How to discover my animal archetype? Techniques, Animal Totem and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on how to discover animal archetype

Discovering which is your animal archetype is something that can help your personal and spiritual development. After all, each one of them teaches an important lesson, besides having some qualities that you can use to conquer your goals or face difficulties.

In Shamanism, it is believed that every human being is adopted by a power animal at birth. This animal will serve as a guide, offering protection and companionship throughout their journey.

Nevertheless, many people lose the connection with their animal archetype throughout their lives and, therefore, it is necessary to learn to reconnect with it. In addition, it is also possible to harness the energy of another power animal, according to the needs of the phase you are currently living.

Want to know more about it? Then, check out what animal archetypes are, how to discover which one is yours, how to activate them, as well as learn about various power animals.

Animal archetype, power animals and their activation

Animal archetypes are also called power animals or totems. According to some beliefs, every human being possesses one or more of these archetypes throughout life.

To learn more about the subject, see below for what a power animal is, the importance of understanding its characteristics, how to activate an animal archetype, and more.

What is an animal archetype or power animal

In a simplified way, we can say that each animal archetype has a set of characteristics, which are shared by the person who has it as a guardian.

According to shamanic tradition, power animals offer protection to people and guide them on their journey of spiritual and personal development. Each one also teaches an important lesson that needs to be learned by that person.

By integrating these qualities and lesson in your routine, you have the chance to live better. It is also possible to ask the help of this guardian in times of difficulty or even to achieve a goal.

In addition, according to this tradition, the totems also help in the healing process, whether of physical, psychological, spiritual or even your relationship with other people and nature.

The power animal and characteristics to be developed

Each animal archetype brings with it a series of characteristics that can and should be used in your favor. Either to fulfill your life purpose, or to better enjoy your journey.

It is likely that you already possess some of the qualities associated with your power animal, but there are always those that need to be developed so that you can better harness the energy and power of that animal.

By discovering who your power animal is and connecting with its essence, you have the chance to integrate it into your life more easily, precisely because it serves as a guide and offers the necessary support to make this possible.

The power animal chooses the person, not the other way around

According to Shamanism, every person has a power animal. In fact, they are chosen from birth by this animal, which will accompany them throughout their lives. This animal offers protection, shares its wisdom, strength, and specific qualities.

So, one must be careful not to let the ego get in the way of identifying your animal archetype. In practice, we do not choose our archetype according to our view of what is good or appropriate.

In fact, it can hinder our journey of spiritual development. Also, all power animals are valuable allies and there is not one that is better than the others.

It is also worth noting that throughout life, it is common for people to connect with archetypes other than their own. Especially when they need one or more qualities that this animal possesses.

However, as stated, the animal that chose you will always be present in your life, so it is important not to allow the ego to cause you to disconnect from it.

How to activate an animal archetype

An animal archetype can be activated in many ways. Moreover, any one of them can be activated by you according to your needs and at any time. By doing so, you rely on the protection and qualities of that power animal to accomplish goals and overcome obstacles.

To activate any animal archetype, you can begin by learning more about it. Just to illustrate, you can research its behavior and its main characteristics, as well as reflect on the qualities you have in common with it and those you wish to develop.

It is also possible to incorporate this animal into your routine through statuettes, paintings and other decorative objects, prints on your clothes, etc.

Meditation and visualization are also powerful allies in this process, as well as specific prayers or prayer for the animal spirit you want to connect with, if that is part of your belief system.

The most important thing is to integrate the desired aspects of the animal archetype into your life. Just to illustrate, if you want to activate the leadership capacity of the lion archetype, reflect on the situations in which you can exercise this quality and put it into practice.

How to discover my animal archetype or power animal

Discovering what your animal archetype is is important because it will help you to know yourself better. Also, activating this archetype is something that will bring many benefits to your life.

So, check out below several tips on how to perform this very important task. Whether through meditation, the observation of a friend, or the analysis of which animals you have more affinity or those who are already present in your life.

Through meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for those who want to discover their animal archetype. Its objective in this case is to calm the mind and thus allow you to find the answer you seek.

