How to understand the Star Map? Planets, signs, houses and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the Star Map mean?

The Astrological Chart is a representation of the sky at a certain moment, usually the birth of the individual, in what is called a Birth Chart. It indicates the exact point in which, at the moment in question, the constellations of the Zodiac and the stars whose energies influence our lives according to Astrology are located.

Imagine that in the center of the Map is the top of your head and that you are lying there face up. The horizontal line represents the horizon, and everything in the upper half of the drawing are stars and constellations that would appear in the sky at the given moment, while in the lower half are the elements that would not appear.

Learn from now on the meanings of each of the elements represented in an Astrological Map!

Astrological chart stars

Each of the planets in our solar system, including stars like the Sun and the Moon, influences a different aspect of our lives. The constellation it is in at the moment of the Chart consultation will give that aspect of our life the energy of the corresponding sign. Understand better!


The constellation through which the sun was passing at the time of your birth determined your sun sign, that is, it's what you answer when someone asks what sign you are. The sun takes twelve months to travel through all 12 constellations of the Zodiac, staying about a month in each.

It is represented by a circle with a dot in the center and refers to our "essence" or basis of our personality. It is the ego, the immediate identity and our preferences in general. It describes the most objective and direct characteristics, at the same time more "superficial" and broad if compared to the other stars. It rules the sign of Leo.


Represented by a drawing of a crescent moon, the Moon, in Astrology, is associated with the emotional and intimate universe of the individual, that which is hidden under the surface and cannot be easily perceived by those who see it from the outside. It would be our deepest and truest identity, more connected to our instinctive, intuitive and irrational nature.

Ruler of the sign of Cancer, the Moon is the fastest star to move across the sky and consequently through all the constellations of the Zodiac, completing its cycle every 28 days and remaining about two and a half days under each sign.


Associated with communication, logic and rationality, Mercury takes 13 to 14 days to travel through each sign and goes retrograde 3 or 4 times a year, when it can cause some setbacks in the areas it represents. Its symbol is a circle with "horns" and an upside-down cross under it.

Named after the Roman deity who served as a messenger for the gods, Mercury rules both the sign of Gemini and Virgo. It helps us to analyse, classify, synthesise and articulate complex ideas. The sign under which it acts in an Astrological Chart determines how the subject thinks and communicates.


The Roman goddess of love and beauty, called Aphrodite by the Greeks, gave her name to this planet that, in Astrology, has the same attributions as the divinity: it represents love and beauty and, therefore, our sensibility, our romantic ideals and the ways we relate to art and culture.

It rules both the sign of Taurus and Libra, manifesting different aspects in each, being a more sensual and physical love in the sign of earth (Taurus) and more cerebral in the sign of air (Libra).

It lingers around 4 to 5 weeks in each of the 12 signs and becomes retrograde every 18 months. Its symbol is a circle with an upside-down cross at its base: it is the symbol used as a representation of the feminine gender.


Named in reference to the Roman god of war, Mars is symbolized by a circle with a diagonal arrow coming out of the upper right corner - which is also used as a symbol of the male gender. It rules the sign of Aries and lingers 6-7 weeks in each sign, going retrograde once every two years.

Mars influences our attitude and determination, qualifying our action and aggressive and competitive energies. It relates to the physical passion and restlessness that keeps us moving. It concerns our assertive, positive, affirmative vibration.


Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, relates to issues of abundance, expansion and a broadened perception, and is therefore also associated with philosophy and spirituality. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius and lingers for 12 to 13 months in each sign, going retrograde for 120 days each year, a period that becomes very conducive to philosophical growth.

Jupiter's symbol is like the number 21 in that the base of the number 2 cuts a vertical line and this extends downward a bit, and the whole ends up looking like the number 4 as well, but without the meeting of the lines at the top.


Related to time and restrictions or rules, Saturn is very much associated with karma and challenges that require us to do some hard work and resilience. It can seem a bit insensitive in that sense, requiring us to be mature. It completes a turn in the Zodiac every 28 to 30 years, staying about 2 1/2 years in each sign and retrograde 140 days a year.

Ruler of the sign of Capricorn, Saturn is represented by a design similar to the letter "h" with a cross on top. By its characteristics, it is strongly associated with adulthood and maturity. The periods when it is retrograde can be particularly challenging.


The only planet in Astrology named after a Greek god for no particular reason, Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius and represents innovation and free thinking, thus being associated with everything that makes us unique, everything that concerns our individuality.

