Bath to attract man: specific, rich, with cinnamon, cloves and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do bath to attract man?

Baths and sympathies are essential for people who need to renew their energy. In addition, they are considered the oldest and simplest sympathies that exist for people who have gone through traumatic situations that brought some imbalance in their heads.

If you have been feeling low self-esteem and unattractive, a bath to attract a man is a good option to improve your energy and the way other people are seeing you. The bath, in addition to attracting men, will work directly in your head to be more open to these energies.

Keep in mind that it is necessary that all the steps are fulfilled. Also, have enough faith to get the desired result. Check out some baths to attract men below.

Principles of baths to attract men

Every bath to improve the love life has some principles. Before you consider doing some of the baths, keep in mind the benefits and powers that these sympathies carry. Check below.


Baths are harmless sympathies that you can easily do in your home. Moreover, if they are well performed can bring a lot of positivity and benefits for those who will take them.

They also renew your love energies and calm your head for what's to come. For those who have faith in the energy, there are no ill effects.


In addition to attracting new men, the baths can bring specific people and old loves, awakening in the person will have you back and an inexplicable longing. They also improve your love energy and self-esteem. It is ideal if you have experienced a recent trauma in the field of love.

Honey and clove bath to attract rich man

If your desire is to attract a rich man, this bath is ideal for you.


This bath can help you improve your energy in the love and financial field all at once. Rich men will start looking for you and appear in your life unexpectedly. Don't forget that the person will be charmed by you, but it is your job to maintain the relationship by being kind and a good spouse.

Recipe and preparation method

Take 2 tablespoons of honey, 7 cloves, a gold or silver jewel and water. Heat the water with the honey and then add the cloves (one by one) and then turn off the fire. The bath should not be prepared in a hurry and needs positive energy during its preparation.

After adding the carnations you will have to dip the jewel seven times (symbolic number in occultism) while repeating three times the following phrase: "New moon, may the power of this bath attract to me a wealthy pair of money and lust that will complete me.

Application of the bath

Take your bath and soap yourself normally. When you are ready, throw the mixture from the neck down, slowly, imagining not only a rich man, but also affectionate who treats you very well and is faithful, because when there is a lack of character no relationship thrives.

The energy you are emanating by asking the universe is also very important in making the baths. After taking the bath, dry yourself in the armpits and intimate parts and let the rest of the body dry naturally. Avoid dark clothes and negative thoughts for the rest of the day.

Cinnamon bath to attract man and increase sensuality

If your goal is to attract more looks and feel good about yourself so you can be good with others, this bath may be the ideal bath for you.


The cinnamon bath, besides attracting men and improving their sensual energy, can bring money, protection and other blessings. Cinnamon, in all the baths it is used, has this power very evident.

This is one of the most recommended baths, after all it works first with your self-esteem, raising it to the maximum, then the bath creates an aura of attraction around you.

Recipe and preparation method

You will need 2 liters of the milk of your choice, 4 tablespoons of honey, 1 grated apple and 2 cinnamon sticks.

First, heat the milk on the fire, do not let it boil, the intention is that it is slightly warm. Take all the other ingredients and mix slowly to the milk still on the fire and keep the mixture until the milk is warm.

After that, when the temperature of the bath is lowered, strain it and throw the remains in a public garden. It cannot be in your house, neither in someone else's house, because remains of sympathies can attract obsessors if they are not discarded in the correct way.

Application of the bath

Do your usual hygiene and throw the bath from the neck down, always keeping energy and positive thoughts focused on what you want. Think about people's gazes and how you'll feel walking down the street with everyone noticing you and finding you irresistible.

Let your body dry naturally and do not bathe again for at least twenty-four hours. The energy of cinnamon, like that of the other ingredients, needs to attach itself to your body. Keep your thoughts positive during the day and wear light clothing. If possible, light incense throughout the house and let your energy flow.

Clove and cinnamon bath to attract man

Both clove and cinnamon have great energetic effects. Learn about the clove and cinnamon bath, ideal to open your paths in love relationships.


If you have felt that some people are meddling in your love relationships, a bath with clove and cinnamon is ideal not only to attract new people, but to ward off negative energies that can end up pushing you away from your new ideals.

Cinnamon is a powerful ingredient, as well as clove, which belongs to many rituals of gypsy magic and protects us from evil eye and also acts in cleaning the aura. In a single bath the two together can enhance their goals.

Recipe and preparation method

Boil 2 liters of water and add 7 cloves followed by either a spoon of cinnamon powder or a piece of cinnamon stick. And let it boil for three minutes with all the ingredients. Once the water temperature is to your liking, strain the mixture and throw the remains in a public garden.

