What is Love Tarot with names? How it works, cards, drawing and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of the Love Tarot

The Love Tarot is a tool used to find out about issues associated with relationships. By consulting it, you can get the answers you need to questions of the heart, whether they are of a romantic, family or even amical nature.

By using the keys present in the Major and Minor Arcana, you can learn about the current state of your relationship, as well as glimpse into your future and the hidden energies that may be surrounding your relationship.

In this article, we will present the secrets of the Love Tarot, presenting its history, its functioning and benefits, as well as a specific drawing so you can understand your love life and act to improve it.

At the end of it, you'll also find important tips to improve your relationship with your partner so that you two can live the romance you so desire.Check it out.

Love Tarot with names, the history of Tarot and its benefits

The Love Tarot with names is a method of drawing cards, whose goal is to show how is your love life based on the initials of the people involved. To understand it, we will take a walk through the history of the Love Tarot and then talk about how it works for couples and singles, as well as its benefits.

What is the Love Tarot

The Love Tarot is a way to use tarot as an oracle to get answers associated with love and matters of the heart. To consult it, you can use either the traditional deck of cards, or the classic tarot decks such as Marseille or Waite.

You can consult the Love Tarot to clarify both doubts or even as a source of advice for your relationships or to unravel issues related to your affective nature.

By acting as an advisor, this type of oracle shows you new paths and allows you to see love situations from different angles to better understand them.

The Tarot of Love in Antiquity

The history of the Tarot of Love in antiquity is confused with the history of humanity. Since the beginning man has always sought to understand the phenomena around him, using for this the means to predict them.

With the development of oracular systems, humanity began to establish contact with divinities and, in trying to unravel the secrets of their destiny, love became one of the most consulted subjects.

At the time, to have access to answers about their amorous restlessness required seeking out specific places, access to which involved an intense journey of pilgrimage.

However, when tarot was developed, access to love related answers became increasingly easier and nowadays, it is even possible to get them in the comfort of your own home.

How the Love Tarot works with names

The Love Tarot with names works in a simple way. Initially, you will have to think about the loved one, if you are in a relationship, or the suitor or other important issues, if you are single.

Next, you will shuffle the cards from the chosen deck while thinking about the theme of the question and then cut them up and subdivide them into four distinct groups or piles. Each of these piles will be associated with a letter and you will draw the cards according to the initials of your loved one's name and your name.

In this way, you will be able to check the bond that exists between you as well as important facts about the relationship. More details about the strip are given still in this article.

Cartomancy and Tarot for Couples

When you are in a relationship, living with the other brings uncertainties, after all, it is difficult to understand where your world begins and where the other's world ends. In this process of getting to know the other, Cartomancy, especially through the Tarot, has been an important ally of couples.

By using it, important questions about the personalities of the members of the relationship are reflected on the cards, ensuring the visibility of situations then hidden. From this, it is possible to plan the relationship and understand the limits and potential of each one so that one can, in this way, live a healthier life.

The Love Tarot for Singles

The Love Tarot for singles will help the consulter to understand how is the energy of love in your life. From this, you can understand issues such as what you need to do to meet someone, when you will meet someone, why you have not had luck in love, among other relevant questions.

In general, the Love Tarot for Singles serves as an advisor for matters of the heart. In this way, you can prepare the ground to find the great love of your life and live the romance you've always dreamed of.

What are the benefits

The Love Tarot has numerous benefits, among which the following can be cited as the most significant:

- Obtaining answers on basic and complex themes that are closely linked to Love in its various manifestations, from romances, love affairs and friendships, to family relationships;

- Possibility of receiving advice on how to act in difficult situations;

- Glimpse into your love destiny;

- Partner compatibility check;

- Discovery of betrayal and the presence or influence of other people from the past;

- Knowledge about karmic issues related to your current love situation;

- Access to the panorama of your love life, to better understand and improve it.

Help in emotional life

The Love Tarot can also provide help with emotional life in general, so you can consult it to find out about your own issues and understand the triggers of your emotions.

In the realm of emotional life, you can also get answers about how strangers or those who belong to your connivance cycle affect your state of mind and how they can influence your emotions.

This way, you can get to know yourself better and prepare the ground in case something affecting your emotional health is about to happen.

The Deck, the Arcana and the use of the Tarot of Love in daily life

The Tarot Deck can be used as a tool to access the secrets of Love. In this section, you will understand what the Tarot deck is, how many and what its cards are and learn about using the Love Tarot in your daily life.Check it out.

The Tarot Card Deck

The Tarot card deck consists of 78 cards, which in turn are organized into two distinct groups known as Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Each of these cards has its own characteristics such as images, symbols and, depending on the Tarot you are using, name and numbers.

