Prayers of St. Michael to discover the truth of someone, Check!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do St. Michael's prayer to discover the truth?

One of the reasons to make the prayer of St. Michael is to discover the truth about something. From the moment you decide to make this prayer, it becomes a great ally in your life, because through it, you can discover things that no person has told you. It is important to emphasize that the truth will not come through revelations, but through the Holy.

It is also important to remember that you should only do the prayer when you feel properly prepared to discover the whole truth, otherwise, this prayer can cause a deep shock in you. In certain cases, not discovering the truth about something is the best option, but that depends only on you. Want to know more about St. Michael's prayer to discover the truth? Check out this article!

Saint Michael's history, symbolic importance and appearances

Michael is one of the three archangels in the highest hierarchy of angels. Saint Michael's function is to be a messenger of God's decrees on earth. The name "Michael" originates from the Hebrew language and means "Who is like God?" Learn more about this archangel in the following topics!

History of Saint Michael the Archangel

Michael is a name of Hebrew origin meaning "Who is like God?" This name also means "likeness of God". Saint Michael is also considered the heavenly guardian, the prince and warrior who defends the throne of God. According to Catholic belief, Michael is the protector of God's people.

Saint Michael the Archangel, according to the Holy Scriptures, is the commander of the army of heaven. He is the one who leads the myriads of angels who have remained loyal to God. Among other names, Michael is known as the Archangel of Justice and also the Archangel of Repentance. He is in the front line, always fighting the evil forces.

Symbolic importance of the Archangel

Generally speaking, the archangel is represented with a red cape, a sword in one hand and a scale in the other, for these are the universal symbols of justice. St. Michael is given the title of "archangel" because he is considered the leader of all the angel hosts. He is considered a symbol of protection, holiness and justice, after all, these qualities are part of his character.

According to some records of the Catholic Church, there is a mysterious straight line that runs through the entire territory of Ireland all the way to Israel. This line is called the Sacred Line of Saint Michael the Archangel. According to the belief, it is a symbol of the sword blow that Michael gave to Lucifer, to send him to hell.

Apparitions of St. Michael the Archangel

In addition to those described in the Holy Scriptures, both in the New and Old Testaments, Saint Michael the Archangel has still appeared several times in the history of the Church. In one of his appearances, Saint Michael appeared in the town of Lorraine in France to a shepherdess named Joanna, an illiterate girl of 15.

She was invited by St. Michael the Archangel to dress as a knight and command the French armies. Joan set out to fulfill the archangel's command and succeeded in liberating the city of Orleans. St. Michael also appeared to Emperor Constantine, who converted to Christianity some time later. Besides these, there are several other miraculous apparitions of this archangel.

What does the Archangel Michael represent?

The Archangel Michael is an angel who is present in various beliefs and religions. He is a symbol of protection and healing. This angel has images in almost all Catholic churches around the globe, either of clay or in pictures, and is also present in the homes of many believers.

The main representation of Saint Michael the Archangel is that of protection, for all the faithful see him as a guardian angel, who is always standing by to defend the people of God from all the dangers that life may present, besides delivering them from all the snares of the enemy.

Visual characteristics of Archangel Michael

The characteristics of Archangel Michael may generate a certain amount of astonishment, for he is an emblematic figure. There is no other being in the heavenly hosts that so clearly represents the opposition between the forces of good and evil.

In general, in the images inside Catholic churches, Saint Michael is depicted defeating a demon, moreover, he is always with his sword, ready to do battle.

Besides these, there are other visual elements that draw a lot of attention in the representations of Saint Michael, such as the wings, the scales and the chains. The scales are a clear indication of justice and the chains represent human vices.

Feasts and Patrons of Archangel Michael

In the Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran Churches, the feast day of St Michael the Archangel always occurs on 29 September, according to the Western calendar, the same day on which the archangels Gabriel and Raphael are commemorated. In England in the Middle Ages this celebration was called the "Feast of St Michael and all the Angels".

The Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Michael the Archangel on November 8, honoring him as the supreme commander of the angels. In the medieval Christian period, Michael, along with Saint George, became patron saints of medieval chivalry.

