Moon sign in your birth chart: how to find out, characteristics and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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General meaning of Moon for astrology

If the Sun is considered the king star, the Moon can be called the queen of the skies, for its mysterious and white figure has inspired poets and lovers since the beginning of time. The star that reigns in the nights has also been seen as a divinity and became a source for the creation of calendars and agricultural planning.

Since the dawn of astrology, the study of the Moon is one of the main pieces of the astral puzzle. This happens because the influence exerted on Earth by the Moon has always instigated the curiosity of mankind, giving rise even to the creation of legends and myths.

However, the role of the Moon in the astrological core focuses on observing the influences of its position, its changes in individuals. For astrology, the Moon exerts its power exactly in the subtle aspects of life, interfering in emotions and increasing intuitive potential. Discover the power of the Moon for astrology in this article!

Understanding the Moon

The Moon is the Earth's satellite that has been shrouded in an aura of mystery for many centuries, being a source of inspiration and even devotion for ancient civilizations. To embark on this journey to the Moon and discover what questions can be answered by the star, read below.

The Moon or Selene in mythology

The Moon's influence on human life is of undeniable relevance, but beyond the tides its relevance was already much greater in past times. Its representation in mythology was translated into the figure of a goddess: Selene. Greek poets presented Selene as the very personification of the Moon. For the Romans her name was Luna.

In Greece, Selene was part of the Titans, a group of deities that appeared before the Olympian gods, thus being older than them. Their representations show the Goddess pulling a silver chariot, which she used to carry her horses through the sky, after bathing them in the ocean, until the next dawn.

One of Selene's myths also presents the Goddess as the mother of Museum, a sorcerer and artist, who would be able to cure diseases with her artistic abilities. This could be one of the first references of the moon's connection with artistic inspiration.

Another passage presents Selene's relationship with her lover Endymion, who asked the Goddess for eternal sleep to keep him eternally young. With his wish granted, the Moon visited him every night and covered him with passionate kisses while his lover slept.

The Moon in Astrology

For astrology, the Moon represents the nourishing aspects of the human essence, whether in the emotional, spiritual or even physical aspects. As for the nutrients for the soul, we can also understand it as the main food of happiness of each individual. To better understand this it is important to observe the position of the Moon in the native astrological chart.

The house and sign in which the Moon is located in the sky chart of a person's birth expresses what activities or behaviors are essential to keep the soul nourished and, consequently, bring us closer to happiness. The aspects represented by the sign in which the Moon is located is a hint of what may be needed to balance the soul.

For example, if a person has the Moon positioned in the same house as the sign of Sagittarius, it is possible that their need is to travel and exercise freedom, or they may even feel sucked into environments where they cannot exercise their good humor and optimism. To regain happiness, in this case, it would be ideal to seek these practices.

Influence of the Moon on the signs

The Moon can be considered a representation of feminine aspects for astrology. However, the notion of feminine for astrology is much more related to the sensitive and mystical world than to the cultural elements that define femininity in society.

So the Moon impacts on issues of nutrition of emotions and the relationship that each person has with his or her own sensitivity, whether it is the way of expressing and dealing with emotions or the nutrition of the soul itself, through behaviors and choices, and can also be an expression of the relationship with aspects of the impalpable universe.

How to discover your Moon

To discover your Moon in your birth chart, it is first necessary to draw up your own chart. Nowadays there are several websites where you can enter your data (date, time and place of birth) and get your own natal chart, which is called natal astrology chart because it takes into account the sky on the day of your birth.

After the elaboration of the chart, now the task is to find the Moon symbol, which has the same universal icon in all sources of astrological charts. With the Moon located, now the task is to observe in the house of which sign it is, thus discovering which characteristics govern the emotional and sensitive side of the person, as well as understanding what nourishes the soul.

It is also possible to know in which of the 12 houses the Moon is in, which has great importance for self-knowledge because it shows in which area its influence is felt, since each house deals with an aspect of life.