Also connected to technology and rebellions, Uranus wants distance from the rules and engagement with change, so during the 150 days of the year in which he is retrograde, we are invited to leave the past behind and move forward.

Uranus lingers about 7 years in each sign and is represented by three vertical lines connected in the center by a horizontal line, the middle vertical line being elongated downward and ending in a small circle.


Symbolized by a trident whose handle forms an upside-down cross, Neptune is named in reference to the god of the sea and rules the sign of Pisces, being responsible for our creativity and imagination, our dreams and everything that stands on the borders between fantasy and reality.

It is thus associated with the vastness of spiritual mysteries as much as with issues of disillusionment and escape from reality. It lingers 14 years in each sign and remains retrograde 150 days a year, when secrets usually surface most easily.


Regardless of whether or not it is a planet to astronomers, as a star in Astrology, Pluto continues to play its influence on our lives.

Lasting around 30 years in each sign, each configuration of the planet influences an entire generation. Named after the god of the underworld in Greco-Roman mythology, Pluto is associated with issues of transformation, destruction and regeneration.

Its symbol is a circle floating on a semi-circle, which forms a kind of cup with an upside-down cross under it. The sign ruled by Pluto is Scorpio. The planet is retrograde 185 days a year, the most favorable period to abandon everything that no longer serves us and transform ourselves into the best possible version of ourselves.

Signs in the Zodiac Charts

Each of the 12 signs of an Astrological Chart is a combination of one of the four elements (fire, earth, air and water) with one of three qualities (cardinal, fixed and changeable). Know a little more about each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac.


Sign of the constellation of Aries, through which the Sun transits between 21st March and 19th April. It represents the element of fire with cardinal energy, since it is at the beginning of a season (Autumn, in the Southern Hemisphere). Its symbol resembles the letter "V" with curved points like the horns of the ram, animal symbol of this sign.

The energy of the sign of Aries is impulsive and full of courage, generating true warriors moved by pure passion and ambition. In its less healthy manifestations, ambition and impulsiveness can stand out, as well as superficiality.


Sign of "Fixed Earth", it goes from April 20 to May 20. Its symbol is a circle with the horns of a bull. It is characterized by its relationship with materiality, resulting in attachment to comfort and physical pleasure, being sensuality a very common characteristic among people with this sign.

Also associated with good taste and eating habits, the sign of Taurus is rich in affection and loyalty, and can be one of the most patient signs of the Zodiac. On the other hand, the sign's less healthy manifestations can present an excess of stubbornness.


Going from May 21 to June 20, Gemini is a sign of "Changeable Air", being characterized by presenting a variety of passions and interests, much curiosity and desire for freedom. As an air sign, it is very much associated with intelligence, and as a negative aspect, it can present a certain difficulty in maintaining focus.

In any case, it is characterized by a unique fluidity and dynamics, generating very active individuals capable of moving through very diverse environments. Its symbol is two vertical lines with curved horizontal lines joining them at the top and bottom.


Receiving the Sun between June 21 and July 22, the constellation of Cancer or Crab has the cardinal energy of the element water, and is therefore very associated with emotional and unconscious issues. It represents a search for security and can become distorted in this search, becoming overly caring and controlling.

In general, however, it is characterized by a lot of sensitivity, and people of this sign tend to be quite affectionate. The symbol of the sign of Cancer makes mention of the claws of the crab and resemble the number "69" placed in the horizontal position.


The Sun transits through the constellation of Leo between July 23rd and August 22nd, generating passionate, optimistic and courageous individuals, generally very creative and full of energy. Leoninos are true kings and queens of the Zodiac, charming and charismatic, having strong and unmistakable personalities.

A "Fixed Fire" sign, Leo is symbolized by a letter "U" upside down and ends curving outwards until they almost close into small circles. Being so full of self-esteem, Leoans can easily end up becoming superficial and vain people if they neglect this.


Constellation visited by the Sun between August 23 and September 22, which makes those born in this period belong to the sign of Virgo, with the mutable energy of the earth element. Some of the main characteristics of this sign are organization and logic, and can be quite detailed, but above all, objective and practical.

The less healthy manifestation of the sign configures excessively detailed or perfectionist individuals. Its symbol is like the letter "m" with an extra leg coming out of the middle of the last one and with the tip coming back to it again, forming a loop or as if these legs crossed each other.


The solar sign of those born between September 23 and October 22, Libra is an air sign with cardinal energy for being at the beginning of a season (Spring). Its constellation is the constellation of Libra or the Libra of the Balance, being the only inanimate object of the Zodiac. Its symbol is two horizontal lines, with the upper one broken in half where a "hump" is formed.