All these elements together help in its interpretation, because they are linked to the secrets and meanings of each card.

The Major Arcana consist of 22 cards that represent different archetypes related to ancestral memory and the cycles of incarnation. The Minor Arcana, on the other hand, denote daily situations, which are organized into four major groups, the suits of diamonds, hearts, swords, and clubs.

The cards of the Love Tarot

The Tarot Cards of the Tarot of Love are exactly the same as in a traditional Tarot deck. Therefore, they are subdivided into two large groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Although not all Tarot cards deal directly with the theme of Love, their meaning can be expanded to all areas of life.

In the case of the Tarot of Love, it is important to associate the meanings of each card with the theme of the question so that, in this way, it is possible to interpret them from the point of view of Love and relationships. Understand more about the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana in the following readings of Love.

The Major Arcana of Love

The Major Arcana of Love are a set of 22 cards, considered the foundation of the Tarot. Each of these cards represent karmic messages and lessons from the life of the consulter and point to universal themes and archetypes that influence their journey.

Because of this relationship with karmic memory and lessons from the consulent's life, the Major Arcana usually arise when there is an important message or lesson to be learned at the present time in your relationship.

They can also indicate key questions about why something bad is happening in your life. In addition, the Major Arcana can also indicate an emotion and the type of relationship you have with your partner. If your relationship was foreseen by the Universe, the Major Arcana will show it.

The Minor Arcana of Love

The Minor Arcana consist of 56 cards, divided into 4 suits: spades, diamonds, hearts and clubs. Each suit has 14 distinct cards, subdivided into numerical cards (from the Ace to the number 10) and the court cards, consisting of a jack, a knight, a queen and a king.

Unlike the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana represent the mundane traits and situations of life. The court cards indicate the people we meet in life. In the Love Tarot, each suit is tied to a specific area, indicated below:

- Cups: personal growth, emotions and the subconscious;

- Diamonds: the material world and its goods;

- Clubs: strength, desire and passion;

- Swords: conflicts, the intellect and the conscious.

The use of the Tarot of Love in daily life

You can use the Love Tarot to get answers about your daily life when the subject is relationships. Therefore, you can consult it to better understand your feelings and fears about a certain person or try to understand what goes on in your head when you are in love.

Since when you are in love you create an idealized and distorted view of your partner, the Love Tarot can show you what you cannot see, so you can find out if the person you are in love with is the ideal partner for this moment of your life.

The drawing, how to shuffle, meanings and characteristics

To consult the Tarot of Love, it is important to know how to make your drawing, in addition to knowing the proper way to shuffle your cards, which will be described below. In addition, we present how to consult it and also indicate its meanings and characteristics.

How to make the run

To do the Name Love Tarot draw, focus on the question you want to ask and shuffle the cards with your loved one in mind (or yourself if you don't have someone in mind). Divide the card into four piles, each of which will represent a group of letters, from left to right:

a) Mount 1: A - B - C - D - E - F;

b) Mount 2: G - H - I - J - K - L;

c) Mount 3: M - N - O - P - Q - R;

d) Mount 4: S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z.

Then, look at the initial letter of your love's first name and draw a card from the corresponding pile. You can draw up to 7 cards.

How to shuffle correctly

To shuffle correctly, you must focus on the question you want to ask. If you wish, speak the question out loud or simply think of your loved one during the process. Cut the deck using your left hand.

Remember that when using the Love Tarot with names, you don't need to rearrange the cards into a single pile: you will need to have four piles on the table, as each one represents a specific group of letters.

As we commented, it is possible to draw a maximum of 7 cards. Read on to understand the areas, to which each of these 7 cards refers.

Meaning of the drawing in the Love Tarot

The meaning of the Drawing in Love Tarot can be interpreted from the scope of each of the seven cards you have drawn, according to the following relationships:

- First Letter: indicates the answer to the Theme of the question, so it does not need to be complemented with another letter;

- Second Card: gives information about the Romance and compatibility of you;

- Third Letter: reports on the Dreams, ideal to check if you aspire to the same things;

- Fourth Letter: shows how the Companionship of the couple is;

- Fifth Letter: reveals how your sex life is going;

- Sixth Letter: brings the energy of Friendship, essential to deal with the subject of couple dialogue;

- Seventh Letter: glimpses the Future and the prospects of the couple.

Features of the Love Tarot drawing

When you make a drawing using the Love Tarot, remember that it is not necessary to draw all the cards. If you need a quick answer, draw only one card, because it directly translates the theme of the question, pointing a suitable answer.