Application of the bath

Take your bath normally and when you finish, throw the water down from the neck mentalizing your goals, explaining the situation you are going through and why you decided to take this bath.

It is very important to focus your energy at this time. When you are done, you can get ready normally and avoid dark clothes as long as the energy of the mixture is taking effect in your body, that is, around 24 hours.

Cinnamon and rose bath to attract specific man

If your desire is to attract a specific man perhaps this bath is more ideal because it works with the energy of unrequited love. Check out more about it below.


Baths to attract specific men need to be carried out very carefully. Check whether the person in question is on your path. If the fate of you is written, the bath will speed up the approach.

But if the two of you don't have a future together, the process of getting back together can be a little longer and even painful, if it happens at all.

Having certainty and consulting oraculists, such as fathers of saint, entities or tarologists, you will not be messing with a free will and yes calming things down so that the two can have a prosperous and peaceful path, united.

Recipe and preparation method

This is one of the most complete and complex baths. Its ingredients are: 1 bottle of sparkling rosé wine, 1 fava bean of aberé, 7 drops of your perfume (it must be some that you use daily and preferably that your beloved already knows) 1 spoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon powder and 7 red rose petals.

Boil a litre of water and add all the ingredients slowly, mix well and turn off the heat. Let the temperature get to your liking and add the whole bottle of sparkling wine.

Application of the bath

Do your hygiene routine as normal and throw the bath from the neck down, always being careful not to drop it on your head. After all, this bath carries an alcoholic beverage in the component, if it has contact with your head it can end up leaving you a bit bewildered, psychologically and physically.

Make your requests and imagine yourself with this person, imagine that everything worked out and even allow yourself to make plans for the near future. Your faith will say a lot about whether this bath will work or not. After the bath, dry only your private parts and wear a lighter outfit.

Also try to put the goal aside a bit and focus on your personal life, working internally on the reasons why this person left and trying to be a better person so that you can live in peace in the future. Don't let this issue become an obsession and anxiety on your part. Let the energy work.

White chocolate bath to attract man by the look

If you want to get sexier and put men at your feet with a simple look, a white chocolate bath may be ideal for you. Read below for the benefits and how to perform it.


If you want to attract men in a more intimate way, working your sensuality and leaving everyone at your feet easily, this bath could be ideal.

It is a little more intense, it makes men feel a sudden sexual desire for you. If your intention is to attract something more romantic than carnal, this bath is probably not what you are looking for, try checking out the previous bath.

Recipe and preparation method

The ingredients for this bath are very simple, they can be easily found in markets and even at home. You will need 1 white chocolate of your choice (it needs to be pure, no confetti or cookies in the recipe), 7 pepper qualities and 7 bay leaves.

Melt the chocolate bar in water and stir in the remaining ingredients one by one. Bring to the boil and then set aside until it comes to a temperature to your liking.

Application of the bath

Take your shower as normal and then throw the mixture down slowly from the neck down, making your requests and stating your reasons for wanting to become more attractive to other men. The more well explained the better.

Then dry yourself off. If you want to cleanse your privates after your bath, you can (as long as you don't clean the rest of your body). Let the energy of the ingredients work under your body for at least a full day.

Gypsy bath with cloves to attract men

If your intention is to ask the gypsy people for help in love, a bath with cloves can help you with your pending love issues.


Gypsies are entities worshiped in Afro-Brazilian religious cults that work for love, happiness and money. These entities are very requested in love affairs because they know how to bring couples together and maintain lasting and happy relationships.

Your bath can not be different, it has to be performed with great faith, because only then they can bring love and joy. Let the gypsy magic into your life.

Recipe and preparation method

You will need 1 liter of water, 1 sunflower seed, 7 cloves, 1 spoon of sweet grass, 1 spoon of brown sugar and 1 spoon of grated nutmeg.

First, put the liter of water on the fire and wait for it to boil. Then, throw all the ingredients into the pot and cover for twenty minutes until the water turns the color of the ingredients used.

Application of the bath

Take your bath normally and then throw the mixture from the neck down asking with great faith to the gypsy people that you soon find your ideal person.

When you finish your bath and your prayer requests put on light colored clothes and keep the energy of your home positive. After all, this is how the gypsy people work, with joy.

Gypsy bath with underwear to attract man

Gypsy baths are always indicated to attract men and solve love affairs and even financial causes. But there is a bath little talked about out there that promises to bring great results in the field of love: the bath with underwear.


Sympathies with underwear are very well known and used by people looking for more immediate love solutions. However, still, baths that have underwear are not so well known by people looking for the sympathies.

With this bath, you will not only attract the attention of other men, but also of a specific man who may have been messing with your head for quite some time.

