Angel Raphael: see his origin, history, celebrations, prayer and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about Archangel Raphael!

Appearing in the Old Testament where he provides much help to Tobiah, the Angel Raphael assists him in getting rid of Asmodeus' torments. He then says, "I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who are always present and have access near the Glory of the Lord" (12:15). Although he is not mentioned, because of tradition, he is called the angel of the sheep in John 5:2.

Moreover, it is possible to locate him in the customs of Judaism. Thus, Raphael is one of the three angels who came to Abraham before the destruction of Gomorrah and Sodom. Poets speak that the Archangel Raphael is in the composition of Paradise Lost, where he is called "sociable spirit". Read the article to know about the importance of this Angel!

Meeting the Angel Raphael

Considered the patron saint of the blind, doctors, priests, travelers and scouts, the Angel Raphael has his image associated with a serpent. Devotees of Raphael always seek him to obtain healing from their illnesses. Called the "healing god" in the Hebrew religion, he is also the "one sent by God to heal in His Name".

Through these definitions, he is the main Archangel and provider of transformation of body and spirit. Saint Raphael the Archangel is used in Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions. Named as the chief of the guardian and providence angels, he cares for humans. Read on to learn more about the specifics of Raphael!


Having a Hebrew origin, the Angel Raphael is part of religions such as Christian, Islamic and Jewish. He heals the spiritual, physical and psychic side. It is possible to find him in chapter 12 of the Bible, where he is shown as the Archangel of the Creator in Tobias 12:15: "I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who assist and have access to the majesty of the Lord.

Raphael does not appear in sacred scriptures and because the book of Tobias is an apocryphal, he is not present in the Protestant Bible. Being seen only in the Catholic canon, he is mentioned next to Gabriel and Michael. Raphael is considered a Seraphim.

Image of Saint Raphael the Archangel

The Angel Raphael is seen in the scriptures with a fish and a staff in each of his hands. During a trip, Tobias caught a fish and used its gall to heal his father Tobit's eyes. The idea of Raphael's representation comes from the guidance he uses to put people in the path of God. Being revered before his deliverances and manifestations of Divine Providence, heprotects everyone from the dangers of life. Therefore, it acts in a material, natural and supernatural way.


Symbolized as the "medicine of God", the Angel Raphael is sanctified by the church and has an important position for it. Considered the Archangel of travelers, youth and matchmakers, he provides before health, youth and a happy lifestyle.

Dependent on nature, Raphael heals through it. Also, being a defender of the environment and animals, his color is green. Understanding that nature is healing, he visits plants and animals. Being one of the most gentle Archangels, he is always willing to heal and help all those who need him. If you are looking for comfort and healing, Raphael will be listening to serve if called upon.

Main tasks

If you are in urgent need of medical help, the Angel Raphael can give advice, comfort, and perhaps even give other options that you may not have thought of before. Connecting with him is easier than it may seem.

With an open mind and heart, seeking advice from the Angel Raphael is the best option. He will hear the cry and it may take a while to receive the answer. This time is because the Archangel needs to understand the request and find ways to resolve it.

Celebrations to the Angel Raphael

Being celebrated on September 29, the commemoration of Angel Raphael is a religious date that honors one of the Archangels closest to God. He, in turn, is considered the angel of Providence. The date was celebrated only for the Archangel Michael. Soon after, September 29 began to celebrate the three main ones of Catholicism.

Among the seven angels of God, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are among the seven pure and most perfect spirits that have ever been created. The word "Archangel" means Chief Angel and Messenger Angel. Moreover, they are Archangels who are the protectors of men.

Archangels' Day is when people receive strength for the autumn and winter seasons. Depending on the weather, if it is sunny on this day, autumn will be pleasantly sunny; conversely, if it is rainy, autumn will be rainy and cold.

Interesting facts about the Archangel Raphael

Gabriel, Michael and Raphael are part of those angels who are closest to humans. The 6th century Church priest Pseudo-Dionysius says that there are three hierarchies of angels: Seraphim, Thrones and Cherubim. Then they define the Dominions, Virtues and Powers. Last are the Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

The Bible mentions only the names of these angels. Uriel, Barachiel, Jejudiel and Saeltiel appear only in the apocryphal book of Enoch, which is the fourth book of Ezra, and in rabbinic literature.

