What does the Year of the Ox mean? Understand and see its characteristics!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, what does the Year of the Ox mean in the Chinese horoscope?

Within the Chinese culture, there is a tradition of worshipping animal lords of the years, which may seem very curious from the outside. In total, there are 12 animals, just like the signs of the western zodiac, and each one of them brings a personality and spiritual elements to the lives of those who have them as rulers.

The Ox is the second animal of the zodiac, second only to the Rat. Within its construction as an animal and as a spiritual totem, it shows itself to be honest and hardworking, a being that rules human beings towards the path of good deeds in favor of humility and kindness. Learn more about it in this article.

Understanding more about Chinese horoscopes

Backed by an ancient Chinese legend, this horoscope is rich in colors, stories and ancestry, having all its construction very solid and attractive to the eyes of those who live it and those who frequent it as a mere tourist. The animals are interconnected in a very intrinsic way to their personality, which makes everything even more magical.

Check now a little more about the Chinese horoscope, its history and how the Ox participates as a spiritual being!

Origin and history

There is no exact date about the beginning of this tradition, only that the first year dedicated to an animal was 1909, which was a year of the Rooster. But, most likely, the tradition is millennial, this is only a partial record.

In general, the origin of the tradition is with the famous story of Buddha's feast and how the gratitude of the animals was rewarded.


The Ox is an animal used as the basis of the world's animal husbandry. It works hard and torturously in the field to provide for others. It is usually peaceful and calm unless something takes it out of focus. It is strong, though it does not use that strength to be the center of attention.

In addition, the Ox ruminates, which is a significant part of the personality of those ruled by it. The Ox's ruminating, in general, is understood as the ability to process ideas, thoughts, and dreams over and over again to make sure it is ready to begin.


The famous legend that originates all these signs says that Buddha, on a new year, thousands of centuries ago, decided to have a party. He invited countless beings to the celebration because he really wanted it to be special.

However, to the Buddha's great disappointment, only twelve guests appeared, which were the Rat, followed by the Ox. Legend says that the Rat cheated to arrive earlier by tricking the Ox. After him, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Rooster, Monkey, Dog and Pig arrived, respectively.

In the order they arrived, the Buddha decided to grant them powers in corresponding years because they were grateful to the Buddha's invitation. In this way, the Ox becomes the second spiritual totem of the Chinese horoscope.

Elements of the signs in the Chinese horoscope

In the construction of the tradition, the animals are divided into 5 elements, which indicate the temperament of the people born that year. A Metal Ox and a Wood Ox, for example, are different from each other, with personalities that diverge in some points.

The elements used in this conception are Metal, Wood, Fire, Water and Earth. Check now a little more about each of the elements and how they influence the life of those born within it!

How to discover your element in the Chinese sign?

To discover the elements of the Chinese signs, you need to pay attention to the last algorithm of each year. The years of the Ox are all odd ending, ending in: 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Thus, the elements are divided in this same order.

The number 1 is the Metal Ox. The years ending in 3 are the so-called Water Ox; the years ending in 5 are the Wood Ox. Years ending in 7 are the Fire Ox and, finally, those ending in 9 are the Earth Ox.

Metal Ox

The life of a Metal Ox has some facilities, mainly when we talk about the financial side, but that doesn't mean that he didn't have to fight to make his name and show what he is in the world for.

Normally, Metal Oxen usually deal with everything alone, trying not to fall apart. They like the company of family and friends, but when we talk about their pains and anguish, they prefer not to share.

Water Ox

The life of the Water Bois is almost like a fairy tale. With a comfortable childhood, loving parents and a nurturing family, these people are ruled by a greater force in the love business. They are passionate, involved, emotional and seek happiness from books.

However, this can be a trap, as this lack of connection to reality makes them naive and deluded, always living with a broken heart, like in a good European romance book. They need to bond with someone when they really trust, because it can be a big problem anything away from that.

Wooden Ox

Bois de Madeira always draws attention for their creativity and genuine talent in many areas. They excel in dance, singing, musical performance, theatre and even in the plastic arts, and can often speak more than one language of art.

They are sensitive and have welcomed the world into their hearts. Life seems light, fluid and simple looking at them. Empathy is also something significant in their personality, since the pain of the other affects them directly, motivating them to do good things always.

Fire Ox

When we talk about the Fire Ox, we are talking about extremely communicative and lively people, who always respond to the world's stimuli, in a positive way or not. Imagine a Bull in a bullfighting arena. Did you imagine? That's how the Fire Ox behave.

He is surrounded by friends and protects them as if they were his children. When at rest, he is courteous, polite and can adapt to any situation he puts himself in. In fact, putting himself in unusual situations is his specialty, since he lives on experimentation.

