6 of Diamonds in Tarot: meaning of the card in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the 6 of Diamonds mean in the Tarot?

The 6 of Diamonds symbolizes the expansion of material aspects from the improvement of processes. The relationship between the arcane and what is tangible is expressive, bringing emphasis to issues such as money, possessions and work. The 6 of Diamonds is an invitation to make decisions with consciousness about its impacts.

More than that, the card indicates the way to overflow resources. In practice, it is about using generosity in the service of others, as a way to share the materializations achieved. The 6 of Diamonds, depending on the context of the reading, can also indicate generosity as a way to find stability.

If you have goals to achieve, such as courses and job opportunities, the card suggests a favorable time to put them into practice. Read on and learn more about the meaning of the 6 of Diamonds in Tarot!

Basics of the 6 of Diamonds

The 6 of Diamonds is a call for more balance and material manifestations. Its meanings are broad and reach all areas of life, since generosity is an attribute much greater than money itself. The creation of solid bases and the materiality of goods and financial resources are also the fundamentals of the card.

Check out, below, a little more about its history, iconography and attributes!


The arcane 6 of Diamonds appeared as a representation of Daedalus and King Minos of Crete. As each card has a particular iconography, one can understand this one as a scene in which Daedalus kneels before the king. The ruler holds a golden gift, as a sign of patronage.

From this, the story signals the balance that comes with benevolence. Here, charity and generosity are shown to be ways to recover from losses and setbacks suffered throughout life. Sharing goods and possessions is a means to expand riches, which also invites reflection on deserving.

Daedalus appears as an ambivalent figure, an aspect also demonstrated by the 6 of Diamonds. Coming from a life without wealth, it is in this moment that he finds the opportunity to start over. The unexpected that happens in life is also represented in the story of the card.


The symbolism of the 6 of Diamonds involves the counterpoint between wealth and the lack of it. On one side, the purple cloak of the man who has possessions represents the prosperity and social status of the time. On the other, there are those devoid of abundance. Together, they represent balance and sharing, and the counterpoint of the coexistence of both.

The suit of Diamonds

The suit of Diamonds invokes material issues. Drawing cards of this suit is like being faced with guidelines for desired accomplishments, since Diamonds have a lot to do with possessions, money, investments and profits. It is the suit that discusses the power that the individual has to accomplish what he desires.

Thus, Diamonds brings up a force that integrates prosperity and the physical world. After all, it is through business and projects that material conquests are manifested. Contracts are other themes widely represented by the suit of the diamond.

Earth Element

The Earth element in Tarot represents a call to materialization and the tangible plane of the world. This is because earth is the basis for building, expanding and transforming aspects of the mind into physically concrete achievements.

The 6 of Diamonds has a relation with the element, since it has coins in its drawing. The money represented presents a strong connection with the concept of Earth, since financial possessions are understood as mundane by many people. Besides, this element represents all kinds of construction: from finances to relationships.

Meanings of the card 6 of diamonds

Whoever finds the 6 of diamonds in the Tarot game is facing positive omens that call for taking charge of situations. The card represents division as a way of sharing blessings received in life, bringing more abundance to people. For those who expect good opportunities and professional connections, it is a favorable arcane.

Follow the reading and delve into the meanings of the 6 of Diamonds!

Balancing interests and expectations

One of the main meanings of the 6 of diamonds has to do with balance when facing situations. Frustrations occur due to the expectations that are created and the card invites us to reflect about the next steps. The best strategy to follow, many times, goes against the interests of the individual, seeming inappropriate at first.

Making choices and placing yourself are important aspects, but everything must be done in a balanced way. The number 6 has in harmony one of its main meanings, which is also manifested in the chart. Therefore, controlling expectations is indispensable to understand the right moment to act and retreat. The chart also reinforces the balance between giving and receiving.

This concept guides healthy involvements and successful projects in the material and other fields.

Understanding of limitations

The balance proposed by number 6, in its essence, is the starting point to understand the dynamics of decision making. In many moments, the most appropriate is to retreat. This strategic retreat has to do with the time needed to build and depends on the understanding of the being's limitations.

