11 sympathies for hair to grow: with volume, quickly and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do sympathy for hair growth

Hair may seem futile to some, but for many people this part of the body has great importance. If you are vain, surely you like to take care, comb and moisturize your hair.

So, many already suffer with the factor "hair length". Cast the first stone who never asked the hairdresser to cut the famous "2 fingers", and when he saw was without an inch of your strands.

Or, you decided to change your look and make a new shorter cut, but then regretted it, and you're left longing for long hair again. So, to assist in this matter, there are certain remedies and beauty products that promise to enhance hair growth.

However, this does not always work out for everyone, and so many end up resorting to faith and looking for sympathies, to have a little help. Thus, in the following you will know the best sympathies that promise to make your hair finally grow.

Sympathy for the hair grow burying in the side of a tree

You may even have found the name of this sympathy a bit strange, but stay calm, because for everything there is a reason. The idea of mixing the growth of hair, with trees or plants in general, can be very interesting, after all, the goal is that it blooms, as well as leaves.

To find out the materials that will be needed for this sympathy, as well as, check out its step by step, follow this reading carefully. See.


Indicated for those who wish to have healthy and long strands, the sympathy for the hair to grow buried next to the tree, brings with it some principles of the famous aloe plant.

Although it may seem unusual, this sympathy is very simple, and can be done by anyone, without giving you much trouble. It does not have expensive materials or difficult to be found, so there are no reasons for you not to do it.


To perform this sympathy will require that you have a shampoo with aloe base. No specific brand is indicated, so you can buy any of your preference. If you already have some at home, even better, so, avoid spending.

In addition you will also need a white paper, and two strands of your hair, which will be removed throughout the sympathy. Other than that, you only need to keep in mind near which tree you will bury it.

How to do

To begin, you should have the aloe shampoo on hand. When you take a shower, wash your hair with it while saying the following words. As the bamboo grows fast, may my locks flourish.

Once you finish washing your hair and have said the words above, remove two strands of your hair, which should be wrapped by white paper. Done this, to end the sympathy, you should bury it next to a tree of your choice.

Sympathy for the hair to grow in the crescent moon

The crescent moon is famous for helping hair to grow, so of course, in the world of sympathies, it could not be missing.

A sympathy for the wires to grow aligned with the energy of the crescent moon, can be extremely powerful. So, follow attentive and follow all the details below.


The sympathy of the crescent moon for hair growth is indicated for you who have tried everything, expensive creams, remedies, vitamins, but nothing made your strands take length.

In the esoteric world, the crescent moon has great power, so, since you're going to do a spell dedicated to it and using its strength, it is essential to believe in its energy. If you are unbeliever and do the spell just to do, for that famous "see what will happen", you can get out of the rain, because it probably will not work.


For this sympathy you will need scissors and a vase blooming with beautiful flowers. In addition, of course, you will need to wait for a night of crescent moon, to perform it.

How to do

At a period corresponding to the crescent moon, use the scissors to cut off a centimeter of your hair. Then, the ends that are removed should be buried in the vase with flowers.

The step by step is just that, however, this whole process will need to be redone in the next two phases of the crescent moon. So pay attention not to forget to repeat it, or even not to lose count and perform the sympathy for the incorrect number of times.

Sympathy for the hair grow with novena to Our Lady Aparecida

Our Lady Aparecida is the patron saint of Brazil, considered a refuge for the afflicted, if you no longer know what to do to make your hair grow, this beloved saint has a sympathy that can help you.

Therefore, if you have faith in Our Lady of Aparecida, follow this reading carefully and find out how to perform this sympathy.


As you can see, this sympathy is dedicated to Our Lady of Aparecida. Therefore, a fundamental factor for you to do it is to have faith and trust in this saint. It wouldn't make any sense to perform this sympathy if you don't believe in her.

Moreover, it will require a certain commitment on your part to do this sympathy completely the right way. This is said because its full execution is only finalized after 9 days. So, do not forget any detail.


For the sympathy in offering to Our Lady of Aparecida you will need only 9 candles and a saucer of any color.

How to do

For a total of 9 days, you will need to light a candle and place it on a saucer. As you do so, you should say one Our Father and one Hail Mary, offering prayers to Our Lady.