Recipe and preparation method

The ingredients are also very simple, you need: 7 petals of red roses, 3 spoons of honey, 1 piece of underwear already used (can be panties or bra) and 3 liters of water.

After separating all the ingredients, it's time to start the preparation. Start by putting the indicated amount of water on the fire until it boils together with honey and rose petals. Mix everything with a spoon until the water bubbles and then, you dip your underwear seven times saying three times: "Gypsies, may the power of this intimate bath attract a man to complete me.

After that, remove the garment from the boil and strain your bath into another container. Wait for it to cool down to the desired temperature.

Application of the bath

Do your hygiene normally and when you are clean it is time to play the mixture. Unlike other baths, you will play the water starting from the head, very slowly, with the thought focused on attracting positive energies. Have enough faith that the bath will work and ask the gypsy people for guidance.

Mentalize your goals and say your prayers. When you finish the procedure, get up and get dressed normally. Avoid black clothes as much as possible and light an incense at home, especially some focused on gypsy energies.

This bath should not be taken only once. The ideal is that you do it every day until you get the desired result. It is not good to leave it ready to take little by little, it is extremely necessary that the ingredients are always fresh.

Honey and perfume bath to attract man

A bath with honey and perfume is widely used for those who seek to attract some specific person or not. Just do it the right way and take it in the right way and you will get the desired results. Check below.


Some legends say that honey is essential when we want to attract someone in sympathy, for being an element attributed to the Orixá Oxum, as well as perfume, which is also quite attributed to the mother of waterfalls.

If your intention is to get rid of your nervousness when relating to men and get closer to more people, improving your relationship with the opposite sex, this bath is ideal for you. After all, the combination of the two ingredients works like a magnet to attract those we desire.

Recipe and preparation method

The following ingredients are needed: 7 spoons of honey. For best effect of the bath, it is necessary that it is totally natural. You can find it in organic markets of micro producers. You will also need 1 liter of water and your favorite perfume (it must be one that you use constantly).

On the first day of the full moon, boil the water along with the honey, then add 7 to 13 drops of your perfume and let the mixture cool down to the desired temperature.

Application of the bath

Take your bath as usual and then pour this mixture from the neck down and repeat: "Moon Goddess, make this bath attract a man, awakening the attention of (insert the name of the desired person here)". Make your requests and repeat this phrase until the bath is over.

Do not forget that you can not dry yourself and must leave the mixture acting under your body for a while. Wear light clothes and centralize your thoughts avoiding as much as possible negativity and insecurities transmitted through intrusive thoughts.

Sugar bath and roses to attract man

Red roses and sugar are ideal ingredients when we talk about baths that involve an energy of sensuality. This bath is ideal if you want to attract someone in a more physical way. Check it out:


If you want to improve your sensual energy and attract looks from several men, you need this bath. Red roses are symbols of sensuality and in baths are no different. By being mixed with the essence of lavender, you will be attracting the necessary energies for your being open to your next love.

Sugar, on the other hand, is perfect to help you open up love paths, since it symbolizes the way we sweeten our lives and our hearts, making us more open to love.

Recipe and preparation method

You will need: 1 liter of water, 7 red rose petals, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 7 drops of lavender essence, which can be easily found in pharmacies or some stores for religious articles.

Put a liter of water to boil, add 7 red rose petals and a spoonful of sugar. Stir well mentalizing your goals for five minutes. Then remove from heat and let the mixture cool to a temperature you like and pour the 7 drops of lavender essence.

Application of the bath

You should take this bath from the neck down mentalizing your goals and saying your prayers. All baths need a large charge of positive energy to work, otherwise the lack of faith makes the bath totally useless.

When you finish your prayers and requests, get dressed, avoid drying yourself too much and do not wear black clothes for at least seven days. If you want to light a red rose incense during the application of the bath, you can enhance the effects.

Does the bath to attract man really works?

Every sympathy works, just have faith and be focused on your goals. Also, be careful and perform the whole process in a calm way, because otherwise, it may take a little longer to have the desired effect.

It is also important that you control your anxiety. It can be a little stressful waiting for the spells and works to begin to take effect. However, you must keep the faith and continue to pray every night after your goals. Do not stop your life to wait. It is necessary to let the energy work in the determined field while you work your head.

All the baths mentioned in this article are highly praised by the people who perform them, all having a high success rate, but everything also depends on the energy that the person taking it attracts to himself. So, the time has come to do an energy cleanse and keep negative people out of your life.

Moreover, when we talk about baths to attract specific men, the result may take a little longer. But if the person is on your path the conjured energy will open the space and remove all the things that are preventing you from being together. Be patient and do not hinder the work of energy with fights and misunderstandings.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.