Angel horoscopes: Discover the Archangel protector of your sign!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know which angel is your sign?

All signs have their characteristics and to know them is to acquire tools for improvement. The way a person relates as well as their professional inclinations are factors illuminated by the zodiac.

Furthermore, the signs, in combination with other cosmic energies, such as those of the angels, influence us to pursue the path of development. They inspire goodwill, aiming at positive changes in our personality.

Each person, therefore, has a personal guardian angel. But the protection of the angels is generous and there is an archangel who associates with each sun sign, offering ample protection to all who are born in that particular period.

Understanding more about the Angel horoscope

It is important to know the origin of the angels' horoscope and how it works, so we can understand how their protection influences us. Check it out!


The relationship between the zodiac and the angels originates with the Kabbalah, a Hebrew tradition that seeks mystical deepening from the sacred texts. For the Kabbalah, the angels are responsible for emanating the divine qualities.

Through this energetic transference, they inspire people for good, but also provide healing and balance. The cabalistic angels are divided into hierarchies, and of their 9 groups, or choirs, it is the class of archangels which is responsible for acting energetically upon the signs.

To receive their help, it is important to know their characteristics. Each one has an ideal prayer that functions as a call.

How does it work?

The benefits that the angels bring to our lives are of the sphere of inspiration, that is, of guidance focused on our consciences. Thus, to obtain improvement, it is necessary to seek a spiritual connection with these celestial beings.

Therefore, the presence of the angels depends on opening the energetic channels, that is, on the will and focus to receive their influences. For this to happen, an effective method is to resort to prayers.

There are several prayers dedicated to each archangel that rules the signs. In order to gain a deeper connection with the archangels, it is also important that we know a little about their histories.

Star Sign of Aries - Angel Samuel

Check out below the history and characteristics of the Angel Samuel, the archangel protector of the Aryans, as well as a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

Samuel is also known by the name Camael. Samuel's story dates back to the beginning of Creation and he is recognized as the angel who led the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

He was often depicted as an angel wielding a sword of fire, which symbolizes his determination for the cleansing of evil. His inclination to purification inspires the Aryans, as do his qualities associated with courage.

On the other hand, Samuel also influences the tendency to combat, potentiating the sense of justice and the disposition to fight. It is associated to the planet Mars and the day of the week most favorable to its call is Tuesday.

Prayer to the Angel Samuel

Archangel Samuel, enlightened guardian, give me protection from evil and inspiration to practice good. May your sword of purity drive away negative thoughts and illuminate the dark paths.

Help me to find balance and serenity to deal with adversity and seek peaceful resolutions. May I draw wisdom from my victories and failures, and may I always be in the mood to fight the good fight.

Archangel Samuel, may your discernment vibrate over me at the time of responding to those who do me harm, moving me away from resentment. May I have the courage to change what in me needs to be improved. Amen.

Taurus Sign - Angel Anael

We will know the history and characteristics of Anael, the archangel protector of Taurus, including the ideal prayer for his invocation. Check it out!

History and characteristics

Archangel Anahel is also known as Haniel, a word that means "joy" or "grace." He is mentioned in the Jewish scriptures as one of the seven archangels and has an association with the planet Venus.

The energies of Anael manifest as vibrations and inspirations of love, devotion to beauty and the arts. He protects the family environment and brings harmony to affective relationships.

His qualities related to joy and pleasure should not, however, make the Taurine fixated only on personal satisfaction. Anael inspires, in this sense, spiritual openness to generosity and the use of reason. His favorite day is Friday.

Prayer to the Angel Anael

Archangel Anael, messenger of love and beauty, fill me with your generous light, so that my spirit can illuminate the darkness and discern between good and evil.

May your inspiration of love lead me to good deeds, and may I be able to contribute to peace and harmony wherever I go. May my heart receive fullness and comfort, and may I be worthy of my achievements.

