Deeksha: what is it, what is it good for, benefits, contraindications and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn all about "The Blessing of Unity"!

Deeksha, also called "The Blessing of Oneness", is a form of subtle energy coming from the source of life, which can promote the expansion of consciousness and the dissolution of suffering states.

The origin of this energy is the creative source (essence of life), where the state of unity - the consciousness of the ONE - resides. A state of consciousness of high vibrational frequency that promotes a deep feeling of connection, peace, compassion and joy.

Deeksha is an energy of subtle but transformative nature. It promotes a transition from states of lower consciousness (the ego-identified self) to a process of awakening consciousness in which we start living more and more in states of unity, experiencing wholeness.

Understanding Deeksha

Deeksha is a form of divine energy channeled by the Indian spiritualist Sri Amma Bhagavan in 1989. It originally emerged as a mystical phenomenon that promotes transformation and expansion of consciousness, with enlightenment as its primary goal.

The origin of this energy is the creative source (essence or source of life), where the state of unity - the consciousness of the ONE - resides. A state of consciousness of high vibrational frequency that promotes a deep feeling of connection, peace, compassion and joy.

What is it?

Diksha is the Sanskrit word for "initiation." It can be used to refer to a ceremony in which a guru initiates a student into his teaching. This is an individual ceremony that can be practiced in religions such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, as well as in the Yogic tradition.

It is said that the process of diksha enables the disciple to flourish in their spiritual development. They are able to transcend the intellect and find their happiness by quenching their thirst for knowledge.

There are several possible origins of the term diksha. The word comes from the Sanskrit roots da, meaning "to give", and ksi, meaning "to destroy".

Alternatively, it can be derived from the verb diks, which means "to enshrine." Finally, it can also be considered that di means "intellect" and ksha means "the horizon" or "the end." The idea behind this is that when the disciple is initiated by the guru, the mind of the guru and the mind of the student become one. Then, the mind is transcended and the journey becomes one of the heart.

Diksha can also be translated as meaning "to see", which implies that after diksha has been taken, the disciple can see his true goal and path of spiritual development. This is an inner journey, so diksha is directed towards the inner eye.

Deeksha's history in Brazil

Deeksha started in 1989, in a nursery school in Jeevashram, India, founded by Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, when a Golden Orb appeared to Krishna Ji, the couple's son, then 11 years old. The Golden Orb was also passed from Krishna Ji to the students and to the parents of the students of this school, leading them to enlightened states of being and a deep expansion of consciousness. Thismystical and sacred phenomenon came to be called Deeksha or Blessing of Unity.

The Golden Orb had already manifested itself to Sri Bhagavan when he was only 3 years old, in a place called Natham, in India, and made him chant a specific mantra for 21 years. Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan found that this energy was granted for the benefit of all humanity, being an incredible gift for spiritual evolution, which should be shared with all andanyone who was seeking transformation and a meaningful, joy-filled life.

This school in Jeevashram, devoted to educating and loving students in a holistic way, became the birthplace of the O&O Academy (formerly Oneness University), an institution that has trained hundreds of thousands of Deeksha Givers around the world, besides regularly holding courses and retreats aimed at spiritual awakening.

There is no specific date of when this practice has spread around the world and when it reached Brazil. What is known is that it is still little spread in South America, but slowly the deeksha sessions are gaining their space in the Brazilian culture along with meditation.

What is it used for and how does it work?

Deeksha is for anyone who wants to receive it, it is transmitted through an authorized facilitator, called Deeksha Giver. The giver in question channels the blessing of unity and transmits it through the palms of his hands depositing it on the top of the receiver's head.

Upon contact with the top of the receiver's head, the energy enters the crown chakra promoting the transformation of consciousness generating states of unity, compassion, peace and joy.

Deeksha Transmission

The person who applies deeksha has an initiation that allows that at the time of application, that the mind and heart are open to what the person really needs, with the application of a ball of energetic light over the head of who is receiving.

It is the transfer of divine grace through an intelligent and subtle energetic vibration coming from the Source of Life, without any religious mark for a total transformation of the consciousness of the self to the consciousness of unity.

