that, it is possible to verify that Orgonite really works and acts directly in the energetic field of the environment where it is and of the people who are in that place, having as main driving force the transmutation technology.

Orgonite is capable of transforming bad energies into good ones, it is self-cleaning and provides well-being and health to its adepts. Be sure to try these wonderful energetic transformers that are the Orgonites and check for yourself its effectiveness, feeling its beneficial effects!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.