Moon in Aries

Aries is fire, impulse and pioneering, while the Moon represents sensitivity. When the Moon is in the sign of Aries, it is a sign that the expression of emotions and the notion of sensitivity will not be so delicate. To understand better, read below.

Personality of a man with Moon in Aries

The presence of the Moon in Aries in the analysis of an astrological chart indicates people who have an intense and striking personality. Their emotions and desires are clearly expressed and they have a constant restlessness. They may also experience emotions such as anxiety and constant anguish in search of satisfaction.

Those who have the Moon sign in Aries are fiery, tending to take matters personally with ease and getting into conflicts frequently. They also always seek new desires, and when they conquer them, they get bored easily and go on to new forms of pleasure. Constancy is far from people with this Moon, however, energy is the rule.


Intensity and transparency can be considered positive aspects present in the fiery people ruled by this Moon. When dealing with a person who has the Moon sign in Aries, it is difficult for third parties to experience relationships that involve manipulation or evasive attitudes. For them, everything is clear, intense and for yesterday!

They are deep lovers and explore their emotions with vigour. Because they express their passions, whether amorous or not, with ardour, people belonging to this group are great companions when they need encouragement or energy in a particular matter, for their intensity and sense of urgency make them pursue their desires quickly and vigorously.


At the same time that the lively energy of those who have the Moon sign in Aries can be a quality to bring intensity to relationships, it can also be the precursor of many unnecessary disagreements and conflicts. Therefore it is recommended to seek balance in emotions, through meditation or practices of self-knowledge.

Because they tend to take issues personally, these people also tend to live on the defensive, always ready to get into a conflict or start a debate, even if it is not essential. The excess of stress and conflicts that mark the path of an individual with the Moon sign in Aries can lead to the loss of concrete relationships and isolation.

Advice for those with Moon in Aries

For those ruled by this intense lunar sign, it is important to seek balance and avoid acting on impulse. The vigorous and pioneering energy tends to create the illusion that everything needs to be decided or resolved in a hurry, but the best thing to do is to try to ponder the real difference between needs and desires.

As well as running away from impulsive attitudes, it is advisable to make every effort to avoid conflict. We know that such an energetic influence in the field of emotions can make the process difficult, but recognising your own weaknesses and shortcomings is the first step towards building an improved version of yourself.

Moon in Taurus

Having the Moon sign in Taurus can indicate an appreciation for the good things in life, and can even border on hedonism. Discover the strengths and weaknesses of people who have Moon in Taurus here!

Personality of Taurus Moon

Taurus is the first sign ruled by the earth element, so it also carries the characteristics of the element in an evident way in its energy. Appreciative of arts, beauty, pleasures and comfort, people who have the Moon sign in Taurus can also be affectionate and attached, always seeking stability and familiarity.

Since the Moon is the residence of sensitivity, people who have Taurus linked to the star may be more emotionally connected to beauty and nourishment, in the food sense.

The idea of " comfort food "The search for cosiness and comfort, however, can generate jealousy and laziness in relationships.


Those who carry the Moon sign in Taurus in their birth chart have the facility to demonstrate affection and love. This happens because Taurus carries and Venusian energy, being ruled by the planet of love. Demonstration of affection, stability in relationships and reliability are qualities present in people who have this lunar position.

To unbalance the emotions of a person with Moon in Taurus it will be necessary a lot of effort, because who has this combination carries an aura of tranquility and gentleness, always trying to avoid conflicts. Knowing how to enjoy the pleasures of life is also another remarkable ability of people of this group, being great companies for moments of well-being.


Because Taurus is a fixed sign, it is also remarkable the difficulty to deal with emotional changes, as well as the attachment to familiar situations and relationships, which can even transmit a certain level of stagnation or discouragement to people who have a more dynamic personality.

Exactly because they seek stability and emotional security, people who have the Moon sign ruled by Taurus can have possessive behaviors, avoiding at any cost to lose what has been conquered. Thus, instincts of possession such as jealousy can be present in this personality.

