What is Feng Shui? Principles, origin, the Baguá, benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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General meaning of Feng Shui

Feng Shui, a Chinese practice of ancient origin, is a concept put into practice around the world today. From principles related to energy flow, environments become able to propagate the benefits of proper choices of furniture, objects and elements of nature.

Therefore, Feng Shui is connected not only to the energy of the rooms but also to the connection it has with the residents and their respective roles within the family. When some element is unbalanced in the home, such as fire, there is a greater tendency to irritated reactions and lack of balance.

For this reason, it is necessary to understand how the Feng Shui philosophy works and how to adapt it to family and commercial spaces, or even how to use it for personal improvements. Throughout this article, you will learn how the practice acts, its benefits and curiosities to make the best use of the energy of the environments in your favor.

Feng Shui, origin and principles

After all, Feng Shui is based on principles and on a symbolism that involves, above all, the vitality of nature. More than just changing furniture, the concepts relate to a better interaction between the elements present in homes, in smaller and larger contexts. Below, learn how Feng Shui appeared and its theoretical references.

What is Feng Shui

In its essence, Feng Shui is an ancient art of Chinese origin, whose goal is to harmonize environments. Thus, it is a method that deals directly with energy and energetic vibrations that come from the most varied details of the rooms. Objects, furniture and their positioning can be highly favorable or unfavorable energetically.

The philosophy has been around for over 4,000 years, and involves more than the physical structures present in places. The interaction between people and the environment in question also has significant impacts when thinking about actions that are beneficial or detrimental to projects, the body and mind of individuals.

Be it water, be it wind

The name Feng Shui comes from Mandarin and its pronounced sound imitates the words wind and water, two forces of nature that direct the Chi, the material energy. In this sense, the practice indicates that the natural elements are much more than decorative in homes and environments in general.

This is because the concept of "be it water, be it wind" has to do with the flow of Chi energy through spaces. It moves smoothly, like air, and every object in its path forces it to shape itself to continue its journey. For this reason, the arrangement of items is a fundamental assumption of Feng Shui.

The origin of Feng Shui

Feng Shui originated in China over 4,000 years ago. Originating on the Chinese plains, the method was used to improve the flow of energy in the tombs of local emperors. The advancement and refinement of the Chinese connection with energy served as a guideline for maintaining the practice.

Thus, Feng Shui began to be adopted also in the construction of the country's cities, in order to promote prosperity. The key is to understand that, for Feng Shui, appropriate choices are determinant to attract success or bad luck, for example. In broad contexts such as the development of the Chinese people, such mistakes could become synonymous with poverty, misery and hunger.

The 11 principles

Since Feng Shui works from the analysis of the environment, its principles address ways to make the home a better place to live. With the knowledge of energetic interactions, it is easier to understand how one environment can influence another, which can easily create barriers for residents without them realizing it.

Some principles can be put into practice with lifestyle changes, while others involve the construction and layout of the rooms themselves.Check it out:

- Do not place mirrors facing the door: when this happens, the energy entering the house finds a way to be bounced back out;

- Avoid rooms above garages: rooms and garages that are close to each other end up mixing their energies. Because it is the place where you sleep, the integration with the chaotic energy of the place where the cars are located is harmful;

- Give attention to the stove: taking care of the stove is a way to attract abundance and money, concepts symbolized by the appliance. It also represents nutrition, which reinforces the value of a reinforced attention on a daily basis;

- Remove electronic devices from the room: they tend to make the occupant's mind agitated and confused, which goes against the basic purpose of the room, which is relaxation. This action improves sleep quality and interaction with the room;

- Keep the entrance of the house tidy: the entrance of the home is also the point where the energy that comes from outside enters. All kinds of clutter compromise the energetic flow of the environments, but in the entrance, this effect is more intense. To reorganize the place, strategic furniture can be a good solution;

- Keep the kitchen clean: the kitchen is an environment that, for Feng Shui, symbolizes love and family. Taking care of it is like taking care of yourself and your loved ones, and this is one of the principles of the practice;

- Throw away broken items, or fix them: damaged objects have a negative impact on the occupants' health, according to ancient belief. Fitting them or replacing them restores the balanced energetic vibration of the space;

- Close the doors of the free bathrooms: when not in use, keep the doors of the bathrooms closed. This way, the energy of the environment does not mix with other areas;

- Fix leaks in faucets: when faucets drip, Feng Shui signals happiness and abundance flowing out along with the water;

- Occupy vacant spaces with plants: plants are ideal for stagnant energy points in the home. Make conscious use of empty spaces to get energy flowing freely;

- Keep the paint on the walls up to date: walls with old and peeling paint are not a good sign for Feng Shui, since everything that is aged or worn blocks energy.