Curiosities about Archangel Michael

There are several curiosities about Saint Michael the Archangel, among them, the fact that he is known as "fisher of souls". This title attributed to Michael explains why he is carrying a scale in the images. Besides the scale, he is also represented with a sword.

Another curiosity about Saint Michael the Archangel is that he has a shrine entirely dedicated to him here in Brazil, more specifically in the city of Bandeirantes - PR. The shrine answers prayer requests, holds masses daily and has several articles. It is believed that Saint Michael the Archangel appeared during the construction of this shrine.

References to St. Michael

There are several sacred writings that contain mentions of St. Michael the Archangel. You can find information about him in various sources, whether in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, Apocryphal Books, or the Dead Sea Scrolls. Learn more below!

In the Hebrew Bible

According to the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, the prophet Daniel had a vision after a long period of fasting. The angel Daniel saw was Michael, whom he identifies as the protector of Israel.

He also refers to the Archangel Michael as "one of the first princes". In addition, the Hebrew Bible shows that Michael will protect God's people in the "time of tribulation". The main references to Michael in the Old Testament are present in the book of Daniel. Some are related to the "end times", others refer to the contemporary time of the reign in Persia.

New Testament

In the New Testament, Michael is described fighting a battle in heaven with Satan. After this conflict, Lucifer is thrown down to earth with the fallen angels, where they are still presently trying to sidetrack mankind. The account of this battle fought in heaven is in the book of Revelation in chapter 12.

In another passage of the New Testament, specifically in the epistle to Jude, Michael is mentioned as the archangel when he confronts Satan once again. The reason for their conflict this time was the body of Moses. Another New Testament reference to Michael appears in 1 Thessalonians 4.


The apocryphal books are books that are not part of the official biblical canon. These books have historical and moral value, however, it is believed that they were not inspired by God, so they do not serve as a basis for doctrine. In the book of Enoch, one of the apocryphal books, Michael is designated as the prince of Israel.

In the Book of Jubilees, he is mentioned as being the angel who instructed Moses in the Torah, and in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Saint Michael the Archangel is shown fighting a battle against Beliel.

Dead Sea Scrolls

Since their publication in the year 1991, almost all the manuscripts discovered in the Judean desert, which are commonly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, that the study about sectarian and extra-biblical Jewish angeology has had a great advance in its research.

According to these writings, Michael is represented as the heavenly figure of an exalted Melchizedek, exalted to heaven. He is also referred to as the "prince of light", who will fight the "prince of darkness", which is Satan and Belial. This confrontation takes place at the end of time, just when the "Teacher of Righteousness", the eschatological Messiah appears.

Before the prayer

Many people believe that the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is very difficult to do, but in fact it is very simple to do. The great thing about this prayer, is that St. Michael is one of the saints responsible for revealing the truth, so no one will be able to fool you. Learn more below!

In how much time does the prayer take place?

This prayer to St. Michael in order to discover the truth works quickly, however the time in which the prayer takes effect varies among people. It is also important to keep in mind that the time of the saints is different from the time of the individual who wishes to discover the truth about something.

The truth should come out in about a week, so what you should do is pray and wait for the results because they will surely come, at the moment you least expect it. You will have no doubts when the truth comes because it will be manifested clearly so that your mind will not be confused.

Who can make the prayer of St. Michael to discover the truth?

There are no restrictions on the people who can pray the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel to discover the truth. Regardless of creed or how often a person goes to church, they can perform this prayer. The only requirement for performing this prayer is that the individual believes and trusts fully in the saints.

If not, it may be that the individual performing the prayer may simply not see his or her request answered, nor receive any kind of spiritual assistance. Therefore, faith depends on the effectiveness of the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.

What if prayer doesn't work?

It will hardly not work if you exercise faith, trust and hope that the result will soon come. The prayers that are addressed to the saints are as diverse as possible, but all are answered according to the will of God. Therefore, try to trust in the answer of the saints, there is no use in praying without truly believing that the answer will come at the right time.

