Crystals Carnelian meaning: property, chakra, sign and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the meanings of the stone Carnelian?

Carnalline is the stone of artists, whose orange power attracts success, protection and awakens creativity. Use this energy with these precious tips. The meanings of the stone carnalline are vitality, communication, energy, creativity, harmony, balance, self-esteem and sexuality.

It also helps with issues related to circulation, bones and joints, as well as lower back pain. This powerful crystal stabilizes energies and anchors us in the present. Its vibration is so high that it restores vitality, stimulating creativity and motivation, bringing success and prosperity.

In meditative states, it dispels thoughts, reducing dispersion and increasing focus. Being an excellent protective stone, kornaline protects against envy, anger and resentment and encourages good interpersonal relationships.

Its power also reflects on victims of abuse, assisting in overcoming eating compulsions, anxieties generated by sex and is extremely beneficial for male mid-life crisis.

Characteristics of Cornalina

Chalcedony is a semi-precious type of chalcedony. Its physical structure has a lustrous, glassy effect with colors reminiscent of fire. Its energy is intense, masculine in nature and emitting and is linked to creativity and vitality.

Origin and composition

The origin of carnalline is confused with the sunset itself. It was named by the ancient Egyptians who used it in jewelry and religious artifacts. For the Egyptians, the polarity of the energy of carnalline depended on the predominant tone of its color: the darker it was, the more masculine, while lighter tones of this crystal were considered feminine.

Its name comes from the Latin "cornus mas", the name of a tree known as corniso. It is extracted in countries like Brazil, United States, Madagascar and Uruguay. The composition of cornaline is made through the trigonal crystalline system, which gives it a translucent appearance, sometimes opaque, but silky and, mainly, with a glass-like appearance.

Colours, hardness and chemical composition

The color of cornaline is red and brown (male cornaline) or orange (female cornaline). It is a hard crystal, because on Mohs Scale, a scale used in the study of minerals to determine the hardness of the stones, it has a hardness index of 6 to 7.

This means that this crystal is water resistant, and therefore does not lose its properties when wet. Its chemical composition is silica, the popular name for silicon dioxide, whose chemical formula is SiO2. Despite the complicated name, silicon dioxide is the chemical component of sand and quartz crystal.


The benefits of cornaline are linked to courage, health and creativity. That's why it was considered the artists' stone, giving them the fire of inspiration they so desperately needed. With its protective fires, cornaline fights negative energy and stimulates energy, stimulating courage to face daily battles.

It is also related to the energy of sex, helping to awaken the libido and fighting blockage problems in this important area of adult life. Carnelian also awakens the light that exists within each of us and protects us from all danger, especially those generated by envy and violence.


Beliefs surrounding cornaline consider it a stone of pure alchemy. Linked to autumn due to its coloring that resembles dry leaves, it was believed to hold within itself the energy of the sun, warming during the colder months of the year.

It was the stone of the architects, who used it to symbolize their importance in society. It was believed that the energy of fire made cornaline effective against diseases and that it cured plagues. In addition, it was common to carry it, because it was considered the stone of long life, conferring good humor, longevity and more health to those who used it.

Signs and chakras

The signs ruled by cornaline are those whose months fall in late winter to early spring: Leo and Virgo. In addition, it is a birthstone for the signs of Taurus and Cancer. When worn by Leo and Virgoans, cornaline awakens their creative and passionate nature, and stimulates the fire drive in their lives.

Carnalline is connected to the three most basic chakras: 1) the root chakra, 2) sacral chakra and the 3) solar plexus chakra. When positioned in these power stations, it unblocks energetic blockages restoring balance to the affected area.

Elements and planets

The cornalina is ruled by the element fire. fire is the element that rules creativity, energy, inspiration and the necessary impulse to move forward. cornalina pulsates with igneous energies, instigating the light that exists in each one of us to shine and dissipate the darkness that tries to approach us.

The planetary ruler of the cornalina is Mars, the red planet. Mars is the planet that rules battles and strategy, allowing us to win the daily battles, as it awakens the warrior energy that each one keeps inside, bringing courage and drive to achieve what we most desire.


Cornelina is the ruling stone of professions that involve the arts, creativity and competitions or battles. Examples of professions that best benefit from the powers of this stone are: athletes, actors, artists, architects, singers, dancers, writers, wrestlers, musicians.

In addition, cornalines are excellent for environmentalists, engineers, executives, drivers, alternative therapists, guards, military and police officers. When used by these professionals, cornaline enhances their gifts and brings personal brilliance, caring for them to develop their abilities required by their profession, so that they can exercise it with mastery.

Effects of cornaline on the spiritual body

The effects of carnalline on the spiritual body include overcoming shyness, increasing vitality, developing harmony and balance, as well as sharpening creativity and improving self-esteem.

