Meaning of red rose: love, passion, commitment and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of the red rose?

As one of the most widely cultivated in the world, the red rose has its history traced back 35 million years according to fossil record. Its cultivation began in China and originated in Asia about 5,000 years ago.

With several meanings, they are also directed to the respect and devotion that a certain individual has for the loved one. Because of its color, they are associated with fire. Related to the soul and heart, we can say for sure that the red rose is the best definition of the phrase "I love you".

For this reason, it is often used on commemorative dates. An example is Valentine's Day. Want to know more? Check out the following article.

Meaning of the red rose

Not only on commemorative dates the red rose is the best option. It inspires people to gift loved ones, but it is very common to associate with women and their sensuality. This plant also represents respect and, for Mother's Day, is a good gift.

Not to mention the fact that it is a consecrated flower, Aphrodite and Venus use it as a symbol. A curiosity turned to dreams, is that the red rose is always associated with good and happy things. However there is a simplicity in your gift, you can be sure that it will bring a lot of elegance and leave you with a good intention.

Learn more about the meaning of red rose for love, passion, purity, beauty, commitment and surrender.

Love and passion

Symbolizing love and passion, red roses are also of enormous delicacy and distinction. Who doesn't feel special when receiving one on a special date? Signifying respect, admiration and courage, roses are interesting to send on occasions such as baptisms, weddings, anniversaries, weddings, etc.

Result of a great love, the red rose will always be the mark of passion. Besides all its intensity, it also speaks about the attraction. Therefore, it is necessary to use creativity. If you are at the beginning of a relationship and in search of someone to share life, bet on this rose and will succeed.

Purity and beauty

Red roses also represent purity and beauty. The appreciation that is attached to it can convey the message that there is a pure and sincere passion. If you feel that you are ready for a more serious commitment, these roses will benefit you. Now, if you want to maintain and preserve a romantic love, it is a great ally to affirm the feeling that still exists in the relationship.

But it's worth remembering that the symbolism behind flowers is always subject to change over time, so they are not consistent. When it comes to the red rose specifically, it is one of the few that has a universal and lasting meaning: love.

Commitment and delivery

Red roses are usually linked to passion, but those who think that their meaning is only that are mistaken. Commitment and surrender are also in evidence, because they are necessary to cultivate a good relationship. More than that, honesty and respect are also part of this set.

Not necessarily implying the abandonment of self-love or individuality, the red rose speaks about the well-being of a relationship that should be cultivated with constant, pleasant and clear collaboration. Starting from this principle, no matter how difficult it may be to maintain a relationship, commitment and surrender should come above all.

Meaning of the red rose in different cultures

Being the one of greater symbolism in Western culture, the red rose is a flower consecrated by many goddesses of Greek mythology. In Christianity, the rose was adopted as a representation of purity and innocence. There is a myth that when Adonis was injured and Aphrodite saw him, she went to help him and pricked herself on a thorn. Her blood gave color to the roses that were consecrated.

During ancient times, roses began to be placed on graves, symbolizing a ceremony called "Rosalia" by the ancients. In the month of May and every year, graves are decorated with roses. To learn more about the meaning of the red rose in different cultures, continue reading the article.

The red rose in Greek mythology

In Greek mythology, the red rose is associated with Aphrodite. And according to it, the goddess was born from the sea foams, which turned into a rose. She is depicted with them around her head, neck and feet. On account of Adonis, who was wounded by death and his beloved Aphrodite saved him, the rose became associated with immortal love.

Also, there is a story in which Aphrodite gave a rose to her son Eros, the God of love. Therefore, the red rose became a symbol of passion and desire. With that, Eros gave the rose to Harpocrates, God of silence, so that he would not talk about his mother's descriptions of love. Therefore, the red rose also became a symbol of secrecy and silence.

The red rose in Roman mythology

For the Romans, the red rose means the apex of passion, blood and flesh. Also, being a creation of Flora, goddess of spring and flowers. When one of the nymphs died, Flora turned it into a flower and asked the other gods for help.

According to Roman myth, Apollo gave life, Bacus the nectar and Pomona the fruit for the bees to be attracted to the flower. When Cupid shot his arrows to scare them away, they all turned into thorns. Consecrated to Isis, the roses are depicted in a crown. Its closed core makes the flower signify the symbol of secrecy.

The red rose in christianity

The red rose in Christianity has become a symbol of Virgin Mary. Dating back to the 3rd century AD, at that time St. Ambrose believed that the Garden of Eden was filled with roses with thorns, symbolizing the fall and original sin. The Virgin Mary is often called the "rose without thorns".

Every time Ave Maria is prayed, a flower is given to the Blessed Mary. The red rose symbolizes giving and love. This flower also has a strong meaning to the symbol of the heart of Christ. The rose is the guarded secret, because it is a flower that closes over your heart.

The red rose in the Victorian era

In the Victorian era, further down the line, red roses were used to send messages of love due to romantic gestures and displays of affection being forbidden at the time. Being very present in the life of that society, roses were displayed in shops, country houses and in summer bouquets.

The more intense the feeling, the stronger the colour of the flower. Therefore, the red rose was the best way to show a great passion. Besides this detail, the quantity of roses conveyed different messages. When Shakespeare gained notoriety, gifting someone with red roses became a poetic standard and everyone knew it as a symbol of love.

The red rose in "Beauty and the Beast"

The red rose in the movie 'Beauty and the Beast' represents the time the Beast has to break the spell that was cast on her and her castle. To return to human form, you must find a true love before the last petal falls. Moreover, the meaning and magic of this rose draws attention by its duration.

