Capricorn in love: Characteristics, matching signs and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Capricorn in Love

If you think that Capricorn is not made for love, you are wrong. What nobody tells you is that this is one of the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac and has a great need to love and be loved.

The relationship that the Capricorn person has with love changes depending on the partner with whom he or she relates. Men and women of this Sign also differ in their behaviour towards love and the loved one.

In the event that the Capricorn Astrological Map is aligned and without emotional blocks, any relationship with him will be very promising. So, read this article to know his combination with the other signs, his difficulties and myths and much more!

Capricorn characteristics in love

Much of what is said about Capricorn doesn't take into account its sensitivity and so it is said to be very mysterious, when in fact it is misunderstood. There is a great mania in it to control everything, but there is a reason for this. Understand why Capricorn can be controlling and what its difficulties are below!

Need for control and relationship difficulties

The Capricorn native has a great propensity to be a controlling person in various areas of life, something which eventually extends to relationships. However this stems from a very deep insecurity which even he does not admit to having.

However, the Capricornian doesn't want to control you, he just wants to foresee the situations, to know what is going to happen, before everybody else, so he can prepare himself psychologically. Contrary to what everybody thinks, he is not as strong as he appears to be.

Because he is very cautious and hates adventures, he has a lot of difficulty in understanding that we cannot always get away from all the problems of the world. Capricorn does not know how to say what bothers him, so he will try to solve everything by himself, even if, for this, he has to manipulate some situations.

Deep down, Capricorns are romantic

It may not seem fair that Capricorns don't show their feelings like other people, but they don't plan to be that way. The reason for this is their ruling planet, Saturn, which lets everything in Capricorn take time to develop.

They are not superficial beings and love deeply. What happens is that their love language is of actions and not sayings. Capricornians show romance by buying something for their loved one and giving assistance in more earthly and material matters. They will always do something for the person they love.

The difficulty in expressing love

The difficulty to express themselves openly comes from their Earth element, making the Capricornian much more focused on things to do rather than those in which they need to say something. It's almost as if Capricorns are not made to talk.

However, it takes a lot of patience and acceptance that Capricorn's love language is not tied to what he is able to say. Understand that this sign will find other ways to show how much he loves his partners.

Capricorn man characteristics in love

In love, the Capricorn man, depending on his phase in life, shows to be firm and very individualistic. Only when he is really well resolved and willing, a relationship with him becomes pleasant. In this section of the article, you will discover which main characteristics he presents. Follow along!


As incredible as it may seem, Capricorn men have paternal characteristics. Although these are complex in the emotional field, they are individuals who express a lot of confidence and security. It is said, therefore, that these are essential characteristics to constitute a family.

However, this does not mean that the Capricorn will be a born caretaker in a marital relationship. Unfortunately, over time he becomes very prone to becoming scattered and caught up in his own goals, especially if this Capricorn is not financially stable.

Career first

Unfortunately for his partner, the Capricorn man will always put his personal plans first. This happens because of his earthly essence and his constant search for life security. For him, such issues can not be found in a relationship.

This is a rule that comes with you and it is impossible to change it, unless unexpected circumstances sue. Although this is no guarantee of anything, to prevent a Capricornian from fulfilling himself professionally is to make him live incomplete and unhappy.

They cannot be tamed

Hardly anyone will be able to change any aspect of a Capricorn man. In fact, this is one of the things that makes him most uncomfortable in any relationship. Being changed is one of the last things a Capricorn man wants.

When starting a relationship with a person of this sign, one should be prepared for someone disconnected in many ways. Capricorn men will always have their own plans and feelings, in addition to those they have with their partner. Therefore, it is basically impossible to fully penetrate their world.

Capricorn woman's love characteristics

The Capricornian Woman also has her complexities. She has many secrets and a totally impenetrable inner world. However, she is a very sensitive being and needs to be in charge of some important work.

Read on to delve deeper into the characteristics of a Capricornian and how she acts in love!

Subtle, sensitive and perceptive

To be a Capricorn woman is to possess a tool called subtlety in everything she does. She uses that delicate and diplomatic touch, only when she wants to. Sensitivity, however, is more self-centered. With this, she ends up getting hurt easily, because of her tendency to dwell on events.

What they don't say about the Capricorn woman is that she receives a lot of emotional charge from what happens around her, because of her high perceptiveness. This characteristic is hidden by her, who avoids showing it with all her strength. Keeping herself more distant is just a self-preservation mechanism.

Need to drive something

Being in charge of something important is nothing new when it comes to someone of the sign of Capricorn. For the woman, this feeling is latent. Her essence needs something of her own, so she can work and concentrate.