There can also be excessive hedonism, always seeking pleasure in detriment of other issues equally relevant to existence. Who has Moon in Taurus can be given to food excesses, seeking nutrition in a pleasurable and comfortable way.

Advice for those with Taurus Moon

When the Moon sign is in one of the fixed signs, stability can be a poignant need. However it is important to learn to deal with the inevitable and even necessary changes that arise in life, either for personal maturation or in a relationship. The search for comfort should not override the evolutionary potential.

People who have Moon in Taurus must be careful not to exercise their wills in an insistent or oppressive way, besides trying to find the balance between the ability to enjoy the pleasures of life and to deal with the most urgent matters, also avoiding laziness, which can often surround people of this group.

Moon in Gemini

The expression "being of the Moon" usually refers to someone who has inconstancy in their personality. In the case of those who have Gemini as their Moon sign, this idea can easily be applied. Find out how to deal with the phases of the changeable Moon in Gemini.

Personality of a person with Gemini Moon

Those who have Moon in Gemini are always looking for a new project to dive into. Novelty and dynamism are the main nutrients for the soul of those who have this combination in their birth chart. They are communicative people, who need to be in constant contact with the world and people, expressing their emotions through conversation and externalization.

Charm and charisma are characteristics present in those who carry this Moon sign. Always informed and connected, natives have diverse interests and like to intellectualize interactions and relationships, and can also be attracted by mental aspects in relationships. Verbal interaction is, in this case, a basic emotional need.


Because they are nourished by novelty, communication and information, Gemini Lunars are great companions for new programs and cultural outings. Always willing to explore a new theme and dive head first into a subject, Gemini Lunars can turn a movie session into a real class on the subject.

Those born with the lunar sign of Gemini also have the ability to express their emotions through words and conversation, as well as having an enviable creative ability. The need for novelty makes those belonging to this group people who are anything but monotonous, reinventing themselves and their own reality whenever possible.


The mutable nature of the Moon sign in Gemini can also become a weakness if it is not channeled positively. In this case, they can become restless, anguished and anxious people, accumulating within themselves the expansive emotional energy that belongs to them. As a result of this, the bad mood of the Gemini Moon sign emerges.

The creative power and multiplicity of interests present in this combination can also lead to personal dissatisfaction. If there is not a good level of self-knowledge, the need to nurture novelty can turn into inconstancy of interests and a heap of unfinished projects and frustrated emotions.

Advice for those with Gemini Moon

Those with the Moon sign Gemini have unparalleled dynamism and adaptability, so it is interesting to use these abilities to direct one's energies into constructive activities. Whether it is surrounding oneself with people or always learning about something new, the soul of those with the Moon in Gemini is comforted by new stimuli.

Because you have the ability to express your emotions in words, it can be a good exercise in self-knowledge to analyze these externalizations, avoiding skipping the step of actually feeling the emotions before sharing them. Because the process of individual growth becomes prejudiced when emotions are shared but not felt.

Moon in Cancer

Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon itself, is the most emotional sign of the zodiac. It carries with it maternal and nurturing energy, which is why it is at home when located next to the Moon in an astrological chart. Understand more about the lunar sign of Cancer below.

Personality of a Cancer Moon

Cancer is the great "mommy" of the zodiac, having as one of the greatest abilities to connect with the emotions of those who captivate her heart. Who carries the lunar sign of Cancer also has great affection for family and the concept of a home, being connected with the house itself and the memories present in each part of it.

Memories are another important piece in the Cancerian Lunar puzzle, as your memories carry a huge emotional charge, making these natives people who have difficulty letting go of the past or forgetting hurts. You also tend to be introspective, retreating into deep water to deal with your own emotions.


The strengths of this Moon sign are the ability to genuinely welcome the emotions of others and treat them as their own, being a great friend to ask for advice or possibly the shoulder to lean on when it is necessary to vent your sorrows. When they feel valued, the natives of this Moon have an unparalleled protective capacity.

