Prayer of Senhor do Bonfim: Know some prayers that can help!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the importance of the prayer of Our Lord of the Bonfim?

The Lord of the Bonfim prayer is known to bless and help in difficult times. Because it is a representation of Jesus Christ, many believers cling even more to Bonfim in the hope that he will hear their prayers.

This prayer can still be done at any time of your life, after all, if you are a person of faith, you know that the Lord of the Bonfim is with you at all times. So, whenever you need you can turn to him.

Jesus Christ, through the representation of Bonfim, frees the faithful from all evils and adversities that may arise on the way. Therefore, know that you can always count on him. However, do not remember him only when you are in need. Make your prayer often to thank him as well. Check below everything you need to know about Senhor do Bonfim.

Getting to know Senhor do Bonfim

A strong representation of Jesus Christ, the Senhor do Bonfim has followers all over Brazil, but mainly in the Bahia region. This devotion arrived in Brazil many years ago, through a Portuguese captain who had made a promise to Bonfim, if he survived a strong storm at sea.

So, you can already see that the history of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim is very rich and brings precious information. Below, understand better this story in more detail.

Origin and history

The devotion to Senhor do Bonfim came to Brazil around the XVIII century, through a Portuguese captain named Theodósio Rodrigues de Faria. The man in question was a sea and war captain in the Portuguese Navy and held important positions in the colony period.

Theodósio was the owner of three slave ships that brought slaves to Brazilian lands. On a certain day, the crew was surprised by a strong storm. It was then, that the captain promised that if he survived, he would bring to Brazil an image of Senhor do Bonfim and Nossa Senhora da Guia.

The captain fulfilled his promise and from then on Nosso Senhor do Bonfim was introduced to Brazil, and around here his devotion became very popular, especially in Salvador.

Visual features of Senhor do Bonfim

The image of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim is represented by the figure of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. Thus, he is with the crown of thorns and also with a white cloth around his hip.

The devotion to Senhor do Bonfim is very similar to what happens with the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, where she is worshipped in different ways, according to the way she appeared in different places.

In the case of Senhor do Bonfim, the devotion is always done with the image of Christ crucified, being this the main visual characteristic of Bonfim.

What does the Lord of the Bonfim represent?

Senhor do Bonfim is nothing more than a representation of Jesus Christ. Thus, he represents the one who died crucified on the cross to save all humanity. He represents love, kindness, solidarity, charity, and love and trust in the will of the Father, over all things.

Thus, when making your prayer to Senhor do Bonfim, you are talking directly to Jesus Christ, the savior of humanity. Deposit your life in his hands and he will always know what is best for you.


As you have already learned in the course of this article, the devotion to Nosso Senhor do Bonfim is made under the image of the crucified Christ. And it came to Brazil through the promise made by the Portuguese captain Theodósio.

As soon as the image arrived in Brazil by the Portuguese, this devotion was soon introduced in the country. However, it became more popular in the city of Salvador, Bahia. There, even today, there is a great devotion through the Bonfim ribbon, which consists in giving the famous ribbon, considered as an amulet, to another person. Through it, you can make requests to Nosso Senhor doBonfim.

Some prayers of Senhor do Bonfim

Senhor do Bonfim has countless prayers, from receiving help in difficult times, through prayers of unburdening to prayers for the search for your salvation. Moreover, it is not only in Catholicism that Bonfim has faithful. Within Umbanda there are also prayers to worship him.

Our Lord of the Bonfim also has his novena and his song of praise. To know a little bit of each, follow the reading below.

Lord of the Bonfim prayer for help in difficult days

"My Lord of the Bonfim, I find myself in your presence, humbling myself with all my heart, to receive from you, all the graces that you want to dispense to me.

Forgive me, O Lord, for all the faults I may have committed in thought, word, and deed, and make me strong to overcome all the temptations of the enemies of my soul.

My Lord of the Bonfim! You, who are the Consoler Angel of our souls, I ask and beseech you to help me in the difficult days and sustain me in your strong and powerful arms, so that I may walk in peace with you and with God.

Therefore, my Lord of the Bonfim, you who are the saint of greatest power on earth, deliver my house and the people who inhabit it, from all evil.

You, Lord, are my Good Shepherd; I shall not want. You make me lie down in green pastures and guide me beside the still waters; so be it."

Lord of the Bonfim prayer for salvation

"My Lord of the Bonfim who on the waters walked, today you stand between the chalice and the consecrated host. The earth trembles but not the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ on the altar - trembles the heart of my enemies. When they look at me I bless them on the cross and they do not bless me.

Between the sun and the moon and the stars and the persons of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the crossing I see my enemies, my God what do I do with them? With the mantle of the Virgin Mary I am covered, with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ I am valid.

