3 of hearts in the tarot: meaning of the card, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card 3 of hearts mean in the tarot?

The story of this card, the 3 of Cups, tells of a great feast: it is the celebration for the good agreements dealt, it is the celebration dinner after hard work, it is your graduation after all the effort during the course.

To get to the moment of this celebration requires the support of people who love you, those who have shared your joys and sorrows, and followed the hard work you have already accomplished.

As said before, the meaning that this card brings is a celebration with meaning and a sense of accomplishment. This is what the 3 of hearts tells, find out in this article what are the fundamentals of this card, its meanings for love and work, and possible combinations with other cards of the tarot.

Fundamentals of the 3 of Cups

Cards of hearts are already part of the imaginary as cards about emotions, feelings and that great prophets of love. In the fundamentals of the card we will explain why the suit and the card bring this feeling through its history, iconography and element.


From the beginning of the journey which the suit of hearts counts and trails, this which is the third step has been reached. From the possibilities of meanings of the ace, affection has been found, and at this point balance has been reached. This is like the next step of an intense passion, that quiet love of closeness and friendship.

In the balance and agreements promised by the number 3, the 3 of Cups card promises the celebrations that follow these successful agreements and the peace of duty done. It says it is time to reap: to share and receive what you have with friends and family.


In the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the 3 of Cups is a celebration and this can be interpreted by observing its iconography. The card shows 3 happy-looking women toasting in celebration of something. None of them is facing the consulter, it is important to emphasize, because the three are amused among themselves.

It is possible to see the face of two of the women, the third one is on her back, and the surrounding area is covered with fruit, which makes us imagine that the abundance of the feast is part of the reason for the celebration.

The Sweet Twilight deck, which is more recent, features a young woman sitting on a vine swing. She is drinking and next to her are two squirrels, each one in a cup, indispensable items for the art of the 3 of hearts. It is possible to interpret from this image a communion that goes beyond the harmony between people, but also involves the surroundings and nature.

The suit of hearts

The suit of hearts talks about what goes on inside people, what they feel in their innermost being, even reaching irrational desires, those which are not told to anyone. This suit tells about dreams, idealizations, passions and generally takes place through the relationship of the consulter with other people, but it also talks about the material world, as well as the sentimental plane and ideas.

Cups involve desire and this includes the desire for possession, not in the sense of an agreed plan or a project, but pure will. In the same way it involves ideas, which in the suit of spades are plans and methods, in an aura of dreams, closer to those intimate and distant dreams than to a life project.

Water element

Hearts is ruled by the element of water, which makes this a great suit to guide a journey of self-knowledge that walks through the emotions that a person may refuse to feel, whatever those feelings may be. Water is also an element of the mystical and subconscious, which is a good sign for issues involving spirituality

After a journey into oneself, it is possible to recognize and deal with other sides of one's own identity, something very important for the development of any person. Understanding one's own heart is part of the path to achieving balance and maturity. In addition, the element of water can act as a purifier and help heal old wounds.

Meanings of the card 3 of hearts

With the basics of the card well established, you can better understand why the 3 of hearts points to the meanings of a period of personal harmony, happiness and connection. Find out in more detail below what this card says about your social and spiritual life and some aspects of your future.

Sociable period

This card usually announces a party, in the literal sense of the word, a bunch of people together having fun, with good drink, food and music. It's worth waiting for an invitation, because it will come.

Also, this card represents all kinds of celebrations where you are around the people you love, all of them, and enjoy the good times. This is a time to share and enjoy those people who are with you for another happy time. It's about situations where the best thing to do is to be with the people you love.

Discovering Gifts

The suit of hearts tells about intuition and even indicates a spiritual journey. At the same time the 3 represents emotional and spiritual growth. It would not be strange for the consulent to discover abilities ruled by the 3 of hearts as he has learned a lot about himself, even discovering his own limits in this period.

From an intuitive point of view, it is possible that these gifts are related to the spiritual realm, as there is a development in this sense. It is worth taking advantage of this moment to work on this side of yourself and to go deeper into this path.

Abundance and optimism

There is no reason for sadness here: people you love and know deeply are on your side, sharing their best with you. Note all the blessings achieved and the rewards of their work.

The art of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck goes very much in this direction, with the harvest at the feet of the three women, confirming the sense of optimism, abundance and successes, as well as cycle conclusions and good agreements cited earlier.

Completion of a cycle

After a lot of struggle, it's time to celebrate. The 3 of Cups represents that moment of relief when everything is in place and we believe that everything is going to be alright.

There was a lot of wear and tear at some point, especially in the emotional realm, and cultivating closeness with friends and family was well worth it. The balance of 3 can be read as the end of that period of effort. Enjoy the results of your work!

Successful agreements

The number 3 card indicates cooperation between people. Because it is of the suit of hearts, it indicates that there is interest of the participants agreement to advance the project. And so the 3 of hearts brings good omens in agreements of any kind.

This is a good time to join with friends or family and together get down to projects. You will notice the intention of these acquaintances to invest in you and your ideas. Not necessarily a financial investment, but still an investment. Your relationship has strong enough bonds of trust that such treaties can be established and fulfilled.

3 of hearts in love

In love, the suit of hearts seems to be ideal as it establishes a deep connection between partners. The number 3 confirms this connection. If your question is about romantic love, we explain below what you can expect from this romance whether you are single or engaged.

For committed people

In the 3 of hearts there is a romantic connection different from the 2 of hearts. Here there is not the overwhelming passion of the other card, but something more free, based on trust and already grounded in the understanding of the other person. The 3 is a love much more focused on friends and family than on partners, it is important to point out.