The types of Feng Shui

Because it is an ancient philosophy, Feng Shui has been modernized. Currently, there are different approaches that take the Chinese teachings to various groups of people around the world. More or less traditional, all take into account the principles of harmonization and integration between people and the environment. Learn about the types of Feng Shui below.

Black Hat School

The Black Hat School is a branch of Feng Shui that adapted the Chinese doctrine to the parameters of the Western world. For this reason, it is a much criticized school, since it does not use the traditional bases of the method as a reference. In simplified form, the Black Hat School uses the octagonal bagua overlaid on the house plan for the application of Feng Shui.

Understanding who is the man for whom the place is intended is paramount to follow the teachings of the school. From this, one can make the necessary changes for more quality of life and well-being.

School of elements

The school that uses the elements as a starting point for the analysis takes into account the particularities of each individual's map. Thus, in a home where there are people with the predominance of a certain element, it is possible to balance it with the opposite energy. To achieve this result, it is necessary to add or remove specific objects from the environments, in order to achieve more harmony.

School of Form

A Feng Shui specialist, when following the shape school, seeks to balance the energy of the place with emphasis on the details. Shapes, colors, textures, everything carries a symbolism that interferes in the relationship between the individual and the space. As each choice has an impact, the Feng Shui planning is quite individual.


Like the traditional bagua, there is a type of Feng Shui that uses the directions to guide the distribution of furniture and objects. For this, a compass is used, which indicates the ideal points of placement of items in a given space. From this analysis, changes are proposed to the resident.


There is a type of Feng Shui that uses the parameters of radiesthesia to harmonize the environments. The energy of the people directly interferes in the places, and the technique is based on radionic charts and other materials to represent the key elements of Feng Shui. By balancing the energy of the residents, the whole house benefits.

Bagua and the areas of life

The bagua is a fundamental part of understanding the premises of Feng Shui, as it brings together and connects the different areas of one's life. By placing them on the map, it becomes more perceptible how each one of them interacts with colors and elements. The bagua is the starting point for transforming spaces with Feng Shui and harmonizing emotions. Find out below which sectors of life are present on the map.

What is baguá

For Feng Shui, the baguá is a map with eight sides, each one referring to a segment of life. Its most indicated use is the overlapping of the baguá in relation to the floor plan of a house, business or even a single environment. From this step, a specialist can evaluate what can be improved in the place.

With the baguá, Feng Shui is applied according to the positioning of the guas and the subjects treated by each of them. The baguá is formed by eight trigrams, which are sets of three lines, continuous or fragmented. In the case of the former, the predominant energy is masculine (yang) and in the latter, feminine (ying), which can be presented in the three lines or even in combinations.

In addition, the bagua can be presented in two conceptions: Anterior and Posterior Sky. The Anterior Sky presents a configuration that considers the Earth and its movement without the difference of hemispheres and the seasons of the year. The Posterior Sky reflects all the details of the seasons and variations between the poles of the planet, being the most used.

Work guide

In the professional sector, the work guá is connected to journey and career. Activating this guá aligns relationships with co-workers and boosts successful business, with the right to recognition. It is related to activities and contexts external to the individual, its colors range from dark blue to black, its element is water and its crystal is onyx.

Guá of spirituality and wisdom

The space of the house or room that fits in the guá of spirituality asks for the use of the colors blue, violet and green, as well as the element earth and the square shape. The guá of spirituality and wisdom talks about self-knowledge, intellect and mental clarity in its various forms. Inner growth and connection with spirituality are also part of the content addressed by the guá.

Family guá

Family guá involves family members and ancestors, which refers to the roots of each individual. To balance this area of life, when you find the space that corresponds to the activation of guá, it is recommended to invest in the color green. The element of family guá is wood, which in a subjective way invites you to reflect on the bonds and ties established with the family. It is the guá of harmony in the home.

Gua of prosperity

The prosperity guá, when activated, drives wealth and abundance. For this, balance is fundamental, with finances and expenses. Its color is purple and the wood element, enhanced by the rectangular shape. Using these principles in the area identified as compatible with the prosperity guá is the starting point for harmony in the segment.

