What is the meaning of the cards of the Tarot of Marseille? Death, magician and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about Tarot of Marseille and its Cards

Made up of 78 cards, the Tarot of Marseille is used as a tool for spiritual guidance, revealing messages through the connection between the symbolism of the cards, the inner knowledge of the consulter and the knowledge of the fortune-teller, responsible for interpreting the messages.

Through the Tarot reading, it is possible to access different aspects of a situation, linking them to facts of the past and events that are happening to then prepare for their unfolding in the future. The Tarot can point paths and, therefore, the readings can serve as advice.

In this article, we present the meanings of the Major Arcana of the Tarot of Marseille, describing each of its 22 cards. In it, you will also understand how the Tarot works, its origin and important tips to use it. Read on to understand the mysteries of this powerful tool for personal development.

The Major Arcana in Tarot de Marseille and representation on the cards

The major arcana are considered the basis of the Tarot of Marseille. In each major arcana are represented allegories and symbologies that relate to Karma and indicate themes and archetypes that influence the life journey of the consulter. Below we will give a brief introduction about them and present the meanings of the cards. Check them out.

The Major Arcana in the Tarot de Marseille

The major arcana are made up of 22 cards. Each card represents lessons from the life of the consulter, as well as pointing to themes, archetypes, and key points that influence their journey. This set of cards is believed to demonstrate the journey of the Madman through the deck, who encounters guides and witnesses events that help him understand the teachings on his path.

In the Marseille system, the major arcana consist of images, most of them enumerated in Roman numerals and exposing the name of the blade in question. The images and the numbers make up the essential symbologies for their interpretation.

Card 0, The Fool or Wanderer

The Fool, also known as the Wanderer, is the 0 card, the number of unlimited potential, and so he has no specific place in the Tarot. He is a wanderer, portrayed as a bearded man wearing what may be a court jester's hat, who is apt to explore new paths and experience new adventures.

The Madman signifies new beginnings when he appears in his natural position. He indicates a new adventure with optimism and freedom, but which will bring growth as a result of this experience. He is the symbol of innocence and indicates the time to take risks.

When it appears in the inverted position, the Madman indicates that you are acting without thinking about the consequences of your actions.

Letter I, The Magician

The Magician is the number I card and represents new beginnings and new opportunities. In the Tarot of Marseille, he is represented with six fingers without his left hand, a symbol of recognition and manipulation of reality.

In addition, the Magician is in front of his working tools arranged on the table that has only three feet, which indicates that he has what is necessary to manifest his plans. Because it signifies potential, it is aligned with the power of change and the actions necessary to make it happen.

As advice, the Magician indicates that you use your intelligence and willpower to manifest what you want. When it appears inverted, the magician means an opportunity that should not be wasted.

Letter II, The Priestess

The Priestess, or the Papisa in the Tarot de Marseille, is card II, associated with accumulation. Her powerful and intriguing figure represents sexuality, mystery and supreme power.

Represented as a nun sitting next to a white egg, she reveals the part of us that remains intact. She is the card of observation, lack of involvement, intuition, and mysteries aligned with common sense.

It's time to trust your instincts and pay attention to your dreams, as the answer to your doubts may come through them. When inverted, it shows that you are ignoring your intuition. Your advice is: don't follow the opinion of others, trust yourself, as you have all the knowledge you need.

Letter III, The Empress

The Empress is the card of III, which represents the explosion of everything accumulated in the second level. She is the transition between virginity and creation and marks a stage in life of growth and the discovery of sexual desire.

In general, this card gives advice about the need to connect with your feminine side through fertility, creativity, and a caring nature.

The Empress also represents abundance, indicating a comfortable life, pregnancy, or a need to connect with nature. When reversed, it means loss of willpower due to interest in other people's lives or that you have become dependent on others.

Letter IV, The Emperor

The Emperor is the number IV card, the number of stability. Being the counterpart of the Empress, he embodies the protective and maintaining father figure, also associated with discipline. Therefore, this card usually appears to represent a man.

