Orixá Ogum Xoroquê: history, prayer, day, sons, offerings and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is the orixá Ogum Xoroquê?

The orixá Ogum Xoroquê is a powerful entity, who has a form of duality, that is, he is half Ogum and half Xoroquê. With this, he is very powerful and is very intent on helping, but also requires that we respect him because of his strength and power.

This orixá is very powerful and can grant many things that are asked of him, provided that the person has the correct preparation so that he does not ask in vain or does not know how to refer in the correct way. This is very important to keep in mind, so that everything goes well.

Today we will learn more about this subject and get to know about Ogum Xoroquê, and also give more information about its history, legends, children, offerings and how to relate to them.

Knowing more about Ogum Xoroquê

If you are interested in this orixá, it is very important to know more about it, its history, its relationship with other orixás and some of the legends that revolve around it. Because it is a very well-known and powerful entity, many want to know more about it and how it works.

Below, we will talk more about this subject to try to understand everything about the origin of this powerful orixá and see how he originated, where he came from and what he represents. All this is something of paramount importance for those who want to know more about the subject. Follow now in detail!

Origin and history

To understand more about Ogum Xoroquê, it is important that you know more about its origin and history. Therefore, it is good to know at least a little about this subject. With that, let's now see more about this topic.

Ogum is the son of Yemanjá and Oxalá and has an older brother, Exú, with whom he has a great friendship. Because of this bond, the two always walk together seeking adventures and exploring places. Exú is the one who takes care of the crossroads and Ogum, always taking care of the straight roads, which made the two with similar abilities, but at the same time with different goals.

This orixá, Ogum Xoroquê or Xogum, is a warrior who combines the forces of both and becomes a driving force that has the will and the guts to solve the problems of those who invoke him. He has such ferocity that he also resembles an Exú.

Archetype and visual characteristics

Now, it is time to know more about the archetype and visual characteristics of this orixá. He has an archetype that is related exactly to battles, wars and fights. Because he is really a warrior, his great objective is to wage war and he is very fierce.

Besides this, he visually resembles human beings, being one of the orixás most similar to people. He also has a lot of resemblance to the military, with this whole image of militarism and the armed forces.

With this, he has strong and very prominent visual characteristics, which end up drawing attention from all who see his image. He is the protector of those who war, he has strength emanating from his physique and his image.

Ogum Xoroquê: a dual entity

Ogum Xoroquê is a dual entity, which means that he contains, in a single being, two different orixás: Ogum and Exú. With this, he becomes a very powerful being, who can help and aggregate a lot, but who also knows how to charge very well for everything he provides.

At the same time that he opens paths and helps, he also has as a mark his warrior side, his fierce and very severe side when the person who sought him does not come to return all that he promised to him.

If the person does not know how to deal with this orixá, but still insists on making some kind of request or pact with him, know that you need to know how to return what you promised, because he gets angry. It is recommended to be very careful when dealing with him, because of his great power.

Relationship of Ogum Xoroquê with other orixás

Ogum Xoroquê does not accept orders from any other orixá, although he has no problems with any specific one. Ogúm Soroke (Xoroquê) means soro = speak + ke = louder, the one who speaks the loudest.

Strong and fearless, for him justice comes first. He only attends requests made to Yemanjá or Xapanan, however, when an entity requests his services he takes it as a personal cause and resolves it on his own and not as a messenger of the orixás.

Legends about Ogum Xoroquê

There are several types of legends about Ogum Xoroquê that reflect his origin and appearance. One such legend says that one day Ogum returned home and did not find the wine he liked. He left angry, upset and began a journey of conquest.

When he arrived in a certain kingdom, the people who lived there offered him wine, meat beyond the respect that he alone demanded. Whoever did not do so, suffered the consequences and paid with his own life.

Because of this, some people think that this Ogum has become an Exu, but in reality he is a fusion of the two, hence all his power and his way of acting in a powerful and impulsive way. He gives, but knows how to take when necessary.

