Children of Iansã: Learn if you are one and what are your characteristics!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know how the children of Yansã are?

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Children of Iansã are intense, unstable, attractive and are, above all, remarkable. It is undeniable that a son of Iansã will never be left aside in any context, due to his magnetism and strong personality. A son of Iansã can present instability, because he vibrates in the energy of this Orixá, which represents the dynamics of fire and all its power.

So, understand more in depth what are the characteristics of the children of Yansã and see if your personality or that of a friend coincides with this archetype. In this way, it will also be easier to deal with any child of Yansã, by understanding how people who vibrate in this powerful energy act on a daily basis.

Iansã in Candomblé and Umbanda

Iansã, in Candomblé and Umbanda, is married to Xangô, Orixá king and representative of justice and rationality. They are called the dendê couple, their day in the week is Wednesday and they represent complementary energies, which must be reconciled in life.

In this way, children of Yansã and Xangô have great harmony in real life, just as these Orixás have in religion. Read on to learn more about the subject.

Who are the Orixás?

The Orixás are Yoruba divinities that appeared in Africa and were brought to Brazil during the slavery period, in which the slaves had to syncretize these divinities with Catholic saints, due to the fact that they did not have the freedom to worship their gods.

The Orixás appeared approximately 5 thousand years ago and represent interpretations linked to the forces of nature and their relations with the Human Being, having human characteristics.

Who is Iansã?

Iansã, also called Oyá, is a warrior and queen Orixá. She is known as the lady of the storms, which coincides very much with the personality of those who vibrate in her energy: unstable, strong and magnetic. Unlike her husband, Xangô, Iansã has a great relationship with the world of the dead, which involves her in a great aura of mystery.

In this way, she is linked to fire and all its dynamism and power, which is reflected in the turbulent and intense personality of her children who vibrate in her energy. In addition, she is highly related to the color red, and may also be associated with pink and yellow, according to different traditions.

How do I know if I am a son of Yansã?

To really understand if you are a son of Yansã or not, you may have two alternatives. First, you can play the cowrie shells, where you can verify which are your frontal and head Orixás in Candomblé. The cowrie shells are a widespread practice and should be easy to find, especially for those who live in larger cities.

Besides, the other alternative is to go to a medium, so that, with the support of some entity, he can verify which are the Orixás that accompany you, due to your vibrational field. This is a very common practice in Umbanda, with the consultation usually being done in the terreiro itself.

What are guide lines?

The guide lines in Umbanda consist of specific energetic vibrations that are followed by a group of entities. Examples of lines are: the Xangô line, composed mainly by Caboclos and Pretos Velhos or the Ogum line, composed by Exus de Lei, Baianos and Gypsies. Besides these two lines, there are five more: Iemanjá, Oxalá, Oxóssi, Iori and Iorimá.

Characteristics of the Children of Iansã

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Do you want to know more in depth how the children of this intense and dynamic Orixá are? Understand the characteristics of the children of Iansã and be fascinated by their complex and volatile personality, with an intensity and magnetism that influence everyone around them. In this way you will know how to deal with these people or even with yourself, in case you are a child of this Orixá.


Do you know that magnetic person who can attract people around him/her with his/her way of being? This is the son of Iansã. Highly charismatic, the son of this Orixá possesses great magnetism and can attract people by his/her strength of spirit, ambition and presence.

When a son of Iansã arrives on the scene, he usually attracts diverse looks for his figure, both for his outstanding bodily appearance and for his striking personality.


Children of Iansã are very attractive and usually have a haughty posture, with an upright back and head held high. In addition, they are physically defined and have a striking posture, as if they were literally kings and ranhas, just like this Orixá.

Therefore, they convey a lot of confidence with their body language alone, and may even appear proud simply by the position of their chest and spine.


Iansã's children are like volcanoes about to erupt, having a mood that oscillates a lot, being highly temperamental. For this reason, it is not rare to see a son of Iansã who slept in a good mood and woke up in a bad mood and very angry, even if with no apparent explanation.

Possibly, this person came into contact with unpleasant thoughts and is still trying to resolve them.


Just like the fire that represents this Orixá, the children of Yansã are very unstable and can adapt quickly to any situation.