It is possible that this relationship began as a friendship or that there is a lot of friendship built up. This is a good and quiet love. Another possibility is that of a non-traditional relationship, such as a non-monogamous relationship, not least because of the strong basis in trust.

Just beware of fights or insecurities based on "who loves you more." Love works differently for each person, and this kind of charging only gets in the way of the balance you can have. Take advantage of the conversation and communion moments to deepen the connection between you.

For singles

Someone is in love. If the question for the letter is romantic in nature, there is a good chance that passion has caught up with someone, either you or someone who interests you romantically.

You're close, and maybe it all started because you're good friends, or maybe it's someone from the past trying to get a second chance. You're interested in someone you've known for a long time. The intimacy is there, maybe it's just lacking that little bit of passion, but of course, that could come at any time.

Another possibility is that because it started in friendship, the love is one-sided and the other person only considers you as a great friend. But that doesn't mean that there is no love or that it can't turn into romantic love. There is the trust and closeness of love in the air. Again, it just takes the people involved to give each other a chance to turn that love into romance.

3 of hearts at work

Work for the suit of hearts has much of a dream about it, and your job is a way of realising your values in the real world. Giving your all has its rewards, as will be commented on below for those who are employed or unemployed, as well as the financial aspects which the card presents.

For employees

Chances are you're already in your dream career or you're on the path to entering your major, so congratulations on that, not just anyone can be in the field of endeavor you want.

As a card that promises conflict resolution, the 3 of Cups will bring you emotional satisfaction, a good evaluation from superiors, a testimonial from a fan on the internet, or promotion, some form of recognition for your work.

The 3 of hearts may also be pointing to a finished project, a successful meeting or a graduation, in this case closer to the "party" meaning mentioned before.

For unemployed persons

For those who are looking for a job, the 3 of hearts, indicates that there are many chances of being hired. Especially if combined with the ace of diamonds. Don't give up and use your connections to find new opportunities.

Financial aspects

The 3 of Cups is positive for financial matters and points to financial help from a third party or a new investor for your project.

With this peaceful phase, you may be feeling generous and want to share your good fortune. Just be careful not to get into debt in the process. Use money wisely and enjoy the good phase.

Combinations with the card 3 of hearts

The 3 of hearts has very interesting combinations with other cards that together speak about our desires and our relationship with others. Check out some positive and negative combinations below.

Positive combinations

Combinations for sentimental matters are very good when they involve the 3 of hearts. Together with the ace of hearts it speaks of marriage based on love, not on financial or practical matters, pure and simple love, with a lot of trust. It is a good time to start planning the union.

Depending on the combination, it is also possible that the 3 of hearts signals a baby, with the ace of clubs, for example, and together with cards like the empress or queen of hearts. The 3 here has a sense of "third person" of a couple, in the sense of a baby. If it is a great desire, it is time to celebrate.

Negative combinations

The combination 3 of hearts with 9 of swords is a negative combination as it indicates that someone is, or seems to be, allowing themselves excesses. The 9 of swords speaks of allowing the negative actions that the 3 of hearts has, alcohol use, parties, too many friendships, even possibly an affair. Someone is running away and pretending everything is okay, don't do that.

For relationships, having a draught with 3 of hearts and 9 of swords can mean that those involved need to believe in each other's love. Personalities are very different and it can be difficult to reconcile the ways of love. Don't let mistrust destroy what you have.

Other combinations that may not be ideal would be the 3 of hearts with other cards of the same suit, except in the mentioned case of a current relationship and a marriage proposal. Because it is a suit of dreams and idealizations, a combination like this can mean that the relationship does not have a solid foundation. If you have drawn this combination, work on it so that the love lasts.

A little more about the card 3 of hearts

In addition to the meanings of celebration, reaping the fruits of your efforts, and light love the 3 of Cups card has a few other interpretations as well. Here are the card's reading directions for health, challenges, and tips, plus what this card represents when reversed.

In health

The 3 of Cups is a very positive card in the matter of health. Especially after a period of illness, it is a card which reaffirms with the doctor that the illness is in the past and that now is a time to celebrate.

It is worth noting that one should not overdo the celebrations or neglect their health to the point that this celebration of good news ends up leading to a negative aspect.

Inverted card

If you use a reversed card reading or this card appears in a negative house, it is a card that speaks of emotional exhaustion, excesses and perhaps infidelity. The excesses come from this period of celebration, many parties where there is so much to celebrate that you forget other needs. There are also chances that these excesses arise from escapism.

So it is necessary to be careful with compulsions and addictions when the 3 of Cups comes into play. It is possible that this escapism is related to infidelity, if there are indications. The combination with the 9 of Swords only reinforces these possibilities of the 3 of Cups.

Another scenario is that the inverted 3 of hearts shows you the wear and tear you feel in relationships: there is a lack of emotional balance, you can't trust or open your heart to other people and allow yourself to love. Making and maintaining friendships is tiring. The feeling is of being the third one left or of wanting to isolate yourself from everyone, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Take some time for yourself, work a bit on your own if that's the case, sometimes it takes distance to realize where you fit in that group and understand if those companies are important to you.


It may sound silly, but it may be hard to accept that people like you or even the rewards you receive from your work. Don't let yourself fall into self-sabotage or excesses just when your life should be quiet with things going on.


Take a moment to recharge your batteries, celebrate your victories and think about the future with an open heart. Realize how far you've come and how many people are by your side on this journey. You are on the right path.

Can the 3 of Cups signify a good time to delve deeper into relationships?

This is a good time to delve into all relationships, not just romantic ones. You have family and friends who also need attention and who want to share their struggles and achievements with you.

For romance, if you believe you will be happy with that quiet love of best friends, take initiative to start that courtship. And, as explained, the 3 of hearts is a good card for marriages, a positive answer for committed people as well.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.