Dragonfly meaning: spiritual, mystical, in dream, tattoo and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Know what the dragonfly insect represents!

Dragonflies are insects known for their vibrant colors and distinctive flying abilities, as they can hover in the air. Besides being excellent agents of pollination, dragonflies are commonly associated with myths and legends in various cultures around the world, being part of stories since the dawn of humanity.

Although just an insect, dragonflies are revered as symbols of good luck in some cultures, while they can be considered a bad omen in others. Easily noticed due to their appearance, dragonflies gain even more visibility right now as they are the subject of this article.

In it, we will describe the origins of its name, its mystical, esoteric symbolism and how different cultures view this little insect. In addition, we also bring information about its tattoo, dreams with dragonflies, as well as what it means when you see a dragonfly. Read on and check it out!

Understanding more about the dragonfly

In this initial section, we present the most essential information about the dragonfly, such as the origin of its name, its characteristics and important curiosities about it, so you can begin to explore the universe of this fascinating animal. Check it out.

Origin of the name dragonfly

The origin of the name dragonfly can be established from Latin, more precisely through the word 'libellula', referring to the act of leveling, a word that was already used to designate this insect during antiquity.

The word 'Libellula' is the diminutive form of 'libella', a term which in turn means the level of the scale that balances itself on equal weights. Consequently, its name refers to the ability of this graceful insect to remain suspended and balanced in the air during its flights.

Dragonfly characteristics

Unlike most insects, dragonflies, along with ladybugs and butterflies, are generally well regarded by people. It is a winged insect that belongs to the suborder Anisoptera.

One of the main characteristics of this insect is its very elongated abdomen and an appearance reminiscent of a helicopter. Dragonflies have two pairs of semitransparent wings, compound eyes and colors that resemble a metallic tone, varying according to the species.

Although it has a wide distribution worldwide, dragonflies usually find refuge in regions near water bodies, such as marshes, pools and streams. They also feed on other insects, especially mosquitoes and flies.

Curiosities about the dragonfly

Dragonflies are fascinating insects and, therefore, there are several curious facts surrounding this animal. Among them, we can mention:

- Its name varies a lot from region to region, so it is known as jacinta, lava-bunda, odonata, zig-zag, washerwoman, dog horse, among many other names;

- Dragonflies are not poisonous;

- Dragonfly eggs are laid in water, the environment in which it lives for a total cycle of 17 metamorphoses;

- Some dragonfly species can take up to 5 years to be able to fly;

- The last metamorphosis of this insect lasts 30 to 40 minutes. After its last transformation, it takes about 3 hours for its wings to be dry and ready for flight;

- Dragonflies can measure from 2 to 19cm.

Main dragonfly meanings

Now that you know the basics about the dragonfly, it's time to explore the meanings of this powerful animal.

Initially, we talk about the spiritual meaning of dragonfly to, from it, we can deal with its negative meaning, as the shamanism conceives it, besides showing the meaning in Christianity, mysticism and esotericism. Check it out.

Spiritual meaning of the dragonfly

The spiritual meaning of the dragonfly is connected to change and transformation. It appears as a warning that you should spread more light and joy to the different areas of your life, as it is not very profitable to remain in the shadows of anonymity or lost within your own darkness.

The dragonfly encourages you to navigate your own spirituality, seeking meaning in the path of spirit so that it can reveal how you should connect with the divine and manifest your full potential in this incarnation.

The dragonfly also symbolizes new beginnings, living in wholeness, maturity and balance. Free yourself and your illusions and limitations and be ready to reflect your inner light in the world around you.

Negative meaning of dragonfly

In some cultures, the dragonfly is a symbol of negativity. In Norway, the dragonfly is considered "the one who pierces eyes" and therefore it can be seen as a symbol of bad luck. In the Netherlands, another Germanic country, the dragonfly was considered the "horse biter".

Not far from the European continent, in Asia, certain ethnic groups, such as the Chinese, believe that the dragonfly is a symbol of inconstancy. In addition, the dragonfly can be seen as a symbol of bad luck.

Meaning of the dragonfly for shamanism

In Shamanism, the dragonfly is seen as a sign of change, appearing as a messenger between the worlds of water and air. In some cultures of traditional North American peoples, dragonflies are seen as homes of the spirits of ancestors.

In addition, the dragonfly is linked to balance, and is also used as a symbol of protection, fertility and its medicine is widely used to prevent someone from dying of hunger or experiencing need.

