What is Quantum Prayer? The three steps, for love, merit and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Quantum Prayer

One of the main characteristics of quantum prayer is in its commitment to always be positive. There are no pleas or negative feelings during the prayer, the only thing that matters is the intention to connect with the whole. Thus, it is possible to let go of all the problems without worrying about them.

Another important aspect: from the moment you pray, you will be creating new realities without realizing it, because it will act in your unconscious, which is the deepest part of the psyche, and it will bring the benefits to your reality. Your mind begins to self-correct and this will reflect in your life positively.

Quantum physics and the new way of interpreting the world

The emergence of quantum physics in the 20th century made science change the way it dealt with materials and reality, while quantum interpretations regarding spirituality gained momentum.

The emergence of quantum physics and quantum energy

Quantum mechanics (also known as quantum physics) is the study of physical systems on atomic scales. In this sense, everything that involves atoms, electrons, protons is correlated with this subject. And it was through the studies of scientist Max Planck that this science took its first steps.

Quantum energy is a therapeutic method that aims to promote numerous benefits to physical and mental health of the human body. This method is worked to rebalance the energy of the body, so the regeneration of the human body is seen as something natural and anything outside this question is an imbalance to be reviewed.

The power of prayer, Dead Sea Scroll and Isaiah Effect

A biblical manuscript was found in the caves of the Dead Sea. It had been hidden for more than two thousand years. In it is a prayer pattern that spiritualists attest: it has the power to change all things.

This prayer is also known as the "Isaias Effect." According to the belief of quantum vision, it is possible to recreate our reality by changing the way we pronounce and feel each prayer.

For the power of prayer to contribute to real change in your life, you will need to change your emotion, thought and feeling pattern when you are praying. If these three things are aligned, you will be able to bring significant benefits to your reality.

The union of thought and emotion

The union of thought and emotion is a powerful formula. All thoughts and emotions that are in bloom will result in a paradise or the opposite of that, because of this possibility, the one who prays must be attentive to what is being asked, not to mention the energy that thought and emotions united produce.

According to the studies regarding quantum prayers, what governs our feelings and thoughts is a Divine Matrix. It connects everything and everyone in the Universe. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing how important it is that you do not have feelings like fear and guilt during quantum prayers.

What is a quantum prayer?

Quantum prayer is nothing more than praying with the right intention. It is important that you want in a deep and sincere way whatever you are interested in. Not only your body will be modified, but also the whole social part. Everything around you will be modified to interact positively until you complete your purpose.

The Divine Matrix of thoughts will bring about a new energetic balance. This is exactly what quantum prayer is all about. It restores everything that you feel consciously and unconsciously, but which is also affecting what you need.

The three steps of quantum prayers

It is fundamental to follow a tried and tested method to ensure the efficiency of quantum prayer. This method aims at simplifying the process that will connect you to the All. Therefore, it is very important that you follow it correctly.


When you silence the environment, don't you get a more pleasant space to focus? That's exactly what silencing the mind is all about. You transform your mind into a beneficial place. By transforming your mind into an environment clean of thoughts and external sounds, you will be able to reach the meditative state. And that is ideal for those who practice quantum prayers.

There needs to be total commitment to achieve the goals of the prayer. And only by silencing the mind will you achieve the goals. So, create the best possible environment for the first part of the prayer initiation to work. If you need to, place scented candles because the smell also helps to create a stable environment.

Choose the words

Words are like fuel for cars. Speaking the words in the correct way will be the biggest booster of benefits that quantum prayers offer. These prayers are very flexible as long as you use them in the correct tense: present tense. "I can, I can, I will, I feel" are some examples of how the prayers are ruled.

Recording them in the correct way is key to making them work as desired, so remember to use only this tense to pronounce them. Using this will make the whole prayer validated. But that's step two, let's move on to the last step of the prayer.


The last step in completing the prayers is to feel all the power those words produce. The mental environment has already been prepared and the words have already been chosen. Now, focus on feeling everything you want as if you have already achieved it. The feelings will boost and break all the cycles of pessimistic thoughts.

They will guide your attention to what you really need. With a clear environment of negativity, it's easier to attract and invite good things, isn't it? So focus on this whole process of quantum prayer very carefully to get what you want.

Quantum prayers for love, happiness, merit and gratitude

In your prayer corner, it is important that you separate by category: gratitude, love, happiness and deserving. Of course you can add other themes, just follow the steps in the previous topic.

In the next few points, we will talk about some prayers that restore balance in some layers of feelings.

Quantum prayer

As we already know, quantum prayer is fundamental for those who seek to rebalance life. It is so important that it can be considered a therapy. We know how therapeutic methods have changed the way people see nature. It has been increasingly useful to use tools to achieve healing and relaxation.

Nothing better than doing quantum prayers to achieve a positive state of mind. A positive mind is ready for the challenges of everyday life. How about doing some quantum prayers and test the possibility of improving various feelings?

Quantum love prayer

The quantum prayer of love is the most powerful prayer known to man. Because of this prayer, everything else will be added. They say that the prayer of love is the key to getting everything you are lacking in life. Below we will give you an example of how it is done. Remember to quiet your mind.

I believe in the love that exists in the universe.

I am love and I wish the same for my fellow human beings.

I create possibility to add love to my life.

I do loving things for myself and others.

I am every day loving everything around me.

Quantum prayer for flowing life

Letting things go as they should be is perhaps a primordial one for everyone. Often we fail to engage in a project. This can be completely connected to theidea that everything has its time. Giving time to time is the best way to let things flow. If you feel like achieving a more fluid life, then recite this prayer:

I trust in the power of the universe.

I let life flow.

My life runs a beautiful river.