May the benefits I receive with gratitude also be offered to all who need your grace. Thank you for the support in difficult times and for the gift of joy in my life. Amen.

Gemini Sign - Angel Raphael

The Archangel Raphael is the guardian of Gemini. Check out his characteristics, history and how to invoke him through a prayer.

History and characteristics

The Archangel Raphael has a prominent place in Jewish beliefs, being also important for Christians and Muslims. The meaning of his name is "God heals" or "divine healing", so he is a protector who cares for health.

In the sacred texts, Raphael is attributed the healing of Tobit's blindness as well as that of his daughter-in-law who was tormented by demons. These two episodes demonstrate that Raphael's healing power extends over physical and psychological illnesses.

He is also recognized as a conductor, that is, he is an angel of devotion of travelers. He is associated with the planet Mercury and his day of predilection is Wednesday.

Prayer to the Angel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, devoted conductor, guide me to the truth, enlarging my vision and making my thoughts clear and smooth. May I have intelligence in my journey, and may I not deviate from the path of goodness.

Ward off the dangers of the road, watch over me lest I be lost, and lest my strength fail me in the hour of trial. Mighty angel, lead me by the hand.

May I not forget to cultivate love for my neighbor, and may I have the wisdom to forgive. May your healing energies fill me and extend to all those in need. Amen.

Star Sign of Cancer - Archangel Gabriel

The Archangel Gabriel is the protector of Cancerians. Below, we will know his characteristics and history, and learn a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

The guardian of Cancerians occupies the high position of messenger of God. Exercising this role, he is one of the central characters of the Annunciation, that is, he was responsible for communicating to the Virgin Mary the arrival of Jesus.

The importance of Gabriel's missions reveals that this angel has the power to bring deep transformations to those who are his protégés, offering Cancer people a special inspiration in the direction of willpower, bringing them closer to victory in adversities and crises.

He is an archangel fond of miracles, his energies are lunar and he has a predilection for Monday as the ideal day for invocation.

Prayer to the Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel, divine messenger and inspirer of miracles, give me spiritual fullness, but also always influence me to seek the improvements for my life through work and faith.

Fill me with truth and good will, that my actions may be clothed with your grace. Bring me good news so that I remain encouraged to do good, but keep me serene and strong also in difficult times.

Take away from me fear, as well as all negative feelings. Advise me in the face of doubts. Guide my steps towards the light, give me your blessings, angel of Truth! Amen.

Leo Sign - Archangel Michael

Check out the story of Archangel Michael, the caretaker of the leonines. We will also learn his characteristics and a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

Archangel Michael features prominently in several sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He occupies a leading position, being the chief of the armies of angels.

It is he who commands the angelic legions against Satan, thus he is known as the one who leads God's people. The qualities of this archangel are of the order of inner strength and justice, inspiring Leonines to be fearless and loyal.

Michael influences the field of business, due to his power of leadership and inspiration of integrity. He has Sunday as an ideal day for manifestation and is associated with the Sun.

Prayer to Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael, guardian of justice and courage, inspire me to overcome fears and hesitations, leading my spirit towards goodness. Guide me to tread the path of kindness, but keep my hand firm against injustices.

Give me resilience to overcome daily opposition and the forces of evil, and protect me against the dangers of the road. Almighty archangel, inspire in me loyalty to those I love, but also forgiveness for those who have caused me to suffer.

Open my eyes to the truth and to the use of reason, with serenity and temperance, that I may grow spiritually each day. Amen.

Virgo Sign - Archangel Raphael

The Archangel Raphael is the guardian of Virgoans, as well as Gemini. We will know his characteristics, his history and his prayer. Check it out!

History and characteristics

The Archangel Raphael is one of God's servants in charge of the great missions with humanity. In the Jewish scriptures, he appears declaring himself one of the seven archangels that are permanently before Him.

It was he who led Tobiah on a perilous journey, healing his father and wife of their infirmities. The meaning of his name, "God heals," indicates his action on behalf of health.

