How long does an Exu work? Understand and see how they work!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, how does time work in Exu's works?

Exu is considered a powerful entity of Candomblé and Umbanda, many resort to their powers to contact other Orixás or to perform works and moorings, becoming very popular by all and recognized in all terreiros of Candomblé and Umbanda.

Its origin and history well represent its importance for religions, for being the only one capable of linking human beings to the orixás, thus creating a contact between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Many seek in their works to discover the time that they are performed, the effects, symptoms and even the duration of each work. Learn all about how time works in the works of Exu in the following article!

Understanding more about Exu

The Orixá Exu is one of the most popular entities in African religions, especially Candomblé and Umbanda. This entity plays a key role in the communication of spiritual works, working as a messenger between the sacred and the earthly world. Understand more about Exu and what he represents in the following reading.

Origin and history

In the creation of the Universe, there was a need for a messenger who was able to communicate the words of God to the earthly beings. Exu appears with the purpose of communication and recognition of the planet and all beings that inhabited it, whether human or orixás.

In his first contact, Exu is glimpsed with the richness of the world and decides to settle here. Some time later he would be recognized as an Orixá and would be worshiped by the Candomblé and Umbanda temple groups.

What does Exu represent?

He received the mission of intermediating the communication between the divine plan of the orixás and human beings, being an indispensable entity for the rituals of the terreiros. For, all communication will pass through him, and only through him will the religious works be operated. Therefore, it became common in each ritual to bow down and make an offering to Exu.

Some of the characteristics incorporated into his image by human beings adept to the Orixás are that he is the holder of patience, justice, protection, discipline and strength, always encouraging those to pursue their goals. This makes him more human and accessible to all who need his help.

The Orixá Exu will watch over your path, being considered a protector faithful to his word. Always showing his gratitude to those who seek to please him and ask for his protection.

Symbols and celebrations

The colors that characterize the entity Exu are red and black, these colors represent its elements of nature which are fire and earth and are usually used in the works and offerings performed at the shrine.

Exu's commemoration day is June 13 and his day of the week is Monday. His date of commemoration denotes the Catholic religious syncretism for being represented by the terreiros through the image of St. Anthony.

Exu is the first to be greeted by the father or mother of saint in the rituals, being received by the expression Laroye, or "Laroiê, Exu", which translates as "Hail, messenger". This is to open communication with the sacred.

How to please Exu?

Normally, offerings to Exu should be made at crossroads, or at places known as crossroads. This is because street crossings resemble the connections between different paths, thus representing Exu's nature as an intermediary between the two worlds, earthly and spiritual.

Thus, any offering to please Exu should be made outside the house, preferably on the street, so that he accepts your ebó willingly. To perform the ceremony to thank Exu you will need some alcoholic beverage and a cigarette or cigar.

Then, you should go to the crossroads at night, place the glass with the dose of alcohol on the ground, take a cigarette and puff three times. This way you should revere Exú and sign your request placing the cigarette next to the glass. Every week, or fortnight, you should reproduce this ritual, preferably on Mondays.

It is worth remembering that the cup, drink and cigarettes used in the ritual to please Exu should be used exclusively for this rite. Keep them so that when you return to the crossroads you can use them to redo the whole ritual.

The power of Exu's spiritual works

Exu is considered the Orixá of greatest importance in Candomblé and Umbanda, due to his ability to communicate. It is only through him that rituals are performed and the link between the earthly and spiritual world is created. Without Exu there would be no way to communicate with the other Orixás. Discover the power of the spiritual works that Exu performs and be surprised!

How do the works of Exu work?

People who perform spiritual works for Exu are usually surprised by the celerity of their results and intensity of their reaction. Exu is a dynamic entity and needs to be constantly pleased so that he stays by your side and assists in your spiritual quest.

Use then flowers, candles, drinks, cigarettes and foods to align your energies to his, this will help him to realize your need and will bring him closer to you. Soon, the Orixá will be operating in your aid bringing prosperity and guiding you in all aspects of life, whether religious, loving, personal or professional.

Exu's power is infinite, his proximity to human beings allows you to have his protection and that he guards you from all injuries and accidents. He is in charge of all matters related to the life of earthly beings, thus watching over their wealth and communication between the two worlds.

The works of Exu function with the aim of assisting this contact and allow human beings to approach the entities of the spiritual world. Do not allow them to negatively influence your image, direct your forces towards goodness and the path of light and you will have him by your side.

Difference between Exus and Quiumbas

The quiumbas are known as spirits of low astral, they are marginalized by the Orixás and thus become malicious and vampiric. They always seek to disturb the peace and cause harm to others, are usually associated with the immediate pleasures of the flesh and act with malice with people who can establish a contact.