Connection with the Angel Raphael

If you want to connect with the Angel Raphael, you need to explore the natural world around you. While he watches over people's health and well-being, he is also focused on the beauty of nature. It only makes sense for him to reach a person if he is connected with nature.

Hiking makes Rafael believe in the importance of health and connection with the outside world. He will surely take care of everyone during this time, besides giving them courage to enjoy the world they inhabit. Meditation in nature is a way to interact with Rafael.

He will definitely be closer to connecting with those who follow these principles. To learn more about devotion, representation and prayer to Saint Raphael continue reading the article!

What does the Angel Raphael represent?

Being remembered for his deliverances and manifestations of Divine Providence, the Angel Raphael is turned to all those who need some kind of healing, be it spiritual or even emotional. Raphael is also called the protector of travelers, of healing and against demonic forces.

Protecting also the couples, he is one of the seven Archangels who stand beside the presence of God. He has a great importance before The Creator.

Devotion to the Angel Raphael

From the book of Tobit the devotion to the Angel Raphael is in the Old Testament. He was a pious young man and the son of Tobit. Tobit was blind and wanted to retrieve some money that was distant and inaccessible. He needed to make a journey because the money was needed by his father.

During the journey, an unknown person appeared and began to accompany Tobias. With that, they stopped at the house of a family related to Tobit, where Sara was. Sara was a young woman trapped by a curse. Everyone who married her, passed away. The unknown person helped Tobias and they made her deliverance.

Soon after, they left there and managed to recover the money. On their way back, they pass Sara's house and Tobit marries her. Tobit is immensely happy for the recovered money and also for his married son.

The stranger guides Tobiah and his father, Tobit, sees again. At this, the Archangel Raphael makes the revelation and names himself as one of those who stand before God. He assumed human form to help Tobiah. Then he disappears and leaves the purpose of trust in God's favor.

How to ask the Archangel Raphael for help?

If you are in need of help, the Angel Raphael can be called upon, assisting every step and making the journey much easier. The best day to do this is on Thursday evenings.

The color of Raphael is green and the candle needs to be the same color. To increase the harmony, it is also appropriate to wear clothes in the same tone. Green quartz is indicated. With paper and pencil, you need to write down all those things that worry you in relation to life. When finished, the piece of paper should be rolled up like a parchment and burned in the candle. Then, just concentrate your thoughts on Archangel Raphael.

Prayer to Saint Raphael the Archangel

To make a prayer to Archangel Raphael speak the following:

"O Archangel Raphael, along with St. Michael and St. Gabriel, you represent faithfulness to the creator and the power of the angelic court. Invoked for having healed Tobias of blindness in the Old Testament, we ask you to also open our vision to see the good things happening around us, also making us see and discern what can keep us from the wonders of God."

"Moreover, Saint Raphael, we ask that you bless our health. Be generous to our cells and restore what is wrong in our organism. Never allow us to be the targets of plagues, contagious diseases, psychological disorders and addictions. May we have a healthy organism to bless the glorious name of the redeemer and propagate devotion in so dear Archangel. Amen."

Prayer to Saint Raphael the Archangel

If you need to say a prayer to the Angel Raphael in order to get rid of people who are never happy with their lives and always complain about achievements, say the following:

"Guardian of health and healing I ask, may Your healing rays descend upon me, giving me health and healing. Guard my physical and mental bodies, ridding me of all diseases. Expand Your healing beauty in my home, my children and family, in the work I perform, to the people with whom I live daily. Drive away discord and help me to overcome conflicts. Archangel Raphael, transform mysoul and my being, that I may always reflect Your Light."

Influences of the Angel Raphael

Before The Creator, the Angel Raphael has his influence focused on healing. His name symbolizes the "divine healer". In the Old Testament he accompanied Tobias on his journey and protected his journey. Transforming himself into a human, Raphael is the only Archangel who assumed himself as such.

He teaches everyone so that they can protect themselves from harm, whether physical or spiritual. If you need help, Raphael will be there to heal and give grace in life. To understand about the definitions of this Archangel in the most diverse cultures, continue reading the article.

Angel Raphael in the Bible

In the tradition of the Bible, the Angel Raphael was the one sent to earth to guide Tobias. Before Jesus was born, this designated all the Archangels. Gabriel was the one who told Mary about the birth of Jesus and Michael the one who fought against the dragon.