Known as energy giving, the Indian technique is always done together with meditation. The purpose is to contribute to the individual's own enlightenment. The most common way of Deeksha transmission is by the imposition of the hands of a Deeksha Giver on the crown chakra (top of the head).

Differences between Deeksha and Reiki

Many people ask if Reiki and Deeksha are the same thing, as both are forms of energy transmitted through the laying on of hands. Reiki and Deeksha are different techniques, although both bring energetic and spiritual benefits to those receiving them. They are two forms of energy with different geographical origins and different purposes.

Reiki Therapy is a form of energy that was channeled with Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th century, while Deeksha came from India through the mystic Sri Amma Bhagavan in the late 1980s.

Deeksha promotes a neurobiological change in the brain, aiming the transformation of the consciousness to reach the state of unity or enlightenment. It is transmitted through intention or imposition of hands in the crown chakra.

Reiki in turn is a tool for physical and emotional healing that focuses on the harmonization and energetic balance of the chakras and meridians. It is transmitted through touches in various regions of the body.

Scientific explanations

Deeksha is a neurobiological event already proven by science. It activates the frontal neocortex, the sensation of empathy, connection, happiness. It acts progressively, rebalancing the neuroendocrine activity.

It raises the levels of oxytocin and serotonin (well-being hormones) and decreases the levels of cortisol and other stress neurotransmitters. Deeksha activates new brain synapses, leading to a change in the perception of life facts, emotions, and consequently, in the way of deciding and acting.

Benefits of Deeksha

Deeksha manifests differently in each individual. Some of the most common benefits reported are:

- Accelerates the process of self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness;

- It raises the level of consciousness allowing one to live fully and discover the extraordinary in everyday life;

- It awakens compassion;

- It reduces anxiety;

- It leads to a state of meditation and immediate presence;

- It provides a sense of pleasure, joy and inner peace;

- Increases the connection with the Higher Self (our true essence);

- Removes blockages and emotional burdens;

- It brings harmony and love to relationships;

- Dissolves unresolved emotions in the unconscious that generate a negative reality;

- Facilitates the release of traumas;

- Miraculous physical cures.

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Deeksha is an energy that when received, will cause in each person, a different feeling of well being. So we can say that this energy is unique, particular, because it helps in the development and individual growth.

Self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness

Some of the most common benefits reported in receiving Deeksha is that this practice promotes self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness, through a cosmic awakening that integrates the person to the whole divine nature.

Reduction of anxiety

It can act to reduce anxiety, improve sleep, promote calmness, relaxation, a sense of well-being and inner peace and can act to improve your relationships with yourself, with others and with the universe.

Deeksha makes a neurobiological change in the brain, already proven by science, because it activates the frontal and parietal lobes, activating the area of the brain responsible for the sensation of empathy, connection and inner silence, and acts progressively, remodeling and rebalancing the neuroendocrine activity, raising, in turn, the levels of oxytocin and serotonin, which are the hormonesresponsible for well-being and decreasing levels of cortisol and other chronic stress neurotransmitters.

In this way, Deeksha forms new brain synapses, leading to a change in the perception of life facts, in emotions and in the way we act. This energy is accumulative, that is, the more applications a person receives, the more he/she will awake to the Divine Consciousness.

Connection with the "Inner Self" and the "Divine Self

The meditation practiced together with Deeksha are powerful instruments of meeting with ourselves, it is an experience of connection with the True Self, the Inner Self, the Divine Self, the Cosmic Energy, Creative Energy - whatever name we want to give it, but mainly an experience of connection, of belonging. Belonging to something bigger that goes beyond the mind.

Awakens compassion

Many people who have received Deeksha report that when they are in this process, they feel a very strong sensation of peace and joy. This practice helps in the self-knowledge and in the emotional and spiritual development, besides awakening a great compassion, both in the giver and the receiver.

Harmony for love and relationships

In our relationship, we all feel separate from each other. A strong sense of "I" is responsible for this. Spiritual awakening is not a psychological transformation, but a neurobiological one. You cannot cultivate a feeling of Oneness and a feeling of love, you cannot say to yourself: from now on I want to live in a state of Oneness with the world and I will stop experiencingmy disconnection, you just can't learn that.

