What is the Sagittarius stone? Find out how to have luck in this sign!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know which are the Sagittarius stones?

The stones of the sign of Sagittarius are: Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst, Ruby, Tiger's Eye, Beryl, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Zircon and Sodalite.

Each one of them is linked to the passage of the Sun in the sign of Sagittarius and, for this reason, are considered birthstones. When used by Sagittarians, they enhance their positive characteristics and neutralize their negative ones, promoting balance and well-being.

In this article, you will learn the meanings of all the sacred stones for Sagittarius, with tips on how to use them. We have chosen stones that are easy to find, so that you can benefit from their energies as soon as possible.

In the case of gems like Sapphire and Ruby, you can easily replace them with their affordable raw versions. Get ready to embark on a crystalline journey whose destination is a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Stones of the sign of Sagittarius!

The stones of the sign of Sagittarius symbolize optimism, idealism, spirituality, generosity and luck. As we will show, using them will balance the energies, awakening potentials and connecting natives of this sign with their mission to make the planet a better place.


Turquoise is a feminine energy crystal, linked mainly to the element of water. It is essential to balance the moods of Sagittarius, bringing peace and calming the mind.

Carry it with you at all times if you wish to balance your emotions and reduce the effect of stress and anxiety. The color Turquoise is also used to attune Sagittarians to the spiritual plane, awakening their faith and improving their relationship with the divine.

In addition, it attracts luck and awakens love and brings hope, manifesting the better world to which the Sagittarian aspires so much. Use it also to ward off negative energies, preferably in the form of a ring.

Blue topaz

Blue Topaz is a calming stone, which promotes healing and recharges the energies of its users. It increases the luck of Sagittarians, aligning them with the energies of love, peace and generosity.

It is a crystal that awakens authenticity and helps in the acquisition of wisdom to make decisions based on reason, instead of emotions of the heat of the moment. This ability is essential to the balance of energy of Sagittarius, because he usually acts according to what he feels.

Use a blue Topaz whenever you want to improve your communication skills. It will help you choose the right words and prevent you from hurting people with them.


Sapphire is considered the stone of wisdom. It helps Sagittarians to act rationally when facing day-to-day demands. Whenever you need to improve your concentration, leave it on the third eye chakra, located in the region between the eyebrows. This will quiet the mental noise and align you with your intuition.

Sapphire is also indicated to connect us with the divine, favoring prophecy and spirituality. It was used by the ancient Greeks in the Oracle of Delphi for this purpose. Used as a talisman, this stone protects from all evil, breaking curses and undoing spells.


Amethyst is a type of violet or lavender quartz. Its powers are linked to the transmutation of energies, tranquility, wisdom and balance. To develop the optimism typical of Sagittarius, wear a pendant with this stone near the heart. This will also reduce stress, anxiety and relieve the tensions of everyday life.

If you want to cleanse your aura and bring harmony, add it to your bath water. Amethyst has a violet energy that aligns us with our intuition. Since Sagittarians are connected to faith, you can use it to enter deeper states of meditation and to contact your spiritual mentors and get answers you need.


The Ruby is a crystal whose energy is related to Mars and to the fire element. It is used to awaken the masculine energy, the Animus. When used by Sagittarians, the Ruby brings motivation and makes their goals be based on reality instead of fantasy.

The scarlet flame of the Ruby also brings confidence, happiness and awakens the energy of spontaneity, so essential for natives of this sign. To make the most of the potential of this crystal, wear it as a jewel or accessory.

Because it is a precious and expensive gem, you can replace it with its raw version, easily purchased in specialty stores with a very affordable price.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a crystal ruled by the Sun and the fire element. Its golden rays attract wealth, prosperity, success and awaken leadership. Leave a small crystal of it in your wallet for this purpose.

Its energy brings mental clarity to Sagittarians, protecting them from dangerous situations in which they sometimes find themselves. It also helps in decision making, solving problems in an objective way.

It is an essential crystal for those seeking motivation and courage to achieve their life goals. Used as a pendant, it keeps the envy and evil eye away, being very effective against curses. Besides, it puts the wearer's feet on the ground, neutralizing his idealistic nature.


Beryl is a yellow crystal linked to courage. It awakens the expansive energy of Sagittarius, bringing out the fire typical of this sign. It balances the chakras and restores energy to Sagittarians, especially in intense periods of stress.

If you have a daring and inconsequent temperament, avoid this crystal, because it will potentiate these energies, causing unbalances.

Beryls are found in other colors, with Aquamarine and Morganite, their bluish and pinkish versions, respectively, being the most popular. For impulsive people, Aquamarine is the most suitable form of Beryl.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a powerful crystal used since ancient Egypt. Its sky blue color connects it with the mind, establishing a bridge with the divine. The golden dots found on its surface are fragments of Pyrite, linked to the Sun and prosperity.