There are many ways to perform meditation, firstly, you can simply find a quiet place and sit or lie down in a comfortable position. When you realize that you have quieted your thoughts, simply ask your higher self what your power animal is.

In addition, you can also use other techniques, such as meditations specific to this issue, which can be found in apps or on Youtube.

The important thing is to be open and patient to receive the answer rather than trying to guess it. If more than one animal comes up, read about them and find out what makes the most sense to you.

Observing which animals you feel the most affinity for

One of the simplest ways to discover your animal archetype is to pay attention to those you feel the most affinity with. Perhaps, you admire the lion for its strength, the butterfly for its ability to transform, etc.

Usually, the power animal presents itself several times in someone's life, so think about which animals have caught your attention the most throughout your life, chances are one of them is your guardian.

Also do not forget to pay attention to the animals that always appear in your dreams often or at decisive moments in your life. Sometimes the answer to this question is stored in your subconscious mind and your dreams try to communicate it.

Analysis of the surrounding environment and decoration

Often, our animal archetype is closer than we imagine and we don't even realize it. So, pay attention if you have animals in your home decor, such as paintings, kitchen items, bedding etc. The same goes for clothes and tattoos with animals.

In the case of finding some animals, it is interesting to ask yourself why you have an affinity with them and even which of them have characteristics that you admire or possess.

Observation of other people

Another way to discover your animal archetype is to ask someone else to observe you and describe your main characteristics. This is interesting because many times our self-image is different from what we pass on to other people.

By comparing these two visions, that is, your own and someone else's, you can get a clearer idea about yourself. After reflecting on the subject, you can read about the main characteristics of each animal archetype to find the one that is closest to yours.

Power animals, animal archetypes and their meanings

Each power animal has a set of characteristics that you already possess or should develop throughout your life. By connecting with this animal, you have extra protection and help to get what you want or to overcome difficulties.

In addition, your animal archetype teaches you an important lesson that you must learn to live better. To learn more about it, check below the meaning of the archetype of the lion, owl, eagle, spider, horse, bear and more.


The archetype of the lion is associated with qualities such as leadership, strength, self-confidence and courage. Who has the lion as a power animal has great capacity for achievement, but also intelligence and patience to wait for the right time to act.

Therefore, this animal teaches the lesson that it is not enough to have strength, but you need to know the right time to use it. In addition, it also talks about the importance of learning to work in groups and value the potential of everyone around you.

Finally, coming across this animal archetype means it's time to conquer your own fears and challenges, learn to recognize your own power and have more self-confidence.


Owls have the ability to see at night, so they are associated with people with a high level of intuition, the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to see beyond appearances.

For this reason and because they are a symbol of wisdom, they are great allies in the search for self-knowledge, even of those unexplored parts of oneself. They also help to overcome obstacles that hinder the development of one's own talents and abilities.

As they are nocturnal beings, they are also associated with the moon and thus with the mysteries of life and the search for spiritual knowledge. So, it is common that people who possess this totem have great interest in the most diverse spiritual practices.

The lesson that the owl offers is precisely to see clearly and always seek the truth, without being carried away by expectations, illusions or even by the vision built through past experiences.


Because of its ability to fly high and even the fact that it builds its nest at high altitudes, the eagle represents the connection with the divine essence. Thus, it is also associated with the abandonment of material limitations, enlightenment and spiritual elevation.

In addition, it is with this animal that you learn not to be shaken by the difficulties of the earthly journey, because when it sees a storm, this animal has the ability to fly above the dark clouds. For this and other reasons, it is a symbol of freedom.

The eagle is also recognized for its ability to see over long distances, so this animal is related to the possibility of obtaining a wide and deep view of any situation.

Because it can capture prey from miles away, it teaches you to pursue your goals with the same precision. That is, first you find what you want, then you wait for the right moment to move forward confidently and quickly.


The ram represents innocence and is therefore related to the inner child. Encountering this archetype reminds us of the need to see life with new eyes. Above all, in the sense of not allowing our vision to be corrupted by the negative experiences of the past.

As a symbol of patience and determination, it shows that every situation is new and should be seen from the perspective of enthusiasm. Although caution is also necessary at times, one should always observe rather than judge.

