Prayer to Oxum: for prosperity, protection, for love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the importance of the prayer of the orixá Oxum?

The orixá Oxum is a spiritual mother. She helps not only in the conception of a child, but also in the empowerment of the being. She brings beauty, love and gold in all aspects of life, working then through prayer the requests made to her.

Below, you will learn how to truly connect with this Orixá and use prayers to evolve, ask or give thanks with more wisdom and assertiveness. A prayer is the heart between spirituality and the earthly plane, so it is so important that it is done with love and affection. Know now her history, what are the main prayers, rites and ways to connect with Mother Oxum.

Knowing more about Oxum

Oxum is an orixá worshiped within the religions of African matrix, mainly in Umbanda and Candomblé. She is the lady of gold, love, beauty and waterfalls. In Umbanda, she is known as the orixá that corresponds to the throne of polarized love with Oxumaré. Oxum is also the lady of fertility, helping and assisting at the time of conception.

Origin of Oxum

The origin of the name Oxum comes from the Osun river in the southwest of Nigeria. Brought to Brazil with the enslaved people who, despite suffering persecution and prejudice, did not give up their divinities, the Orixás came through slavery and won the heart of Brazil. Oxum is worshipped in waterfalls and fresh waters by devotees scattered throughout the country.

History of the orixá

The worship of the orixás is an ancient practice that dates back at least 2000 years before Christ. The nation's worship practices have their pillar in ancestry and each form of worship is passed from generation to generation, the father teaches to the son, who teaches to the grandson, and so on. The way to keep the tradition alive is to pass the knowledge in the form of stories.

Known as Itan, these stories are told to children from a very young age who will acquire knowledge of the orixás and keep them alive in their minds, repeating them to their children and thus the tradition is maintained, orally and with much wisdom.

Itan - Oxum deceives Exu and starts answering in the game of shells.

Oxum lived in her beautiful castle with her father, receiving many gifts and having everything he wanted, Oxum saw that her father was constantly looking for Exu to know the future and decided to ask Exu to teach him to play the cowrie shells too. However, Exu refused to teach her even after several requests, so Oxum who did not know how to hear no, had a plan.

She went to the dark forest to ask the 3 witches to teach her magic so she could trick Exu and the witches after much insistence on her part taught her. Oxum returned to Exu and said that if he was so smart he would have to guess what she was holding. Exu already angry with Oxum approached and at this moment Oxum blew a magic powder in Exu's eyes.

Exu's eyes began to burn and afraid that Oxum would steal his cowrie shells he ordered Oxum to give the game in his hands, so each piece that Oxum passed to Exu, she was writing and asking about the piece. Exu nervous by his eyes and afraid that Oxum would steal the cowrie shells, was talking what was each piece without even realizing.

Oxum very smart soon understood the number of pieces and what each one meant, so she returns home and tells her father that she learned to play the cowrie shells, Ifá surprised and impressed with Oxum, allows her to play the cowrie shells, but only in the presence of Exu and so the two began to share the game of cowrie shells.

Visual characteristics

Oxum is the lady of beauty, her beauty is rare and unmistakable, but she brings not only the physical beauty, but also the spiritual, Oxum brings out the inner beauty of each being. The Abebé is a circular fan carried by Oxum, which may or may not have a mirror in the center, the gold and yellow are the colors of Oxum, which represent gold and wealth.

What does Oxum represent?

Oxum represents strength, vitality and feminine empowerment. Oxum is the owner of herself and brings in her irradiation that strength to each one of us, beautiful and warrior, she fights her battles using intelligence and her cunning, but she also knows how to battle when it is rarely necessary. Lady of Gold she brings prosperity in all areas of your life.

Oxum syncretism

Oxum in Brazil is syncretized with Our Lady of Aparecida, both carry the force of maternity, but Our Lady represents all maternity, while Oxum is responsible for conception. Oxum acts at the exact moment of fecundation and that is exactly why many women with difficulties to get pregnant offer to Oxum.

How to please Oxum?

Oxum is Iabá who looks after her children and is always willing to intercede and help them on their way. To connect to Oxum just make an offering in your point of strength and then light at least once a month or whenever you feel the need, a yellow candle in your home and sign your head in Oxum.

Some Oxum prayers

Prayers to Oxum are mostly called invocations because that is the energy you want to attract at that moment. You can use these prayers for various purposes such as when lighting a candle, when smoking, or when consecrating an herbal bath. Each of the following prayers are powerful and will connect you to the energy of Oxum.

Oxum prayer for prosperity and protection

"I ask permission from my masters of light, from the sacred fathers and mothers orixás, from our Great Father. I ask my mother Oxum to cover me with her sacred and divine mantle and remove from my spirit all and any negative energy that may be interfering with my connection with the energy of prosperity.

I ask the Lady my mother of gold that abundance and plenty never fail in my home, that I have prosperity in my health, in my work, in my family and friends. I ask for your blessing my mother and that all these blessings overflow to my fellows as their merit.

Ora ye ye Mamma Oxum!".

Oxum prayer for luck

"I ask permission from my masters of light, the sacred fathers and mothers orixás, our Father Major. I ask my dear and beloved mother Oxum to intercede for me in this moment of need, I beg my mother to bless me at this time and that _____(make a request to come true).