If this need is not met in your professional life, such aptitude ends up falling on your family members, which will not be very healthy for both sides. This happens because your desire to be useful needs to be fulfilled.

The relationship with the father

In relation to her father, the Capricorn woman is very prone to be among the most loved children. On the off chance that she has a minimally healthy relationship, she will have a need to be adored and pampered.

This will occur because your way of being will favor the appearance of this behavior in other people, exclusively in your father. Being an only child will provide a perfect scenario to sharpen this behavior even more.

Combinations of Capricorn with other signs

The Capricorn will assimilate different behaviors depending on the sign of their romantic partner, but will keep their essence. Some combinations will be calmer than others and this will depend on the energy and their ruling planets.

In this session, you will discover the nature of the combination of Capricorn with the other signs of the Zodiac!

Capricorn and Aries

Capricorn and Aries are signs of different elements. The former belongs to the Earth element and the latter to the Fire element, which makes them complementary. Capricorn will take the more rational side of the relationship, while the Aries will be the more emotional one.

Together, these two signs form a very sexual combination. Both are easily attracted to each other. But Aries will have to be patient with Capricorn's admitted bureaucracy at the beginning of the relationship.

Another reason why Aries and Capricorn is a great combination is the fact that the Aries is not afraid to be happy. This is because he thinks very little before taking any action, besides bringing a little adventure into the life of his Capricorn partner.

Capricorn and Taurus

Capricorn and Taurus make up a very peaceful couple. Both signs are of the Earth element, making this combination ideal because they have many characteristics in common. They form a calm couple, focused and dedicated in love.

They believe in stability in many ways and therefore seek to establish themselves emotionally and financially. They are faithful signs to each other, but you cannot expect them to be innovative in the sexual field as both Taurus and Capricorn are more conservative.

These two signs have a complicity and are more restrained. The combination between them has everything to work out.

Capricorn and Gemini

Capricornians and Gemini are hardly attracted to each other. Gemini belongs to the Air element and is of mutable energy, while Capricorn belongs to the Earth element and its energy is cardinal. This makes them totally different in their values.

They could become partners, but there's a good chance that Gemini will find their partner a bit rigid. Capricorn, on the other hand, finds Gemini too excited about trivia and super unstable.

No matter how willing both of you are to maintain a relationship, it can soon become tiresome.

Capricorn and Cancer

A relationship between Capricorn and Cancer can be very tumultuous. Both are extremists in the way they see the world. In the sentimental field, Cancer is able to penetrate the closed world of Capricorn which in turn sees him as harmless.

A Cancerian has the essence of caring and everything for him is a life project. As a couple, you will be complementary, but you will always have to have long and difficult conversations to keep the relationship on track.

Cancer will be the most insecure and will feel inadequate at times, while Capricorn will be quite charged.

Capricorn and Leo

Capricorn and Leo have very similar values, such as work and the feeling of usefulness, so they make a very promising couple. The fixed energy of the Leo is very pleasant for the individual Capricornian, since security is the main recipe of this sign.

The key word in a relationship between these two signs of the Zodiac is stability. You will have a lot of harmony and Capricorn will feel at ease to synchronize with the routine and tastes of his beloved Leo. In this relationship, the individual of the sign of Goat has many chances to be more passive.

Thus, the Capricornian will give turn to his romantic partner in simple decisions, such as what to eat, where to live, where to travel etc.

Capricorn and Virgo

Capricorn and Virgo form the most compatible couple of the Zodiac as their values and life interests are highly identical. Patience will be a key tool for the relationship between the two to flow and become lasting.

This is because both are Earth signs and have compatible energies. Thus, the mutable energy of Virgo rules over the search to improve oneself. In the personal field, this seeks to improve oneself, the other and the world.

Capricorn, on the other hand, has his cardinal energy, which will help manage relationship problems, if so disposed.

Capricorn and Libra

Capricorn and Libra are by far highly disproportionate beings. The former is quiet and socially indisposed, while the latter tends to be the opposite, as it loves being among people and visiting friends and family. Capricorn's concerns lie in the future, while Libra is concerned with the now.

Beauty and balance in life are different for Libra people, but for Capricorn people, they are in the success of hard work, a promotion, or a business deal that worked out.

That is not to say, however, that there is no meeting place for these two. On the off chance that they both come from a base of mutual love and respect they can work to find something in common.

Capricorn and Scorpio

There is a good chance that Capricorn and Scorpio will form a lasting couple. However, this depends on how willing they are to adjust. They will have good levels of trust, but their values are a little disconnected.

Both have secret emotional levels to each other. Although they are intelligent, the difficulty of expressing feelings on the Capricornian's part and the Scorpio's power of self-expression can be a major standoff between the two.