If they want to shoot me, water will flow from the barrel of the gun, just as the milk flowed from the breast of Mary Most Holy into the mouth of her beloved son. And other weapons they raise at me will remain suspended in the air and will not reach me.

Just as the Blessed Virgin Mary remained at the foot of the cross waiting for her blessed son. The rope that you put on my feet will fall, the door that you lock will open, just as the tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ was opened for him to ascend to heaven. Saved I have been, saved I am, and saved I will be, with the key of the Most Holy Tabernacle I will close myself (3x)".

Lord of the Bonfim prayer for unloading

"My Lord of the Bonfim, I humbly stand before Thee to receive from Thee all the graces that Thou wilt give me. Forgive me, O Lord, for all the faults that I may have committed by deed or thought. Make me strong to overcome all the temptations and evils of the enemy.

May the sacred Orixá Ogum cut with his sword all the evils that come near me. May Yemanjá, Queen of the Sea, with Your protection, take under fetters to the bottom of the sea all the envy that falls upon me; may Oxum take with her all the tears that I have to cry, so that despair or misfortune may never reach me.

May Ossanha drive away all storms from me so that the winds of bonanza may bring me prosperity; may all the fortune of the world come to my feet, with the protection of the great orixá Oxum-Maré; may Xangô from the top of his Holy Quarry solidify all the goods that I attain. Hail Senhor do Bonfim, hail all the orixás, who protect me in life, so that I lack nothing".

Lord of the Bonfim prayer for love to return

"Lord God, in the name of Jesus, I ask you that at this very moment (say the name of the loved one) miss me (say your name). May you not be able to get me out of your mind and thoughts, everything you look and see reminds you of me.

Let anything that goes against our union end now, in the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God that (say the name of the loved one) feel a deep need to see me, to talk to me, that he reevaluates our situation and decides to stay with me, that the nine choirs of Angels blow my name (say your name) in the ears of (say the name of the loved one) and that (say thename of the beloved one) do not feel at ease until you say that you cannot live without me (say your name) today.

May my image and my feeling of love enter the heart of (say the name of the loved one), may this desire to see me and talk to me, to kiss me, to hold me, to love me become irresistible this very instant and always.

Praise be to Jesus Christ, praise be to our Almighty God, King of all the universe, earth, sky and sea, praise be to the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. May this desire of mine be strengthened in the light of the Master Jesus and may it come true right now, today.

Through the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God, break the pride, selfishness, indifference and fear that have settled in the heart of (say the name of the loved one). I ask our Lord Jesus Christ, that (say the name of the loved one) love me.

May (say the name of the loved one) not be deviated by bad influences or feelings for another woman. May (say the name of the loved one) want to be at all times by my side and always put me first. I ask the three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael to keep away from (say the name of the loved one) people who can keep him away from me (say your name), especially womenthat he looks for or they look for him.

May (say the name of the beloved) be protected and not feel attracted or desire for anyone or any other woman besides me (say your name) and stop seeking women other than me (say your name) and not feel desire for any of them. Oh Master, I beg you that at this moment (say the name of the beloved) feel an irresistible desire to call me (say your name), that everythingis fulfilled as soon as I publish this prayer.

I (say your name) am the fulfillment of this desire, I am the pure attraction of (say the name of the loved one). I (say your name) am the immediate longing of (say the name of the loved one). I (say your name) am the perfect love of (say the name of the loved one). I (say your name) am the heart of (say the name of the loved one).

I (say your name) am the true love of the life of (say the name of the beloved one). Amen, in the name of Jesus, my God I beg you and I already thank you, for I know that by your mercy you will grant me this desire realized, my three archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel intercede for me before god.Amen."

Prayer of Senhor do Bonfim for Umbanda

In the state of Bahia there is a great syncretism between Nosso Senhor do Bonfim and Oxalá, who was the first orixá to be created by the supreme god of Umbanda, Olodumaré.

Thus, Oxalá received the mission to create the universe, as well as all beings or things that could exist in it. Oxalá is also a symbol of peace and purity, so he wears white. Within Umbanda there are two main prayers to Our Lord of Bonfim, check them out:

1- "My Lord of the Bonfim, I find myself in Your presence, humbly, to receive from You, all the graces that You wish to dispense to me. Forgive me, Lord, for all the faults that I may have committed by deed or thought.

Make me strong to overcome all temptations and evil deeds of the enemy. May the sacred orixá Ogum cut with his sword all evils that come near me. May Yemanjá, Queen of the Sea, with Your protection, take under fetters to the bottom of the sea all envy that falls upon me".

2- "May Oxum take with him all the tears I have to cry, so that despair or misfortune may never reach me; may Ossanha drive away all storms from me so that the winds of bonanza may bring me prosperity;

May all the fortune of the world come to my feet, with the protection of the great orixá Oxum-Maré; may Xangô from the top of his Holy Quarry solidify all the goods that I achieve. Hail Senhor do Bonfim, hail all the Orixás, who protect me in life, so that I lack nothing. So be it."