Sensitive abilities are also notable characteristics of people who have Moon in Cancer. Even if they are not people who do not explore their sixth sense within esoteric or religious practices, lunar Cancerians tend to listen to the voice of intuition with a certain frequency, because they are very connected with the inner universe.


For Cancer, it is water under the bridge. The attachment of those who have this Moon sign is something perceptible in smaller and larger scales, depending on the level of self-knowledge and self-control. The attachment to old hurts and the resentment caused by them becomes a real poison that becomes entrenched in the members of this group.

They can also be people who hoard material possessions, who try to run away from change, and who possess great inflexibility. The ability to deal with emotions can also be misused, for when hurt the natives of this Moon possess the ability to manipulate, tending to work with others' emotions without others noticing.

Advice for those with Moon in Cancer

Those who have the Moon sign of Cancer in their birth chart tend to have intense and deep emotions, even if they do not show them in an expressive way. The tendency to shut down when hurt and avoid conflict may seem like a good idea a priori, but it becomes a problematic defence mechanism in the long term.

To better deal with grief and learn to leave the past behind, those with the Moon in Cancer must fight their own accumulative nature of emotions and grief and learn to process feelings before they drown in their own sorrows. By finding a trusted friend, or even through therapy, the Cancerian Moon can open up.

Moon in Leo

Ruled by the Sun, the star opposite the Moon, Leo is the representation of brightness, intensity and extroversion. This contrast between the Moon and the presence of the Sun makes the lunar sign of Leo unique. Understand it better below.

Personality of a man with Moon in Leo

Leo is commonly associated with extroversion and the leading role in the theatre of life. However, when this sign is located on the Moon, your potentiality is directed towards the ability to entertain your own social circle, often seeking to be the organiser of activities among loved ones and choosing the role of leadership.

When the Moon is associated with the sign of Leo, emotions are always seen in the spotlight and its natives have great personal magnetism, attracting the attention of everyone wherever they go. The emotions of this lunar sign are linked to the intensity of passions and tend to avoid great rancor, seeking only the brightness of positive emotions.


Leo loyalty is famous, so when this sign is located next to the Moon this ability transfers into the realm of emotions, making the native with Moon in Leo a great companion or friend for a long time. The ability to feel pride is not centered on you in this Moon, being extended to others as well.

As the nourishment of the soul of those with the Moon sign in Leo comes from the ability to entertain, such activity can and should be explored, bringing lightness and joy to all who share their days with a Moon in Leo native. Their creative ability is also remarkable, expressing emotions often through their creations.


The negative emotions of people who have the Moon sign in Leo are directly associated with pride, either of themselves or that they feel from others. When someone who has the Moon sign in Leo has their pride wounded, they tend to feel dramatically, theatricalizing their own emotions. However, they avoid scandal in public.

Pride is an issue that can come up in more than one moment in the life of someone who has Moon in Leo, because the same characteristic creates a block in the ability to be subordinate, often creating problems with hierarchies. Humility can also become an important issue to be worked on in someone with this astral combination.

Advice for those with Moon in Leo

Those who have the Moon sign in Leo should be careful to recognize their own mistakes, thus admitting the possibility of not always being superior to others. Pride, which can also be a necessary emotion, when uncontrolled becomes dangerous and has the ability to blind even the sense of justice present in the natives of this Moon.

The need to always dramatize emotions is also an issue to be worked out for those who have this astral combination, because maximizing emotions can have a destructive impact on relationships and even create an image of personal lack of control, something that cannot be positive for anyone, not even for natives with Moon in Leo.

Moon in Virgo

Virgo is, of the fixed signs, the most linked to the sense of order. Therefore, its position with the Moon indicates absence of emotional chaos and joy found in harmony. To better understand the positive and negative aspects of such a combination, read below!