In addition, Raphael's influence inspires Virgoans to moral rectitude, organization and a taste for knowledge. His planet is Mercury and the ideal day of the week to invoke him is Wednesday.

Prayer to the Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, devoted conductor, guide me to the truth, enlarging my vision and making my thoughts clear and smooth. May I have intelligence in my journey, and may I not deviate from the path of goodness.

Ward off the dangers of the road, watch over me lest I be lost, and lest my strength fail me in the hour of trial. Mighty angel, lead me by the hand.

May I not forget to cultivate love for my neighbor, and may I have the wisdom to forgive. May your healing energies fill me and extend to all those in need. Amen.

Star Sign of Libra - Archangel Anel

Check out now the characteristics of Anael, the archangel of Librians as well as Taurinos, including his history and a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

Archangel Anael is also known as Haniel. He is the protector of Taureans and Librians, and inspires energies of joy, love and harmony upon those with these sun signs.

The emanations of Anael are of the order of serenity, therefore, it is a guardian who watches over the well-being, but also exerts influence for the search of spiritual development.

Perhaps this is the greatest challenge for his protégés, since the happy vibrations of this archangel can make them attached to worldly pleasures. The planet of Anael is Venus and the ideal day of the week for his invocation is Friday.

Prayer to the Archangel Angel Angel

Archangel Anael, messenger of love and beauty, fill me with your generous light, so that my spirit can illuminate the darkness and discern between good and evil.

May your inspiration of love lead me to good deeds, and may I be able to contribute to peace and harmony wherever I go. May my heart receive fullness, and may I be worthy of my achievements.

May the benefits I receive with gratitude also be offered to all who need your grace. Thank you for the support in difficult times and for the gift of joy in my life. Amen.

Star Sign of Scorpio - Archangel Azrael

The Archangel Azrael is the protector of the sign of Scorpio. We will learn about his characteristics and history, as well as a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

For Islam, Azrael is one of the four main archangels. According to this tradition, as in the Hebrew tradition, he assumes the role of the angel of death, exercising the function of leading souls to the realm of the dead.

Some traditions link him to Azra, a descendant of Abraham who is said to have ascended to heaven without dying. For Scorpians, Azrael represents an influence on honesty and a sense of justice, inspiring the search for truth and opposition to evil.

This archangel is connected to the energies of the planets Pluto and Mars, and his day of preference for manifestation is Tuesday.

Prayer to the Archangel Azrael

Archangel Azrael, my zealous protector, emanate upon me your purifying energies so that my spirit may find encouragement and strength.

May my sense of justice always be refined, and may I know how to exercise generosity in my daily life. Almighty Azrael, grant me tranquility and balance, so that my actions may be based on truth.

May honesty be my weapon, and may your presence comfort and support me when I have fears or doubts. Guide me to the good. Amen.

Star Sign of Sagittarius - Archangel Saquiel

We will learn about the Archangel Saquiel, protector of the Sagittarians, his history and characteristics, as well as a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

Saquiel, the guardian archangel of Sagittarius, is an angel who is part of the Jewish tradition and thus is among the angels to whom the Kabbalah attributes the role of vehicles of God's energies.

For Sagittarians, Saquiel inspires correction and the awakening of knowledge. His influences are also on the examination of one's own conscience.

This archangel helps in good communication, so he is a celestial being who provides the search for dialogue, as well as the will of understanding to his protégés. His planet is Jupiter and the best day of the week to ask for his help is Thursday.

Prayer to the Archangel Saquiel

Saquiel, enlightened Archangel, emanate upon me your energies of love and goodness. Inspire me to develop my abilities so that I may always use them for good.

Guide me to work and to overcome, not allowing me to deviate from my goals, and give me the grace to know how to recognize when I am wrong. Remove from me the negative influences, and help me to conduct my life with justice and serenity.

Archangel Saquiel, my protector, pour upon me your divine flame, preparing me to face crises and emerge victorious. And may my sense of justice never abandon me. Amen.