The image of a scale illustrates well the tendency of Librians to seek balance and symmetry. Your main characteristic is this search for balance, in general showing yourself gentle and delicate. Your goal is harmony, and in this search you can get lost in an attempt to please everyone.


Sign of "Fixed Water", with the passage of the Sun between October 23rd and November 21st. Its constellation was one of the first to be identified by humanity. Its symbol is a letter "m" with the tip of the last leg ending in an arrow facing forward or upward.

Being a water sign, you have a strong relationship with the emotional, basing almost all your strength on it. You are very intuitive, but also passionate and intense, possessing a powerful energy of transformation. In your less healthy manifestations, you can show yourself a little calculating and a skilful manipulator.


The Constellation of Sagittarius or the Archer receives the passage of the Sun from November 22 to December 21. It is a sign of fire with changeable energy for being at the end of a season (Spring). Its symbol is simply a diagonal arrow, pointing to the high right of the beholder.

A sign of great vitality, optimism and wisdom, it is characterized by the search for adventure and freedom. In its intensity and detachment, it can often present a certain insensitivity. But its pioneering spirit and interest in significant experiences usually generates excellent leaders.


The sign that goes from December 22 to January 19, has the primordial (cardinal) energy of the earth element and therefore a very strong relationship with responsibilities and limits. Very attached to work, Capricorn can be a bit conservative, but presents a unique capacity for persistence and overcoming.

Its less healthy manifestations can be bitter and insensitive individuals, but still, the sign of Capricorn usually produces good leaders. Its symbol is a letter "n" with an upside-down bow at the end of the second leg. The image of goats climbing steep and dangerous slopes is a good illustration of Capricornian energies.


The sign of Aquarius runs from January 20 to February 18, but it is also the sign of a new astrological era that is beginning at the beginning of the third millennium. It represents innovation and independence, expansion of knowledge and a more humanitarian perception of our existence.

Symbolized by two wavy lines, one on top of the other, it is an air sign with fixed energy and certainly the most idealistic of the Zodiac. Their qualities can degenerate into impertinent and radical individuals who are "against" in each and every situation. But they are usually dynamic and "different" people, to whom it is impossible to be indifferent.


Pisces is the sun sign of those born between February 19 and March 20. It is a sign of water and mutable energy, which results in great sensitivity, dreamy and spiritualized individuals, very intuitive and especially caring. It is one of the kindest and generous signs of the Zodiac.

Your attention may be divided between fantasy and reality, a characteristic that has been represented in the symbol of this sign, which is two fishes swimming in opposite directions. The design is composed of two brackets side by side, facing "belly" to each other, with a horizontal line cutting the two in the center.

Astrological Houses of the Astrological Map

To draw an Astrological Chart, the sky around the Earth is divided into 12 parts, which are like the slices of a pizza, and then they are counted counterclockwise in the Chart, influencing different aspects of our lives. Understand what each of these 12 houses are.

House 1

The first house of the Astrological Chart begins where the horizontal line touches the circle to the left of the one looking and would be that first "slice" of the circle in its lower half. It is what also indicates the so called "Ascendant" sign, perhaps the best known of all besides its sun signs.

It defines the outer and immediate personality, the way you are perceived by others. It also influences the way we start things and what we still need to develop. It is where our temperament is revealed, our deeper characteristics compared to those revealed by the sun sign.

House 2

The 2nd house of the Zodiac is responsible for our sense of value and material security, and everything related to work. It is associated mainly with our possessions and ability to earn money, being a house more focused on materiality and financial issues, properly.

The combination of the sign(s) and the stars in this house reveals the way we relate to money and property. It identifies the forces that move and shape us in this relationship and can point out weaknesses and points to be worked on regarding our financial life.

House 3

The 3rd house refers to the environment in which we live, and in this sense, points to some specific aspects of our lives, besides presenting a profile of our ways of thinking and communicating. It is associated with thinking on a deeper and structural level, referring to childhood and some family relationships.

It is also related to school studies in early childhood and relationships with siblings, cousins and uncles. In addition, it provides information about short trips, including daily traffic within the city where one lives.

House 4

Also called "Sky Bottom", the 4th house has a strong connection with the unconscious and ancestral issues, being responsible for the area of our life where our family roots and notions of home are located. For this reason, it is often associated with the mother figure, but depending on whether we are inserted in a more or less patriarchal culture, it can also refer to the father.