The main meanings associated with the Emperor are: control, authority, organization, regulation, and fatherhood. This arcane symbolizes masculine energy, probably a father figure associated with strategic thinking and who dictates rules and creates systems. It can also indicate that you are occupying a position of power.

In the inverted position, the Emperor warns of abuse of power exercised by a parent, boss, a possessive partner, or a man who wants to have control over your life and make you feel dependent.

Letter V, The Hierophant

The card V, known as Hierophant, is named as Pope in the Marseille system. On its blade, you see the Pope seated on his throne. His three-level cross means that he has transcended the physical world and notions such as sex, intellect and emotions only then can he create the sense of unity.

This arcane is connected to traditional values and institutions. It can represent a mentor who will give you wisdom or a spiritual guide. It is time to act according to convention and tradition. In its inverted position, the Pope shows that you are stuck in backward thinking and that you must reinvent yourself, breaking taboos and renewing tradition.

Letter VI, The Lovers

The Lovers is the number VI card that represents relationships and the initial contact with social life. In it are contained the mysteries of emotional choices, including permanence, consolidation and consolidation.

In its image, it is possible to perceive five distinct hands in the love triangle present in the card, each of them pointing to different directions, denoting the complexity of relationships. Therefore, it signifies relationships and choices.

In one drawing she advises that you need to decide on a relationship or a choice between potential partners. These decisions will involve the sacrifice of an aspect of your life. In the inverted position, Lovers shows a conflict which causes disharmony and hinders your life, probably because you have not taken responsibility for your actions.

Letter VII, The Car

The Chariot is the 7th card, the most dynamic odd number. The Chariot brings with it the dynamic influence of 7 and therefore signifies movement and action in all areas of life. This card is also about control over life, achieved after overcoming challenges.

She advises using willpower to overcome any obstacles that may come your way.

In the inverted position, the Chariot means aggressiveness and lack of willpower. It may indicate lack of focus, ambition, demotivation, thoughtless decisions, impulsiveness or even lack of direction.

Letter VIII, Justice

Justice is the number VIII card, contrasting with the Waite deck which places it at position 11. Justice is a card of balance. In it, you see a seated woman holding a sword and scales. Justice means that decisions made will have effects for a long period of time. It indicates that you will have fair judgment when the time comes for you to be judged.

If your actions have caused harm to someone, this card is a warning that you will bear the consequences sooner or later. When reversed, it indicates that you are living in denial and are not accepting the consequences of your actions.

Letter IX, The Hermit

The Hermit is the card number IX, associated with soul searching, introspection or withdrawal. In the Hermit card, you see an old man, carrying a staff in one hand and a lamp in the other.

The lamp is your guide into the darkness of the unknown and is a symbol of wisdom. The Hermit means knowledge that comes from within. When it appears, it indicates journey into the unknown of oneself through periods of solitude.

It may indicate a period of existential crisis or even a meeting with a mentor. In the inverted position, it indicates social isolation which may bring negative consequences for you, and may indicate depression.

Letter X, The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is the number X card and represents the cycles of life, at a time of transition from one cycle to the next, closing the past and preparing for the future. The central element of the card is the Wheel of Fortune itself.

This arcane means that life is made up of good times and bad times and that nothing lasts forever, so whether you're at the top or the bottom of the pyramid, the wheel of fortune reminds you that everything is fleeting and you should make the most of situations as much as you can.

When it appears inverted, the Wheel of Fortune means that bad luck has followed you, and these negative influences cannot be controlled by you at the moment.

Letter XI, The Force

The Force is the arcane number XI in the Tarot de Marseille, which is in contrast again with the order of the Waite Tarot cards. The Force is the only major arcane whose name is written on the left side of the card. This indicates that it opens the way to the subconscious.

Strength brings the inner power to resist stress and danger. Your calm and resilience will help you achieve what you want, even when it is difficult to stand on your own two feet. It also indicates patience, strength, bravery and compassion which will always be rewarded.

When inverted, it means you are about to face a great fear or anger in life. You have forgotten your passions and lost the taste for what you love.

Letter XII, The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is the card number XVII. In it you see a man hanging from head to toe. The rope that holds him is tied to his foot and he is suspended between heaven and earth, bringing the possibility of a position to understand a situation from another angle.