Personality of those who have Moon in Virgo

Those who have the Moon sign in Virgo tend to be restrained in the expression of emotions, avoiding great outbursts of passion or anger. This position also indicates a person who always seeks perfection in themselves and in others, and may be frustrated many times for this very reason.

Natives with Moon in Virgo express their affection with others through practical actions, either by facilitating their lives or solving problems that may seem insoluble to mere mortals who are not endowed with such an organizing capacity. They are usually grumpy, but this defect does not annul the affection present in them.


The emotional pleasure of the person of the Moon sign in Virgo lies in his or her ability to organise and bring harmony into life, whether it is his or her own or that of his or her loved ones. Although your displays of affection are not majestic, they are made with the aim of making life easier for your loved ones and more harmonious, even if they require Herculean efforts.

While the Moon in Leo seeks excess of emotions, its combination with the sign of Virgo finds happiness in the exact opposite: simplicity. Having an organized and manageable life is enough to satisfy the not at all absurd needs of a native of Moon in Virgo.


The search for perfection and emotional control can be a great point of weakness for those who have the Moon sign in Virgo. This need to achieve an idealized vision of harmony can generate frustrations with yourself and with those you relate to the most, as it causes the feeling that you are never satisfied.

Natives of this Moon are people who demand control of the situation, and when things take a different course than planned, they lose control and let themselves be dominated by destructive emotions such as dissatisfaction and excessive stress. Difficulties in recognising and talking about their faults and expressing emotions can also be detrimental.

Advice for those with Moon in Virgo

Those who have the combination of Moon and Virgo in their birth chart should be careful not to fall into the traps of self-criticism and the need to control themselves and others. Their behavior and demands can become real walls built along relationships and their difficulty to show affection turns them into an iceberg.

To better deal with the need for control, it is important to first understand that all individuals have the right to be imperfect, and it is exactly those imperfections which make them unique. Although this is not in the nature of this Moon sign, it is important to confront your own shadows, and from there make room for true harmony, without fear or fear.

Moon in Libra

Ruled by Venus, the sign of Libra finds pleasure in relationships, so those who have the Moon sign in Libra, find the satisfaction of emotions in the other and in the relationships they make throughout life. Understand better the relationship of Moon in Libra below.

Personality of a man with Moon in Libra

People who have the Moon sign in Libra tend to be givers of affection and attention. They find in relationships, whether loving or social, the true nourishment for the soul. They are usually charismatic and polite, and may also have a gallant personality, because Libra, although associated with the Moon, is a Venusian sign.

There is a genuine need for relationships, not necessarily in quantity, but in quality. Because they are attentive, they also expect others who relate to them to reciprocate this attention. Natives of this Moon seem to see everything from the point of view of judgment, a behavior that can be harmful when badly dosed.


The satisfaction of the emotions through beauty, previously present in the Moon in Taurus, is recurrent in the Moon sign of Libra. These natives have a great appreciation for the arts and find satisfaction in admiring beauty, and seek to keep their emotions in a constant state of harmony.

This search for a sense of peace in relationships with others and with oneself makes one who possesses the Moon in Libra a pleasant companion, who will rarely get involved in unnecessary messes or conflicts. The only possibility to disturb the emotions of a Moon in Libra native is the presence of injustice. But even in the search for justice, it maintains its grace.


The desire to avoid conflict as much as possible and to repress emotions which are considered negative can be considered the greatest weaknesses of those who have the Moon sign in Libra. Emotions which are not externalised end up in time becoming a big snowball which will inevitably disturb the perfect peace which is so longed for.

This avoidance of conflicts can transform the personality of a person with Moon in Libra into an evasive person. In the field of relationships, this characteristic in particular can be very harmful, because it prevents necessary discussions from happening, possibly turning them into big insoluble problems.

Advice for those with Moon in Libra

People who have Libra as their Moon sign should pay attention to their needs and fight against their own evasive nature, trying to express discontent and emotional discomforts at the moment they occur, thus avoiding the creation of major conflicts later on and the possible dissolution of prosperous relationships.