Therefore, drawing the 6 of Diamonds in the Tarot is a great opportunity to evaluate which are the temporary blockages in life. Moreover, it is time to take intelligent paths and use limitations as a driving force. Understanding one's own limits is not synonymous with weakness, but with strategy.

The 6 of Diamonds is also related to the instabilities of life, reminding us that what happens is temporary. Besides, it signals that processes need time to transform themselves into something more, because limitations don't need to be impediments to success.

Time to make choices

Deciding can be challenging for many and the 6 of Diamonds is a card that encourages the courage to make choices. Drawing it means things are getting back on track, but it's no use waiting for materialization to happen on its own. You need the initiative to decide, to push projects forward, especially those already underway.

So you are likely to be faced with situations which demand important choices. Listening to opinions can be tempting, but it is intuition which should come to the fore at this stage. Putting your own heart as a guide helps with decisions and brings more positive results.

Giving and generosity

Coins appear as a symbol of the card in the Tarot and invite us to think about the materialization of goods and projects unpublished or in progress. A viable way to transform actions into concrete manifestations is the donation of resources, since this is the key to true wealth in all sectors.

More than money, the 6 of Diamonds has a connection with time, energy and everything that can be shared with others. Thus, altruism is a trait of the card, bringing reflections to those who draw it at the time of the game. A reminder: exchange is the premise for success, especially in the material field, in which dividing is synonymous with multiplying.

Learning, improvement and firmness

One of the key words of the Tarot Card 6 of Diamonds is the improvement of processes. The connection with material goods and the element Earth appear as a call to learn, create and build. In addition to balance, the firmness of what is built is undeniable, as well as the awareness of the time needed to transform ideas and projects into something concrete.

6 of Diamonds in love

For questions related to the love sector, the central point is balance in existing or future relationships. Tuning in, to happen, needs awareness in the individuals and conviction to invest in an exchange that is really worthwhile. The scenario is positive, always depending on the initiative of the individual.

Learn more about what the 6 of Diamonds can indicate in the Tarot card draw for love!

For committed people

Whoever is in a relationship and draws the 6 of Diamonds in a reading enters a stage of great harmony with his partner. The surrender is fundamental and the reflection about giving and receiving in the same proportion. You have to make sure you are in a viable and healthy relationship. If so, the scenario is favorable for moments of happiness and balance.

The 6 of Diamonds is also a symbol of a period of more tolerance and understanding between partners. Seduction and provocative love are other traits of the card when interpreted for relationships.

For singles

The reading of the arcane 6 of Diamonds in the Tarot, for the case of single people, states that it is very likely to find a partner who presents in himself characteristics such as justice and generosity. Get ready for an involvement that personifies the figure of the king that appears in this card, manifesting deservingness and sense of a partner who treats the other as a majesty.

6 of Diamonds in work and financial life

If you have drawn the 6 of Diamonds and have professional issues to deepen, it suggests a favorable time to grow. However, you need to pay attention to details. Want to know how the arcane interferes in the professional future? Check below!

For employees

For those who already have a job, the 6 of Diamonds in the Tarot indicates good opportunities for those who manage to make their goals real. This is the central point of the reading of this arcane and the way to prosper is to maintain interesting contacts. Thanks to them, promotions and improvements can happen in the professional field, potentializing gains and status.

For unemployed persons

For those who are looking for a position in the market, the 6 of Diamonds is a promising card. Its reading asks for a connection with people who can help on the way, so the consulter will find what he is looking for. Besides, its message states that it is the time to act correctly and reap the results that will come. Commitment is the best way to take solid steps in the career.

Financial situation

Regardless of having a job or not, the individual who finds the 6 of Diamonds in a Tarot reading can prepare to receive goods or unexpected amounts of money. With this, financial life moves towards a stage of more comfort and abundance.

However, this letter does not fail to warn of the emergence of self-interested and greedy people, who may appear to take advantage of the benedictions.

Combinations with the 6 of Diamonds

If you already have the habit of doing Tarot readings, you know the importance of card combinations for a broader understanding of the situation. They are also crucial to understand the advice that is given, in positive or negative combinations, as will be shown below. Check it out!