Meaning of the dragonfly for Christianity

Many Christian traditions consider the dragonfly to be a symbol of their religion, for it is born underwater before ascending towards the light. Moreover, it is a symbol that everything takes on more colors in the light of the universe, since its body is colorless when it first emerges and becomes colorful when the rays of the sun touch it.

Therefore, the dragonfly is seen as a metaphor representing the symbolic way in which Christians can be transformed when touched with the light of Jesus. In addition, they symbolize prosperity, strength, courage, peace, harmony, and purity.

Mystical meaning of the dragonfly

From a mystical point of view, the dragonfly represents immortality and regeneration, which is why it is commonly used as a motif or adornment in works of art and literature. Its colours, shapes and behaviour inspire the creation of a more balanced environment.

Thus, it is quite common for people to use accessories with dragonfly images so that they attract their mystical energy into their lives.

Esoteric meaning of dragonfly

In the esoteric point of view, dragonfly is a symbol of protection and transformation for the better. Therefore, it can be painted or sculpted to attract these energies into the lives of its users. In addition, dragonfly is also associated with peace, protection and prosperity in esotericism.

Dragonfly meanings in different countries

As we have already mentioned, different countries and cultures have different conceptions about the symbolism of the dragonfly.

So, we will take a walk around the world to understand more about the symbolism of the dragonfly in places in Europe like Sweden, Romania and Germany, and we will also learn more about dragonflies in Asian countries like Japan, and Vietnam. Check it out.

Dragonfly meaning in Sweden

In Sweden, dragonflies do not have a positive meaning. When they appear inside a house, for example, they suggest that some kind of tragedy is about to happen to someone in that house or some person related to it.

In addition, dragonflies are also associated with nature spirits that appear to assess the behaviors of humans and, upon seeing that someone is doing something cruel, take them into the forest.

Meaning of dragonfly in Japan

Dragonflies are highly prized and referenced in Japanese culture, so they often feature in Japanese art and poetry. In one famous legend, a young emperor was walking through a forest when he was attacked by a dangerous insect.

When he realized that the emperor was under attack, the dragonfly appeared and fed on the insect, thus protecting the emperor from any and all evil. For this reason, the dragonfly is known as a symbol of protection in Japan.

Meaning of dragonfly in Vietnam

The traditional meaning of the dragonfly in Vietnam is related to transformation. It symbolizes the different stages of metamorphosis of life. Moreover, being excellent fliers, they are seen as animals that inspire agility.

Dragonflies are also considered messengers, as they transit between the realm of water and the realm of air, carrying information and influences from both realms wherever they go. In addition, dragonflies are symbols of balance and induce deeper thoughts to understand what happens in life more clearly, away from superficiality.

Dragonfly meaning in Romania

In Romania, dragonflies are associated with evil and manipulative sorcery. According to Romanian folklore, there is a legend that the devil himself was the creator of dragonflies.

In this legend, when the devil failed to convince a fisherman to take him with him in his boat to the other side of the river, the devil transformed himself into a winged insect capable of moving over water, known today as a dragonfly.

Meaning of the dragonfly in Germany

The dragonfly appears in German folklore in a very interesting story. According to the legend, the dragonfly was created when an evil princess refused to speak to a man in her kingdom and ran him down with her dugout.

Weakened and humiliated, the man ended up cursing the princess so that she would be eternally stuck to his dugout. This is how the first dragonfly was born. Therefore, in Germany, the dragonfly is also associated with malevolence and curses and can be considered as a negative sign.

Other meanings of dragonfly

To further our understanding of the different meanings of the dragonfly, the following is what this insect represents to Celtic culture and Native American peoples.

Plus, we bring you what it means to have a dragonfly as a totem, spiritual or power animal, as well as the meaning of dragonfly dreams and what dragonfly tattoo means.Check it out.

Meaning of the dragonfly for Celtic culture

The dragonfly is a very important animal to the Celtic people, so there are about 23 different names to represent this animal. The Celts believed that the dragonfly was a magical animal because its wings have an iridescent effect, changing color according to the intensity of sunlight.

Since dragonfly eyes can rotate 365 degrees, it is believed to symbolize the human mind that intends to expand beyond the limitations of the mundane plane.

In addition, dragonflies represent overcoming disappointments about life. It is an animal that belongs to the seasons of autumn and summer and teaches that life is composed of a series of transformations.