However, the docility and gentleness of this animal should not be confused with weakness, since it has a lot of strength and the ability to defend and attack when necessary. Therefore, the key to living better is to find the balance between both and understand what each situation requires.


One of the main aspects of the personality of someone who has the butterfly as a power animal is the search for freedom. However, throughout this process, the butterfly teaches that to find your true essence you need to deconstruct yourself.

That is, to leave behind those aspects of one's own personality that imprison us to old identities or to patterns established by other people. Just as the butterfly gains the ability to fly, the individual also makes room for a higher life.

As a symbol of transformation, evolution and rebirth, it also teaches the importance of not allowing oneself to become complacent and to have the necessary patience to go through all these processes.

More than that, to understand that constant change is part of life. More than that, that it is necessary in order to enjoy each cycle of life with grace, lightness and joy.


In shamanic culture, the spider archetype represents creative power. By weaving its web, this animal teaches the importance of being the protagonist of your own life. That is, to have a clear vision of what you want and the necessary patience to transform it into reality.

Precisely because of this, she is also associated with the female archetype as a creator, and for some Native Americans she appears as the weaver of the web of life, the one who created the universe.

Her 8 paws represent infinity and she is recognized as the bearer of the vision that precedes creation and possesses prophetic knowledge of the future. Therefore, she is also a symbol of wisdom and the link between the spiritual and physical worlds.


The archetype of the hummingbird is associated with characteristics such as beauty, gracefulness, serenity and lightness. That is why the lesson offered by this archetype is to know how to use all these aspects even when facing obstacles and difficult moments.

Its flight is different from other birds, since although it can fly fast, it can also hover in the air. Thus, it is also a symbol of self-control and freedom of choice, which permeates the entire life of those who have it as a power animal.

Its energy is associated with people who not only know what they want, but also know the exact moment to act.


One of the main aspects of the bear archetype is its strength. However, because of its ability to spend months hibernating, it is also related to introspection.

Therefore, the lesson offered by this animal is the need to find balance, that is, you must first give yourself the necessary time to reflect and seek your own wisdom. Only then should you use all your strength to achieve your goals.

In addition, there is also the lesson about the importance of accepting the cycles of life and one's own cycles. More than that, of understanding that the times for action and rest are not contradictory, but necessary and complementary.

The period of inertia of these animals also represents a symbolic death, so those who possess this animal archetype have a great capacity to reinvent themselves when necessary.


The snake is a symbol of transformation, renewal and rebirth. The lesson taught by this animal is related to the need to let go of everything that is no longer useful. In the same way it changes its skin so that it can continue to grow.

Thus, she also reminds us that healing, not only of health, but of other aspects of our lives happens when we are willing to abandon harmful habits. In Shamanism, she is the animal that devours sickness and restores vitality.

In some cultures, it is also seen as a symbol of ancestral wisdom or vital energy. In Buddhism, it represents spiritual ascension, as well as overcoming the challenges and limitations of the material world.


In Shamanism, the horse represents the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. It is the animal that serves as a conductor so that the individual can open new paths, whether they are related to the development of one's own spirituality or to the conquest of material objectives.

Therefore, its archetype is also associated with movement, power and progress. In addition, freedom is one of the main characteristics of this animal, which teaches us about the importance of following our own path and living an authentic life.

It is a symbol of strength and determination, so those who have the horse as a power animal rely on these attributes both when conquering what they want, and when facing obstacles.

How can discovering my animal archetype benefit my life?

Discovering your animal archetype can bring several benefits to your life. Starting with self-knowledge, since by discovering your power animal you will realize your strengths and those that still need to be worked on.

In addition, they also offer protection and even assist in the realization of your life purpose. In difficult times, it's always a good idea to ask your power animal to guide you down the right path and share their strength with you.

Finally, animals are great teachers and each one of them teaches us an important lesson on how to live better. For Shamanism, by learning from them, you have the possibility to become a better person and heal whatever is necessary in your life.

Now that you know all this, think about how integrating this knowledge can help you going forward.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.