I let go of all ideas and beliefs to let life run me.

Everything in my life sprouts like a plant without question.

Quantum prayer of happiness

If you want to attract more happiness, then read the prayer that we will put in this topic. The quantum prayers are not long. They need to be clear and direct. You can repeat them as many times as you want. The ideal would be three times a day: once when you wake up, once during the afternoon and the last one before bed. However, this is not a rule. Check out the quantum prayer of happiness:

I accept all the happiness that the All offers me.

The universe only wants my good and my happiness.

I have a good mood and I like to smile.

I am satisfied with everything I have.

Every day that passes I get more joyful.

Quantum merit prayer

In life we go through difficulties, but we don't always manage to stop and enjoy the good times. Without a doubt, we let the bad times take on a greater force than they really deserve. Therefore, it is essential that you start having good thoughts about what you deserve.

It is not uncommon to find people who are mired in problems, many of which do not even exist. To receive your share of the rewards of the universe, read the following prayer daily:

I deserve everything the Whole gives me.

I am doing more to deserve more without ceasing.

I am worthy to receive the blessings in this life.

My merit comes from the fruit of my labor.

I am happy to deserve anything that is unexpected.

Quantum prayer and its importance

The importance of quantum prayer as a therapeutic method seeks to eliminate mental barriers. The therapy is so vast that it cannot be denied: it is very good for the health of the individual. The benefits caused are linked to the change in behavior generated by prayer.

According to the belief, it is possible to change your life by changing your thoughts. The more positive and firm your thoughts are, the closer to the goal you will be. The power that a positive thought provokes makes you leave the comfort zone and bring you more happiness. It is worth testing the prayers following the principles.

Prayer of gratitude to the universe

There is nothing better than being grateful to the universe for everything that happens to you. How about learning a prayer that teaches everyone to be more grateful? They say that the universe gives us in exchange for good deeds and prayer: serendipity. This "different" name means: the act of making fortuitous discoveries in a random way. Here's how to make a prayer to the universe.

I have gratitude for all that the universe brings into my life.

I am grateful to exist.

I do beneficial acts as a form of gratitude to the universe.

I attract good things and am grateful for everything.

The quantum prayers of Ananda Porto

The quantum prayers created by Ananda Porto have gained many followers. She is trained in coaching, and helps people realize the opportunities we have in letting life flow. Let's understand better her prayers below.

"I lift up my heart to God and fill myself with peace"

Ananda Porto's quantum prayer begins by saying that we need to lift our hearts to God. He being the creator of the universe understands what we really need. For this, it is important to emphasize connecting with Him.

It is important to accept all things, because we never really know what is needed. It is good to make it clear that it is a positive prayer. Any negative words will interrupt the effect of the prayer, and in that case it would lose its meaning.

The other part of the prayer says: "I fill myself with peace". The feeling of peace is the initial goal of those who want to connect with the All. It comes together with the step of silencing the mind.

"I concentrate on my breathing and calm down"

How many times have we read about the power of breathing? The benefits go beyond the mental and spiritual. The gains can generate intense relief and more concentration. Not to mention the calmness it brings. During Ananda Porto's quantum prayer, this theme is placed.

Focusing on the breath as you pray makes it deeper and more meditative, so this part of the prayer tends to make us rethink how important the element of breathing is. Bringing this kind of method into your daily life will be very beneficial.

"I calm myself, I allow myself to be enveloped by divine peace"

Quantum prayer initially has the objective of calming the mind. Only then will it begin to have the effect of the other messages. It is not for nothing that at the time of preparation there is the part of silencing the mind. Allow yourself to be involved with divine peace. He knows all things. The peace He offers never ends and is always available to those who believe.

"I'm covered in light"

The meaning of light in quantum prayers reveals a state of mind based on love and peace. Being covered in light means that no evil can reach your inner self. It is as if you have overcome all barriers.

It is worth paying close attention when saying this part of the prayer because of the depth of the word "light. It is also worth remembering that light can mean truly covered, having reached the fundamental essence of all things.

"I chose to feel God's presence in me"

The power of decision is yours. You can choose what to believe. You just need to have enough faith and action about what you believe. It is as if a magic exists between the act of thinking and acting. Choosing to feel the presence of a being as powerful as God will change your state of mind. He is the center of all quantum prayer.

"I rejoice deeply in this new and intense energy"

The degree of consciousness will increase every time you pray. You will feel more energy and you will see that everything will be more fluid in your life. To give thanks is fundamental. From the moment you give thanks more blessings come into your life: more energy and more spirit begin to emerge. It is no wonder that quantum prayer leads us to a perpetual gratefulness.

"I release all the old thought patterns"

The need to release from old thought patterns is the key to spiritual growth. When we break down ideas that may be outdated as to our well being, then we move forward. Prayer will also resolve this. The effect on your unconscious will be deep and progressive. Keep your prayers up to date so that everything negative is broken down.

"I rest in deep connection with divine consciousness"

The need to release from old thought patterns is the key to spiritual growth. When we break down ideas that may be outdated as to our well being, then we move forward. Prayer will also resolve this. The effect on your unconscious will be deep and progressive. Keep your prayers up to date so that everything negative is broken down.

According to therapists, what is the secret to making Quantum Prayer?

The secret to doing quantum prayer lies in practicing every day and doing the preparation. Preparation lies in the fact that you need to quiet your mind. After that, choose the positive words that will be part of the recitation. And lastly, feel the power that the prayer provides.

Quantum prayer is everything people need to rebalance their thoughts. This therapy helps all people, regardless of belief, to achieve various goals. Breaking the cycle of energetic imbalance caused by negative thoughts is the main function of this prayer. Do it yourself and test the power of quantum prayer.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.