Positive combinations

In the Tarot, the arcane 6 of Diamonds, when combined with the cards The Sun and The Force, creates extremely positive and promising scenarios. In the case of the former, there is the idea of generosity and success for the consulent, as well as internal and external abundance.

With The Force, you have good results for the initiatives taken and the sense of generous leadership, always caring for others. Thus, it is important to have the willpower to act.

Negative combinations

In negative combinations, the arcane The Tower turns on the alert for the stinginess of the individual, going against generosity, which is the symbol of the 6 of Diamonds. When they appear together in the Tarot game, these cards reflect the desire not to share what one has.

Already combined with the 5 of Swords, the 6 of Diamonds symbolizes someone in a situation of need, who is being exploited by someone else. The other cards will indicate if the person who is taking advantage of this individual is the consulter or someone he knows.

A little more about the 6 of Diamonds

Although very related to material conquests, the 6 of Diamonds encompasses other important aspects that must be considered when reading the Tarot and that will be explained in the following. Among them are health, inverted position and challenges. Check it out!

In health

Whoever draws the 6 of Diamonds in the Tarot game can expect a positive moment in life in the health sector. The card indicates the possibility of helping others around you, based on the quality of your own health. But it can also indicate receiving support from others.

In both ways, the orientation to take care of body and mind, with more attention and vigilance, is clear.

Inverted card

When the 6 of Diamonds is drawn in an inverted position in the Tarot game, there is a sign of instability in the field of finances. The card can indicate stinginess and difficulty in getting the energy of money flowing, which creates blocks to prosperity. Unequal distributions of wealth can happen.

As for generosity, you need to pay attention to whether the people around you act sincerely or only to get something in return. It is also possible that the consulent's sense of generosity is forced or exaggerated, which can be understood as abuse of this characteristic.

Yes or No Printout

In a more specific game, like Yes or No, the arcane 6 of Diamonds is a positive answer to the question asked. In a deeper way, the Yes of the card should be understood as a call to take charge of one's own life and make the decisions that are pending.

It is necessary to think and evaluate the possibilities, finding the necessary balance. However, thinking too much can let the moment pass, and decision making is a duty brought by the 6 of Diamonds to the consulent. So, although positive, the card brings a challenging and questioning side.


The 6 of Diamonds is a card that deals with material goods, unexpected money arrivals and more balanced relationships. Its main challenge is the tendency to illusions, common issues in the financial and love sectors. As the card indicates the improvement of current situations through action, it is likely that a more positive scenario is illusory and the person does not realize it.

Another challenge is the decision making itself, since the process must be done, but in its own time. The balance between the choice and the time needed to carry it out is challenging, because only in practice the individual can understand the best way to conduct this process without forcing or omitting.


The main advice of the 6 of Diamonds in the Tarot is not to act impulsively. Even if the context asks for a more immediate position, acting on impulse can permanently compromise this process. However, omitting yourself can also bring disastrous consequences. So decide what you have to decide, but with the necessary calm. Another tip is to deepen the matters in question before acting.

Financially, the chart represents potential earnings, expected or not. The appearance of amounts of money is actually a reward for what has been done so far. This is a positive sign of wealth and professional success, with good fruits. The tip is to take advantage of the good time to help others and even institutions.

Can the 6 of Diamonds indicate altruism?

The 6 of diamonds has a connection with material issues and its unfoldings. Money, work, possessions and profits are some of the themes involved. Its meaning also concerns relationships and exchanges. Understanding limitations and expanding are the means to build, from solid bases, and reach greater achievements.

Controlling expectations is another crucial point to understand the right moment to act or retreat. The chart also reinforces the balance between giving and receiving. This concept guides healthy involvements and successful projects, in the material field and in others.

One of the main meanings of the 6 of Diamonds is related to generosity. In case of search for evolution, who draws the card must be open to give and receive what the universe sends. Thus, altruism is one of the paths indicated by it, in order to overflow and multiply riches and abundance to oneself and to others.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.