Odu 3 Etaogundá: ruling orixá, archetypes, love, negative and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of Odu 3 Etaogundá?

Each individual has a unique personality and characteristics. However, these characteristics are defined by the Odu of birth of each one. The Odus are messengers of Ifá, the orixá responsible for destiny.

Among the 16 birth Odus that exist, there is the Odu 3 Etaogundá. Odu three is responsible for the identity, characteristics, identity, feelings and emotions. In addition to personal issues such as health, relationship and career of each of his children.

Thus, the Odu 3 Etaogundá is represented in the merindigolum (divinatory system) as three open shells and thirteen closed. In addition, this male Odu shows that his sons are hardworking, persevering and face many wars and fights. See below the characteristics, trends of this Odu, and more!

Characteristics of Etaogundá, the Odu number 3

There are numerous characteristics of Odu 3 Etaogunda, however all of them show the strength of will and struggle. This is because the children of Odu three are hard working and hard working and usually their efforts give them the rewards they desire. See below the fundamentals brought about by this Odu.

History of Odu 3 Etaogundá

The story of Odu 3 does not relate to kings, but it is full of teachings. It begins with a man who possessed full health and possessions, yet ended up in misery. This misery was extreme and left him in such a precarious state that he gave up on life.

In other words, because he made an effort and saw no return, this man tried to commit suicide. That is when he observed that another leprous man who was nearby tried to put water from a snail on his head. Thus, seeing the effort of the other man, the one who wanted to commit suicide began to thank the god Olorum.

ruling orixá

The Orixá that rules the Odu three Etaogundá is Obaluaê, the deity of healing and health. However, the children of Etaogundá are also influenced by their father Ogum.

Thus, the children of Odu 3 are influenced by Obaluaê who is responsible for earth, fire and death. Besides health and the poor, because this orixá knows the suffering that an illness causes and does not want to provide this pain to any individual.

Ogum, on the other hand, opens the paths in the midst of battles and wars to lead people to victory and to protect all his children during these situations.

Cardinal Points of Odu number 3

The cardinal points are geographical representations that use the sun for their location. In this way, a cardinal point of an Odu shows which path your child should seek and follow.

For Odu 3 Etaogundá, its cardinal point is the sub-collateral point NNE. That is, the Nor-Northeast point which is located between the North (N) and the Northeast (NE).

Therefore, the sons of Odu three should always tread towards the Nor-Northeast point to achieve the victories of battles. For it is at this cardinal point that Etaogundá will guide his sons towards their achievements and conquests.


Every Odu has its own element. Thus, the Odu 3 Etaogundá is responsible for the Earth element, especially the black metals. Thus, this Odu benefits all professions that are related to iron and these metals.

Odu 3 also rules over the element of fire. This element has a relationship with the air, because the force of fire expands. And this expansion occurs around everyone in an unrestrained and disorderly manner. However, we cannot see it, because it is invisible to our eyes, but we can feel it.

Body parts

The sons of Odu 3 are very connected to sexuality, so the parts of the body are also connected to this. For men, Odu 3 Etaogundá governs the virile member, as well as the testicles, erection and sperm.

In this way, Etaogundá determines the sexual habits of his children, whether they are men or women, and even his children must beware of venereal diseases because of their heightened sexuality.

Also, Odu 3 is related to skin, so your children should pay attention to the problems of this organ such as pimples and boils, as well as skin diseases like smallpox, dermatitis, psoriasis and mycosis.


There are specific colors that benefit the children of Odu 3 Etaogundá. In other words, these individuals should wear these colors for their protection and well-being in relation to battles. Among the colors of Odu 3 are black, white and blue, but their children can also wear dark green.

Therefore, any of these four colors, whether in clothing or food, should be considered and used by Odu 3, because they help to enhance the determination, courage and intelligence of the children of this Odu. In order to generate balance in these individuals.

Vulnerable points

Even though Odu 3 provides great battles, courage and intelligence for his sons to face them, there are several vulnerabilities. The first is that the sons of Etaogundá are very sensitive to internal and external factors in their lives.

This leads to despair and inconstancy in many parts of their life, which makes all their efforts in vain.

Moreover, this instability and sensitivity make them somatic people, so that they somatize and suffer health problems. However, these problems are usually not serious and soon resolve themselves.


There are some prohibitions for those ruled by Odu 3, such as drinking any alcoholic substance and not eating mango, cassava, yam, breadfruit and rooster meat.

Also, because they are very emotional and unstable people, they should not carry any kind of firearm or white weapon, much less use them. This happens because any disturbance causes the person to use these weapons and can cause discord and even death.

Therefore, any accident or act of violence can cause the death of the child of Odu 3 or even incurable diseases.


Among the legends surrounding Odu 3 Etaogundá is also its story. It tells of the man in a precarious state who on the verge of committing a crime met a leprous man and saw in him strength and obstinacy to turn his life around.

Thus, this legend shows that the man was much better off than the leper and thereby found the strength to recover. After that, he became king and also found the leprous man to benefit from his reign.

It is through this legend that the children of Odu 3 should find the strength to overcome the adversities of their lives, and stand firm in their path and purposes.