Guide to success

Red and fire are the colour and the element of the gua of success. Here we are not only talking about the harmony which contributes to financial success: personal development is also important. Achievement is encouraged through the activation of the gua of success at the corresponding point in the house or environment. Reputation is another valuable aspect, since position and recognition are fundamental.

Guá of relationships

Love, trust and receptivity are some of the feelings that must exist for relationships to work. The guá of relationships, when balanced, brings harmony between couples and expands the possibilities for those looking for a partner. Its colors are white, pink and red, its element is earth and its harmonic shape is square.

Creativity guide

The gua of creativity is related to the impulse to create and to start. Feelings like joy, disposition and enthusiasm have everything to do with this theme, which refers to the future and to long-term projects. Therefore, it is also the gua of children. Its element is metal, and the indicated colors are white and pastel tones, ideal for activating the gua of creativity at home or in personal life.

Friends guá

White, gray and black are the colors related to the gua of friends and travel. In it, the subject is the people who extend a hand to the individual, the known benefactors. The balance of the gua of friends involves the activation of the metal element and the round shape. In the case of travel, Feng Shui helps to bring security and new possibilities for expansion.

Health guide

The health gua is located in the center of the baguá, because it connects to all the areas that appear on the eight sides of the octagon. Thus, it is a fundamental sector of the individual's life and, more than health, vitality is also part of this area. Its color is yellow and the element is earth, which refers to flowers and arrangements in this shade. Keeping the sector organized is fundamental to activate this gua.

The benefits of applying Feng Shui

The use of Feng Shui in favor of more harmony at home is the starting point for moments full of warmth and tranquility. It is important to sleep well and ensure specific areas in the house for rest and relaxation, positively impacting the health of residents and the relationship of the same with the environment. Below, learn about the benefits of Chinese practice that can be easily felt.

Impacts on creativity

Enhancing the flow of positive, vital energy in the home provides the impetus for those seeking creativity enhancements. That's because focus and concentration are valuable for creativity-filled insights. More rested and with the ability to relax at the right time, people become more productive and ideas emerge, in a healthy and innovative way.

Improvements in well-being

When the energy flows properly through the rooms, it integrates with the people who live in the house, the difference in well-being is noticeable, like a detox process that comes from the inside out of the body. Homes that channel positive energies are sources of feelings such as care, affection, warmth and tranquility, which impact the well-being of individuals.

Good energies

The correct application of the basics of Feng Shui is able to make positive energy flow in the home and for those who live in it. In addition to attracting positivity, the Chinese practice uses references and objects capable of maintaining and spreading it, since the environments influence feelings, thoughts and behaviors. The benefit is felt on a daily basis.

Sense of peace

Inner and family peace is one of the benefits of applying Feng Shui in the home. With the energy flowing freely and the conscious use of tools that attract feelings such as serenity and balance, it is simple to see the feeling of peace arise and stay in place. Using Feng Shui also makes it possible to avoid objects and colors that awaken any kind of instability.

Areas of the house that can receive Feng Shui and tips

Feng Shui is a methodology that involves precepts established thousands of years ago, but the intuition of the dweller plays a key role for the balance of the home. Together, they can maintain the identity of the house without giving up the creativity and daring. All rooms can receive Feng Shui, provided that with the respective care. Check out tips to put into practice without difficulty.

Relationship of Feng Shui with the harmony of the house

The principle of Feng Shui is to improve the energetic fluidity of the home. Thus, every detail of the environments is related to the strength of the elements, which deserves attention. In areas with a lot of fire energy, for example, people tend to present peaks of irritation and may have frequent mood swings.

For this reason, Feng Shui has a direct impact on the harmony of the house. By balancing the energy and allowing it to circulate freely, it becomes easier to adopt strategic tools to attract more positivity. The Chinese art of harmonizing spaces does not depend on the proposal of the room: you just need to take it into account before making changes.

Feng Shui in the bedroom

For the bedroom, colors matter to ensure the serenity sought in the place. Cool and lighter colors tend to work best, as warm tones can cause agitation and insomnia. Ideally, the bed should be next to one of the walls, and firm headboards attract protection.

In the case of televisions, extra care is needed due to the fire energy propagated by the appliance. It should be in places with good air circulation and should not reflect the bed. Similarly to mirrors, this is not a good point for the television to be placed. If this is not possible, covering the screen while it is turned off avoids the effect.