Anthem of Senhor do Bonfim

"Glory to thee on this day of glory, glory to thee, Redeemer, who a hundred years ago our fathers led to victory through the Bahian seas and fields of this sacred hill mansion of mercy, give us the divine grace of justice and concord glory to thee on this sacred height. Thou art the eternal beacon, thou art the guide, thou art, sir, advanced sentinel, thou art the immortal guard of Bahia.

From this holy hill mansion of mercy, give us the divine grace of justice and concord. At thy feet which thou hast given us the right at thy feet which thou hast given us the truth sings and exults in a fervent prayer the soul in feast of thy city. From this holy hill mansion of mercy, give us the divine grace of justice and concord."

Novena of Senhor do Bonfim

The following prayers should be prayed for 9 consecutive days.

1 - "Most Holy Savior, Jesus, Lord of the Bonfim, what terrible pains you suffered, on the cross, on your head wounded by the crown of thorns, on your feet and on your hands pierced with nails, by your sweat of blood, grant me the grace of (ask for the grace you wish to attain).

I know that my sins are very heavy, that I am not worthy of your forgiveness, but I also know, Lord, that your infinite love for humanity is infinitely greater. Despite being a sinner, I believe in you, Lord my God. I believe in your justice, in your goodness, in your mercy.

Lord of the Bonfim, be propitious to my prayer. Amen!"

2 - Hail Mary (Prayed 3x)

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen."

3 - Our Father (Prayed 3x)

"Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, Amen."

Other information about Senhor do Bonfim

Represented by Christ crucified, Our Lord of the Bonfim has many faithful around the world. Therefore, he has many celebrations and festivals in his honor. In addition, the ribbons of Our Lord of the Bonfim, which you have already seen quickly in this article, deserve a special highlight, which you can follow in the sequence.

Of course, with such a rich history, Bonfim still has countless more curiosities, which you can also follow below.

Senhor do Bonfim celebrations around the world

Our Lord of Bonfim has a very strong devotion also in Portugal. This faith gained even more faithful there after Dom João VI made a promise before the feet of Bonfim, for the restoration of the health of his father, Dom Pedro II.

Since then, there are some celebrations in honor of Bonfim. However, it is worth mentioning that after the introduction of this devotion in Brazil, here the celebrations ended up getting even bigger and more famous.

Senhor do Bonfim celebrations in Brazil

Senhor do Bonfim is the patron saint of many cities in Brazil and therefore the celebrations in his honor here are many. It can be found in the states of Alagoas, Paraíba, Minas Gerais, among others. However, the greatest devotion, certainly is in Bahia, where he is the patron saint of the entire state.

One of the most famous celebrations there is the washing of the stairs of the Bonfim Church. The festival begins on the second Sunday after the day of Kings, ending only on the other Sunday. Because it is such a traditional festival, in 2013, it was listed by the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage as an intangible heritage of the country.

Lord of the Bonfim ribbons

The ribbons are one of the best known traditions of the Bonfim party. According to the faithful, it is a kind of amulet, with which one should give to another person. The ribbon must be placed on the wrist and each one must contain 3 knots.

While knotting the ribbon, the person should make a silent request to the Lord of Bonfim. Tradition believes that as soon as the ribbon is untied, the requests will be answered.

This custom is very old in Bahia, having its beginning in 1809, through Manoel Antônio da Silva Servo, who was the treasurer of the Bonfim devotion, and was trying to increase the collection of money for the worship in question. It was then, that he had the idea of introducing the ribbons for Bonfim.

Interesting facts about Senhor do Bonfim

An interesting curiosity about Senhor do Bonfim and, more specifically about its ribbons, is that they were not always worn on the wrist, as we see nowadays. Formerly, between the years 1809 and 1950, they were used as a necklace.

On the ribbons were hung medals, pendants and saints, which represented the graces achieved through the intermediary of Bonfim. To pay the promise, the faithful carried with them a photo or even a sculpture, which represented the part of the body healed, with the help of Our Lord of Bonfim.

How can the Lord of the Bonfim prayer help in your life?

For those who truly have faith, a prayer can help in various moments of your life, whether they are the most different possible. So, talking about Senhor do Bonfim, if you really trust him when asking for a grace, know that your prayers can help with deliverances, healing of diseases, help with work, among other things.

Therefore, when talking about prayers and how they can help you, the most important thing is first to be aware that your requests should be made with an open heart. In addition, you should seek the most sincere words that come from the depths of your soul and heart, to connect with the Divine plan.

Understand that the prayer to the Lord of the Bonfim can help you at all times of your life. It can give you the grace you long for or the light and answers you need to move forward. However, always remember that it is necessary to have faith and trust him above all.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.