Raphael began to be the patron saint of trekkers after he helped Tobias of Nineveh to the Middle. Vasco da Gama was the one who chose the name and asked for Saint Raphael's protection for the discovery of one of the ships on the sea route to India.

Angel Raphael in Judaism

In the Jewish religion, Raphael is the angel of healing. Gabriel is the angel of rigor and with thousands in that culture, Maimonides numbered ten categories of Archangels. Some being higher than the others, everything depends on the purity and mission.

The seraphim are those who have the praise of God and can even be burned for their intense love for the Creator. Ofanim and chayot hakodesh are sacred animals and they are so named because of their natural love for God, having mercy on animals.

Angel Raphael in Islam

Being named by Hadith as Raphael, the Archangel in Islam symbolizes the one who will blow a horn to make the announcement of the coming of the Day of Judgment. In chapter 69 (Al Haggah), the Quran talks about the blow of the horn and that it will destroy everything. In 36 (Ya Sin), the humans who died will come back to life in the second blow.

In this tradition, Raphael is considered the master of music and who sings praises in heaven in more than a thousand different languages. Those who are anonymous are referred to as Hamalat and Al-Arsh. They carry God on their throne, as well as being at the top of the Islamic hierarchy.

Angel Raphael in Umbanda

Being part of a line called Yori/Ibejadas (Cosme and Damião), the Archangel Raphael is a tutor and mediator in Umbanda. Being the divine of the vibration of Iemanjá, who is called the lady of life, he is connected to the Eastern line and to the gypsies and in charge of the guardian angels.

In this Umbanda religion, Rafael is the one invoked to heal illnesses, to expand and open people's minds so that they have good inspirations. In addition, he is a strong helper in creativity for writing, directly connected to communication.

Angel Rafael in Ceremonial Magic

Considered the patron of lovers and also of health in Ceremonial Magic, the Angel Raphael leads for healing because he believes that all disease starts from the mind and the way people conduct words that has the power needed to heal and kill.

When it is present in a person's life it aids the state of consciousness, causing choices to be made in a positive way. In addition, it causes the truth about people and about oneself to come out. Everything that the heart is full of it makes speak.

To know if Raphael is listening, his main sign is through the presence of birds and a breeze that touches the body in an unexpected way. He loves flowers and incense. His day is Wednesday at 6 a.m.

Angel Raphael in Theosophy

In Theosophy, the Angel Raphael is seen as the one who has the power for Healing and the Science of the 5th Ray. Having the divine complement, his twin flame is the Beloved Archangel Mary, Queen of Angels. When they come together, they cause the healing of the planet to be given.

When favoring scientists, this Archangel provides support in the ray where the abstract mind is present. I have differentiation in the third ray, the fourth is connected with the physical and the spiritual. Its focus is on intense acting, the practical world and the concrete mind.

Therefore, it is not the ray of the philosopher, but that of the scientist. Making investigations, Raphael seeks to understand all the phenomena of nature and of the objective world. He is also connected in the matter of healing and medicine, with direct action to sick bodies.

Angel Rafael in Numerology

In Numerology, the Archangel Raphael is in relationship with human beings and is established in various ways. In the Middle Ages there was an Italian named Milos Longino and he talked about the symbology of the day of birth, time, sign and planet that the angel could rule. The choice could be made through Numerology itself.

The result is that of the Archangel and emissary of all complaints and requests for help.

If a person was born on October 24, 1996, the sum is: 2 + 4 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 32. Soon after, another count must be made and according to the result: 32 = 3 + 2 = 5. Thus, the Archangel number 5 is the emissary of such a person for the clamor of their requests. In the case of Raphael, his number is 6. The others are: Metatron, 1; Uriel, 2; Haniel, 3; Haziel, 4; Michael, 5;Camael, 7; Gabriel, 8; Auriel, 9.

The Archangel Raphael is considered the protector of all before God!

Before God the Archangel Raphael is considered to be the protector of all. He is there to help in any kind of suffering, especially if it is a time of total delicacy. In case you are looking for changes in the present lifestyle, he will take it in a blessed and light way.

His name comes from Hebrew. "Rapha" means healing, and "El" means God. Therefore, his mission is to protect all people from evils, taking into consideration health, physical and spiritual healing. Moreover, he is also focused on the gift of transformation. His color is green and his day is September 29th.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.