The search for perfect harmony depending on relationships is also a behaviour which deserves attention, because it is acceptable to find pleasure in relationships. However seeing them as a necessity can create a vicious circle of dependence, always avoiding solitude, which is necessary for emotional maturation, regardless of the Moon sign.

Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio is the most obscure and profound sign. Associated with mystery and primal instincts, its emotions are only seen by those who can penetrate its interior, but not because of that they are less intense. To learn about the lunar sign of Scorpio, read below!

Personality of a man with Moon in Scorpio

Those who have Moon in Scorpio have a tendency to withdraw into themselves to analyse mistakes made, by themselves and by others. The confidence of a native of the lunar sign of Scorpio is hard won and once broken, it will rarely be the same. One of the challenges present in this personality is to externalise his emotions which tend to remain hidden.

As a sign ruled by Pluto, Scorpio carries a dense energy of transformation and re-signification, which can be seen in morbid interests or in the outburst of sexuality. People who belong to this group also find great difficulty in surrendering their emotions in a relationship.


The Moon in Scorpio has intense qualities because it is a strong Moon. Its magnetic and mysterious energy, wrapped in an almost enigmatic atmosphere, instigates curious glances and can be the differential in the world of relationships. The intensity present in the negative emotions is also present in the positive ones.

Therefore, those who have the lunar sign of Scorpio may have intense passions or great emotional commitment in relationships, whether they are love affairs or not. The ability to see beyond appearances is also another ability to be highlighted in these natives, who have in themselves this characteristic to hide emotions in murky waters.


The absence of the ability to forgive present in people who have the lunar sign of Scorpio is something that greatly weakens the qualities presented here. The rancor created due to loss of trust, for example, can become a poison that starts to run daily in the veins of those who have this Moon.

Because they are so afraid of dealing with disappointments, people belonging to this group tend to create a hard shell, which can even become impenetrable, and they begin to hide their emotions in it. The fear of being hurt then becomes the wound itself, which corrodes internally and destroys their chances of recovering from disappointments.

Advice for those with Moon in Scorpio

Those who have Moon in Scorpio must do a long exercise of facing their own shadows and try to see the mistakes made throughout life. From there, they can then understand that there is humanity in mistakes and forgiveness can transform wounds into opportunities for new beginnings.

Another necessary exercise for those who possess a Moon sign of such density is the practice of surrender. For fear of surrender, natives of this Moon end up depriving themselves of rewarding experiences, so once fears are dissolved, a new universe of emotions opens up to be lived before them.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius is one of the most optimistic and cheerful versions of the Moon signs. Understand the relationship of this dynamic and adventurous sign with the universe of lunar emotions here!

Personality of a man with Moon in Sagittarius

Those who have the Moon in Sagittarius are usually very present because of the lightness and joy with which they lead their lives. The emotions of people with this Moon sign are expressed through humor and they do not cling to the burdens of past experiences or hold grudges. They are people who are always ready for new emotional adventures.

New experiences, either with discoveries of new cultures, travels, or even through studies, are the soul food of those who have Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarian energy does not survive when caged, thus creating great anguish. People with this Moon position also tend to avoid dealing with negative emotions.


Optimism and good humor are the pillars of the positive characteristics of those who have Sagittarius as their Moon sign. Always ready to ease possible tensions present in the environment, the natives of this astral combination provide pleasant moments and lots of laughs for those who embark on the journey by their side.

The deep need for freedom drives the lunar Sagittarian towards new discoveries, whether geographical or intellectual, as physical limitations become irrelevant in the face of optimistic Sagittarian energy.

Spontaneous and free, the natives of this moon also see pleasure in outdoor activities and escapes from routine, turning life into a great adventure.


