15 sympathies to get pregnant: for Cosme and Damian, twins, egg and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do the sympathy to get pregnant?

Many women have the dream of getting pregnant and being mothers. Thus, for some women getting pregnant can be easy, simple and even unexpected. After all, many get pregnant without planning and by a great chance.

However, for others the process of getting pregnant can be difficult and even complicated. So that it takes several attempts to get pregnant. And often, even after trying hard, a woman still cannot get pregnant.

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to issues such as menstrual calendar and fertile period. As well as it may be essential to follow up with a professional, such as gynecologist. However, a help from the cosmos is also welcome.

It doesn't matter what religion you belong to or if you are a fan of mystical rituals, because a sympathy to get pregnant may be all you need. So, get to know several sympathies to get pregnant and try as many as you want.

Sympathy to get pregnant for Cosme and Damian

Cosme and Damian are twin brothers, as well as being saints. Therefore, several religions celebrate these saints, from Catholicism to Candomblé.

Therefore, these saints are related to children, motherhood and fertility, so the sympathy to get pregnant for Cosme and Damian is very effective. Find out more about this sympathy below.


To start the Cosme and Damian miracle to get pregnant, you need a few ingredients. However, we advance that the Cosme and Damian spells will always use sweets and candies because these are the saints of children.

Therefore, for this sympathy to get pregnant, you need a pair of baby shoes of wool. These shoes need to be of this material and if you want a boy, the shoes should be blue, for girls, pink.

Also have on hand a piece of paper, pencil or pen, various colorful candies and candies. You will also need a piece of string.

How to do

The first step, which is essential for the Cosme and Damian pregnancy charm to have effect, is devotion. That is, believe and be devout to these saints, so these twins will bless you with the energy of childhood. Also, throughout the charm think and ask a lot to get pregnant.

Also, you should write with pencil or pen on the piece of paper that you want to get pregnant. Then fold the paper and place it in only one of the wool slippers. Immediately after, fill both slippers with candies and sweets.

So, with the little shoes full of candy and your request made, go to a square or park that children frequent. Find a tree or a bush and tie the little shoes.

Sympathy to get pregnant at full moon

There is a lot of mysticism involving the phase of the moon that reflects its totality. Thus, the full moon rules the female menstrual cycle and the forces of nature. Thus, there is the sympathy to get pregnant at full moon that promises an urgent and very blessed pregnancy. Check it out.


To perform the sympathy to get pregnant at full moon, the ingredients are only seven equal candles and golden color. After all, candles are a source of light, which illuminates the environment by producing fire. However, in its symbolism, candles are symbols of illumination and transformation.

The color gold symbolizes prosperity and especially success and triumph. Therefore, seven golden candles show the transformation and fulfillment that this sympathy to get pregnant will do. So that the divine color and the flames united to the full moon will help in the desire to get pregnant.

How to do

The sympathy to get pregnant at full moon is a powerful sympathy. But you must do it following correctly all the step by step. First you need to know what is the first night of full moon of the month, because the sympathy starts on that specific day.

So, on the first night of the full moon of the month and after 11 pm, you should light a candle and pray. The prayer must be destined to St. Mary, mother of Jesus, in which you should fervently ask for pregnancy. It is also interesting to talk about the happiness that would be to get the blessing of getting pregnant.

So for the period of 7 days, after 11 pm, you need to light a golden candle and pray.

Sympathy for fertility with egg

A sympathy to get pregnant, but that has more focus on the fertility of women, is the egg fertility sympathy. That is, for a woman to get pregnant, she needs to be fertile and this sympathy to get pregnant will help with that. See details of this sympathy below.


To do the egg fertility spell, the ingredients are a disposable plastic cup and an egg. That is, with only two ingredients you aim for the desired fertility to get pregnant.

Thus, the egg is essential in this sympathy because it is the symbol of life and birth. That is, in many religions and in their symbolism, this food is related to the progress of life and the beginning of it.

In addition, the egg relates to fertility, rebirth and eternity. And that's because it is the symbol of Easter and the resurrection of Christ.