Different from Exu, responsible for mediating good between Orixás and Humans, the Quiumbas take advantage of this communication to cause discord in the human spirit, poisoning people's ego through the sins of envy, lust, gluttony, vanity, anger, pride and avarice.

One must avoid their presence, for when they become a caster, they usually suck the energy from their victims. Accompanying them everywhere and instilling desires and thoughts that are degrading to the soul, seeking from there to satisfy their pleasures.

They should not be confused with Exu, because unlike the Quiumbas, he wishes the good and watches over the words of God and the Orixas.

Main spiritual works of Exu

There are several types of spiritual works that can be performed by men and women who seek the help of the entities Exu and Pombagira. Here is a list of the main spiritual works:

- Improve or fix the marriage;

- Act on divorce;

- Perform a love binding;

- Resolve tied up business;

- Solve financial problems;

- Dismantling jobs;

- Bring back the love;

- Improve, or cause, impotence;

- Break the evil eye;

- Work to ward off envious people;

- Work to ward off enemy;

- Work to eliminate the rival.

Do the jobs always work?

The works performed by Exu will only be accepted if you manage to please him, so it is important that before you ask for any work for his entity you follow with the rituals of the crossroads to bring him closer to you and that he feels grateful for your dedication.

Another point is that the works accepted by the Orixá Exu will not always come out the way you want. Everything will occur in the way he believes is right, always operating with the goal of guiding your path so that you evolve spiritually. That is, the works will happen, but the way he believes should be done.

The time and the spiritual works of Exu

Exu is recognized for his efficiency and celerity in the fulfillment of his works. Being one of the most requested Orixás in the Candomblé and Umbanda shrines, however his fame has a price and offers some limits to its realization. Discover the time and works of Exu in the sequence.

How long does it take to do a work for Exu?

The time to do a work for Exu will depend directly on the type of spiritual work desired, because their performance is varied, requiring that a series of conditions be met in order for them to be successful, such as: the ingredients needed, the day it must be done and how many times it will have to be reproduced.

How long does it take for an Exu work to take effect?

Remember that time is relative and it must be understood in different ways depending on the world we are dealing with. Therefore, terrestrial time is different from spiritual time and the fact that we are dealing with entities from another plane will make the time of Exu's work different from what we expect.

What will help you in this process will be your spirituality. If you have been worshiping the entity of Exu always trying to please him and leaving offerings at the crossroads, this will bring him closer to you and allow him to act more directly in the work you requested.

Soon, who will determine the time of action of the Orixá will be you, in the case of Exu you will have to do what is necessary to deserve everything you want.

How long does it take for the effects of the work to wear off?

The time for the effects of the work to end will also go according to your merit and your need. There is no precise formula for when the work will end, in some cases only the father of saint or mother of saint will be able to indicate the time for these events.

Other information about Exu's works and moorings

The works and moorings performed by Exu are diverse and have different levels of demand. The effects, symptoms and people involved will dictate the process and the result of your works. Therefore, it is important to be aligned to the information described below so that your requests are more efficient!

Are the effects and symptoms of the jobs the same for everyone?

No, the works have a number of variations to be performed, since the spiritual energy of those involved until the moment of the Entity will influence the effects and symptoms of the works.

What does the person who has done the spiritual work feel?

Generally, people who do spiritual work have gone through several phases before starting the request for Exu. One of them are the offerings themselves to please the Orixá, as you establish contact with the entity you will feel his energy gradually strengthening.

Soon, some people will feel more confident and will be with their spirituality more present in the realization of the works. What will positively influence the result and the effects of your work.

Is it possible to repent and undo a spiritual work?

Yes, it is possible to undo a spiritual work. However, the demands to undo any binding or work are usually more exhaustive, draining much more spiritual energy. For, it will depend not only on your spirituality, but also on the good will of the Entity to which this relationship was established.

Therefore, it is always good to consider your needs before starting any work. Be sure of what you are doing, because if you regret it in the future it will be much more difficult to undo any work or mooring requested.

Is it advisable to use spiritual works to do evil?

It is not advisable and many times when trying to perform spiritual work to do harm to someone it will not be attended by the Orixá but by the Quiumbas. Remember that your energy and your intention will determine the effects and symptoms of your works, if you have a bad intention when performing your request you attract bad spirits.

Which will compromise your life in every way, as the Quiumbas tend to drain the energies of those he has pulled over. He will use your body to his advantage, instilling thoughts and desires that will gradually degrade your spirit.

In the worst case scenario, if your request is answered by Exu, for example, the work or binding may return to you with a much greater force than expected. So think twice before acting in bad faith, because the divine justice watches over the well-adventured and punishes those who perpetuate evil.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.