What is the weak point of the Aries man? The ego, kissing, love, sex and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the weak point of the Aries man

The sign of Aries is one of the most feared signs of the zodiac. This is because the basic characteristics of this sign make them seem like people who are difficult to deal with, quarrelsome, stubborn, impulsive and explosive.

In general, there is some truth in this thought. Belonging to the Fire element, the Aries man is controlled by his emotions and moved by them, especially by his passions.

Ruled by Mars, Aryans are also courageous people and this tendency to be quarrelsome, especially to defend their fragile ego, is completely influenced by their ruler.

However, despite having some weak points, the truth is that underneath all that intense personality lies a heart of gold, passionate and full of love to give.

In this article we will talk about the weaknesses of the Aries man, how to conquer the natives of this sign and what are their main characteristics in love. Check it out!

The weaknesses of the Aries man

The Aries man has some weak points that would be, in general, the most vulnerable characteristics of his personality. Know these aspects of the Aries man below and see how they influence the Aries man. Check it out!


The Aries man is an intense person and totally vulnerable for his feelings. This intensity brought by his Fire element proves to be more inflammable in the Aries native's heart.

Moreover, combining their dominant emotions and the influence of Mars, their ruling planet, on a fightable and courageous personality, it is no wonder that the Aryan is someone explosive.

Overall, the Aries native's outbursts pass often, although they have a highly flammable heart, they are also aware of their weaknesses and try to control themselves about it.

They don't like to take advice

An outstanding characteristic of the Aries man is his aversion to taking orders. This is because the natives of this sign are people who thirst for freedom and hate to feel that they have lost control of their lives.

Adventurous, courageous and proud, Aryans prefer to follow their intuitions and above all their passions to find happiness wherever it is. To do so, they prefer to listen to their own heart.

They can be easily manipulated when in love, but don't let them realize it, otherwise they become stubborn and reckless people because of their stubbornness and need for control.

They don't like to hear truths

The truth can hurt, even more if it is told to the Aries man. Men of this sign have a lot of difficulty to recognize their mistakes and redeem themselves for it.

Besides, as they are proud people, they hate to hear the truth and feel their pride hurt because of their bad choices. Thus, they may feel intimidated in front of an honest friend who points out their mistakes.

Therefore, pointing out the Aries man's mistakes can be a stressful task which tends to cause disagreements with the native of the Aries sign. The ideal is to let the Aries man see his mistakes for himself.

Hate to be contradicted

The personality of the Aries man is fire, in accordance with his element. The man of this sign does not like to be contradicted and feels the need to conquer a position of power and dominance.

Therefore, when they are in a relationship, they usually try to exercise their authority frequently, even though, as we said, it can be easily manipulated because of their feelings and need to please the other.

To lead the Aryan, the ideal is to be smart and let him feel in control, even if every decision counts on your guess. When they are faced head-on, they feel extremely disrespected.

Inflated ego

For sure, one of the biggest weaknesses of the Aries man is his fragile and highly inflated ego. In general, men of this sign feel unbeatable, incredible and irresistible.

However, this self-image tends to be fragile, so they defend it tooth and nail. In this way, the Aryan feels better with people who admire, value and love him or her.

When the man of this sign feels belittled or unappreciated, he can be thirsty for his partner's approval or leave and never come back, everything will depend on the Arian mood and how willing he is to make the relationship work.

How to conquer the Aries man

Conquering the Aries man is not an easy task. Sociable, intelligent and fun, the natives of this sign are selective people and difficult to conquer. However, there are some features that can arouse your interest. Check it out!

Good humor and creativity

The Aries man is a self astral person, even though he can get irritated easily and has an explosive personality, the Aries man prefers to be around people with good humor.

Furthermore, intelligent, Aryans admire creativity which, by the way, is not their strong point. Precisely because of this they are impressed when they meet intuitive and creative minds.

Therefore, a humorous and creative person can easily attract the attention of the Aryan and arouse his interest. After all, these men love to feel curious and instigated by someone.

Care for the exterior and vanity

Vanity is an important characteristic to attract the attention of the Arian. In general, because they have an inflated ego, the natives of this sign observe these aspects carefully in the people around them.

In this aspect they are observant people who are always attentive to the most subtle details of personality, when they meet someone who arouses their interest, the natives of this sign can become obsessed with conquest.

Therefore, a good idea is to take care of the way you present yourself, take care of yourself and behave in front of the Aryan who loves a careful, subtle and vain person.

Offer freedom

The Aries man is adventurous and thirsty for freedom, so he is terrified of feeling trapped in a relationship.

Thus, people who are detached, well-adjusted and self-confident and who give the impression of freedom can arouse the interest of the Arian who is looking for someone to be free by his side.

It is important to stress that the Aries man is a present partner, but needs moments of solitude from time to time to connect with his freedom and individuality.

Openness to new subjects and experiences

Aries men are adventurous by nature, so they love to explore new horizons and admire people who have the same ambition as them.

Therefore, bringing new subjects and experiences outside the Aries native's reality can be a good tactic to arouse the interest of this free and adventurous man.

Also, proposing new places to visit, trips and new experiences can make the Aryan even more delighted, motivated and interested in getting to know you better.

Be passionate, but not so easy

Truth be told, this is the most delicate point when it comes to winning over an Aries man. The fragile ego of the Aries man makes him approach people who show some interest in them.

However, his inflated ego also makes him run from people who are too easy. The key with the Aryan is to treat the conquest like a game and let the Aryan put in a little effort to win you over.