How to do

The charm to get pregnant with egg is simple to do, but remember to do it at night. To increase your fertility, you must break the egg and put only the white of this food in the disposable cup.

So, after that, leave the cup with the egg white in the serenity and the wind for one night only.

So the next morning, you should say a prayer filled with gratitude and faith, but requesting your pregnancy.

That is, you should pray to the saint you are devoted to or that you consider will answer your prayers. Immediately after the prayer, you should throw the disposable cup and the egg white into a garbage can.

Sympathy to get pregnant with cotton slipper

It is interesting that the woman who wants to get pregnant has children's items to attract pregnancy. Thus, the sympathy to get pregnant with cotton slipper needs this item, as well as the blessing of St. Cosmas and Damian. Check out more below.


The sympathy to get pregnant with cotton slipper has as ingredient a pair of baby shoes cotton. Thus, you can buy and make a pair of shoes, but the most suitable is that you win this shoe from someone.

That is, a woman who did this sympathy should pass the pair of shoes for you. But also the color of them matters, if you want a boy, he must be blue. As well as for a girl, the shoe needs to have the color pink.

Also, you need a sufficient amount of cotton to fill the little shoes, plus a drawer of underwear.

How to do

To do the charm to get pregnant with cotton slipper, you must have a pair of baby shoes. They need to be blue or pink and someone needs to deliver them to you. Therefore, when you win these shoes, you need to fill them with cotton so that the shoes are very full.

With them filled with cotton, you need to keep them in a drawer with underwear. In addition to a prayer to St. Cosme and Damian in which you promise to deliver diseases to needy children when you get pregnant.

When you become pregnant and have your baby, wear this shoe at least once on the feet of your child. But, do not forget, that on the seventh day of the child's life, you pass on these shoes to another woman who wishes to become pregnant.

Sympathy to get pregnant girl for Cosme and Damian

Cosme and Damian are saints commonly remembered for the tradition of distributing sweets on their day, September 27.

This happens because they are saints of childhood and birth, and women who want to get pregnant turn to them. Therefore, there is specifically a sympathy to get pregnant girl to Cosme and Damian. See how to perform it below.


The sympathy to get pregnant girl for Cosme and Damian has several ingredients. So that it is a little more elaborate and laborious, but it is extremely effective for those who want a daughter.

So, to perform this sympathy is needed a pacifier and a ribbon, both pink, as well as a glass that has a lid and that is large enough to fit a candle and a candle in pink. In addition to petals of seven white roses and a place that has a white rose bush.

To finish the sympathy, you need foods such as honey, sugar and a bottle of soda in guarana flavor. We emphasize that this bottle needs to be at least one liter.

How to do

With all the ingredients on hand, you should take the glass with a lid and pour in the guarana soda. However, you should only fill half of the glass with the soda.

Then, insert the other ingredients like the pacifier and pink ribbon, sugar and honey into the glass. As well as the petals of seven white roses. With all these items inside the glass, you should use the pink candle to stir all these ingredients. As well as place it inside the glass and cover it.

To finish, place the glass under a white rose bush and pray to Saint Cosme and Saint Damian. This prayer should ask for the grace to become pregnant with a girl child. Therefore, it is also necessary to promise these saints sweets and parties as thanks for the blessing.

Sympathy to get pregnant girl with wooden spoon

The charm to get pregnant girl with wooden spoon is one of the simplest and easiest. Besides being passed from generation to generation. With few ingredients, this charm to get pregnant is famous and very recurring for those who want a daughter. Discover all the details of this charm below.


There are only two ingredients to make the charm to get pregnant girl with wooden spoon. For this charm, you will need a wooden spoon and a pink ribbon.

In this way, the wooden spoon symbolizes union and life. That is, it shows that it is through a united couple that a life will be conceived.

The ribbon also shows the union between the couple, because with it it is possible to "tie" and "untie" relationships. And the color pink symbolizes that from this relationship, the result will be to conceive a female baby.