Beliefs and Ogum Xoroquê

The beliefs and Ogum Xoroquê can differ with respect to the religion they are in, so it is very important to also know more about this and better understand how this view works according to religion.

Let's now take a closer look at this point, to understand how each of these beliefs see this orixá, how they relate to it and what their vision is about it. Check now about Candomblé, Umbanda, the Catholic Church and other cultures.

Ogum Xoroquê in Candomblé

The Ogum Xoroquê in Candomblé is a strong figure who represents very much this question of war, of fighting and of everything that allows one to bring in exchange certain offerings that please him in a profound way. It is very important to know that this Ogum, called Xogum, is very important in the culture as a whole.

Their colors in Candomblé are blue, white and green, but in reality, despite subtle differences, they are the same entity with the same personality.

Ogum Xoroquê in Umbanda

Ogum Xoroquê in Umbanda carries with him the same image of a warrior, of strength and courage, besides all this power to conquer everything he needs and also to fight the struggles of those who follow him. He is a very powerful orixá.

The colors of the orixá change in Umbanda, therefore it is the red of his sword that draws attention at this time. He is the protector of the paths and helps all those in need to the extent that they deserve.

Ogum Xoroquê in the Catholic Church

Ogum, in the Catholic Church, is Saint George, while Exú is Saint Anthony. In reality, regardless of the name, these saints are the same. When we give Ogum Xoroquê, or Xogum, we have the union of these two saints of the Catholic Church.

It is interesting to observe that, although religions are diverse, we end up always returning to the same starting point. They are the same entity, represented in a different way culturally speaking, but which has the same meaning.

Ogum Xoroquê in other cultures

In general, the Ogum Xoroquê is an entity that focuses on caring for the paths and interests of those who follow them, is a powerful entity and very conqueror, who knows how to open paths and get to take everything you need.

But we know very well that what happens in reality, is that it is not very recommended to deal with this entity if you do not have the necessary knowledge or if it is treated with lies.

The Ogum Xoroquê can't stand lies and cheating, and is an orixá that demands respect. If not, he takes it the way he thinks is right.

How are the children of Ogum Xoroquê

You may also find it important to know what the children of Ogum Xoroquê, or the so-called sons of Xogum, are like. Their behavior, way of thinking and acting is quite noticeable, as well as their way of being and even their appearance.

With this, it is very important to also know your children. Let's now see about their main characteristics and better understand how to identify them.

Aesthetically slim

The sons of Ogum Xoroquê are aesthetically thin, however they are not that type of person who is completely skeletal or who demonstrates to be weak and lacking in physical competence. On the contrary, they are well defined in terms of muscles.

Although they do not have much visible mass in themselves, meaning they are not corpulent in any way, their real strength shows in their ripped and well-defined muscles, in which there is no doubt that they have the necessary strength to face any parade.

They're always involved in fights

The children of Ogum Xoroquê are always involved in fights and this clearly indicates their resemblance to Exu, who has this vein of fighting, conquering and glorying for what he can easily conquer the way one should.

It is also worth remembering that they are explosive. They fight for themselves, they fight their own fights and they have the will they need to get where they want to go. Therefore, they are perfect to fight for their ideals and for what they believe in.

Besides, when they are not involved in that kind of fight, they are defending their own, always ready to buy fights that are not even theirs. They have this need to be always in clash, but always in the fair fight and seeking to give their own what they deserve.

Hard-working and hard-working

The children of Ogum Xoroquê are hardworking and will not spare any effort to conquer everything they need, and therefore do not run away from work in any way. They do not measure efforts so that they can get where they want.

They are not afraid of hard work, so they are excellent professional companions or excellent for any task they take for themselves. Even, one of the characteristics that go with this is their punctuality.

They are fans of assiduity at work and like to always arrive on time. They also count on commitment. They hate to have an appointment rescheduled.


One of the marks of the sons of Ogum Xoroquê is that they are authoritarian, which also marks their good leadership strength towards those who are under their control. They like to have everything ruled according to their wishes.