Cornalina in helping shy people communicate

If you are shy and wish to break the barriers imposed by shyness, carnalline is the stone for you. It will help develop your social and communicational skills. Its fire energy will bring the necessary boost to make your personal brilliance increase, giving you the essential push to make your words clear when you have to speak in public.

It will also facilitate any effort used to promote communication by removing obstacles and bringing clear and dynamic language so that dialogue can be successfully established. Always have it with you when you have to present papers or speak at important meetings.

Cornalina in vitality

The orange energy of cornaline restores vitality to its users, attracting power and increasing their vital force. Whenever you feel tired or exhausted due to your routine, use a cornaline crystal next to your body so that you receive an energy boost to perform your tasks with enthusiasm.

With continued use, the light from this powerful crystal will emanate and spread all over your body, so that you will be more and more willing to battle, conquer and accomplish your projects in order to reach your goals faster.

Carnelian in harmony and balance

Cornelina is an excellent aid for establishing harmony and balance. Its properties, establish a harmonic relationship between body, emotions, mind and spirit, bringing all these areas to a point of balance.

It can be used to balance personal energies, as well as to harmonize the egregore of environments. To re-establish your balance, sit in the middle of a circle of cornalinas. The circle will block negative energies from accessing your body and the bad energies that are impregnated in it will be neutralized.

You can also achieve balance with two cornaline crystals, one in dark red color and the other in light orange color. Together, they represent the balance between polarities and will serve as an energetic anchor.

Carmine in creativity

The effects of carnalline on creativity are easily noticed with its use, which is why it is also known as the artists' stone. Its powers promote the unblocking of the creative flow, helping the production of works of art, as it brings inspiration.

Always have it with you near the place where you produce your artistic works. You can also incorporate it into your work instruments, letting it be part of your costume if you are a dancer or actor, writing instruments if you are a writer, etc.

As a consequence, cornaline will imbue your objects with the energy of creativity, stimulating it and using it to bring more beauty into this world.

Cornalina in self-esteem

Carnalline has an extremely powerful effect on the self-esteem of its users. This is due to its relationship with the root chakra. When this chakra is blocked or leaking energy, you may feel down and drained energetically, so that you always feel that you are in a position of insecurity.

To balance this chakra and restore your self-esteem, place a cornaline on it and meditate, imagining the fire energy present in this crystal forming a kind of cocoon that will make your aura bright and beautiful. Repeat: "From the inside out, from the bottom up. Cornalina, awaken my personal light, restoring my self-esteem.

Effects of cornaline on the physical body

The effects of cornaline on the physical body assist with lower back problems, blood circulation, also fortifying bones and joints. Cornalines are extremely effective in treating problems related to fertility and sexuality.

Carnelian in lower back problems

If you suffer from lower back problems, cornaline will bring the relief you need. Its tender vibration will warm the affected area, bringing relief and dissipating tension. To best benefit from it, it is important that you massage the affected area, preferably with a crystal massager or a rolled stone, so as not to hurt the skin.

You can apply the massage yourself or ask someone to help you. If you cannot massage the area, you can press the area with the crystal, imagining an orange light healing your pain. An alternative is to use it during the bath, as if it were a soap, to rub the affected area.

Cornalina in blood circulation

Cornalline promotes blood circulation by activating the flow of oxygen in the body. Use it to massage the area of your body that you want to have improved circulation.

To improve blood circulation in general, use a bright red colored carnalline in the center of your body, imagining all the blood passages being cleared.

This will cause the energetic tensions in your body to be eliminated and the flow of energies to return to its natural state.

Consequently, the spiritual blockages that are hindering the flow of the bloodstream will be removed. You can also leave a cornaline crystal near a glass jar of water, to magnetize it with power. Drink it whenever you need to improve your health condition.

Carmine in bones and joints

Cornelina is the stone of vitality and movement and therefore it is closely linked to the bones and joints of the body. By imbuing the body with light and life, it stimulates the regeneration of bones and promotes joint health.

Whenever you wish to promote healing in specific regions of your body, place a cornaline in the affected area. With the help of a strip of cotton cloth, make a kind of bandage, leaving the stone in contact with the affected area between baths. You can also add cornalines to your bath water for a powerful healing energetic cleansing.

Cornalina in fertility and sexuality

The effects of carnalline on fertility and sexuality are intense. If you wish to improve your fertility, leave carnalline crystals near your bed before having sex. Because it is linked to the sexual chakra, carnalline boosts desire and increases the libido of its users. It can be worn near your underwear to activate the energy of the chakra.