Due to their lack of interest in negative or dense emotions, people who have Moon in Sagittarius run away from conflicts, not because they are afraid of them, but because they have no interest in wasting moments of life that could be enjoyed with suffering.

They prefer to make a joke to relieve the tension, but in this way they escape from the emotions that need to be lived and which are part of the evolution that the lunar Sagittarian seeks so much. To hide their emotions with self-deprecating jokes or that deal with their sufferings are also mechanisms used by these natives.

Advice for those with Moon in Sagittarius

People who have a Sagittarian Moon should seek to maintain optimism and lightness in life, but without forgetting to deal with the deeper questions that disturb the soul. They also tend to be inflexible, seeing in their own truth the only answer to all situations. The energy of this sign carries great certainties, almost unshakable.

For this behavior present in individuals with the Moon sign of Sagittarius, it is necessary to work on self-criticism, as well as to develop the ability to see perspectives different from one's own. From there, it becomes possible to learn that inflexibility can be deconstructed and become just a passage in your long journey.

Moon in Capricorn

The practical way of dealing with emotions translates the essence of the Moon in Capricorn. To better understand how the earth sign relates to the sensitive universe, read on below!

Personality of a man with Moon in Capricorn

People who have the Moon in the sign of Capricorn tend to leave emotions in the background and focus on the objective and pragmatic side of existence and tend to display sarcasm. However, those who think that natives of this moon sign do not have emotions are mistaken.

The need to show responsibility and efficiency present in the Capricornian essence becomes the reason for the external hiding of emotions or expression of the need for help. For this group the display of emotions can also be seen as a kind of weakness, which is not part of their priorities.

Through work, people of the Moon sign of Capricorn seek recognition and establish their relationships from there. Possibly natives of this Moon demonstrate affection through activities done for others or material goods, rarely expressing love with grand romantic gestures.


The emotions of people who have Capricorn as their Moon sign are always under an apparent control. Capricornian energy in the field of emotions conveys the idea of a management of one's own feelings so that they do not overlap with other aspects of life or become harmful to oneself or others.

Those who have this Moon in their natal chart will rarely present drastic changes of mood or behavior, having mostly a predictable and safe ground for relationships, loving or not. Loyalty is also a positive characteristic present in people who have Capricorn with the Moon.


Individuals who belong to the group ruled by the sign of Capricorn in the field of emotions face great difficulty in expressing emotions. Whether positive affective emotions, such as passion or a gesture of physical affection, or even to express the discomforts and the need for help, practically inconceivable for these natives.

Because they have such difficulties in expressing both their wounds and their joys, people of the Moon sign of Capricorn struggle with internal issues, which get worse over time because they accumulate and are never accessed. This kind of behaviour can deprive them of enjoying relationships and experiences to the full.

Advice for those with Moon in Capricorn

Those who have the Moon sign in Capricorn should try to look at themselves with more lightness, being able to see their own emotions and, from there, trying to deconstruct the barriers built around their own emotions. The possibility of recognizing the need for help shows humility, not weakness, as can be seen by this group.

Recognizing one's own weaknesses is the first step toward evolution as an individual, and sharing them with people who are willing to offer help can be an opportunity to learn and grow together. Just as giving up the reins of control a little can prove to be a liberating choice.

Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac. The sign represents technological evolution, the need to break with tradition and the desire to stand out through originality. To understand how Aquarius behaves as a Moon sign, read below.

Personality of a man with Aquarius Moon

Those who have Aquarius as their lunar sign tend to see themselves as different from other people with whom they live. These are people who, despite presenting an independent speech, wish to be accepted the way they are by the environment in which they live, but do not intend to give up their individuality to do so.

They have a different way of dealing with emotions: through intellectualizing them. People who have the Moon in Aquarius tend to identify with humanitarian causes or feel responsible for issues that affect large groups or identify with discourses that seek to deconstruct traditional traditions and perceptions.


Among the strengths of people who have Aquarius as their Moon sign is the ability to embrace their own individuality and originality with ease, without being affected by social norms or traditions. The visionary and innovative profile is also an ally in the search for major changes in social structures.

