Color violet: meaning, characteristics, spirituality and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the color violet mean?

Present in lavender plants, violet flowers and even in some celestial hues - as in sunsets and sunrises - the color violet is a potent color linked to spirituality, mysticism, wisdom and introspection.

Formed with the blend of blue and red hue, violet appears carrying rich meanings of lucidity, intuition and temperance, too.

However, not only are these designations in which the violet stands out, this is the color that symbolizes the Crown chakra also known as Crown chakra or Sahasrara; located in the head and responsible for the union of the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual spheres. From this, come check in more detail the scope of the meaning of this color below!

Meaning of the color violet

The color violet is a color rich in symbologies, associations and meanings. Besides being linked to the crown chakra, this color also molds itself from matter and spirit; to Tarot, alchemy, Jesus Christ, spirituality and energy therapies; in its meanings. But do you know how violet is molded to each one of these spheres? Come and find out below!

Violet color and the crown chakra

One of the main associations of the color violet is about the crown chakra, located at the highest point of the head and responsible for the individual's connection with the cosmos; bringing understanding, knowledge and spirituality as one of its main characteristics.

It is through the crown chakra that we intensify our fields of prayer, meditation and connection with the individual; being consequently responsible for the spiritual enhancement and human development of each being.

One way to instigate this chakra is by wearing violet colors daily, or carrying the amethyst stone that also has the same hue.

Balance between matter and spirit

The color violet is strongly associated with the spirit - so that when one comes into contact with this tone, it connects with the spheres beyond the carnal and material, that is, the spiritual fields.

So, on days when you feel sequestered by work, the world and culture; needing, therefore, to get in touch with your soul: wear shades of violet and even light a candle of this color if there is the possibility.

You will see how these small gestures will bring a more serene, intuitive and energetic feeling to your life.

Violet color in the Tarot card Temperance

The color violet has everything to do with the Tarot card Temperance. This is because the Temperance card carries a strong symbolism of connection with the spiritual world bringing the pillars of reason, emotion and spirit in order to achieve balance.

In this way, the card brings the premise of connection with the archangels and angels, in order to receive guidance that leads to more accurate ponderings about life situations. The color violet present in this card - either literally, or represented by the sum of the red and blue present - enhances and highlights the incorporeal power, intuitive and wisdom.

Violet and Alchemy

The color violet in Alchemy represents, in general, the balance between two spheres since this color is obtained by the sum of the blue and red tones. But not only that, the color violet is also used as a bridge to connect with the Divine Being in search of remodeling and spiritual transmutation.

Therefore, with the intention of bringing of liberation from limiting beliefs, new beginnings and energetic cleansing, it is possible to do rituals based on this color, as is the case of the Violet Sacred Fire Ritual, available on YouTube platforms as a meditation.

Color violet and Jesus Christ

The color violet is one of the colors that was used in the killing of Jesus Christ, represents the wine that Jesus turned into water, as well as also symbolizes his blood. It is a sacred color associated mainly with the flame of Forgiveness and Mercy, being the color of the Seventh Ray of the Holy Spirit.

The violet flame is used as a tool for cleansing everything that is dirty, sinful and negative, bringing personal healing and connection with the Creator. It is possible to find prayers to invoke this flame on the internet and change the course of your life.

Violet color and spirituality

If you want a color that represents spirituality, this color is violet. Symbolizing the processes of connection with the Universe, the Supreme Being, with the Higher Will, the color violet, besides representing intuition, wisdom and the immaterial world, represents processes of transmutation and transformations.

Therefore, if you seek spirituality in order to begin a process of renewal, use more shades of violet in your clothing and decorations. Also carry with you crystals of this color, Amethyst being the most recommended because it is linked to the crown chakra.

Violet color and energy therapies

The color violet is widely used in energy therapies bringing prominence in the Reiki Violet Flame discovered and developed by Master Ivy Moore. This reiki aims to develop healing through the purified heart and kindness, characteristics that already dwell in us and when stimulated bring a sweeter way of dealing with life.

Violet Flame Reiki is essential for people who have deeper blockages in their soul, helping anyone to break free from limiting ties to spiritual elevation.

Characteristics of the color violet

The color violet can be defined in many ways, because in the face of its main characteristics - transmutation, calm and tranquility, concentration and balance - this tone expands in possibilities that enrich the definitions of its hue.

However, before researching all the other characteristics adhered to by the color violet, it is wise to explore a little more about its main definitions. Come dive into this knowledge below!


Life is not a straight line, of that everyone knows. The color violet is a reminder of the existential oscillations, since, even though long processes of accommodation and predictability occur, at some point life takes a different course and oscillates: either up or down.

The color violet symbolizes the passage to a new phase of life; the end of a new cycle and the beginning of another. In nature it is possible to see violet traces even in the cyclical process between day and night when day is rising, or when twilight manifests itself bringing the night.

In this way, when there is a desire for metamorphosis, change and transition in life, the color violet is recommended to be present in the routine since the most subtle forms, as in food containing eggplant; until in the most grandiose movements: as painting one of the walls in this shade.

Calm and tranquility

For being a color not so present in common objects, clothing and decoration, the color violet should be sought when there is the need to get out of the chaotic and predictable routine. After all, this color remits that life is much more beyond what materiality offers, bringing feelings of calm and tranquility.