Cornalline is extremely powerful in combating male sexual impotence. When rubbed onto the penis, it aids in blood oxygenation, allowing it to become rigid as it is stimulated. It also helps by empowering your sexual identity.

Cornaline in the cure

The healing powers of kornaline are not restricted only to physical ailments. In general, it stimulates the healing processes in all the subtle bodies, aligning mind, body, spirit and emotions. It detoxifies the body, also helping its user to get rid of chemical addictions and dependencies.

It promotes well-being through its ancestral flame, activating your heart and warming muscles and assisting the proper functioning of the mind.

Its energy is able to dissolve negative feelings such as anger and hurt, acting directly in the soul and healing our wounds. Whenever you feel you are getting sick, hold this crystal and the symptoms will disappear.

How to use Cornalina?

You can wear cornaline as a bracelet or pendant, as well as to induce states of meditation. As we will show, you can benefit from cornaline in a variety of environments, including your workplace.

How to use Cornalina meditation

To use carnalline in meditation, sit in a comfortable position, and leave a crystal of carnalline near the base of your body. Imagine an orange energy emanating from your stone and enveloping your body.

Take a deep breath, and imagine an orange sun, whose energy can be felt throughout your body. Notice that the source of energy of this sun is the crystal that you have within your reach and speak out loud your wish with one or two words (example: courage, creativity, self-esteem). Perform this meditation two to three times a week, at sunrise, noon or sunset.

How to wear cornaline as a bracelet or pendant

The bracelet of cornalina was used by warriors and priests to obtain inner strength and courage to achieve their goals. It also develops willpower and stimulates decision making processes. Wear it on your dominant hand (the one you write with).

Give preference to crystals positioned vertically, so that the flow of higher energy is expanded to the lower points of the body, since carnalline governs the three most basic chakras.

In both cases, it should always be worn in direct contact with the skin, so that its vibrations resonate through the body.

How to use cornalina in the environment

To use cornaline in the environment, you need to choose a place that is in the southern part of this enclosure. To locate the southern part, you can futilize mobile phone applications or a compass. The southern direction is linked to fire, the governing element of cornaline and left in this direction, the energy flow of this crystal will be more intense.

An alternative is to leave an obelisk or sphere of cornalina in the center of your house, preferably in a place illuminated by sunlight, so that this light is amplified and spreads throughout all environments of your home. At the western point of the house, it increases creative energy, while at the southeastern point, it increases self-esteem.

How to use Cornalina at work

In the work environment, cornalina promotes professional support, helping in the processes of creation and decision-making. Left on your desk, it will stimulate your being organized, motivating during your professional activities.

It can be left over the site's drinking fountain so that whoever drinks from it will have more prosperity, access to new resources, and great communication.

You can leave it near your computer or on your cell phone cover to reduce the pressure generated by workplace demands and promote cooperation among colleagues. You can also benefit from its energy by wearing a pendant or bracelet with this powerful crystal.

Maintenance of Cornalina

Because it is a safe crystal, it can be cleaned with water. Remember not to use cleaning products on it, as this will reduce its energy and compromise its effectiveness. Like any stone used for mystical and healing purposes, it needs to be cleaned and energized.

Cleansing and energizing of cornalina

To clean your cornalina, place it on your shell-shaped hands directly under running water (can be your home faucet).

Close your eyes while holding your cornal under the water and imagine an orange light like fire emanating from it and illuminating everything around you. Then, recite in prayer: "with the power of the element of water, I cleanse you of any and all energy. May it be so".

Next, it's time to energize your stone by leaving it in a plant pot or in your window so that it receives direct sun and moonlight for at least three hours. It's ready to be used.

Where to find the Cornalina crystal?

Carnalline can be easily found in esoteric and religious stores, craft fairs, or stores that specialize in stones and minerals. Its rolled form is easier to find because of its unique beauty, but the raw form is also extremely powerful, even though it is less beautiful.

When choosing yours, use your intuition and remember that darker cornalines have masculine energy, while lighter cornalines vibrate with feminine energy. Because it is an easy crystal to find, you can even find it in nature, since cornaline is a natural crystal from Brazil.

Is the cornaline stone ideal for the work environment?

Yes. Cornalline is ideal for the work environment due to its versatility in stimulating skills that are essential for the professional field such as creativity, communication, concentration and motivation.

Its orange flame stimulates the mind, removes mental blocks and facilitates interaction between co-workers and clients, keeping the flow of communication always in good working order. Especially in environments that require creative processes, cornalline helps to turn ideas and concepts into reality, because it has the power of manifestation.

Besides, the cornaline stimulates our gifts, making us be the best version of ourselves, constantly motivating us to achieve our goals and fly higher and higher. Have one or more cornalines always near you, so your professional success will be guaranteed.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.