What is Hindu cone therapy for? Indications, benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Have you ever heard of Hindu Cone Therapy?

The Hindu cone therapy is a very old procedure, existing both in Hinduism, as in other cultures such as Chinese, Tibetan, Shamanic, among others. Its effectiveness is already more than proven, causing the technique was maintained over time.

Among its benefits are relief from respiratory problems, stress, earaches and many others. Moreover, the therapy is not only effective for physical problems, but is also useful for mental and energetic dysfunctions.

Therefore, the technique can enable balance and satisfaction. Are you curious? Then check out in this article what the Hindu cone therapy is for, its benefits, indications and more!

All about the Hindu cone

The Hindu cone is an ancient technique used among various peoples and cultures, because of its effectiveness in treating various disorders. For this reason, the procedure is still widely used today.

That said, below is everything you need to know about hindu cone. Check out the topics: origins of hindu cone, hindu cone and Chinese medicine, how hindu cone therapy works, and more.

Origins of the Hindu cone

There is no consensus on the origin of the Hindu cone, because there are reports of the use of this technique among several civilizations. Among them are the Hindus, Chinese, Shamanists, Egyptians, Tibetans, among others.

There is information about this technique being used by Hindus about 3,000 years ago. In addition, the therapy was also used by religious elites in great civilizations, such as Mayan priests and Tibetan monks.

These people believed in the harmonization and balance of thoughts and emotions through the Hindu cone, since in addition to cleaning the ears and breathing channels, it also provides energy cleaning. Moreover, there is the belief that this method promotes connection with the divine.

The Hindu cone and Chinese medicine

One of the oldest reports of the use of the Hindu cone is in Chinese medicine. The presence of this technique is dated back to 2697 B.C., thus, in the reign of the Yellow Emperor. This emperor had great concern with the physical and mental health of the beings who lived in his kingdom.

For both Chinese medicine and other peoples, such as the Greeks and Egyptians, the use of the Hindu cone was advocated for purification and greater lucidity. This idea is accepted today, and is considered one of the benefits of Hindu cone therapy.

How does Hindu cone therapy work?

The Hindu cone therapy acts in clearing the ear and respiratory channels, as well as, acts as energy cleaning, providing well-being and balance. The cone is made of gauze, paraffin and beeswax.

The heat exerted on the cone promotes bactericidal action, i.e., is capable of destroying bacteria, thus enabling the cleaning of the mucous membranes. In addition, it offers the prevention of diseases, helps in cases of illnesses already detected and favors the emotional balance.

How is the application of the Hindu cone

The application of the Hindu cone consists of placing the thinner part of the cone in the ear and accessing the other end. Thus, the accumulated mucus softens, being eliminated. Soon after the application it is already possible to notice an improvement in hearing.

In addition, the ear wax is not removed, the procedure only helps to remove its excess. Thus, the wax contained in the cone after the process is beeswax, existing in the composition of the technique.

This method receives help from the elements fire and air, helping to remove accumulated energies, therefore, making an energy cleaning. Therefore, the Hindu cone therapy promotes realignment of energy flow.

Hindu cone indications

The Hindu cone is indicated for various dysfunctions. Among them, it is essential to highlight its effectiveness in respiratory problems such as rhinitis, sinusitis and even colds. This is because it helps to clear the airways.

This technique is also indicated for ear pain, otitis and assists in the removal of excess ear wax. As well as, it is useful for headaches, labyrinthitis, dizziness, insomnia, muscle pain and joint pain.

Regarding mental and spiritual health, this therapy provides balance, reduces anxiety, stress and nervousness. Negative thoughts, such as sadness and discouragement are also reduced. Importantly, this procedure can be done in children, elderly and adults.

Benefits of the Hindu cone

The Hindu cone is able to provide relief from various ailments. When seeking this therapy is common for the patient to have ear pain or breathing problems, however this technique serves for many other nuisances. Check out the following physical and energetic benefits of the Hindu cone.


With regards to the physical benefits provided by Hindu cone therapy are improved hearing, as it helps remove the buildup of mucus in the internal passages of the ear, nose and throat.

It also favors people who have respiratory problems, promoting symptom relief. Those who suffer from asthma, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, pressure in the ears, hawking, rhinitis and sinusitis benefit from this technique.

In addition, it provides a sense of well-being for those who suffer from headaches, anxiety, bruxism and labyrinthitis. It also helps the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.


Associated with the energetic benefits are the feeling of lightness and satisfaction, resulting from the reduction of stress and repetitive thoughts. It also enables healthy and deep sleep, favoring the other daily activities, since sleep helps the entire body balance.

In addition, it releases the energy flow and aligns each of the seven chakras, thus, it is possible to feel more tranquil, as well as, favoring the reconnection with the divine. Moreover, it releases yang energy, that is, the energy of the sun, of activity, considered within some cultures as the masculine principle.

A little more about the Hindu cone

When learning more about Hindu cone therapy, it is possible that questions about the procedure arise. One of the questions raised is about the need for a therapist, since the cone is sold to anyone over the internet.

In addition, other doubts regarding the number of sessions required and the price of each session are also common. Therefore, we have separated some topics to clarify all these issues. Check them out below.

Do I need a therapist to use the Hindu cone?

To perform the Hindu cone therapy is necessary to go to a specialized professional, only a therapist can perform this technique with mastery. It is common that the cones are sold on the internet, however it is not advisable to try to perform the therapy on their own.

This is because a trained therapist will know how to monitor the temperature of the cone, as well as the application time, which varies according to each person's disorder. It is common for people to end up burning themselves trying to do the therapy alone, so look for a trained professional.

How often should the Hindu cone be used?

The frequency of use of the Hindu cone depends on each case. Some need more sessions than others, but it is possible to see the results of therapy from the first session.

In cases of rhinitis, sinusitis, headaches and insomnia it is likely that more sessions will be recommended. If the symptoms persist, the number of sessions may be higher in order to completely resolve the discomforts.

How much is the session with Hindu cone?

The price of the Hindu cone session varies according to the therapist, but on average the procedure costs 100 reais, and each session lasts about 50 minutes. There may be discounts for more sessions or promotional packages, but this depends on the professional and the establishment.

Can Hindu cone therapy help you have more harmony and well-being?

The Hindu cone therapy is able to relieve the symptoms of various diseases, as well as do an energy cleansing. Thus, it helps to bring more harmony and well-being. This technique uses the elements fire and air to remove negative energies that have accumulated over time.

Besides everything, it decreases anxiety, stress, nervousness and several other symptoms linked to emotional issues. As well, it provides relief to those who suffer with physical ailments, such as headache, muscle pain and otitis.

In view of this, if you are suffering with any of these problems mentioned in the article, be sure to seek a professional to perform the Hindu cone therapy. You may feel relieved, light and in balance.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.