They always deal with everyone with a firm hand and have this military vein, authority, strength and supreme will that must prevail. They need to deal well with this to live normally with others. It is a quality that does have its advantages, but that also needs reins so that it does not exceed some limits that are always important to maintain.


The children of Ogum Xoroquê are problematic people when it comes to their emotions and the way they deal with them on a daily basis. They are always very emotional, when they are angry they don't look at anything, they just tend to go after the solution to their problem.

We know how difficult it can be to deal with this kind of thing, so we can't always get along with them.

But they are also cheerful and like to laugh and be among friends, and they are born storytellers. You just need to know how to deal with them to avoid powerful clashes with these people.

They like to party

Those who are children of Ogum Xorequê are very lively, they like parties and plenty of food, always in environments full of animation and everything that is best. When they are happy, they love to share this feeling with everyone around them.

At times of festivities, they are excellent company and love those times when they can extravasate the good feelings. Because they are always with emotions on the surface, at times of celebration they let this joy show with everyone. Therefore, they do not miss any opportunity to be close to those they love and always celebrate, whether at home or on the street.


Children of Ogum Xorequê like to fight to get everything they want. This is a fact, and they do not give up running after their desires and needs. So, it is very important to see that they can be a little selfish.

They always tend to run after things, but they see their own side of things first, solving their own problems once and for all before finally deciding that they must deal with someone else's problems. They have the strength to conquer their desires and will spare no effort to achieve their goals, even if they have to leave someone else aside in order to finally get what they want.

How to relate to Ogum Xoroquê

It is very important to understand how to relate well with Ogum Xoroquê, how to communicate, greet and understand his symbols, prayers, colors and everything that relates to this powerful orixá and that we should respect so much.

So, let's now see more about this subject and understand the right way to talk to this orixá. This is important, since he demands this respect, not having effect this relationship when done in the wrong way. Check it out!

Day and number of Ogum Xoroquê

Ogum Xoroquê's day is June 13, a date that also celebrates the day of St. Anthony, which is part of this powerful entity that has so much strength to open the paths of his children and those who seek him.

Ogum's numbers are 2, 3, 7 and 21 and Exu's are 1, 7 and 11. Number 7 is therefore very strong for Ogum Xoroquê.

Colors of Ogum Xoroquê

The colors used are dark blue, red and black, which are widely used in the guide. With this, it is well defined with the colors of Ogum, which are these. There may be others who also relate green, yellow in the colors of this orixá.

Symbols of Ogum Xoroquê

Ogum Xoroquê's major symbol is his sword. But his symbols also include iron items and tools, which are always seen as symbols of strength. It is also worth saying that he is the patron saint of those who are the wielders of these tools, that is, those who are the ones who deal with tools.

Herbs and leaves of Ogum Xoroquê

There are several herbs and leaves, among them we can mention some to exemplify, such as:

Holy wood;

Dragon's blood;


Swamp cane;


Sword of St. George;

Spear of Ogum.

There is a plethora of plants and herbs that are of Ogum Xoroquê, so it is well worth knowing a complete list of everything so that you can use it in the way you most desire.

Ponto de Ogum Xoroquê

It is very interesting and important to know the point of Ogum Xoroquê, therefore, follow the transcription below for you to know more about this point or song dedicated to this powerful orixá.

"Ô Ogum !!!

Ô Ogunhê, iê, iê!!!

Ô Ogum!!!

Ogum Xoroquê!!!

Ô Ogum!!!

Ô Ogunhê, iê, iê!!!

Ô Ogum!!!

Ogum Xoroquê!!!

My lord, of the roads,


Open my ways,


My lord of the gatekeeper,

Ogunhê !!!

He is my father, Ogum Xoroquê!!!

Ô Ogum!!!

Knowing this point you are ready to salute Ogum Xoroquê.