Every Odu provides a life tendency for its children, so with Odu three Etaogunda it would be no different. Among the tendencies, there are negative and positive ones for these hardworking, intelligent and free-spirited people. But also impulsive and impatient. See below.

The positive tendencies that Odu 3 passes on to his children are obstinacy, determination, persistence, courage and strength. All this to be able to fight and win their battles, as well as intelligence and reason to achieve their goals.

And because of their intelligence and wisdom in using reason, there is a great tendency to be very successful. And this in all work-related projects, whether as self-employed, business owners or employees.

Odu 3 Etaogundá will always bless its children positively, they only need to possess calmness and justice. In this way, they will conquer everything they desire.

It is not only positive issues that the children of Odu 3 live, they also have negative tendencies. These individuals are impulsive and often harsh in a way that causes disorder. Thus, they can suffer accidents and serious illnesses, as well as great personal and love disappointments.

They also tend to be people without patience and tolerance with others, especially with people they consider to be limited, unsuccessful and stupid. This is completely negative since they judge and put themselves in a superior position in relation to others.

Also, the children of Etaogundá constantly surround themselves with false people, which shows that they cannot trust someone too much or too blindly, lest betrayals happen.

Personality of Odu 3 Etaogundá

The personality of Odu 3 is full of positives, but there are also some negatives. Their children are very insightful and persevering people, but this can be bad for themselves. After all, their intelligence can cause family tragedies to happen. Also, they are very sexual. See more details below.


The sons of Odu 3 are extremely sexual. After all, Etaogundá is responsible for virility, and she is very strong and exciting for her sons.

However, sexuality is massive mainly on your male children. But these need to watch out for problems like lack of libido and premature ejaculation. Also, this Odu is responsible for erection, testicles and sperm of your male children.

Odu three determines the sexual life of your children which is hectic. But also with tendencies to acquire sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, your children are usually adept at unusual sexual practices.


Because they are very sensitive emotionally, the children of Etaogundá are susceptible to illness. However, these are not only physical illnesses, but also emotional and spiritual illnesses, which can be worse than those that affect the body.

That is, stay away from people with negative charges such as envy, hatred, bad mood and sorrow is essential. In order to prevent these feelings contaminate the emotional and spirit of the child of Odu 3.

Therefore, Odu 3 Etaogundá allows its children to use their heightened sensitivity to recognize false people and avoid them, so as to stay away from certain individuals.


Because of the instability and sensitivity of the children of Odu 3, they have a tendency to get involved in addictions. These addictions tend to be related to sexuality, such as addiction to sex, pornography and depravity.

However, other vices like lying and falsehood can also be part of Odu 3. Therefore, his children get easily involved in cases of justice, fights and disagreements. And all this is because of their vices arising from their characteristics and personality.

Therefore, it is very important that those with Odu 3 take care and avoid dependencies of any kind in order to live a healthy life with much intelligence and reason.

Odu 3 in different areas of life

The influence of Odu 3 varies according to different areas of life. Its children have great determination, stubbornness, intelligence and courage to achieve their desires and goals.

However, they need calm and fairness to not get lost along the way. Especially when thinking about health, work and love. See more in the sequel.

Odu 3 in love

In general, there is not very good news for the children of Odu 3 in love. After all, they are not so happy in this area of life. As such, they are very prone to suffer from love disappointments and impossible loves. They can also suffer from betrayals from their partners.

However, this does not mean that Odu three will boycott the love relationships of his children. They should not feel incapable of conquering and keeping the person they desire. For, for love everything is possible and just making oneself available and trying to achieve a goal is already a big step.

Ask for help from trusted people and your Odu to guide you through the path of love. To achieve this victory.

Odu 3 at work

The sons of Odu 3 Etaogundá are born fighters and warriors, besides being very intelligent. Therefore, in relation to work, they are hardworking and tend to achieve all their professional goals.

However, to do so, they should not walk this path alone. It is of utmost importance not to inferiorize yourself before others, because they will see a lesser person and not your competence and ability.

So, for others to recognize, value and trust your work, it must come from you. In other words, the first step is to recognize and value yourself and your ability to work hard.

Odu 3 in health

Health is a delicate matter for Odu 3 Etaogundá. This is because accidents are usually fatal for his children. They are also constantly ill, but these illnesses are usually not serious.

Therefore, to take care of your health, remember that all excess is bad for you. So, always try to do physical activities, drink plenty of water and have regular exams, especially those concerning cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Also, it is important not to have long contact with people who have respiratory diseases, because the air is an important element for Odu three and can carry dangerous diseases.

Health is one of the weak points of Odu 3 Etaogundá. Therefore, his sons should pay attention to the vulnerable points of their bodies which are the kidneys, legs and arms.

Even if they are people who are aware of their strength and stamina to fight, persist and have courage to face situations, they need to pay attention to their health.

Thus, even though they are small organs, the kidneys are very important for health. For, it is these organs that will eliminate toxins and waste from the bodies of individuals. Which shows that the children of Odu three need to pay attention to their kidneys.

Therefore, to take care of the kidneys, children of Odu 3 need to free themselves from addictions and take care of their health. It is necessary to drink water frequently, have a healthy diet and get tested whenever possible. In other words, do not let Odu 3 influence any problem in your kidneys.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.