In the broad sense, people who have the Moon in Aquarius seek to transform the world, locally or globally. Because they have this idealism they can be great allies for groups in favor of altruistic causes, or they can even become precursors of movements that aim to transform society.


The way people with this Moon deal with their emotions is to break with emotions that are considered old-fashioned, so feelings like jealousy or the idea of possession are commonly rejected by these natives. Thus making room for a new range of possibilities for relationships free of ties, which could be productive.

However, this idealistic emotional detachment can be applied as coldness and excessive independence can end up becoming absence of emotional responsibility. Since, not all people in society necessarily share the same view on emotions as Aquarian natives.

Advice for those with Moon in Aquarius

The tireless search for recognition of one's own originality can become an exhausting journey for people who have Aquarius as their Moon sign. It can also generate conflicts with hierarchies and stimulate the pride present in their personality, thanks to the need to impose originality on society.

To try to get around pride, Aquarius natives can be willing to see life from a different perspective, where individuality, so coveted by them, is not the most relevant issue. Thus making room for the greater meaning in the visionary existence belonging to the lunar sign.

Moon in Pisces

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of mysteries and emotions. To better understand the relationship between the sign of Pisces and the field dominated by the Moon, read below!

Personality of a Pisces Moon

People who have the lunar sign of Pisces tend to have the most sensitive profile, both for their own sorrows and for the emotions that others may have. They are also people who are connected to spiritual sensitivity and have the sixth sense.

They are usually emotional people who cry easily, but even when they are emotionally shaken, they do not deny support to those who seek a shoulder to cry on.

Natives of this Moon also have a great connection with the world of arts, especially music, and can see in it a way to express the whirlwind of emotions they hold within themselves.


The ability to read people's emotions is one of the most striking characteristics of those who have the Moon sign in Pisces. Often messages that are only found in a gesture or a look are easily picked up by these sensitive natives and understood by them, who welcome the anguish and suffering of others.

The way of feeling emotions intensely can be a weakness, but it is also one of the strengths of this group, because through their own experiences of suffering, they find the strength to help those who seek support.

The sense of altruism is also very present in people with this Moon, who are commonly involved with causes that aim to help those parts of the population that are not assisted. The strong intuition belonging to these people is also one of the characteristics that help the development of an unparalleled capacity for empathy.


Because of their dreamy personality, individuals who have the Moon sign of Pisces are easily mistaken for distracted or irresponsible. However, the big issue is in discerning the difference between the ethereal world and concrete reality, not getting carried away by illusions or unattainable dreams.

The great challenge for people who have the Moon in Pisces is to keep their feet on the ground, focused on day-to-day tasks and the needs of human life in a practical and objective way, without the haze of illusions that easily forms in the dreamy and playful mind influenced by Pisces energy.

Advice for those with Moon in Pisces

People who have the sensitive Moon in Pisces must try to find the balance between the two dimensions to which they belong: that of dreams and that of reality. It is not possible, however, to give up any of them, because without the ephemeral and sublime aspects of the world of dreams, the native of this Moon would not be able to live.

However, by indulging in daydreams and illusions, reality would become impaired. To find balance, it is interesting to channel this emotional energy into pleasurable activities, such as plastic arts or practicing musical instruments.

Thus, the essence of the Piscean soul would be preserved and would be a way to express the intense emotions present in this group.

Is it true that the Moon is only evident in our personality when we are older?

The presence of the characteristics of the Moon in the birth chart can be felt since birth, not necessarily only when we get older. This is because the Moon is, for astrology, the area that represents the way we deal with emotions. Therefore, it is present in everyone's life since their first perceptions and relationships with the world.

Another observation to be made is that the Moon sign could not be disassociated from the other astral areas, because they all complete each other and express the individualities and complexities present in people, from their birth, through the formation of personality, to maturity and the end of life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.