In general, the Hanged Man means sacrifice, showing that it is necessary to renounce something in order to move forward. The time in which he to reflect and view a situation through another angle is analogous to a spiritual path, in which it is possible to see the world differently.

It is important to stop what you are doing, because there is a lot of indecision. If it is inverted, it indicates that you are dedicating your time to something that does not give you a return.

Letter XIII, Death

Death is the arcane number XIII. The central figure of Death in the Tarot of Marseille is a skeleton with a sickle, symbols traditionally associated with death. However, the arcane of death has no name on its blade, although it has the number.

Death means a natural change and preparation for a new phase of life. Gradually, a necessary process of transition will begin for your world to change completely.

When inverted, she means resistance to change, reinforcing limited beliefs that will prevent you from having a good future. Despite the name, she hardly represents a physical death, except when in conjunction with other very specific cards.

Letter XIV, Temperance

Temperance is the card number XIV. In the original Tarot of Marseille, it has no article or gender and symbolizes balance, harmony, moderation, patience, purpose, and serenity. This arcane signifies clarity about where you want to go. It shows that if you find peace in what you do, things will occur exactly as they should.

It shows your adaptable characteristic to the situations and people around you, alerting you that it is also time to reassess your choices and priorities. When inverted, it is an indication of imbalance, stress and anxiety. It can also be interpreted as a warning that your choices will affect your peace and balance.

Letter XV, The Devil

The Devil is the card of number XV and is parallel to the Pope card, which also occupies level 5, but in the previous decade. In it, we see a figure half human, half animal, an allusion to our primitive nature. This card represents a path that leads to the abyss and is linked to instincts and the material world. On a run, it indicates imprisonment, emptiness and lack of fulfillment in life.

It can indicate ostentation, addictions, and lack of control over desires or actions. In the inverted position, it indicates independence and awareness to get rid of bad habits and addictions. Although painful, change is necessary for you to connect with your true self again.

Letter XVI, The Tower

The Tower is the card number XVI and is usually one of the most feared cards as it indicates sudden changes, upheaval, chaos, disaster and revelation. In the French version of the Tarot de Marseille, this card is called 'La Maison Dieu', the house of God, and is associated with the Tower of Babel.

This card announces a sudden change or emergence of something that was confined. It may indicate change, separation, a desire to change jobs, change countries, or a secret that will be revealed. It is usually a sign of disaster or loss.

If it appears inverted, it shows a crisis that has been avoided but will hit you sooner or later. Embrace change as it will be more beneficial than it seems.

Letter XVII, The Star

The Star is the card number XVII. In it, you see a naked woman kneeling before a fountain under a starry sky, which indicates that there is nothing to hide. In general, the Star signifies a difficult period that has passed.

You are now able to follow your path with more hope and spirituality. It is a symbol of luck, prosperity, fertility, generosity and truth and brings recognition of our place in the world, showing that there is a mysterious part of ourselves to whom we can turn.

When it appears inverted, it indicates that you feel everything is against you, as you may have lost faith and hope. Nurture your faith and hope to improve your life.

Letter XVIII, The Moon

The Moon is the card of number XVIII, whose reduction in one digit generates the number 9 (1 + 8), associated to the Moon. This card represents the world of dreams, fantasy and subconsciousness. Therefore, it is associated to anxiety, illusion, intuition and to fears and secrets.

The Moon means that imagination is taking over your life. It represents the mysteries of the soul and its realm is the realm of the subconscious, shrouded by a dark energy linked to intuition and illusion. Just as part of your face is hidden, there are hidden secrets about to emerge. In the inverted position, the Moon means confusion and unhappiness and that you are anxious and dealing withparanoia.

Card XIX, The Sun

The Sun is the card of number XIX. In this card, the central figure is the greatest star in the universe. Here, the sun is represented in the center of the sky, removing all shadows with its 13 rays. On these, you can see two figures that crossed the river.