In this way, they are people who can insert themselves well in the professional market and have great value for the place that hires them. However, this instability is related to the fact that they are temperamental, which generates a lot of stress in the son of Yansã.


Due to the fact that they are highly unstable and temperamental, the children of Yansã are unpredictable and can contribute highly to your life or destroy you in some battle very quickly.

Therefore, the son of Yansã can be manipulated due to his turbulent character, but he is a fearsome enemy and it is better not to enter a battle against him because the son of this Orixá is very strong and usually overcomes the battles that appear in his life.


Never mess with a child of a son of Yansã, because they are defenders of their children and protect their descendants with all the energy they have available. So, if you do not wish to see the wrath of the son of Yansã, do not harm a child of this person, otherwise she will do everything to make you pay for what you did wrong.

Unable to hate

Children of Yansã do not hold grudges against anyone, being unable to hate someone who did them wrong in the past. In this way, they are people who show a reaction and do not let an offense go unpunished, but they do not hold on to that negative thing.

Thus, they are more detached and are able to live life more freely, without being consumed with negative energies of resentment.

Child advocates

Due to their dynamic and intense character, the son of Iansã usually has great drive to grab his achievements and does everything to progress professionally. Therefore, sons of Iansã are visionaries and are always related to the future, not holding on to things from the past and aiming for new achievements and their personal progress.

They need health care

There are some important points in which the son of Iansã should take care of their health, since due to their characteristics, it is possible for them to suffer from some health problems.

Thus, children of Iansã should be careful with: allergies, kidneys and bile, respiratory system, besides psychological problems derived from their emotional intensity, such as stress and even depression.

Sons of Iansã in different areas

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How are the children of Iansã in love and in their profession? The children of this Orixá have outstanding personality characteristics, being very turbulent, energetic and magnetic.

In this way, it is natural that the son of Iansã reflects his personality characteristics in relationships and at work, acting in a unique and striking way in any area of his life.

You will find that the children of Yansã are very intense, both at work and in relationships, and it is important that they are around people with calmer energy and greater patience to deal with their mood swings and attitudes.

For this reason, it is important that the son of Yansã works or relates with the son of a more calm and less impulsive Orixá, combining complementary energies in this relationship.

Sons of Iansã in love

The children of Iansã are born seducers and conquerors, with a great speech and, many times, unique skills when it comes to the physical part of the relationship.

In this way, the son of Iansã conquers someone in speech and action, always representing mystery and generating a kind of internal heat in the other, as if it were a seductive fire that makes every part of the spouse's body burn intensely.

In the relationship, the children of Yansã are faithful, but usually seduce others just for fun. Thus, they can generate a lot of jealousy in their partner, although they have no intention of betraying their spouse.

In fact, the son of Iansã is also very jealous and has a propensity to fight over nonsense, oscillating his affective state with his partner during the day, being affectionate one moment and angry the next.

Sons of Iansã in profession

Regarding profession, the children of Yansã are born leaders and excellent workers, as they love when they are challenged by something innovative that has never been tested before.

Therefore, it is a professional who usually yields a lot of fruit for the company, besides having an entrepreneurial characteristic, with a lot of courage to start new ventures and work in areas not much explored.

In addition, the son of Iansã is usually the protagonist at work, marking the environment because of his posture and effort expended in the profession.

In this way, children of this Orixà tend to become one of the references in the work area, especially if they are truly included in the team and if they feel challenged, so that they have enough stimulus to awaken the innovative side of these people.

Do Iansã children have a strong personality?

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With all the characteristics you have seen about the children of Yansã, for sure these people have an outstanding personality. They are firm in all their attitudes and very determined, without being authoritarian, which makes them natural leaders.

The children of this Orixá also have a striking body posture, ideal for transmitting a sense of nobility and strength, helping to build their unique personalities.

Because they are unstable, turbulent and highly energetic, the children of Iansã can be misunderstood as confused and even immature or seen as strong and even feared.

However, it is consensual that a son of Iansã will always stand out and mark the environment where he lives in some way, either by his amorous seduction, professional leadership and motivational capacity or by his simple real semblance and power of inspiration by attitudes.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.