Feng Shui in the double bedroom

The bedroom is, in general, the environment for the renewal of energy. In the case of couples' bedrooms, decorative pieces should always be placed in pairs, such as lampshades and lamps. In addition, items exactly alike create perfect pairs, which boosts harmony in the couple's relationship.

The bed should have passage on both sides, so leaving it against the wall is not a good option according to Feng Shui. The bed should also not be reflected in mirrors, because this is one of the bases of the Chinese practice. Prefer to keep them inside wardrobes or points of the room where the furniture does not appear.

Feng Shui in the single room

Harmonize the single room according to Feng Shui can be a good opportunity to attract the ideal relationship. For this, the technique suggests using pillows and other objects in pairs, and avoid excessive objects on the bed.

A cozy atmosphere suggests an atmosphere of romance, and the room should be clean and organized. Gifts from past relationships should also be avoided, and comfort is the key word. Above all, the room is an environment to recharge your energy.

Feng Shui in the child's room

For the little ones, highly intuitive, the environment can be calmer or happier, depending on the proposal: sleeping or playing. The space should favor the organization, and shelves and objects on the bed help to ensure more safety and protection.

The bed, preferably, should face the door without its feet facing exactly towards it. Boxes and chests are allies of a child's room even more organized.

Feng Shui in the bathroom

One of the most relevant points of the house for Feng Shui is the bathroom. The environment can compromise the entire energy of the house, so it is recommended to keep the door and the lid of the toilet always closed. In addition, repairs should be made as soon as something broken, torn or leaking appears. The position of bathrooms in relation to the bagua can be optimized with the proper use of colors and elements.

In the northeast or southwest, metallic tones are ideal, and for the south, earthy tones. To the north, colors such as blue and black are best, along with a reinforcement of the wood element. To the east, candles reinforce fire, as well as warm tones. For bathrooms built in the west or northwest, earthy tones and the energy of metal are indicated.

Feng Shui in the living room

The key to Feng Shui in the room is that the air has freedom to circulate. Thus, the energy of people and the environment itself can dissipate. Televisions and computers are great sources of fire energy, because they emit heat, which can be compensated by adding water or metal.

Nature is another ally of harmony in the room, and Feng Shui indicates the placement of plants in the room. The key is that the room is pleasant.

Feng Shui in the kitchen

The kitchen is a center that distributes love to the rest of the home. Keeping it clean is necessary, and washable coverings help this process. Excess grease and clutter are physical barriers to the movement of energy, and if it is crowded, the kitchen impacts emotions.

With a high concentration of fire energy, it is a room that can balance it with the proper positioning of the refrigerator, which represents metal. Since it holds valuable items, it is best to keep it in an area that is easily accessible. Food needs to be in proper condition for consumption.

Feng Shui on the balcony

The external side of the residence also deserves attention and can be easily adapted to channel good energies. The contact with nature can come through plants, flowers and animal fountains, which also beautify the environment and can protect it.

For Feng Shui, the decoration of the balcony proposes balance when the objects symbolize the five elements. There is no shortage of versatile and stylish options to bring each of them home, and pieces such as paintings are good options to harmonize. An extra tip is not to keep the balcony messy or full of belongings, because the energy becomes stagnant.

Feng Shui objects used in decoration

The use of objects in Feng Shui is not by chance. From the energy that each one symbolizes, it is possible to make places more balanced and compensate excesses that are harmful to people and relationships. The items bring with them the symbolism of nature and meanings that refer to different areas of life. Learn more below.


Bamboo, also known as lucky bamboo, is a popular item among people who apply Feng Shui in their homes. In fact, it is a plant of African origin, but quite popular in the East. Besides the energy of the species itself, there is an integration with other elements.

The color of the ribbon represents fire, the stem of the plant represents wood, the soil is the soil in the pot, the water is the resource used for watering and the metal is represented by the pot. If it is made of another material, such as plastic, Chinese coins can be placed next to the ribbon.

Buddha of happiness

When positioned at strategic points, the Buddha of happiness is a powerful ally of prosperity and luck for those who live in the house. Smiling, this type of Buddha figure helps to eliminate financial problems. A good tip is to place it with your back to the door with coins or grains of rice. The object works well in the living room or near the main entrance.

Multifaceted crystal

The crystals with size from 40mm are the most functional to balance or compensate possible energetic imbalances. They are healing and impact on the circulation of vital energy throughout the house. The best points for the placement of multifaceted crystals are the center of the house, the windows and the top of the doors.