Sign of Capricorn - Archangel Cassiel

The Archangel Cassiel is the guardian of Capricornians. Check now his characteristics, his history and how to invoke him through a prayer.

History and characteristics

Archangel Cassiel is also known as Orifield. This heavenly protector has a deep association with time, and is considered the archangel of destiny.

Hebrew tradition also credits him with the power to ward off enemies. He is an observant angel and influencer of prudence, but his contemplation is not passive.

Thus, it emanates on Capricornians energies related to the ability to overcome the traumas of the past, as well as to seek the best for the future and to live fully in the present.

Its planetary association is with Saturn and the most propitious day for its invocation is Saturday.

Prayer to the Archangel Cassiel

Archangel Cassiel, divine guardian, watch over me with love and benevolence. Answer my call and grant me the grace of your presence. Pour over me your energies of perseverance, and protect me from unproductive feelings.

May I be able to attract good through my intentions, but also through my actions. Influence me to work for good. Heal me of my weaknesses and deliver me from hindrances.

May I overcome afflictions and bring me joy and determination. Guide my steps towards the light, Archangel of love, accompany me in my destiny! Amen.

Star Sign of Aquarius - Archangel Uriel

The Archangel Uriel is the protector of the Aquarians. We will learn about his characteristics and history, and we will learn a prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

The name of the archangel who protects Aquarians, Uriel, means "the flame of God. In some translations, it is called Tsadkiel. This heavenly guardian appears several times in the sacred scriptures exercising various roles.

He is present in Enoch, associated with the storm and terror, for example. But this angel is also credited with leading Abraham to the Promised Land and fulfilling the ten plagues of Egypt.

He is also identified as heralding the flood to Noah. Archangel Uriel is linked to two planets: Uranus and Saturn. The ideal day of the week for his invocation is Saturday.

Prayer to the Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel, protector full of wisdom, inspire me each day to seek spiritual development. May my heart be flooded by your influences of goodness and love.

And may my intelligence be used to discover ways to fine-tune my spirit, always walking with you, toward the light.

I pray for your help today and always, that your strength may touch me and enliven my qualities, that my fears may vanish, one by one, and courage may lead me on my journey. Grant me the inspiration for justice and bring harmony to my living together. Amen.

Star Sign of Pisces - Archangel Asariel

The protector of Pisces is the Archangel Asariel. Check now his characteristics and his history, and also an ideal prayer to invoke him.

History and characteristics

The Archangel Asariel is a heavenly protector who presides over the waters. In this sense, he connects with Pisceans in a very deep way.

The power of this archangel extends over faith, that is, he inspires spiritual development and helps to bring out a good mastery over the emotional field.

Their influences on people of the sign of Pisces, therefore, offer balance to their characteristic duality, leading Pisceans towards a harmonious use of emotion and reason.

The planets associated with Archangel Asariel are Jupiter and Neptune, and the best day to invoke him is Thursday.

Prayer to the Archangel Asariel

Archangel Asariel, merciful guardian, watch over me today and always. Shower over my life your blessings. Inspire me to inner greatness, helping me to find clarity of thought and nurture faith in my heart.

May I not be shaken by the dangers of the unknown, and may I know how to conduct my life along the path of goodness and knowledge, taking advantage of my intelligence for the exercise of charity and understanding.

Take away from me the fear of trials. May I have joy and serenity to do my best each day. May your protection accompany me. Amen.

Each Sign has its Protector Archangel!

Each sign represents a set of characteristics and points to common ways of seeing the world and manifesting in it. Astral combinations influence behaviour, perceptions and the ways we act and react in life.

But besides the direct influences of the zodiac, we also receive angelic inspirations. This means that we have our personal guardian angels, but we can also count on a guardian who inspires and watches over all the people born under the same sign.

Each zodiac protector is an archangel who watches over us in a special way. We can connect with them by knowing and invoking them.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.