But it is important to stress that it is not exactly a question of having a description of your parents in your Personal Map, since they will have their own maps. The information in your Personal Map will basically account for your relationship with them, the way they affect your life and how you see them.

House 5

The 5th house refers especially to our habits and leisure. It reflects issues related to creativity and information related to the education we give to our children, having to do with the love we transmit. But in general, it points to love issues only where that love is more physical or superficial.

It is therefore the house of flirtation and passing engagements, of emotional adventures. Being so linked to fun, it points more in the direction of our hobbies and eventually addresses issues of physical activity or sports in general.

House 6

Like the 5th house, the 6th house is also related to our habits, but here, it is more related to work and routine issues in a more objective way. It refers to the work that we attract and enjoy, as well as the work we do in our daily lives.

It has dominion over health issues, as it is linked to the physical and material well-being, but also with implications in the emotional health. This is because it is the last of the lower half of the Chart, where the influences of the stars and signs take place in a slightly less objective and direct way as those that will appear from now on in the upper half of the Chart.

House 7

The 7th house influences our partnerships, both marital and business, with relationships being its main area of dominance. It determines what we expect from our partner and brings important information regarding marriage, equally for married and single people.

It indicates the "Descendant" sign, which is the opposite of the "Ascendant" sign, as it is the sign that was "setting" on the horizon at the moment of your birth, while the Ascendant sign was the one that was rising or "rising" at the same instant as you.

House 8

The 8th house can have a negative weight for many people, in a certain way, because it is related to the question of death, but the fact is that it also extends to all aspects related to this death, which besides everything is not necessarily a literal or physical death.

Thus, the House actually refers to issues of transformation and regeneration. It can also be linked to the way we spend our money and the way we relate to the money of others, and can refer to issues of inheritance.

House 9

Linked to Philosophy and spirituality, the 9th House may have a lot of information related to your religion and your way of seeing life in a broader and perhaps even ideological way. This House refers to higher education, in a specific way, for its more general relationship with questions of knowledge and perception of reality.

It is the one that will also inform about longer journeys and about your personal relationship with the foreigner. As you can see, it is all about how we relate to the unknown and advance in knowledge.

House 10

Also called "Midheaven", the 10th house has a "goal" character, being a representation of our future or the direction we give or should give to our lives. In this sense, it is very connected to work and more objective issues, informing about our public life and prestige or recognition, especially in the career.

In a way, all this has some relation with the father figure, which will also be represented in the 10th house. The father, here, appears as a figure concerned with material security and objective and practical issues of life, and your relationship with him will suffer the influences of the stars and signs positioned in this house.

House 11

The 11th house in an astrological chart concerns our relations with friends or with large groups. It is linked, therefore, to our social life and to the way we place ourselves in public, in a more general way, and to specific relations with our friends, in a more detailed analysis. It determines our notions of collectivity.

It is also related to intellectuality and the way in which we put into practice the knowledge and resources accumulated in our trajectory. It is where the impulse to go beyond ourselves is born, not to limit ourselves to our individual identity.

House 12

The 12th house will show our mission and challenges to fulfill it in this existence, defining our capacities of experience in life. It has a strong relationship with mystery and spirituality, what would be the "collective unconscious" and everything that concerns our mental health.

It can point out weaknesses and secret blocks, revealing what isolates and limits us. Being the last of the twelve houses, it represents, in a way, our final destination, what we could become and perhaps the goal we should strive to achieve.

The four main angles of the Birth Chart

There are four specific points in a Birth Chart that represent very particular points of interest and for that reason they are named independently from the rest. They correspond to houses 1, 4, 7 and 10 and are called respectively Ascendant, Bottom of the Sky, Descendant and Midheaven.


After the Sun sign, the biggest demand in Astrology is to know the Ascendant sign, which is the sign that was appearing on the horizon at the moment of your birth. In an Astrological chart, it is exactly the sign indicated on the left by the horizontal line that divides the circle of the chart in half.

It reveals the image you project to the world, the first impression, and thus both your physical appearance and the clothes and accessories you wear. It shows the way we start things and can point out qualities or goals we should achieve. It includes hidden aspects of our personality.

Sky Bottom

The Sky Deep reveals your "deep self", the content of your unconscious and childhood issues, psychological roots and private life, family life. It shows the influences of the relationship with parents, especially in emotional and philosophical character in the sense of being that which shapes our way of seeing and understanding reality.

It may contain information about ourselves that would eventually surprise us, because they remain hidden even to ourselves. They would be our emotional and spiritual foundations, impulses and primitive desires, everything that we have purposely or not removed from consciousness and from the image we make of ourselves.