The Sun represents life and brightness, pointing to unconditional love, prosperity and awareness in all aspects of life. It also indicates feeling of optimism and achievement, representing the beginning of a new harmonious and beneficial phase, free from the shadows of the past. It indicates success, happiness and harmony.

When inverted, it shows that you have difficulty accepting the positive aspects of your life. There are clouds shrouding your sun and you are simply unable to see the things that are happening.

Letter XX, The Trial

The Judgement is the card number XX, the penultimate major arcane. It represents the union of the forces of the Moon and the South and a period of rebirth and awakening. Judgement is inevitable and has influence from the planet Pluto and the arcane of Death.

Judgment means time to reflect and evaluate on your own actions in order to be true to yourself and your needs. This implies changes that will affect your life and those close to you.

When it is inverted, the Judgment card means that you doubt your potential and are very hard on yourself, which causes you to miss precious opportunities. It may also indicate a need to get out of your routine and reflect on your life.

Letter XXI, The World

The World is the card number XXI, the highest number in the Tarot deck. It represents supreme consciousness, also indicating completion, wholeness, fulfillment, and even travel. As the last stage on the Tarot path, the World calls for deep reality, acceptance, completeness, and awareness.

This card means completeness and completion. It symbolizes achievements, balance and moving evolution. It is indicative of a great change, in which the inner and outer worlds meet.

It may mean marriage, children, or a journey to explore the world. When it is inverted, it indicates that you are approaching the end of a stage in life. However, you are not feeling complete.

The Minor Arcana in Tarot de Marseille

The Minor Arcana are made up of 56 cards, organized into 4 groups of 14 cards according to suits and elements: hearts (water), clubs (fire), diamonds (earth), and swords (air). They represent everyday situations. In this article, we will not deal with their meanings. However, we will present what the Tarot is and how it works below.

What is the Tarot of Marseille

The Tarot of Marseille is a type of oracle formed by 78 cards. Each of these cards contains symbolic representations, which refer to their meanings, such as images and numbers. Despite its name, this Tarot appeared in the century around the year 1499 in Italy and was later introduced in France, where it became popular especially between the 17th and 18th centuries.

Since then, this Tarot has been reproduced and used as a tool for self-knowledge, since it is seen as a kind of mirror upon which are reflected aspects related to the life of the consulter and the nature of the issues that surround him.

Like other Tarot decks, the Tarot of Marseille consists of two groups of cards: the major and minor arcana.

How it works

The Tarot of Marseille works by drawing. Basically, you shuffle the cards, cutting them into small groups using your left hand and focusing on a question.

Then, the cards are placed on a surface to be interpreted. The images placed on the cards give access to intuition and it is from them that the messages are interpreted. It is also important to consider the position of the card and its relationship with the theme of the consultation and with the cards that are placed next to it.

A myth related to the Tarot is that it is used exclusively to predict the future. What the Tarot actually does is to serve as a guide for the fortune teller to interpret the messages according to the energies of the moment.

The cards and their predictive power

The predictive power of the cards is quite high. However, this does not necessarily mean that they will show exactly what is going to happen: they show how aspects of the life of the consulter are reflected at that moment.

From this, you can determine the best way to change events by acting on what the cards have shown.

Just as the future is not something fixed, neither is the interpretation of the cards. Everything will depend on the relationship of the consulter with the oracleurist and the deck, as well as the abilities to interpret the images present on the cards.

What aspects of life can be revealed through the Marseille Tarot cards?

The Tarot of Marseille can reveal basically any aspect of life. As a tool of self-knowledge, the act of reading the Tarot cards is a moment of deep personal connection.

Depending on the level of connection. It is possible to reveal minute details about the life of the consulter, provided he is willing to access them in his inner knowledge and let them be reflected in the cards.

It is also important to remember that, the aspects revealed during a Tarot reading session also depends on factors such as the question asked and the type of drawing performed. For example, the drawing method known as the Celtic Cross was developed to reveal different aspects of life. Therefore, different aspects may require different drawing methods.

Thus, when consulting the Tarot, it is important that you are focused on your question during the consultation. This way, you can get the answers you seek, find the solutions to your problems and take action to shape your future.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.