It is a stone linked to wisdom and intellect. Since Sagittarians are very extroverted, Lapis Lazuli connects you with your inner voice, awakening your intuition and bringing balance to your communicative nature which, when unbalanced, can get you into trouble.

This powerful crystal also makes you reflect on your life mission and brings a level of awareness and presence essential to finding your purpose in your journey and transforming the world.


Citrine is a type of quartz, whose color resembles a smoky quartz, but with a champagne tone and its planetary ruler is the Sun. It is often found in yellow, orange or with golden tones, but these forms are actually produced artificially.

Citrine brings positive energies, happiness and joy typical of the sign of Sagittarius. When worn as a pendant, it removes energy blockages, dispels negativity and develops personal brilliance. It is a stone that stimulates luck and prosperity. It should be worn inside the wallet or purse to attract prosperity.


Zircon is a crystal ruled by Jupiter. It brings peace and protection, besides being associated with inner beauty. Sagittarians are naturally adventurous and therefore, having a zircon always at hand will free you from dangers and accidents since it is a protective stone. This characteristic will guarantee physical and spiritual protection.

In addition, Zircon stimulates good mood and is aligned with the prosperity energy of healing. It can be used to dispel stress, anger and anxiety and is extremely effective in calming the mind and body of hyperactive people. Since Sagittarians can be impulsive, Zircon will bring their impulses under control.


Sodalite stimulates rational thinking and concentration. For this reason, it is considered the stone of the mind. Used as a talisman, it establishes a bridge between intuition and rationality, bringing balance to these areas which are so important for those born under the sign of Sagittarius.

It should be used to aid memory, especially during intense stress. If you have a tendency to tell "truths" to others, use it to find the most appropriate way to express facts or opinions.

Being a crystal of high vibration, it stimulates deep states of meditation, connecting Sagittarians with their mentors and developing spirituality, a very relevant area for this sign.

Additional information about the sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is ruler of the ninth house of the zodiac and composes an elemental triad with the signs of Aries and Leo. It is a sign of changeable quality, as it occurs at the end of spring. As we will show, it is also associated with specific planets, flowers and colors. Check it out.

Symbol and date

The astrological symbol of Sagittarius is a centaur. Its zodiac glyph represents a bow and arrow wielded by this figure.

In Greek mythology, the constellation Sagittarius is associated with the centaur Chiron, mentor of Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War. Being a centaur, Sagittarius is half human and half horse. He establishes, through this combination, a connection between earthly and celestial forms of intelligence.

The dates when the sun transits the sign of Sagittarius occur between November 22 and December 21, so if you have a birthday during this period, it means Sagittarius is your sun sign.

Governing element and planet

Sagittarius is ruled by the element Fire. Fire symbolizes creativity, spontaneity, inspiration and great passions. Therefore, Sagittarians have the tendency to be exciting, impulsive and instigating.

Fire possesses masculine energy and is capable of illuminating darkness. It is often admired for its power of transformation and purification, but can be equally feared for its destructive potential. Sagittarius closes the fire cycle of the zodiac and the nature of this element in the house of Sagittarius is changeable.

The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the planet linked to faith, positivity and optimism. He represents expansion and how your faith will be expressed.

Flowers and colors

Sagittarius is associated with all the flowers ruled by Jupiter and the Fire element. Usually, flowers of this sign have strong colors, with tones that refer to the element that rules it, and are linked to the transition period between spring and summer.

The most suitable flowers for Sagittarius are: Mouth of Lion, Thistle, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Dandelion, Hibiscus, Poppy, Protea and Peony. To benefit from the energies of these flowers, use them in natural arrangements or plant them at home.

It is also possible to burn them as incense. The astral colors of Sagittarius are: yellow, orange and red. Use them whenever you need to increase the energy of this sign.

Sagittarius in the birth chart

Sagittarius in the birth chart brings optimism, usually linked to the search for freedom. Sagittarians are direct and positive and often have a natural tendency to be very sincere, revealing a sharp tongue which can get them into trouble.

In addition, it is the sign of curiosity and so those born under this sign usually explore the world around them. They often tend to be altruistic, attached to humanitarian ideals to improve the world.

If you are a Sagittarian, you tend to be concerned with subjects such as idealism, expansion of consciousness, philosophy and religion. Honesty, good humour and moral principles are striking features which make up your personality.

How to use the lucky Sagittarius stones can help?

Using Sagittarius lucky stones will develop the optimism and humor so characteristic of this sign. Moreover, they will help you to intensify the positive characteristics of your sign and neutralize its negative characteristics, towards a better quality of life.

As we have shown in this article, each stone is aligned with specific energies and meanings, bringing luck, repelling or attracting what you want. Since they have different energies, you can, if you wish, use more than one stone at the same time.

Choose them according to your needs, but make sure to use your intuition during the choosing process.

However, do not use too many stones at the same time, as they are more effective when used as we need to change something in our life. One step at a time is the most important tip for evolution. Trust the Universe, follow your intuition and there is no way to go wrong.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.