In addition, ask her for your hair to grow strong, beautiful and healthy. But do not forget that this ritual should be done for 9 consecutive days. As soon as your hair reaches the length you want, it will be necessary that you disclose this sympathy to a friend, or to another person who is in need, as a form of gratitude.

Sympathy for the hair to grow with ears of corn

The sympathy for hair growth made with corn cobs promises to be powerful. However, know that it is more complex than normal. However, nothing that a little patience and commitment can not solve.

If you really want your hair to grow, then follow the reading and check out all the details of this sympathy.


This sympathy is indicated for those who are not lazy to pursue their goals. This is said because, as you have already been told before, this sympathy is a little more complex to perform than the others that have already been mentioned throughout this article.

However, it's not a big deal either, so if you're willing to fight for your hair to grow, you can be sure that this little effort will be worth it.


For the realization of this sympathy will be necessary that you have in hand, a white ribbon, five strands of your hair, an ear of corn, a sheet of white paper and a little water.

How to do

Start by using the white ribbon to tie the five strands of her hair together with the ear of corn. When finished, make a bow, and then let her spend a whole night in the serene.

As soon as dawn breaks, take the ear of corn and roll it in the white sheet of paper. As soon as night falls again, wet all this work in a little bit of water. While doing this process, ask the heavens or the Universe, for those who prefer, that your hair may grow and have more and more shine. At the end, the sympathy should be thrown in the trash.

Sympathy for the hair to grow with rosary silver bento

The rosary is a religious goal well known throughout the world, which has for purpose the recitation of a sequence of prayers. This practice is very widespread among the Catholic faithful called Marian.

Thus, the rosary has a powerful energy, and can help in the achievement of requests, for those who have faith. If you are one of them, learn how to perform the following sympathy for hair growth with silver benedict rosary.


It is known that the rosary is a catholic object used for prayers. So, if you are of another religion, know that nothing prevents you to do this sympathy. However, you need to have faith and believe in the power of the rosary, to achieve your goal.

In addition, as the name of the sympathy already says, it is necessary that the rosary be blessed. So, in case you don't know, the person responsible for making these blessings is the priest. Therefore, if you don't have a blessed rosary at home, you will need to ask a priest to bless it for you.


You will obviously need a silver benedict rosary. Also, you will need a pot of boiling water, in which you must be very careful not to burn yourself. There you go, that's it.

How to do

Start by placing the silver benedict rosary inside a pot of boiling water, then cover it and let it stay there for 5 minutes. Once the water has warmed up to a temperature where you won't risk burning it, you should use it to wash your hair.

The hair should be washed as soon as you get up, and it is necessary to be fasting. Finally, let it dry naturally. This sympathy can be repeated until the hair reaches the length you want.

Sympathy for hair growth with aloe

When it comes to treating hair, aloe vera is a well-known ingredient, and approved by many experts. This is due to the fact that it has many nutrients that offer numerous benefits to the human being, among them, help in the natural growth of hair.

During the course of this article, you met a sympathy in which was made with a shampoo based on aloe. However, this one, will be made with the plant itself. Check out its details below.


You must have already imagined that the main ingredient of this sympathy will be the aloe vera. Therefore, it is indicated for those who have the possibility of getting some leaves of this plant. In addition, it is essential that you try to know if you have any allergies to it.

If you have, it will not be possible to perform this sympathy, because the aloe is essential for its implementation. So that for this specific sympathy, there is no other plant or herb that can replace it.


To make this sympathy will require that you have seven aloe leaves, and also a towel.

How to do

Start by cutting the leaves of the aloe vera so that the drool that is inside can come out. When the full moon night comes, wash all your hair with the aloe vera. When finished, remove the excess water, but do not dry it completely, and wrap it in a towel.

You will need to sleep with damp hair, so if you have the flu, or have any health problem that could harm you, it is better that you do not do it and choose another sympathy. Also be careful not to sleep with damp hair in front of a fan, or with the air on, because this way, you may wake up with a cold.

As soon as the day dawns, wash your hair again as usual. That's it, it's done. It is recommended that you perform this sympathy at least once a month, until your hair reaches the desired size.