How to do

How to do the sympathy to get pregnant girl with wooden spoon is very easy. After all, not even prayer you will need. Just luck, faith and wish a lot that you are graced with the pregnancy of a girl.

With the two ingredients in hand, you should go to your room with your partner. So, place the wooden spoon under the bed where sexual intercourse will take place. Also, on that same bed, you should put the pink ribbon under the pillow.

After putting these two items in bed just have sex and hope that luck is in your favor. Both to get pregnant, as to get pregnant with a girl.

Sympathy to get pregnant for Our Lady Aparecida

Our Lady of Aparecida is one of the main symbols of the Catholic religion, and is considered the patron saint of Brazil because her image was found in the country.

Besides Our Lady Aparecida performs many graces and miracles for their faithful. And one of these graces can be pregnancy through the sympathy to get pregnant for Our Lady Aparecida. See all about this sympathy below.


The sympathy to get pregnant for Our Lady of Aparecida is quick to do and to get results. However, for this you need to have faith, devotion and the ingredients to perform this sympathy. For this, you need only a paper and a pen.

So, it doesn't matter your religion, and whether you call this saint Nossa Senhora Aparecida or Oxum. After all, both religions refer to her and know her importance as a mother who comforts us and listens to us. Besides listening to our requests, such as to get pregnant.

How to do

The step by step of how to make the sympathy to get pregnant for Our Lady Aparecida is simple. That is, for this you need to choose a month, that will be the one you will get pregnant. After choosing the month to conceive the pregnancy, you should take a pen and write this month on the piece of paper.

With the paper in hand, go to a church and place this paper at the feet of the image of the saint. Another alternative is that it also works if you have the image of Our Lady of Aparecida in your home. In this way, pray every day to the saint for your pregnancy until she fulfills your request.

Sympathy to get pregnant with red rose

The sympathy to get pregnant with red rose is extremely fast. Thus, it is what women who want to get pregnant most seek and do. Therefore, if you are a woman who seeks a quick way to get pregnant, know this sympathy.


The ingredients to make the sympathy to get pregnant with red rose are only two. That is, to perform this sympathy you need, as the main item, a red rose. In addition, you need a cloth bag or a piece of cloth, it's up to you to choose which you prefer.

The flower symbolizes the innocence that the child that will be born possesses, while the red color shows love and deep affection. In this way, the red rose shows that the apex of passion will generate a new life full of innocence. Therefore, do not forget to have these two ingredients in your home.

How to do

How to do the sympathy to get pregnant with red rose involves, first, care with the red rose. You need to remove the flower stem, as well as the leaves, so as to leave only the flower with its petals. Thus, leave the remaining part, the flower, exposed to the sun until it is completely dry.

So, with the red rose dry, you should place it inside the cloth bag or wrap it in the piece of cloth. In this way, you should place this wrapping in a well hidden place in your room. After hiding the bag or cloth, say a prayer asking for the blessing of pregnancy.

Therefore, the little bag should remain hidden until the pregnancy is realized. And when you become pregnant you will need to place the rose in some field, garden or lawn.

Sympathy to get pregnant with diaper

The sympathy to get pregnant with diaper has few ingredients and step by step. But that's not why it is less effective and should not be done with fervor and devotion. Learn more about the sympathy to get pregnant with diaper, below.


To do the charm to get pregnant with diaper, you must have only two ingredients. So, get a tablespoon of honey and a new baby diaper.

It should be noted that if you want to get pregnant with a boy, the diaper should be blue, while for a daughter's pregnancy, the diaper needs to be pink. However, if the sex of the baby is not a question for you, the diaper can be white. So the universe will take care of the sex of your baby.

How to do

How to do sympathy to get pregnant with diaper is very simple. Put the diaper being a symbol that refers to pregnancy and birth, it is effective. Just as honey symbolizes health, luck and prosperity in conceiving a child.

In this way, you need to put some honey inside the diaper. Then, close the diaper and place it under the bed where the couple sleeps and performs sexual intercourse.