Source of running water

For Feng Shui, water is synonymous with wealth and fortune. Clean, flowing water also symbolizes purification, which makes fountains significant points for the flow of vital energy in the home. They move negative energies and replace them with positivity, impacting the well-being and health of residents.

In addition to being a symbol of cleanliness, fountains add a sense of peace and relaxation to the room where they are placed. Compact versions are ideal for small spaces.

Wind chimes

Wind chimes are one of the objects that help transform negative energy into positive, besides attracting more positivity. Its sound, quite characteristic, is also a source of good energy for the house. The bells work inside and outside the house, in backyards, balconies or even at the entrance.

Feng Shui and plants

Plants add the energies of wood and the healing green color to the place where they are found. For this reason, they are a pillar of the recommendations of Feng Shui specialists to balance rooms and houses. However, before betting on exotic or even popular pots, it is necessary to know how nature can help or even hinder Feng Shui. Check it out:

What is the relationship between Feng Shui and plants?

Plants are an extension of nature inside homes, so having them around is a way to find more relaxation and positivity, since plants are excellent points in the distribution of energy. Choosing the right species and placing them in strategic places makes all the difference.

In addition, Feng Shui depends on the care of the plant. Since they are living beings, they need to be properly nourished. For this, it is necessary to choose species that adapt to the conditions of the environment, since they are able to drain the place when they start to die or are left aside. Natural plants are the most indicated or, then, artificial ones capable of confusing people.

The most recommended is to opt for plants with rounded leaves, since the pointed ones are usually challenging to practice. Because they have great vital energy charge, they are indicated to renew the home and even protect the residents. More than that, the result can be aesthetically harmonious and bring a new face to the house.

Plants for prosperity

The most suitable species to leverage the prosperity of the house are those that grow upwards or give fruit, for example. The species pennyroyal is one of the darlings of the Feng Shui experts, because it helps to attract more prosperity. The jade plant and the anthuriums are others, as well as the sunflower. All of them symbolize wealth, abundance and success.

Floor plans for every room in the house

For Feng Shui, there are plants that are like a protection for those who live in the house, they can filter the air, increase positivity and eliminate negative energies that block success. Regarding the rooms, there are species for all with the most varied purposes. The essential thing is to adapt the plant to the environment respecting its needs. Watering them also helps to harmonize the energy.

Plants to ward off negative energies

There are species with the ability to transmute negative energy into positive, recharging the vibration of the environment where they are. Among them are the popular fern, the peace lily and the avenca, plants that can improve the energy flow. For this reason, they should preferably stay in places with good air circulation, also avoiding that they stay on people's heads.

Plants for relationship and love

The tree of happiness is a great plant to boost Feng Shui in favor of relationships. With male and female in the same vase, contrasts the ying and yang energies and strengthens love. Roses can have their energy enhanced in even numbers and in pink or red, invoking affection and passion. The orchid has the same meaning, bringing beauty and enchantment to the place.

Lucky Plants

To attract luck and good vibrations, the lucky bamboo is one of the most remembered species. It represents the union of the elements of Feng Shui, being a joker in the application of the philosophy. The sunflower symbolizes faith and absorbs a lot of solar energy, spreading good vibrations to the house, the well-known four-leaf clover is another indicated plant, due to its rarity.

Floor plans for entrance, bathroom and toilets

The lucky bamboo and succulents are good alternatives for the entrance of houses, which is the center through which vital energy enters and spreads. Still adapting the precepts of Feng Shui to the rooms, plants such as anthuriums, boa constrictors and zamioculcas are viable for areas more humid and less illuminated, such as bathrooms and toilets. After all, even they deserve an extra contact with nature for moments of relaxation.relaxation.

Colours in Feng Shui and the Guas

According to Feng Shui, each guá has a color that is powerful to activate it. More than that, the perception of colors involves therapeutic and psychic effects, creating effects that also depend on cultural and sensory factors. It is no secret that different shades instigate positive or negative reactions, which gives them great relevance in Chinese practice. See how colors and guás interact.

Yellow and the gua of health

Yellow is the color that vibrates joy and life to environments where it is highlighted. It is a shade unconsciously associated with communication and stability of the earth element, the same as the guá of health. It represents power, wealth and stimulates concentration.

For Feng Shui, it can be used in areas such as living rooms or offices, where projects are usually conducted, or in the kitchen, where people gather. The energy of yellow is also indicated for occasional use related to studies, for example, since it encourages focus. The part of the room related to the gua of health is also enhanced with the use of the color.