Sympathy of the 7 tips for hair growth

The 7 tips for hair growth charm is another one that will use the power of the crescent moon to achieve this goal. You will need to cut some tips of your hair, but if everything goes right, this will activate an even greater growth in it.

If you were curious to understand how this process works, stay tuned and follow all the details below.


As well as the other sympathy made on the night of crescent moon that you met here in this article, to perform the 7 points sympathy will be necessary first of all, that you believe in the energy of moonlight, after all, it is he who will lead the potentiation of the growth of your strands.

In addition, to perform this sympathy, you need to cut 7 tips of your hair, so if you are pity, afraid, sad, finally, you are not willing to cut these pieces, unfortunately you can not do it. In this case the most suitable will be that you choose another sympathy in which you do not need to cut your hair.


This sympathy does not require any special physical material, so the only thing you will need is a pair of scissors with a good cut and a fabric shawl with a flower print. In addition, you should only bring with you a lot of confidence and faith.

How to do

Wait for the night of the crescent moon to come, and when it does, you should cut seven little points out of your hair. However, as you do this process, with each point you cut, you should repeat some words out loud and with great, great confidence.

The sequence should be exactly as follows. 1st tip - Say, I cut the tip; 2nd tip - Say, the tip grows; 3rd tip - Say, it grows so much; 4th tip - Say, it appears; 5th tip - Say, I cut the tip; 6th tip - Say, the hair grows; 7th and last tip - Say, it grows so much and all whole.

When you have finished cutting the 7 ends, you should keep them in the flower print bag, and then put them under the pillow you usually sleep on before you go to sleep. As soon as the day dawns, this bag should be buried at the foot of a tree that is big. It doesn't matter which tree it is, as long as it is big.

Sympathy for the hair to grow on the full moon

If you thought that only the crescent moon could help in the growth of your hair, know that you were wrong. The full moon can also offer great help when the subject is sympathy for hair growth.

Check out the following indications, ingredients and step by step how to perform the sympathy for hair growth in the full moon.


The same warning was given for the spells performed on the night of the crescent moon. It is essential that you trust in the power and energy of the full moon, after all, it will serve as a kind of potentiating agent, so that your hair will finally grow.

So, if you don't believe that the full moon can really do this, think well, it will be of no use to perform this sympathy. So, fill yourself with confidence and have positive thinking in the first place.


As incredible as it may seem this sympathy does not ask you to provide any specific ingredient. To perform it, you need only 7 strands of your hair, taken from the root. And nothing more. Bring with you beyond that, only positive energies and faith.

How to do

When the full moon night finally comes, remove 7 strands of your hair by the root. But beware, these strands need to be healthy and strong, after all, they will be used for the purpose of the hair to grow that way.

Take the strands, and place them before the moonlight, while doing this say the following, may my hair grow strong and healthy, as the energy of this moon has all power before nature.

The wires will need to stay under moonlight throughout the night, so leave them there and go to sleep.

You can choose to leave them in your window, under some furniture that holds them, or even on the ground. For the first and last option, remember to leave them with something that can hold them, so they don't fly away during the night.

When the day dawns, take the strands of hair and bury them in a place of your choice where no one knows or can see them. After burying, drizzle them with milk or olive oil, whichever you prefer.

Finally, you should make a prayer offering to Our Lady of Grace, for the next seven consecutive days. Ask that your request for hair to grow be answered.

Sympathy for hair growth with banana tree

This is another charm done on a night of full light, this one not only makes your hair grow, but also promises to make it even stronger. Using the principles of the banana tree, some say it is extremely powerful.

If you want to better understand its indications, as well as the ingredients needed for its implementation, and its step by step, follow the reading below.


The trunk of the banana tree will be essential for the correct realization of this sympathy. So, if you have no idea where there is a banana tree nearby, or if it is a very far away place, which can be dangerous for you to go there, it is interesting to rethink whether this will be the ideal sympathy for you.

Moreover, it requires some different ingredients, which may be a little harder to find. These you will know in the sequence, however, if you do not have patience or willingness to look for, you may be better to opt for a simpler sympathy.


For this sympathy will be necessary that you have in hand, a portion of capim-gordura, a liter and a half of water and coconut soap.