Salutation to Ogum Xoroquê

The greeting to Ogum Xoroquê is very important to know. The cry of the greeting is "Ogunhê Patacori", especially in Candomblé. Knowing this greeting is fundamental and very important to relate to this orixá the way one should.

Prayer to Ogum Xoroquê

Knowing the prayer of Ogum Xoroquê is essential, since, to relate well with this orixá, knowing how to communicate with him is something fundamental and of paramount importance. Therefore, it is worth always knowing this prayer on the tip of your tongue.

"Father may my words and thoughts reach You in the form of a prayer, and may they be heard. May this prayer run throughout the universe and reach the needy in the form of comfort for their pains. May it run through the four corners of the earth and reach the ears of my enemies in the form of a shout or warning from a son of Ogum Xoroquê that I am and fear nothing, for I know that cowardice does notchanges fate.

Ogum, patron saint of farmers and husbandmen, make my actions fertile like the wheat that grows and feeds humanity, so that all may know that I am your child.

Ogum, Lord of the roads, make of me a true wanderer, and may I always be a faithful squire of your army, and may there only be victories in my walks.

And even when apparently defeated, may I be victorious, because we, your children, do not know defeat, because the Lord being the God of war, we, your children, only know the struggle, like this one that I fight now, although knowing that it is only the beginning, but having the Lord as my Father, my victory will be more than certain.

Ogum, my great Father and protector, make my tomorrow as good as today's. May my roads always be open. May there be only flowers in my garden and may my thoughts always be good, and may those who seek me always obtain the remedy for their ills.

Ogum, winner of demands, that all who cross my path, may do so with the purpose of further aggrandizing the order of the Knights of Ogum.

Father, give light to my enemies, for if they persecute me, it is because they live in darkness and in reality persecute the light You have given me.

Lord, deliver me from plagues, diseases, pestilences, big eyes, envy and vanity that only lead to destruction. And may all who hear, read, and also have this prayer, be free from the evils of the world and of life.

Ogum, may I always be able to say to those who ask me for your blessing: My Father blesses you!"

Offering to Ogum Xoroquê

To relate well with the orixá Ogum Xoroquê, in addition to the forms already seen, it is important to know your offering. Check now how to make it, which ingredients are best to use and how to prepare the offering. Read on and check out all the details related to it!

When to do it?

You should make an offering to Ogum Xoroquê when you want to make a request for help for any reason. This is important, since you can prepare a good offering for him to be pleased and want to help you with what you need.

In other words, the most important thing is that you focus on this correct preparation, so that you please the orixá. Be sure to use the correct ingredients and always do it when you ask for something for yourself.


Knowing the best ingredients for each entity is fundamental. In the case of Ogum Xorequê, it is best that you use in your offering olive oil, sweet potatoes and cachaça. You can also use other ingredients to make the preparation, but these are the basis of everything.


By detailing the ingredients, you can then use:

- Sweet potato;

- Olive oil;

- Cachaça;

- Cassava flour;

- Onion;

- Ginger;

- Alguidar;

- White candles.

First cut the sweet potatoes and place them in the bowl, then add pieces of ginger or grated ginger, and also add the onions. If you want, you can cut them in half to put them together.

With these ingredients already duly accommodated, then it is time to go with the olive oil sprinkled on top, the cachaça also sprinkled on top of everything right after and the manioc flour sprinkled over the other ingredients. Light your white candles afterwards. You will have, now, a perfect offering for you to use in your requests.

Ogum Xoroquê is, after Exu, the figure closest to human beings!

Ogum Xoroquê is a figure close to humans in physical form, for his figure is reminiscent of a warrior, a fighter, a figure of a slender man with very well-defined muscles. This is very important to emphasize.

He offers a lot to those who ask him, always within what is fair. Moreover, he is a very powerful entity and likes everything very correct and punctual. Thus, the most important thing is that you know how to deal with this entity in a correct manner.

Ogum Xoroquê is powerful, so, as said, it is not recommended that you make pacts with this orixá without knowing the right way to do it. Not pleasing him as you should can bring adverse consequences for you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.