In days that need representations of serene and pacifying, buy a pot of the plant with the violet pigment, preferably lavender; and observe its characteristics, its smell, change its soil, caress its flower, and if possible, put the plant in a violet pitcher to enhance its representation.


You know when you need some time to say a prayer or meditate, but can't seem to focus? The color violet is excellent for stimulating the areas of the brain designated for concentration. So, in order to stay more applied in what you do, the color violet is an excellent tool for stimulating focus.

Try one day wearing this tone while doing the activities that require more dedication, you will see how your performance will improve.


Added by the blue, representing the sky and red representing the earth, the color violet is the result of these two tones symbolizing the balance between senses and reason. Therefore, the violet tone is the representation of mediation between rationality and emotion, leading to fairer and more balanced paths.

When you are feeling in messy, chaotic and disturbed days, contact with this color will help you develop the best strategies to organize the spheres of your life, bringing good results to your day.

It is also recommended to contact this color when you have to make difficult decisions about your life or the life of others; it will help you make the fairest choice possible.

Aspects of the color violet

The color violet encompasses several aspects in its characterization, however it is important to know its basic concepts in order to adhere to this color in your life responsibly.

Thus, below we develop about the physical and spiritual effects of the color violet; what are its main stones; what is the consequence of being in excessive contact with this color and, finally, what are the shades that complement the violet. Come check it out!

Physical effects of the color violet

The color violet is recommended when the body is inflamed, infected and full of toxins, because this color acts in an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and detoxifying way. In addition, if there are wounds around the body, violet helps in the healing and relaxation processes, bringing serenity to the brain areas and the heart.

The color violet is indicated for treatments of addictions such as smoking, alcoholism and binge eating, and is also indicated for people who are in states of psychotic break.

Spiritual effects of the color violet

Symbolizing the crown chakra, the color violet is related to the perception capacity of the human being, and can even stimulate clairvoyance. Being characterized by calm and tranquility, the color violet encourages cerebral relaxation, favoring the link with spirituality and the "Higher Self".

The color violet also has the power of energy transmutation, being able to reverse charged fields of negative energy in spaces whose vibrational energies are completely positive.

Violet stones

The main stones of the violet color are amethyst, lilac mica, charoite, tanzanite, lepidolite; being the amethyst more recommendable because it is directly associated with the crown chakra, intensifying in a more powerful way the premonitory and spiritual abilities.

Excessive violet color

Because violet is a color closely linked to spirituality, when used in excess it distorts reality, leading to a certain alienation of beliefs and values. The person starts to hope and believe firmly in a utopian possibility of existence, losing their critical sense and sense of the ridiculous.

In addition, too much violet unbalances the chakras by intensifying too much energy in one point - the crown chakra - causing headaches, irritability and arrogance.

Complementary color

The complementary color of violet is yellow and should always be used to balance the violet when it's in excess. So, you know when you notice that you have a lot of paintings, linings and decorations in violet tones? It's the ideal time to bring a bit of the vibration of yellow coloration.

Meditation with the color violet

Did you know that the color violet can be used in meditations for self-knowledge, transmutation, spirituality connection and third eye activation? Meditations using colors are very beneficial for spiritual development and personal growth.

This meditation is also recommended for people in states of great stress, agitation and nervousness; because it brings peace and tranquility. Come check out the following steps on how to meditate with the color violet. The guarantee is at least a moment of serenity after performing this process.

Step 1

The first step to meditation is to find a place where you can connect with peace and silence. It doesn't necessarily have to be a place completely free of noise, since that's a privilege not everyone has. However, the closest you can get will be enough.

If you have a violet candle, light it, and if you have a violet lamp, enhance the environment with this light. It would also be interesting to have some calm music in the background. Then find out how you would like to meditate, whether lying down or sitting down, and do it. Remember that it is necessary to have the posture rectilinear and yet, relaxed.

Step 2

The second step is to start the process of slow inhalation and exhalation; at first only for the purpose of relaxation. Feel the air going in and out of your nostrils, and relax all the points that remain tense.

From there, spontaneously let the violet light come to you. Observe it taking shape on top of your head, gaining space and potentiality. Feel its vibration and warmth. Stay like this for a few minutes until you feel ready for the next step.

Step 3

Imagine the violet light descending through your body, but control your imagination a little so that the light does not fill you lightly. Feel this light slowly descending through your ears, filling your face, reaching your shoulders. Then make space for this light to descend through your torso, your belly, and take up every space in the rest of your body.

Feel the potentiality of this energy fill you, surrender to the movement, and gift yourself with the feeling of connection with spirituality and relaxation.

Step 4

Finally, allow the light to fade naturally, and stay in the position you are in for a few more minutes, reflecting on how you were before and how you were after the meditation.

It is recommended to avoid social networks or contact with dense contexts, so that the effect of meditation resonates longer in your day.

Is it possible to say that violet is the color of spirituality?

It is possible to say that the color violet is the color of spirituality, yes. This color allows the connection with the astral and spiritual plane with a greater power than all the other colors also related to the immaterial world.

In addition, its relaxing, intuitive and energetic potential awakens processes of purification, sensitivity and wisdom. In short, by enjoying this color in moderation, you will always be closer to the incorporeal world and always benefit from it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.