So, after sexual intercourse, you should always think about your desire to be a mother. In addition, every night, you should before going to sleep pray to your guardian angel. So that always in prayers request the blessing of pregnancy.

Sympathy to get pregnant with candles and sweets

It is dedicated to the sympathy to get pregnant with candles and sweets to St. Cosmas and San Damian. After all, these saints, besides being patron saints of children, help the good and needy souls. So as to help in the realization of their wishes. Learn how this sympathy to get pregnant works.


The sympathy to get pregnant with candles and sweets needs only three ingredients to happen. The first ingredient is a white candle. The second ingredient is a plate also white. And finally, you need various sweets, as well as various colors.

You will offer the sweets to São Cosme and São Damião, as this will show devotion and understanding of who they are. Therefore, always have a lot of faith and devotion to these saints to achieve the effectiveness of this sympathy.

In addition, the white color of the items shows the purity that is in the heart of the one who asks for this blessing. As well as the purity that the child will possess.

How to do

The first step in how to do the sympathy to get pregnant with candles and candy is to light the white candle. As well as placing it in the center of the white plate. After that, spread the various sweets around the candle so that they completely fill the white plate.

You have to put the plate and candle in a high place, like a table and an altar. After that, kneel down and make your request. This way, you need to dedicate this candle to Saint Cosme and Saint Damian, as well as pray with much devotion to them and ask for a pregnancy.

So after your prayer, let the candle burn completely and go out by itself. After that happens, leave the candy in a place that children frequent, such as parks.

Sympathy to get pregnant with twins

Many women wish to get pregnant with twins, but it becomes very difficult, mainly due to genetic factors. Therefore, if you want this type of pregnancy, do this sympathy to get pregnant with twins. Know it now.


As a twin pregnancy is not so easy and simple, this sympathy to get pregnant has more ingredients than others. Thus, to perform the sympathy to get pregnant with twins, you will need a cardboard box of any size.

You need to draw and cut out two stars on aluminum foil and two hearts on red paper. Another essential item is two pairs of shoes, blue for a son and pink for a daughter. If you do not have a preference for the sex of the baby, the shoes can be yellow.

Also, have two pacifiers on hand. That way, the colors, as well as the pairs of shoes, can be blue, pink or yellow.

How to do

To make the sympathy to get pregnant with twins, you should take the cardboard box. Thus, put all the remaining ingredients inside this box and separate it. However, do not let the ingredients clump, accommodate them and organize them inside the little box.

With the box separated, on any day, but at sunrise, open it and raise it towards him. Then, with the box open, you should pray aloud to the star king requesting fertility and energy into your womb. And this in double doses.

After the prayer, close the box and keep it in a safe place. When the twins are born, do not forget to put on the shoes from the box.

Sympathy of the empty canister to get pregnant

The sympathy of the empty canister to get pregnant is very simple to do. With only two ingredients and an easy way to do, it is fast and effective. Find out more about this sympathy to get pregnant.


The ingredients to make the sympathy of the empty vessel to get pregnant are a new vessel and water. The vessel does not have a specific symbolism, but because it is new, refers to virginity and purity. So that represents the female womb awaiting a child.

On the other hand, water represents all the origin of life, so that it is an element of spiritual and corporal regeneration. Moreover, it represents wisdom, purity and fertility. In other words, by putting water inside the new vessel, you will be representing fertility entering your womb.

How to do

The sympathy of the empty canister to get pregnant works as a kind of metaphor. After buying a new canister and never use it, you should put it under the bed of the couple. That way, every day at night, you need to fill it with water. But the measure is less than a finger of water.

Every time you add a little water to the vessel, always pray to your guardian angel to grant a pregnancy. The prayer to obtain the desired child needs to be fervent and with much belief that the angel will grant your wish.

So before the water fills the whole vessel, you will have the news that your dream will come true. After all, you will manage to get pregnant.

Sympathy to get pregnant with shoe and candy

The sympathy to get pregnant with shoe and candy is one of several sympathies that people dedicate to Cosme and Damian, so you also need to know it and try it to achieve the dream pregnancy. Check it out.