The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel serves to discover the truth that will change your life once and for all. You will not remain being deceived by the people around you, divine knowledge will be with you.

St. Michael's Prayer to Discover the Truth 1

The first prayer dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel serves to make the truth come out in almost every situation. No matter who is lying to you, nor the truth that is being omitted, everything will be revealed in this prayer. Check it out!


In this prayer, all you need to do is to pray to St. Michael the Archangel, telling him what you want to discover through this prayer. Always try to place yourself humbly before this angel and exercise all your faith, in the certainty that your prayers will be heard and the truth will be revealed.

The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is very simple, however, one should not underestimate its power. You can pray it at any time of day, just light a white candle at the end of the prayer.


The prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is full of meaning. It reveals the power of an angel of light to reveal the truth to a helpless person who is tired of being deceived by others. Justice is also evidenced in this prayer, for in it, the believer calls upon the archangel to be just.

In this prayer, the believer also calls upon the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel so that he may reveal the truth that no one else wants to show this person, who often finds himself helpless and without a direction to follow. In this prayer, the believer also demonstrates confidence in the power of the archangel and in his glory.


"Saint Michael, you who have all the powers in the world, you who are able to make all good things happen, intercede in my life today and for just one small favor!

Saint Michael, you who are just, you who do not like false people and liars, help me with all your graces so that I do not remain in ignorance and in the world of lies.

Help me to know the truth once and for all, something I feel is wrong that I should know.

My dear Saint, help me to know: (say here what you want to know)

I know I am being deceived, I know things are not as I am told, so I ask for your glorious and powerful intercession.

So I ask you to call upon all your powers to show me the truth that no one else wants to show me.

I trust in you my dear Saint, I trust in all your powers in all your glorious graces.

So be it,


St Michael's prayer to discover the truth 2

Many people consider that the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is difficult to do, however, the truth is that it is extremely simple. The big difference in this prayer is that the archangel is responsible for revealing the truth. Check it out!


This prayer can be made by anyone, regardless of belief, skin color or any other characteristic. The important thing is to exercise faith, without it, the prayer will not be answered. You do not need to worry about any kind of ritual, however, if you feel comfortable, you can light a white candle in honor of this archangel.

This should be considered more as a pleasure than as an offering and is at the discretion of the person to do or not. Try to make this prayer with enough responsibility, so only pray for things you really want to find out, because it will not help in the future worship St. Michael the Archangel to have revealed things that hurt you.


In this prayer, the individual acknowledges the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel in his entire life, guiding his steps and protecting him from all evil, as well as bringing honest and faithful people into his life. In the prayer, the individual also begs to discover the whole truth, however much it may hurt his heart.

Another supplication made in this prayer is that the individual does not remain in ignorance, without discovering the truth behind the facts. Mental strength is also requested through this prayer, so that he may endure when the truth comes to light. Finally, the believer asks that St. Michael the Archangel protect his mind and heart so that he may live more tranquil and happy.


"Saint Michael, you who have helped me so much up to this point, today I ask you to help me in my journey, making my life more true and full of honest and faithful people.

I feel cheated in a situation, so I ask you to make me find out the whole truth, even if it hurts my heart somehow. Don't let me live my life in ignorance, it will upset me.

Take care of my mind so that I am prepared to receive the whole truth and only the truth. Make people no longer able to lie to me, make me realize their intentions just by their tone of voice.

Take care of my heart and my mind, I want to know everything that happens around me, so I will live much more peaceful and much happier. Amen!

How to make a prayer of St. Michael to discover the truth correctly?

The effectiveness of the prayer depends on some factors, including the faith that the individual expresses in the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, however, it is already possible to observe the effects in less than 24 hours. All you need to do is to pray one of the prayers to this Saint before going to talk to that person who is omitting the truth.

In general, this prayer has an effect on the person mentioned in the prayer and he ends up telling what was hidden for a long time. So, before you go talk to the person who is lying to you, always try to pray one of these prayers. The most correct is that this person tells the whole truth in the next meeting that you have, this will reveal if the prayer was effective or not.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.