Gypsy Horoscopes: history, characteristics, signs and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is Gypsy Horoscope?

The Gypsy Horoscope is very similar to the Western horoscope in that it gives a description of the personality of each individual, as well as predicting some future events. These descriptions and predictions are made by means of the date of birth of the person. Furthermore, the periods of each Gypsy sign are the same as the ones we know.

But there is something which differs the Gypsy Horoscope from the traditional one as it does not take into consideration the positioning of the planets. Its predictions are made from the Oracles, which are known only to Gypsies. Their signs are divided into groups and the symbolism used for each one comes from elements used in the daily life of this people. These symbols also represent the millenary tradition of the Gypsies.

In this article you will learn a lot of interesting information about the Gypsy Horoscope as its origin, its signs and characteristics. Check it out!

Gypsy Horoscopes and their Origin

Gypsies have always been famous for their ability to make predictions about events in people's lives. They use numerous forms of divination such as cartomancy and palmistry.

Below you will learn a little about the history of the Gypsy Horoscope, its symbolism and what the predictions made by this Oracle are based on.

History of Gypsy Horoscopes

The history of the Gypsy Horoscope dates back to the Middle Ages, being one of the oldest ways of predicting the future. As in the West, the Gypsy Zodiac has 12 signs, which are defined by a period of birth date.

These have different names from the Zodiacs we know. They are: Cup, Chaplets, Dagger, Crown, Lamps, Wheel, Star, Bell, Coin, Axe and Horseshoe. The Roma people have always been rich in traditions and superstitions, being known as the community most deeply connected to magic, mysticism and enchantments.

The horoscope of the Gypsy people was created by their sorcerers and uses as a symbol objects with much meaning in the lives of these people. The symbolism used to define the signs represent important characteristics and traditions.

Symbology of the Gypsy Horoscope

The symbolism of the Gypsy Horoscope is important for this people as it represents their traditions and daily life. The signs show some interesting perspectives and also the way this people saw the world.

This Zodiac is used so that people understand which are the weak points and the strong points in their personality. The Gypsy Horoscope can be used as a true spiritual guide so that individuals have more assertive behaviour in the face of the situations they face.

How are the Predictions of the Gypsy Horoscope based on

Although the Gypsy Horoscope is not based on the movement of the planets, as the Western horoscope is, there are some similarities with it. Its predictions are based on the study of the stars, the Sun and the Moon.

With their talent for predicting the future, they created their own horoscope, also using 12 signs: the signs. Besides the stars, Oracles are used for their predictions, which are known only to the Gypsies and kept secret.

Signs of the Gypsy Horoscope

With different names from those in traditional horoscopes, the Gypsy Horoscope is also represented by 12 signs of the Zodiac. Each one is linked to a period of birth and has characteristics which influence the life of individuals.

Below, you will know the period and the characteristics that each of the signs brings and how the personality of their natives is!

Dagger - 21/3 to 20/4

The Dagger is the first sign of the Gypsy Zodiac and is related to the period from 21/03 to 20/04. This sign represents the fight, being a sharp weapon. The natives with this influence have as main characteristic the courage to face the world. They have great impetus to live and discover new places, being in several conquests.

People of the Dagger sign have great leadership instincts and like to have individuals around them who obey them. They are dynamic, bold and, whenever they get into a dispute, they go in to win. However, you have to be careful with authoritarianism, which can harm your life at some point.

Below are some elements that bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

  • Your protective amulet should be made with your metal, which is iron;
  • The candle that favors you the most is red;
  • The ideal perfume is lavender;
  • His flower is the lotus;
  • Its patron saint is Saint Nicholas;
  • The signs that go best with Dagger are: Star, Coin and Axe.
  • Crown - 04/21 to 05/20

    The sign of the Crown means nobility, honor, tradition, preservation of territories and stability. These natives usually put their possessions and the people they consider "theirs" in first place. Besides, they need to feel safe, to be sure of the protection of their own and to know that they own something.