The Aries man loves to feel challenged, especially during the conquest. Therefore, men of this sign can stay motivated for a long time to conquer a specific person, but when they get tired, they don't go back.

Be confident

The man and Aries and a very confident person on the outside, but truly insecure inside. Therefore, they are truly attracted to people who are confident and show security.

Thus, they value the self-esteem, self-care and confidence that people show around them, feeling strongly attracted to these characteristics that they so admire and seek to nurture in themselves.

In contrast, the Aryan may feel contempt for people who are too insecure, who give in too much and lack personality, attracted to partners who have a personality as strong as their own.

Use the power of seduction

Conquering the Aries native can be a game and in this case, seduction is your best strategy. The Aries man likes to feel desired, but he also loves to feel instigated by his partner.

The secret is balance, he can not have you too easy, but also can not consider the relationship an unattainable goal.

So, it is interesting to let the Aryan get involved with you and allow yourself to get involved in this seduction game that he loves to play. In the end, what he wants is someone to love, care for and share life with.

Give sincere compliments

The inflated and fragile ego of the Aryan can be a good weapon when it comes to winning over the man of this sign. In general, Aryans like to be admired, so they value compliments.

The Aries native needs to feel sincerity in your admiration, and incredibly, this will make him admire you back almost instantly.

The Aryan may take time to see and take interest in a potential partner, but when they do, they are totally dedicated to winning your love.

How to know that an Arian is in love?

Courageous, knowing that an Arian is in love can be easy, they can simply tell you by looking into your eyes and without delay. However, it could also be that the fear of lack of reciprocity makes them wait a little longer.

In this case, there are some signs that can help you understand the Aries man's feelings for you. In general, when in love, the Aries man is always present and available to his partner.

In addition, you like to show off, get their attention, and tend to compliment the person you are interested in frequently, and may make your interest evident in the intensity of your actions.

The characteristics of the Aries man in love

The Aries man has specific characteristics when it comes to relationships. These characteristics are influenced by his sign, ruling planet and primordial element. Check it out!

The general qualities of the Aries man

The Aries man may seem like a harsh person at first, with a strong personality that is difficult to deal with. However, as time goes by, you can notice traces of his huge heart.

A gentleman, the Aries man tries to be Prince Charming for his damsel, so he is always willing to help in any way and sacrifice himself for love if necessary.

Moreover, the Arian is a man who is completely in love, romantic and dedicated to the relationship. Although he does not show it often, he dreams of living an overwhelming love story, getting married and building a stable family.

The kiss of the Aries man

Aries men's kisses are consistent with their Fire element, so they are ardent, intense and totally surrendered. When kissing, Aries men try to show all their desire and devotion to their partner.

Mixing slow and tender kisses with a strong and instigating grip, the Aryan likes to play during this moment and win his partner over with his amazing performance.

Sex with the Aries man

In bed, the Aryan is a totally given person and as intense as their kiss. Ardent, they like to feel desired by their partner, but they also like to admire their partner as a true work of art.

Innovative and enemies of routine, at H-hour the Aryan likes to improvise and loves his partner to bring new ideas, fantasies and novelties to the bedroom, making the moment unique and unforgettable.

For men of this sign, sex is a purely physical moment, so don't expect them to want to make love and declare themselves, as they leave this for later. In bed, they like to satisfy and enjoy the moment with intensity.

Conviviality with the Aries man

Living with an Aries man can be simple, but it can also be very turbulent. It all depends on how the Aries partner deals with his personality.

In general, Aryans are dominant, authoritarian, quarrelsome and stubborn people, which can lead to endless fights in relationships. They are also intense and explosive, suffering from the bad habit of talking out of their mouths.

However, if you know how to take it patiently, the Aryan is also a communicative, helpful, proactive, affectionate and fun partner, always preferring to enjoy the moments rather than stressing about them.


The Aries friend is a loyal, communicative, interesting and fun person. In general, they are excellent friends and build lifelong friendships.

Selective, they do not approach just anyone, but when they feel connected to someone, they are completely loyal to that person and are always available to help in whatever is necessary.

The Aries native will not let this friendship die, always getting in touch, arranging a date, an outing or a chat with his friends.

Relations with the family

Family plays an important role in the life of the Aryan who feels extremely connected to his or her loved ones, so likes to maintain a presence, visit often and get in touch whenever he or she can.

The parents of the Aryan are his great foundation, especially his mother, who basically formed the whole notion of love and care that he knows, tending to seek partners who resemble a maternal side.

The best Aries love compatibilities

The knowledge that the stars provide us allows us to evaluate the characteristics of the signs and identify which combinations are best for the signs, including Aries.

A good match for the Aries native is with the confident Leo. Both of the same element will share the same intensity, need for movement and dedication to the relationship.

Another good match for Aries is with the adventurous Sagittarian. Together, they can experience new adventures, but always respecting each other's space, individuality and freedom.

How to use the weakness of the Aries man to favor the conquest?

Knowing the characteristics of the sign of Aries and especially their weaknesses can be a great advantage when it comes to winning the Aryan man who, not always, is easy to win.

For this, use your power of seduction, show all your intelligence, creativity and intensity to attract the Arian. Don't forget to make it clear that you know how to respect his space and freedom.

Moreover, you can also take advantage of the Arian's inflated ego to praise the Aries man and make him feel finally understood by someone, which will make him euphoric.

Now that you know how to conquer the Aries, what the characteristics of this sign and how to use the weakness of Aries in your favor, be sure to invest in the intensity and throw yourself into this fiery relationship.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.