The sign which is "setting" on the horizon in the celestial configuration depicted by the Birth Chart is called the "Descendant". It holds information about our relationship with others and the expectations we have in this regard.

It determines the way we relate both to our spouses and in business relationships. Insofar as it reveals what we expect from our partners, it also demonstrates the weaknesses and inconsistencies of our social lives.


The Midheaven reveals our goals in relation to our career and profession, and also has information about our prestige in this field, as well as the fame and recognition we have achieved. It is the sign which was high up, right in the middle of the sky, at the time you were born.

Since it corresponds to the 10th house, it has a relationship with the father figure, especially in what concerns the way parents usually influence and educate us to worry about material security.

Terms and meanings in the Astrological Chart

Some terms that usually appear in the analysis of an Astrological Chart, referring to certain conditions or location of the stars, such as "retrograde" or "domicile", are essential for the understanding of the chart. Check now what each one of them means.


During the course of their orbits, as seen from Earth, the planets sometimes give the impression that they are moving backwards. This is, of course, an optical illusion, but the fact has an important meaning in Astrology, affecting the way in which the star in question influences us.

In general, a retrograde planet ends up having less influence or its influence becomes less visible and evident in our lives. The so-called generational planets, outermost in the solar system, spend almost half the year in a retrograde state every year.


A planet is in exile when it is positioned in a sign that is the extreme opposite of its domicile, which is the sign ruled by the planet. Thus, the Sun, for example, which rules the sign of Leo, will be in exile in the sign of Aquarius, because Aquarius is in the extreme opposite of the sign of Leo in the Zodiac.

Being in exile causes the planet's influence over our life to be restricted. The exile "steals" a little of the strength that the star would have and ends up constituting a more sensitive area of your chart, involving aspects that need some special attention. See now which is the exile of each planet:

Sun - Aquarius

Moon - Capricorn

Mercury - Pisces and Sagittarius

Venus - Scorpio and Aries

Mars - Libra

Jupiter - Gemini

Saturn - Cancer

Uranus - Leo

Neptune - Virgo

Pluto - Taurus


A planet is in its domicile when it is in the sign it rules. This fact enhances its influence in our life, in the house where it is located and in any aspect affected by it. It is as if the domicile generated a bonus of energy, as if it turned on the "turbo" or worked as an amplifier of the planet's properties.

Planets that rule more than one sign have two domiciles, which are divided between day and night. Check now the domicile of each of the 10 planets:

Sun - Leo

Moon - Cancer

Mercury - Virgo and Gemini

Venus - Taurus and Libra

Mars - Aries

Jupiter - Sagittarius

Saturn - Capricorn

Uranus - Aquarius

Neptune - Pisces

Pluto - Scorpio


A planet is in exaltation when it is in a sign that enhances its qualities, not being its domicile sign. The exalted planet has its qualities and capacity to influence increased. Know the exaltation signs of each planet:

Sun - Aries

Moon - Taurus

Mercury - Virgo (Aquarius for some modern astrologers)

Venus - Pisces

Mars - Capricorn

Jupiter - Cancer

Saturn - Libra

The outer planets of the solar system, called "generational" because they linger several decades in each sign, don't exactly have an exaltation sign, but they do have candidates:

Uranus - Scorpio

Pluto - Gemini, Leo or Virgo

Neptune - Scorpio, Cancer or Leo


A planet will be in a fall when in a sign that is in the opposite extreme of its exalted sign. The fall represents a sensitive point of the chart and can bring about limitations in the influence that the planet exerts on our life.

The planets called generational do not have a falling sign, since they do not have exaltation signs either. Now know the falling sign for each of the first seven stars of the Zodiac:

Sun - Libra

Moon - Scorpio

Mercury - Pisces

Venus - Virgo

Mars - Cancer

Jupiter - Capricorn

Saturn - Aries

What does the Star Map reveal to us?

The Astrological Map reveals details of our personality or circumstances of our life according to the "molds" used in its construction, which for Astrology are the energies of the constellations and planets. Each of these elements has its own energy, and the combination of these energies varies according to the positions they occupy in the sky at each moment.

Thus, a complete Astrological Chart will analyse the relationships between the stars and constellations according to their position in the sky at the time you were born or in which you want to consult, explaining the energies that have shaped your character or your circumstances. These are broad and detailed analyses, with contents that usually surprise for their accuracy even those who do not believe in Astrology.

So, regardless of your beliefs, a person who consults his Astrological Chart can get a lot of useful information for his self-knowledge and personal development.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.