    Usually, they are moralistic, conservative people who like to maintain traditions and teach them to their descendants. Natives of the Crown sign are very careful with their family and, from a very early age, they want to have their own home, tending to be very attached to their children and partner. Below are some elements which bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

  • Its metal is copper, a suitable material for a protective amulet;
  • Your favorable day is Friday;
  • The color of your candle is yellow;
  • Her perfume is that of roses;
  • The flower is the Thistle;
  • His patron saint is Saint George;
  • They have greater compatibility with Wheel, Chapel and Bell.
  • Candeias - 21/05 to 20/06

    Candeias represent light and truth which are cast to enlighten and inform on all matters. Natives of this sign are very knowledge oriented and like to exchange information with the world.

    People with the influence of Candeias have a quick mind, are excellent at logical reasoning. They like to read, travel and talk about numerous subjects which can increase their knowledge.

    Below are some elements that bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • The metal suitable for this native is nickel;

    • Your lucky day is Wednesday;

    • Its candle is grey in colour;

    • The indicated perfume is floral;

    • Its flower is the red rose;

    • Her patron saint is Saint Catherine;

    • The best combinations to this sign are Coin, Cup and Axe.

    Roda - 21/06 to 21/07

    The sign of the Wheel represents the coming and going, the movement of its natives, and can even be represented by constant traveling or by a spirit of permanent nomadism, as Gypsies are.

    His native is seen as a person who is very difficult to understand because he has a contradictory personality and a great inner instability. He is someone who, one moment is calm, but the next moment becomes aggressive with those around him.

    Below are some elements that bring greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • Your protective amulet should be made of silver;

    • This native's lucky day is Monday;

    • Your candle is the silver one;

    • The ideal perfume for this native is that of roses;

    • The lily is his flower;

    • Saint Louis is their patron saint;

    • Roda does well with Crown, Dagger and Chapel.

    Star - July 22 to August 22

    For the horoscope, the Star sign represents equality. Its natives are those who were born to shine and succeed. These people attract everyone's attention, wherever they are, with their inexplicable magnetism.

    They like to live life intensely, seek to create affective unions wherever they go and are always surrounded by friends. Thus, they do not like to be alone and this is a reason for unhappiness for these natives. Another characteristic of those who have the Star sign is that they need to be recognized, having approval and admiration, to feel fulfilled.

    Check out some elements that bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • The metal for your amulet is gold;

    • Its most favorable day is Sunday;

    • His candle is orange;

    • The best perfume for this native is sandalwood;

    • Its flower is the red carnation;

    • His protection is left to Saint James;

    • The most compatible signs with this one are Dagger, Axe and Cup.

    Bell - 23/08 to 22/09

    The Bell represents exactness and perfection. Its natives are people who like to establish order and rigour in their activities. They are methodical and organized, keep to the scheduled times and usually remind other people about their tasks.

    Despite their demands, they are always willing to help, but they do not usually brag about their achievements and kindness. They are committed, dedicated, prudent and careful people, and usually plan all the details of their activities, because they hate unforeseen events.

    Below are some elements that bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • The metal for Sino natives is nickel;

    • Your lucky day is Wednesday;

    • The favorable candle is violet;

    • The ideal perfume is gardenia;

    • Verbena is your flower;

    • The patron saint is Saint Bartholomew;

    • Natives have great compatibility with Crown, Wheel and Horseshoe.

    Currency - 23/09 to 22/10

    In the horoscope, the sign Coin is the representation of material and spiritual wealth, also symbolizing the two sides of all issues. In this way, they are always showing that there are two points of view in any situation, depending on the perspective of who is looking.

    These natives are people with great empathy and can put themselves in the place of others, understanding and accepting their differences. Thus, they do not usually judge without trying to understand the reasons for each attitude. Due to this characteristic, they are always surrounded by friends.

    Below are some elements that bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • The metal for your protection amulet is copper;

    • Your lucky day is Friday;

    • Your candle is yellow;

    • Her perfume is lavender;

    • Its flower is the dahlia;

    • It has two patron saints: São Cosme and São Damião;

    • The best combinations for your sign are Dagger, Lamps and Cup.

    Dagger - 23/10 to 21/11

    The sign Dagger is the symbol of change and transformation. This representation comes from a gypsy tradition in which the young man, on entering adulthood, receives a dagger. Thus, this weapon indicates the passage, maturity and power. Therefore, this sign is linked to deep inner changes.