Meaning of the dragonfly to the Native American people

Native American peoples generally have a very positive view of dragonflies, which is why many people use them as a common motif in their artistic manifestations and cultures. From a general Native American viewpoint, the dragonfly represents spring, rebirth and renewal.

Native American people often paint dragonflies to ensure that rain reaches their crops or brings more balance to drier areas. The dragonfly is also seen as a symbol of agility, dexterity, illusion and change.

Meaning of the dragonfly as a spirit animal

As an animal spirit, the dragonfly is connected with the symbolism of change and light. When a dragonfly appears in your life as an animal spirit, it indicates that you should not take life too seriously.

It is important that you learn to dance the compass of life, just like this animal, and adapt to it, because only then you will attract happiness and lightness of spirit to your daily life. It is a symbol for navigating your own emotions, connecting deeply to them.

Meaning of the dragonfly as a power animal

If the dragonfly is your power animal, the dragonfly means that you are an expert at doing what you want because you have learned the skills necessary to be able to achieve your goals. These skills have been acquired through discipline, attention to detail, repetition and perseverance.

The dragonfly also shows that you are an intense person from your childhood and that it is important that you find your balance by spending more time outdoors, especially near waterways.

You can use the energy of this animal whenever you need emotional help or to balance your time dedicated to different activities. Therefore, take advantage of the energy of this enlightened being to improve your life.

Meaning of the dragonfly as a totem animal

As a totem animal, the dragonfly reveals that your deepest transformation is underway and that you are about to become someone wiser. It is important that you learn to transform your thoughts, for only then can you begin to manifest that which you most desire.

This totem also speaks that, although the transformation process is complicated, it is through it that you will be able to reach better positions and reach where no one has ever gone before.

She asks you to persevere, because even in the most difficult moments, you are learning an important lesson that will improve your life and that will put you closer and closer to your spiritual development and in your emotional maturing process.

Meaning of meeting with a dragonfly

There are different meanings about dragonfly encounters, most of which are positive. For example, if a dragonfly got stuck in some kind of net, it is a sign that luck has knocked on your door. To benefit from it, release the dragonfly from the place where it got stuck.

If a dragonfly entered your home after sunset, it is a sign that you will receive an important message soon. If you were having doubts about doing the right thing and ended up seeing a dragonfly, the Universe is informing you that you are on the right path and should proceed. Killing a dragonfly is a very bad sign, as it symbolizes that someone close to you will get sick soon,

Meaning of dreaming of dragonfly

To dream of dragonfly indicates that a transformation is about to happen in your life. However, do not worry, because it will not be an abrupt change but something that will happen naturally and spontaneously.

If you saw a dragonfly crossing your path in your dream, it is a sign that you are feeling insecure about something that is happening in your life right now and that you need to work hard to achieve the growth you so desire.

If you were attacked by a dragonfly in your dream, it is a sign that someone very close to you is about to hurt you or that you will hurt someone you love. If you were attacked by a dragonfly in your dream, it is a sign that you will suffer an attack in your life when you wake up.

Dragonfly tattoo meaning

The dragonfly tattoo means changes and transformations. In addition, it is a symbol that dreams will come true, because it brings the power of metamorphosis to the horizon of those who use this tattoo.

Aboriginal peoples tattooed dragonflies on their skin to represent freedom and enlightenment. Dragonfly is also linked to spiritual elevation and the power to act as a messenger between different spheres of life, people and groups. Finally, it represents strength, rebirth, immortality, victory, courage, adaptation and spiritual awakening.

After all, is the meaning of dragonfly positive or negative?

As we have shown throughout the article, what determines whether the meaning of the dragonfly is something positive or negative is exclusively part of a culture or a specific moment in time. For example, in Japan, dragonflies are considered as symbols of protection, while in Norway they are symbols of bad luck.

Despite this constant variation of meaning according to culture, one thing can be said that all cultures share in common: the dragonfly's connection with transformation for the better. Moreover, since dragonflies coexisted with dinosaurs and are still alive today, they are considered a symbol of permanence.

Therefore, it can be said that the dragonfly has a predominantly positive meaning. Consequently, if you come across one, do not be alarmed. See its presence as a message from the universe that shows that your life is about to change for the better.

And, don't forget: don't kill them. In addition to being symbols of protection, they also feed on disease-carrying insects. So, as the Japanese legend goes, the dragonfly can protect you from all evil.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.