How to do

This sympathy is another one that should be performed on the night of full moon. When the night in question comes, cut the ends of your hair and place them on the trunk of the banana tree.

In addition to helping hair to grow, this sympathy still makes it stop falling. However, for this, you will need to take a portion of fat grass and a liter and a half of water, mix them well and bring to a boil.

After that, you will need to wash your hair with coconut soap. A lot of attention here, so as not to use the wrong soap. After washing your hair, take the water mixed with the fatty grass, which should already be cold, and rinse your hair with it. This whole process should be done three times a week.

Sympathy for hair growth with bamboo

More than just making your hair grow, the sympathy made with bamboo promises to make them grow immediately. That's exactly what you read. The best thing is that it is very simple, and will not require much effort on your part.

However, positivity is always good to maintain. Follow all the details of the sympathy for the hair to grow with bamboo below.


As this sympathy promises to make the hair grow immediately, it is indicated for those people who can not wait a minute for this goal. If you are going to have a party, a graduation, getting married or something like that, and to do the hairstyle, for example, it would be better if the hair were longer, this sympathy can be your ally.

Although the name says something about bamboo, it doesn't really use it. If that confused you, calm down, because below you'll learn the step by step in a complete way, and everything will be clearer.


No, you do not need a bamboo, you can rest assured. But on the other hand it will be necessary to have in hand a specific shampoo for hair growth. It can be of your favorite brand, whatever you think is best. The important thing is that it is a shampoo that helps in this. In addition, you will only need one more sheet of white paper.

How to do

Wash your hair with a specific hair growth shampoo. While doing so, repeat the following words with much positivity and confidence for three times. As the bamboo grows fast, my strands will also flourish.

Then, take two strands of your hair, wrap them in white paper and bury them near a tree that is still growing. Be very careful at this moment, because this sympathy is about the growth of the strands, it is essential that it is buried near the tree that is growing. So, even if you take a little while to find it, persist in the search.

Sympathy for hair growth with strawberry

If your hair has not only stopped growing, but also started to fall, the strawberry sympathy can certainly be a great ally for you. It also has a very simple level of execution, so you have nothing to worry about.

Despite being the last sympathy of this article, do not think that it is less important. Quite the contrary, it has a great energy, and precisely because of this can help you. Learn how to do it below.


This sympathy consists in making a strawberry tea that should be taken. So, in case you do not like this fruit at all, and cannot consume it, it will be a little difficult to finish this sympathy.

If this is your case, know that the amount is very small, and even if you don't like it, you won't even feel it, because it will be so fast.


You will need the required amount of strawberry to make two cups of tea, so you will also need two cups as well as one pink and one white candle.

How to do

Start by preparing the strawberry tea and serve it in two cups. Leave them to the right side of the pink candle, and light it. At that moment, close your eyes and inhale the aroma of the fruit. While doing this, it will be essential that you keep positive thinking, mentalize your hair growing and ask for it.

Then, drink all the tea while waiting for the pink candle to burn. After that, you should light the white candle while imagining yourself with long, strong and silky hair. At this time, make your request again and blow out the candle. This whole process should be done during a period of seven consecutive days.

What if the sympathy for the hair to grow does not work?

It is known that when it comes to vanity, the dream of many people is to have long, shiny, strong and healthy hair. However, what seems like something simple, is almost a mission impossible for others. Some have only the difficulty of growth. While others may have already suffered with excessive chemicals in the wires that have resulted in cuts, and subsequently hindering the growth.

Whatever the problem is, if you've made it to this article, you must have already looked for experts, consumed vitamins, beauty products, in short, done things with the hope that they would solve your problem, but they didn't work.

So, it's understandable that you've put all your money on these spells as your last chance, but if they don't work either, don't let it shake you. Accept your hair as it is, and understand that behind every type of hair, whether it's long, short, light, dark, straight or curly, there's a special beauty.

But if you still can't live without long hair, know that the beauty area has evolved a lot in recent years, so you can opt for aesthetic procedures that bring the result you want, such as lengthening hair.

In short, if the sympathy doesn't work, you have two options: accept and love your hair the way it is. Or else, seek the help of a good professional. Whatever your option, always remember that choosing what will make you happy will always be the most important.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.