So, the symbolism behind the rose is about affection, love and passion. Adding all these feelings to the magic of fairy tales, it is a great choice to gift someone. Because it does not last long, it can cause fear. But, because of the attitude, red roses are able to satisfy and transmit good feelings.

Meaning in numbers

When we talk about the meaning of the numbers of red roses that are intended for someone, we can agree that a gift like this is a way to show feelings and especially to say "I love you", "thank you" or "I'm thinking of you"

In addition to the significance of the colors, red roses speak about messages from the heart. It is a tradition that has been established and followed over many centuries. As emotions became more complex, people sought new symbolism for the flowers. Still, the amount of red flowers that are sent can represent many things.

Proclaiming love by presenting with roses has always been a simple but very important way. To learn more about what it means to win a certain amount of red roses, read the article to the end.

A red rose

Sending red roses is a romantic gesture, obviously. To show your love, it doesn't matter how many you give someone, so if you've won or given one to someone, it's usually associated with love at first sight. If you keep getting them as the relationship grows stronger, it's an indication of a continuing relationship.

As the relationship consolidates over the years, the person who is gifting you with a rose is affirming that they love you intensely. So receive it with much affection and gratitude.

Two red roses

Better than receiving a rose, is to receive two. Therefore, when you receive two flowers from someone, it means a pair, a united couple, corresponded love, harmony of feelings and affinity between you.

Moreover, the number 2 symbolizes yin yang, which talks about the need to be completed. If you have doubts about a person you are in a relationship with, if you receive a pair of roses from her, this is giving you the answer you need: she is completely in love with you. Be happy and Invest.

Six red roses

If you give someone six red roses, it means that you are celebrating 6 months of relationship. This can also be linked to the fact that you have a great passion. Keep it up.

If you're not in a relationship, six roses speaks of a high school crush or a more mature passion. What's more, behind this gift is the message you want so badly to say: I want to be yours, I want to share life with you. If you want to take the relationship to the next level, sending this number of roses is the perfect way to express your feelings.

Ten red roses

Winning a bunch of 10 red roses means the message that someone wants so much to tell you: our love is perfect. A perfect relationship consists of a pure, sincere and true feeling. But, it is worth remembering that a relationship only goes forward if both develop in themselves, the love that comes from within: their own.

The perfect love is the one that is unconditional, not conditional. With lists and restrictions, it's just our ego looking for sustenance and the strength outside of us. When you create mechanisms of domination, that's not love.So be aware.But if you get 10 red flowers from someone, know that your life and your relationship are pure and complete on their own.Enjoy it.

Eleven red roses

Receiving 11 red roses from someone symbolizes that the person who gifted you wants to tell you that you are the most important person in the world to them. Living with this feeling is pure satisfaction and joy, so enjoy every moment. What's more, you can be sure that she is deeply and truly in love with you.

Don't think that because of the size of the flower you received, it has a smaller impact. Each number of red roses has a deep and special meaning, so be satisfied by the kind act and not by the size of the gift you received.

Twelve red roses

Winning a dozen red roses can represent special occasions, whether it's a Valentine's Day celebration or even a marriage proposal. The 12 roses that were won symbolize true love and the desire to be with that special someone for life.

It can also be about 1 year of dating, which is 12 months. Or, maybe, even about 12 days of a relationship. Better than that, only the fact that that person who presented you wants you by their side from now on.

Fifteen red roses

In life, we go through everything, even uncomfortable feelings. If someone hurt you and then presented you with 15 red roses, you can be sure that this act is an apology. Whoever has never regretted it should cast the first stone, so accept it according to your principles.

If you want to redeem yourself with someone because of a wrong attitude or situation, send them 15 red roses. It can be your mother, girlfriend, wife, friend, it doesn't matter. What matters is the attitude of repentance and apology.

Twenty red roses

The representation of winning 20 red roses is linked to the fact that your life is full of pure and sincere feelings. Regardless of who you are, the feeling is real and true. Better than that, receiving this many roses shows the importance of your presence in someone's life.

If you are having the chance to share life with a special person, there is nothing better than to show how much that person is important to you. If you are going to present someone with something, give her a bouquet with 20 red roses, the meaning is the most beautiful there is, it is about the purity of a sincere love.

Thirty red roses

The basic principles of a relationship are sincere love and fidelity, so giving someone 30 red roses for 30 days of a relationship or each month of a relationship is a great bet. Moreover, the meaning behind this gift is focused on faith.

More than that, that large number of red flowers also expresses that that person does not forget all the romantic moments and full of love that he or she shared together with you. So, if you wish to express that feeling this is the best way to demonstrate what you carry with you.

Fifty red roses

Being a very special number to give someone with red roses, 50 of them represent your love that has no limits and can with everything and everyone. A bouquet with this amount is also ideal to show that never leave your memory that great love.

When it comes to Golden Anniversary, which is a very special moment for any couple that has been together for a long time, give 50 red roses is ideal to show that love is still alive within both. Moreover, this moment is also important to renew vows and promises that were made.

Is the red rose still a symbol of romance today?

There is no stronger and predominant symbol than the romanticism attached to red roses. Since long, they are considered as a representation of affection, perfection, passion, love and friendship. It is also possible to identify in them, the purity of the heart. They appear in all shapes and forms: in movies, classic works, contemporary, in literature, poetry, etc.

From the earliest days of our civilization, they have been cultivated and there are reports that harvested, they serve as a gift as a gesture of respect and elegance. The red rose is classic and often the best option to express deep feelings for that special person.

If you want to surprise someone, give them a big bouquet of flowers! Whether it's a romantic occasion or even a first date, this is certainly one of the best ways to impress someone. Red roses carry within them a hidden, enigmatic and mysterious meaning. They can all take on something as they present themselves during the act of winning or giving.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.