May you provide the necessary conditions so that I can reach this goal according to my merit, and may each contrary energy to this achievement be neutralized and directed to its place of merit. Ora ye Mamãe Oxum!

Oxum prayer for love

"I ask permission from my masters of light, from the sacred fathers and mothers orixás, from our Great Father. Oxum my mother, lord of divine love, I ask that you pour into me your energy, sacred and divine. May I be filled with your energies of love. May I love myself above all and thus attract to my life people who really love me, who help me to grow and evolve.

May I be a source of your divine love on earth, make me a messenger of your love to all those who are in need of a hint of light and hope.

Ora ye ye Mamma Oxum!".

Oxum prayer to unite couple

"I ask permission to my masters of light, to the sacred fathers and mothers orixás, to our Great Father. I ask you my mother that you activate your energies within my relationship, causing the passion, the desire, the conquest and the seduction to be reactivated and that we may love each other if this is the will of our Father Creator.

May my father Oxumarê enter in our hearts, exhausting all and any type of addiction linked to love, may the Lord my father, bring renewal and vitality into each one of us.

Ora ye ye Mamãe Oxum! Arrô Boboya My father Oxumarê!".

Oxum prayer for a definite love

"I ask permission from my masters of light, from the sacred fathers and mothers orixás, from our Great Father. Hail my mother Oxum, Hail my father Oxalá. I ask you my divine masters, to irradiate my mind, my body and my spirit with your sacred energies.

May Oxum involve my spirit with his energy of love, carrying me and overflowing this force within me, may my father Oxalá use his crystallizing power to keep this energy with me and may I have so much energy that I am able to donate to other people, this pure energy of love and divine fire. Ora ye ye ye Mamma Oxum! Épao, èpa bàbá Papai Oxalá!".

Oxum prayer to bring back love

"I ask permission to my masters of light, to the sacred fathers and mothers orixás, to our Great Father. I ask my mother Oxum to bring calm and serenity to my heart and to help me grow and evolve, in my thoughts and feelings.

May I understand my separation and may I be able to win my love back, if that is the will of our Great Father. Ora ye ye Mamãe Oxum!".

Other ways to connect with the orixá Oxum

Oxum is not a person, she is not in a specific religion. She is in nature, in the waters of rivers and waterfalls, the best way to connect with her is to go to her natural power point. You can take a bath to discharge, you can take your guides and leave some gifts, always remembering to preserve nature.

Taking a bath in a waterfall or a river to enter into communion with Oxum, is not the same thing as when you go to have fun. Do not ingest alcoholic beverages and do not go to a party, enter, stay and leave with the utmost respect. If you do not have this possibility, do not worry, check out some tips below to make this connection.

Salutation to Oxum

Chanting can act as a mantra that puts you in a state of spiritual connection and communion with the orixá, these repeated points will help you enter this state:

"Ê girl, ê girl

Ê ê ê oxum da mina

Ê girl, ê girl

Ê ê ê oxum da mina

Olóomi máà, olóomi máà iyò

Olóomi máà iyò ìyáàgbá, Ó yèyé ó

Aláadé Òsun mi yèyé ó

Aláadé Òsun mi yèyé ó"

"I saw mama oxum at the waterfall

Sitting by the river

Picking lily lirulê

Picking lily lirulá

Harvesting lily

To adorn your gonga"

Offering to Oxum

Offering Oxum is to enter into communion with the Orixá. In a clay bowl place various fruits such as bananas, grapes, apples, soursop, avocado, papaya, passion fruit, sweet orange, etc. Cut the fruit and mount it in a beautiful way, remember that Oxum is the lady of beauty, get 4 yellow candles and 7 gold coins (R$1,00 or R$0,25).

In a natural spot or even in a reserved space at home, place the bowl with the fruit and place the candles in the form of cross, light the candles and make your prayer for what you want. Remembering that if you do in a natural point can replace the bowl for a banana leaf that is biodegradable and so does not dirty.

Mother Oxum Sympathy

The sympathies are strong firm that can be used for various purposes. The energy of our mother Oxum is very strong in prosperity, attracting prosperity to life encompasses all areas, whether financial, health or spiritual. As well as the attraction of love too, these sympathies can help you and a lot in your life.

To attract prosperity, take a glass or glass jar, place a layer of a finger of popcorn, another layer of lentils, another layer of beans. Then place a Pyrite stone, 7 bay leaves and 7 cloves. Say a prayer for prosperity and place this glass in the kitchen or office.

Oxum Bath

To attract love, heat in a saucepan 500ml of water, when boiling turn off the heat and put yellow rose petals, wait to cool and after the bath play this petal bath and say a prayer for love. Stay 3 minutes feeling the energy and dry normally. The petals can be discarded in a garden or potted plants.

Oxum is the orixá that keeps emotions in balance!

Be inspired by Oxum and accept empowerment, accept seduction, accept wealth, accept prosperity, accept love and above all, accept yourself as you are. Oxum is the lady of waterfalls and rivers, be inspired by the waters that do not stop despite a stone in the way, it circulates and keeps flowing, always moving forward despite the challenge.

Ask Oxum the emotional balance and wisdom to handle each situation the right way, at times the right thing to do is to keep quiet, in other times to use the seduction of words and in other times to really act. And it is this discernment and wisdom that Oxum can bring to your life the more you relate and connect to her.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.