Despite this, they have a perfect physical combination. Capricorn and Scorpio share a special and strong sexual bond.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

It is said that opposites attract, however, this is not the case between Capricorn and Sagittarius. These two signs are entirely different, they can be good friends and good work partners, but when it comes to love life, they are good lovers only up to a point.

Capricorn and its more rational and earthy sentimental atmosphere cannot stand the volatile energy of Sagittarius. This is because the Sagittarian always seems to maintain the incoherence and genius of a child. Capricorn, on the other hand, is more behaved.

The only value in common between Capricorn and Sagittarius is intelligence. The former values the logic of situations, while the latter seeks learning aimed at transformation. In this point, then, they can complement each other.

Capricorn and Capricorn

It is expected that a couple with the same sign, element and energy would supply each other's needs and be complete. What happens is that there are many impasses in the combination of Capricorn with Capricorn.

They would be good partners only in the sexual field. However, they are two people who keep their restrictions, who deny themselves various rights. In communication, the most likely problem is an eternal wait, until something happens or changes.

The reason for this is their ruler Saturn, so a relationship between them is the glimpse of a life full of extremes. Either they would understand each other's needs with few words, or there would be great frustration, every time one of the partners tried to deepen their intimacy.

Capricorn and Aquarius

With an Earth sign, you have meticulousness and slowness. In an Air sign, spontaneity and momentary satisfaction reign. Although these signs are ruled by the same planet, Saturn will take over their personalities in very adverse aspects.

It is very unlikely that Aquarius will have the patience to wait for Capricorn to make a detailed plan and this will be a big reason for him to leave the scene, precisely because he doesn't like anything done in a hurry and in the heat of the moment.

Capricorn is a bit bureaucratic and Aquarius is interested in the now, so there is little chance of a harmonious and lasting relationship between the natives of these signs.

Capricorn and Pisces

There is great softness between Pisces and Capricorn, for both are quiet in their own ways, at least at the beginning of their love relationship. The Piscean has a certain shyness and can be slow to open up, and the Capricornian, on the other hand, is very reserved.

The two tend to take time to understand each other and to meet each other's needs. It is possible for them to progress at a very slow but light pace.

Once they are established, there is a mutual trust and similar levels of affection. Thus, there is a promise of a very long-lasting relationship.

The sign of Capricorn

Capricorn is characterized by being one of the most hardworking and rigid signs of the Zodiac. It is said that their harshness keeps them away from relationships and that they love nothing more than to progress in life. This is true only up to a point.

Capricornians can be very loving and great partners in life. Below, understand how this happens and the big myths about them!

General features

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, belongs to the Earth element and its energy is Cardinal. This set of characteristics shapes the way he sees and presents himself to the world. In the event that the astrological chart is aligned, there is great potential to evolve in several areas of life.

Capricorn's more closed nature is due to its ruling planet, and it is likely that this individual has experienced great difficulties since childhood, which explains his harshness. His Earth element characterises his propensity to build a better life.

Your cardinal energy suggests a great need to be useful, so the Capricornian will be very focused on your goals, but also very helpful.

The first Myth related to Capricorn is the "sacrifice for elevation". The Greek legend tells that there was a goat named Arimathea, which fed Jupiter. As time passed, great conflicts led him to sacrifice the goat, in order to make an armor that would make him invulnerable to enemy attacks.

Another Greek version is that Capricorn was half man and half goat, covered with hair on his legs. He was a forest dweller who took advantage of his hideous appearance to amuse himself by scaring visitors.

In Babylonian mythology, Capricorn was a being half man and half fish. Its duality water and earth made it sacred and representative of creation. They were animals that came down from great mountains with the arrival of winter.

The shadow of Capricorn

Capricornians are very realistic individuals, and therefore tend to be very pessimistic. The result of the absence of a loving upbringing base is a visible brutality in your way of talking to people.

They have a great inclination to become antisocial and miserly individuals, and if their constructive energy is not well directed, they run the risk of choosing life paths which do not correspond to their own, and end up with no relevant achievements in life. Their high introspection sometimes makes them incapable of living in the present.

How to deal with the shadow so that Capricorn in love is not affected

In the event that you are already in a relationship, there should be great willingness to improve on the part of the Capricornian and immense patience from your partner. Capricorn, however, must recognise that you are living in the shadow of your sign and that your worst side is in evidence.

But no one should insist that someone change the distorted way of living life, as long as the affected individual is predisposed to improve. Luckily, this is a sign that, when in love, is able to make great efforts.

However, to deal with this shadow in the personality, you need to give yourself great motivations. One of them is small demonstrations of the benefits of becoming someone better in various areas of life. By acting in this way, Capricorn love will not be affected.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.