Blue and the gua of spirituality

Synonymous with harmony, peace and tranquility, blue also brings particularities in its nuances. Dark blue refers to the deep ocean and its mysteries, while light blue refers to an angelic air. In all cases, intuition is awakened along with the unconscious. It is a color indicated for relaxation and well-being.

The guá of spirituality and wisdom is enhanced with shades of blue, precisely because of the connection with what cannot be seen. Therefore, Feng Shui suggests investing in the color from the bagua and, also, in spaces for study, meditation, in the living room and bedrooms.

Green and the family gua

Green is traditionally the color of healing. Its link with the earth element provides the expansion of nature, flowers and fruits also in a figurative sense. Thus, it is the color of projects, beginnings and progress made when the insight to move forward arises.

The family gua is symbolized by green and the earth element, an invitation to use the color in spaces that connect with the gua. For rooms, Feng Shui indicates green to symbolize new cycles, whether in a new home or in the same. The color can be applied through plants, bringing freshness.

Purple and the gua of prosperity

Purple is known to be the color that denotes authority, importance and respect. It is a shade of great subjective depth, instigating reflection, awakened emotions and the depth of connection with the essence. Wearing purple activates intuition and unlocks success.

The gua of prosperity benefits from the use of the color, which also works in environments that demand relaxation and connection. Therefore, reading and meditation environments are viable with different shades of purple, especially the lighter ones. On dark walls, the color can have the opposite effect, so it should be used with care.

Red and the gua of success

For Feng Shui, the use of red in the gua of success can work with the color present only in the details. This recommendation is valid for all rooms, so it is not necessary to give up the red for the intensity of it. Its incorrect use can affect the mood and cause some instability.

It is a color that brings passion and surrender to spaces. Warm and powerful, it is a strong and striking color that suggests power to individuals through the connection with the element of fire. It is a color to be avoided in places that need a relaxing atmosphere.

Rose and the guá of relationships

The color indicated for the guá of relationships is pink. It is also a good option for transition areas and bedrooms, in shades ranging from light to dark. The yang energy, masculine, is present in red and appears in a more discreet way in pink, making the color joyful and less intense.

Pink suggests harmony, affection and a certain joviality. It is the color of love, happiness and romance, strengthening the possibilities of the guá of relationships. It is a tone that mixes the material and immaterial. To avoid doubts at the time of use, decorative items can transform the environments.

Ash and the gua of friends

Neutral and joker, gray is the mixture of opposite colors and sensations. The balance brought by gray is perfect for the guá of friends, since it has to do with harmony and solution of frictions. Because it is a sober shade, it does not please everyone. However, it can be combined with charming details in other colors.

In addition, its shades have different depths and can be combined with creativity. Gray is modern, striking and requires attention to compose environments, because its excess can cause sadness and discouragement.

Black and the work guá

Black is a symbol of sophistication and elegance. Related to intellect and intelligence, it is a color that works well in the guá of work, even in the details. For being difficult to combine and instigate pessimism, black can be combined with other colors without losing its classic and modern air.

The connection with the career makes black an alternative for libraries, studios and offices. The combination with neutral tones is an option for those who do not like many colors and want to join black to the benefits of Feng Shui.

White and the gua of creativity

White symbolizes peace, perfection and integration, since it unites the other colors. Although it seems lifeless, it is indicated for the guá of creativity because it stimulates expansion and boosts the flow of vital energy. It must be used with some caution to avoid excesses that turn into anxiety.

The color can be used in details and small places, which become more spacious. White also refers to purification, purity and cleanliness, working in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. Used wisely, it is suitable for all spaces.

Does the appearance of the exterior house reflect how we are inwardly, according to Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art that uses the forces of nature and color to attract more balance to environments and residents. With simple adjustments, vital energy finds more space to flow, attracting and maintaining sensations such as warmth and tranquility. It is also possible to balance the elements present to awaken prosperity, love and more.

The home is an extension of the individual. Thus, crowded environments and houses, poorly cared for and with problems such as leaks or cracks indicate the need for healing of those who live there. In fact, for Feng Shui, the aspect of the place where one lives is like a guide to the areas of life that can be greatly benefited with the practice.

Above all, Feng Shui presents ways to optimize the relationship of individuals with their environment. It is a philosophy of empowerment, which shows at all times how much each person is responsible for their own choices. If something does not work or presents a need for healing, Feng Shui is widely indicated.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.