If, on the other hand, you wish to know about the present situation, but would also like to know about the Future, draw the seven cards, but only turn over the first and seventh, since they deal with the aspects you would like to understand better. This is a simple and intuitive way to use this oracle and get the answers you want.

The meaning of face down cards

When a card is turned face down, we call it the card in the inverted position. Contrary to what many people think, its meaning is not necessarily negative. Everything will depend on the type of question, the relationship of the card with the question, and especially with the theme of the question.

To understand the meaning of the reversed cards, you can consult the articles here on Astral Dreaming that reveal the nuances of the meanings of all the cards on various topics, including Love and Relationships.

Are there good cards or bad cards?

No. All cards have a light and a shadow, and so even a card that is seen as a bad omen like the Tower can mean something positive, depending on the question.

What will determine whether a card signals something good or bad is the type of question, the context in which it is inserted (i.e. its relationship with the cards present in the drawing) and the energy that is present in the life of the consulter during the reading.

Are there tricks to interpreting the cards?

No. The Tarot card reading does not foresee the use of tricks, but requires that the user study the meanings of the cards and be open to interpret them correctly. It is important that the question is asked in a clear way and that the consulter is open to receive the answers, even those that he would not like to receive.

The Tarot works as a kind of mirror, on which are reflected only the images that the consulter allows to be seen. Therefore, it is important that there is an open channel and clear communication during consultations.

Why is it not good to cross your legs at draft time?

Crossing the legs and even the arms is considered a defensive position. When the consulter is with crossed legs or arms, he is blocking the flow of energy of the consulter and this may prevent proper images to be reflected on the Tarot.

Similarly, if the tarologist stands with his arms or legs crossed, the energy flowing from the client and reflected in the cards may not be captured properly, and therefore there are possible problems of interpretation during the session.

Other tips for improving a couple's relationship

Living in a relationship is a journey of discovery about the other person and yourself. For this reason, it is important to analyze the state of your relationship to then improve it. In this section, you will have access to essential tips to improve your relationship as a couple. Check them out.

Seek to overcome differences

When looking for the ideal partner, it is very common that there are differences between you and him. That is why it is important to consider them, but in an appropriate way, so that they can be "overcome", in the sense of understood.

Initially, try to find out about your partner's background, as well as their cultural and family background, as this can greatly influence the way they act and the reasons that make them act in a certain way. Another important way is to find common ground, after all, it was precisely the things in common that brought you together.

Don't forget that you should set your limits, but never decide how your partner should act or what they should believe. That way, you will be together for a long time.

Avoid holding grudges

Living a relationship carrying grudges is not healthy. It is essential that you learn to forgive your partner, but most of all, forgive yourself for the things you have caused or gone through.

Although it is not possible to control others, you can try to exert control over your life, starting with the exercise of letting go. To do this, try to see the past in a different perspective and living life based on the present, working towards what you can have in the future. If you need to, consult a therapist to assist in this process.

Maintain a frequent dialogue with your partner

A relationship without dialogue is doomed to end. Therefore, it is important to have exchanges, because dialogue is the first step towards knowing the other person and the foundation for solving problems.

In addition, exercising dialogue is an important form of exchange that generates more intimacy, even more than any kind of physical contact. Remember that it is necessary not only to talk: be open to listen.

Respect who is next to you

Respect and trust are the sexiest things there are. Respecting someone, and especially respecting yourself, is an essential building block in the structure of a relationship. Respect is an indication of a healthy relationship, because by respecting someone, you are accepting them as they really are.

In addition, you will be creating feelings of belonging, bonding and well-being, essential components for a healthy and lasting relationship. Remember that respect is not something that comes impregnated in you: it is something you learn.


Many times, relationships are bound to weaken over time due to routine. The displays of affection and even horniness can fade over time and so it is important that you reinvent yourselves.

Do something atypical, discover a new fantasy, visit a different place, and escape from everyday commitments for even just one day a week. This way, you'll keep the flame burning so that it shines ever brighter.

How can the Love Tarot with names help me?

The Love Tarot with Names can help you by showing different sides of the situation you are in. From it, you can get answers to understand what is happening with you and your partner, including hidden reasons or even the nature of events in your love life.

In addition, you can use the tarot as a tool of self-knowledge and discovery to access the world of the other and have the compass that will lead you to find your hidden treasures. From this, you can learn to live with the differences, get rid of hurts, have the power to cultivate respect and reinvent your relationship.

Thus, you will have a healthy and happy love life, rich of unforgettable moments, which you can share with your loved one during this and, who knows, other lives.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.