To make the sympathy to get pregnant with shoes and candy is needed a pair of baby shoes. Remember that you must buy them in the color you want the sex of your child.

That is, for a son buy blue color, for a girl, buy in pink color. If you do not have a preference, buy yellow shoes. Also, you will need to buy a lot of candies and sweets. So they need to be varied and very colorful.

Also, don't forget that you will need faith and devotion to Cosme and Damian. And that's for them to bless you with a pregnancy.

How to do

To do the charm to get pregnant with shoes and candy you need to be with the ingredients at hand. After buying the baby shoes in the color that represents his sex, fill them with candy and candies.

That is, you need to leave the shoes completely filled and lined with candy and various candies. After that, go to a square, park or garden that children frequent. That way, in that place look for the most beautiful tree and hang the shoes on it.

While hanging the slippers, say a prayer that Saint Cosme and Saint Damian will bring you a pregnancy.

New year sympathy to get pregnant

The new year is a day to renew all the vows and add new goals in your life. Thus, this day is very powerful for the realization of wishes. So, know the powerful new year sympathy to get pregnant.


For the new year's charm to get pregnant, you need only two ingredients. One is the pomegranate fruit, which symbolizes fertility and fecundity. This is because this fruit has its shape similar to the female uterus, and its color also reminds him.

So, the other ingredient is a paper napkin in white color. In this way, the napkin has no symbolism, but the white color shows the purity of the child. Besides the purity of the heart of the person and his request that is being made for the woman to become pregnant.

How to do

How to make the new year's sympathy for getting pregnant is simple. That way, to start it, you need to open the pomegranate and take only six seeds of this fruit. So, with the seeds in your hand, put one by one in your mouth, so as to imagine that they are from those seeds that your baby will be generated.

With the six seeds in your mouth and after imagining pregnancy, take them out of your mouth and wrap them in a napkin.

So keep the napkin with the seeds in a safe place and wait for the news of pregnancy, which will come during the next year. When the pregnancy comes true, you should throw the pomegranate seeds into the sea.

Sympathy to get pregnant for the Guardian Angel

All people have a guardian angel who watches over them and rules over them. In this way, when a woman wants to get pregnant, she can and should ask her guardian angel to help her.


The sympathy to get pregnant for the Guardian Angel has several ingredients, so be careful to have all of them. Thus, have two white candles, which will be one for your guardian angel and one for your partner. As well as a saucer also white, but that has never been used.

Also, it is necessary to have honey and a cloth diaper, so that the diaper should be blue if you want a boy, or pink to get a daughter. However, if you have a white cloth diaper, it is also valid. But the sex of the baby will be random and not pre-defined by the charm.

How to do

Before you gather all the ingredients for the sympathy to get pregnant for the Guardian Angel, you need to set aside a Sunday. And that is to dedicate that day to make your sympathy that will also need the help of your partner.

Therefore, on a Sunday evening, dip the two white candles in honey, so that they are completely enveloped in the food. Then light them and place them upright and together on the white saucer.

Also, fold the diaper so that it has a completely even surface so that the candles do not fall out. Then, place the saucer on top of the diaper and start a prayer with your partner to the guardian angel to grant a pregnancy. After that, blow out the candles and put the diaper under the pillow.

What if the sympathy doesn't work?

A sympathy is nothing more than a form of magic to get what you want. However, for a sympathy to work you need to follow several details to achieve success. Firstly, you need to think positive and believe that the sympathy will work.

Therefore, no sympathy will come true unless you have faith in believing it will work. In other words, faith is the main aspect in the success of a sympathy. Also, you need to be humble in your request. As well as following the steps of how to do it and having all the ingredients.

Another aspect of a successful sympathy is to keep it a secret. That is, not to spread your wish and that you performed a sympathy. Therefore, if the sympathy does not work, it will be because you did not perform some detail or because your wish will unbalance the universal scheme. So, have faith and wait for the universe to hear you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.