Something needs to happen with your brain and that is what the Deeksha process is about. The human mind is like a wall that protects it from reality. Deeksha - this is the energy that gradually removes this barrier, that means, slows down the excessive activity of the mind. Through this process, you directly perceive the reality, your Divine nature.

Unblocking of unresolved emotions

The evolution in human consciousness manifests as changes in all areas of our life: health, wealth, relationships and spiritual growth. Diksha leads to growth in consciousness, thus increasing the quality of your life experience. Deeksha changes emotions and perceptions.

This shift changes the approach to problems and opportunities because when perception changes, the problem is no longer perceived as a problem. When perception changes, reality can also change because the external world is only a reflection of the internal world. Higher perception and positive emotions create a more successful and rewarding life.

Physical healing

As it is known, it is a millennial affirmation of the wise, masters and, currently, scientists in the field of neuroscience, that it is in the brain that occurs the change to achieve the awakening or the full development of human potentialities.

In this sense Sri Bhagavan, founder of the Onenes Movement, says that Deeksha is a neurological phenomenon because it acts in the brain, in the region of the parietal and frontal lobes. The parietal lobes are responsible for spatial orientation and sensations, including the sensation of being separate from everything.

In human beings, the parietals are hyperactive and, therefore, hinder the feeling of pertinence, peace and unity. The frontal lobes are responsible, among other functions, for the production of hormones such as, for example, oxytocin, dopamine and others which are the hormones of compassion, pleasure and joy. Nowadays, the frontal lobes are not very active in human beings.

Deeksha acts, therefore, harmonizing the functions of the brain, the limbic system and the neocortex. So this energy that works unconditionally and silently without the person being conscious of it can help in healing physical pains.

Sense of inner peace

Happiness and inner peace are emotional states of a person who enjoys full harmony in their outlook and understanding of life.

They are optimistic and grateful for the simple fact of being able to exist, to breathe and to feed themselves. By opening to receive Deeksha's energy, the person develops a feeling of inner peace and gratitude, seeing life in a different way and feeling more satisfied with what has been achieved.

Other information about Deeksha

The process that gives spiritual knowledge and destroys the seed of sin and ignorance, is called Deeksha by the spiritual people who have seen the truth. As seen before, Deeksha promotes several benefits for those who donate and receive this energy, and below, but some curiosities about this blessing.

For whom is Deeksha indicated?

Deeksha can be received by people of all ages, regardless of physical or emotional condition. As it helps to reduce anxiety, it can be indicated to very anxious and stressed people.


There is no contraindication to receive Deeksha, it can be received by people of all ages, regardless of physical or emotional condition. It can be received even if the patient is already being treated with other energetic techniques or practices, without any conflict.

Deeksha is not bound to any doctrine, and can be experienced by all kinds of people regardless of their beliefs or spiritual orientations. Deeksha reconnects us to our essence through a higher state of consciousness coming from the source of life - the state of Oneness - without being bound to any kind of dogma or religion.

How to intensify the power of Deeksha?

There are three attitudes that can help intensify the practice which are: being in a state of deep detachment and relaxation, keeping your heart in a state of gratitude and having a clear intention of what you want to receive.

How to be a Deeksha Giver?

It is necessary to take a two-day course, in which the individual is able to be a Deeksha Giver. This process seeks to bring to the individual the inner transformations necessary for the emergence of a new state of consciousness, and a deep inner experience that makes him understand what is to live in fullness, acceptance and integrity.

How to join a session?

Deeksha can be received either in person or online. In person, it is usually available in collective meetings open to the public, the so called "Deeksha's Wheels", where meditation practices are done and, at the end, the energy is given by the voluntary donors to the receivers.

Online, it is usually given individually, where the donor, through a video call, has a quick conversation with the consulter and then intends that the energy is directed to your crown chakra.

Since it is an energy, there is no difference between receiving it online or in person. It is possible to experience the benefits of the practice by receiving it both ways.

Deeksha is an energy of subtle nature, yet transformative!

Deeksha is an energy of subtle nature, but transforming. It promotes a transition from lower states of consciousness (the ego-identified self) to a process of awakening of consciousness in which we start living more and more in states of unity, experiencing wholeness. Now that you know the benefits of this practice, seek a Deeksha's Circle and enjoy them!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.