    Their natives are very respected and well regarded, despite being enigmatic and therefore difficult to be deeply known. They are very attractive, making the people around them be impacted by their person. Besides, they are great observers, being able to know the soul of anyone.

    Below are some elements that bring you greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • The metal for your talisman is iron;

    • Your day of the week is Tuesday;

    • Your candle is red in color;

    • Musk is your ideal perfume;

    • Its flower is the chrysanthemum;

    • Saint Anthony is your guardian angel;

    • It is most compatible with Crown, Wheel and Horseshoe.

    Axe - 22/11 to 21/12

    Axe is a sign that symbolizes freedom, as this was the tool used to clear new territories. Besides being a weapon, it is also fundamental for survival. Therefore, the natives of this sign are independent, daring and adventurous people, having as mission to open paths.

    Because they are people with great enthusiasm and adventurous spirit, they are always in challenging situations that push them forward. They are active, daring and curious, characteristics that make them always seek to go further.

    Below are some elements that bring them greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • Its metal is tin;

    • Your lucky day is Thursday;

    • His candle is purple;

    • Jasmine is the ideal perfume;

    • Its flower is the orchid;

    • Its protection is done by Saint Cecilia;

    Horseshoe - 22/12 to 20/01

    Effort and work are what the sign of the Horseshoe represents. Gypsies believe that this is an object which brings luck and prosperity and eliminates negative energies. The natives of this sign are hardworking, applied and careful in the pursuit of their goals.

    They understand that it is possible to achieve everything they want through their efforts, and usually, with their obstinacy, get where they want. Horseshoe natives look for stability and are not deceived by promises of easy success.

    Below are some elements that bring them greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • Its metal is lead;

    • Your lucky day is Saturday;

    • Its candle is light blue in color;

    • Its perfume is lemon;

    • Its flower is the violet;

    • His protector is Saint John;

    • They make a better combination with Dagger, Chapel and Wheel.

    Cup - 21/01 to 19/02

    The sign Cup represents union, as this object is present in all celebrations of great importance for Gypsies. It also represents receptivity and this is a strong characteristic of the natives of this sign, making them always in search of knowledge.

    The Cup is a sign characterized by its tolerance, accepting differences. These natives are idealistic, diplomatic, independent and versatile. With their optimism, they are always looking positively at all situations that present themselves.

    Below are some elements that bring them greater benefits, protection and luck in life:

    • The metal of the Cup native is aluminum;

    • Your lucky day is Saturday;

    • The candle favorable to you is navy blue in color;

    • His scent is cinnamon;

    • Its flower is the poppy;

    • His patron saint is Saint Vincent;

    • The best combinations for the Cup are the Candeias, Estrela and Moeda signs.

    Chapels - 20/02 to 20/03

    In the horoscope, Capelas is the representation of faith. On their paths, the Gypsies have been acquiring beliefs and religious rituals of the destinations where they passed, being a mixture of Catholicism, Eastern philosophies and magic rituals. In this way, the spiritual life is very important to them. Thus, these natives have greater sensitivity for such aspects, having spiritual concerns and questioningtheir mission in the world.

    Capella people have a lot of empathy for those around them and try to understand them without judging. They are very emotional and sensitive to the situations they witness, being humble in understanding their smallness before the universe. In addition, they have great appreciation for mysticism and a very sharp intuition.

    Below are some elements that bring them greater benefits, protection and luck:

    • Its metal is platinum;

    • Your lucky day is Thursday;

    • Your candle is green in color;

    • Her perfume is wisteria;

    • Its flower is the water lily;

    • The natives of Capela are protected by Saint Sergius;

    • This sign is most compatible with Crown, Bell and Horseshoe.

    Can Gypsy Horoscopes predict the future?

    The Gypsy Horoscope is used to predict the future and also to describe how the personality of each individual will be, depending on the period of their birth. The concept of this horoscope uses all astrology to give clarity to the paths of a person or a community.

    The gipsy signs have their own perspective and use the stars, the Sun and the Moon to make their predictions, but they also use their own Oracles, which are kept secret by the gipsy people. The symbols of the signs are represented by objects which are part of the traditions and daily life of this people.

    We hope that this article has helped you to better understand the characteristics of the Gypsy Horoscope and its influence on your natives.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.