Earth ox

A born leader, that is the best way to define an Earth Ox. They are bold, daring, courageous and always willing to fight for who they believe is worth it. They do not leave a soldier behind in any situation.

This loyalty is much admired, because they always fight for people and things in such an intense way, so brave, that it is hard not to notice the strength he has, even when he is relaxed. Leadership always precedes him.

Understanding more about the sign of the Ox in the Chinese horoscope

The personality of animals, within the construction of the Chinese horoscope, is very important for the entire symbolism and structure of each sign. The Ox and its peculiarities, with good and bad traits, are understood in a literal or playful way, being very interesting. Check out the characteristics of the Ox and how they influence the lives of those ruled by it!

Ox Periods

The Chinese year does not begin on January 1, as the rest of the world. The date is not defined, being fluctuating, according to various factors, something like the carnival, which has its date defined by calculations. Thus, the years of the Ox were:

- 24/01/1925 a 02/12/1926;

- 11/02/1937 a 30/01/1938;

- 29/01/1949 a 16/02/1950;

- 15/02/1961 a 04/02/1962;

- 03/02/1973 a 22/01/1974;

- 20/02/1985 a 08/02/1986;

- 07/02/1997 a 27/01/1998;

- 26/01/2009 a 13/02/2010;

- 12/02/2021 a 31/01/2011;

It is important to check the date, because your birth date may not yet configure the Year of the Ox, which brings a whole other significance to your life niches. This is especially true for those who were born in January or even at the beginning of February.

Symbology of the Ox

The Ox is a quiet animal, which ruminates and has a very great strength, being one of the strongest animals in the Chinese legend. Very hardworking, it is the basis of agriculture, being fundamental to the functioning of society, since farming is one of the pillars of the market. Basically, it is of paramount importance to our life.

Thus, within the Chinese zodiac, the people ruled by it are honest, extremely strong, hardworking, fair and think a lot, but a lot, before acting. They aim for great things, dream big, but are always willing to help. For them, the good for me only exists if there is good for us.

Native element of Boi

Coincidentally aligned with the Western horoscope, the element that governs the Ox in the Chinese tradition is the Earth. This element is known to dialogue directly with people who seek security and stability, needing to have very well defined the next steps to feel comfortable.

These people, normally, like to create roots and bonds, making things deep, even if they don't last long. This security appears in several moments in the life of those ruled by Ox, since they look for it in their career, family and even in small actions, thinking a lot before deciding for something.

Colors of the sign of Boi

The colors of the Ox are red, purple, yellow and brown. Each color adds a quality to the whole image construction of the Ox. The red symbolizes the passion and strength that the animal feels and imposes. The purple, in turn, symbolizes nobility and wisdom, being one of the most noble colors, showing that it does not always need to show that it is in charge.

The color yellow brings joy and strength, but not physical strength; the strength of yellow is that which we radiate when we are ourselves. The strength of being and not just being. And finally, brown, which, within the image of the Ox, symbolizes the constant state of stability. It brings sobriety, security and calm that everything is under control.

Main positive combinations with sign of the Ox

To relate with Boi, it is important that his way of living and doing things is unique, respecting the space within the relationship. The signs that most combine are Rat, Snake and Rooster. With Rat, the relationship will be energetic, virtuous, with mutual support and lots of laughter, because both have a peculiar humor.

With Cobra, the relationship will be very fun and innovative, since Cobra always looks for adventure, no matter where he is. In this way, she will always find a way to get Ox out of the routine and make life more lively. Finally, Rooster seeks success through hard work, just like Ox, and can help each other in the process.

Main negative combinations with the sign of the Ox

The negative combinations with the sign of the Ox always sin by excess, as this sign is very centered and likes things to be done with sensibility and balance. The disagreement with the sign of the Rabbit is because both are stubborn, being a very disturbed relationship.

With Dragon, the problems are of personality, being very different and pruning each other. The Horse's energy is very high, they are extremely animated, not always being able to be accompanied by the Ox. In turn, the Dog is attached, very clingy, which can make the Ox very uncomfortable.

Characteristics about the sign of Ox in the Chinese horoscope

There is some essential information when we talk about the Ox in the Chinese horoscope and how it influences people's lives in general. The year ruled by the Ox has an effect not only on those who were born in it, but the characteristics are also applied in the events that occur in the 12 months. Check now the main characteristics of the sign of the Ox and how they affect usdirectly!

What to expect in the Year of the Ox?

The year of the Ox is usually marked by being a year of hard work and great growth in various branches of life, as the Ox is a very hard working animal that brings this to all who are being ruled by it.

Start unfinished plans, invest in your career or your deepest dreams, as the years of the Ox are fertile soil for the growth of much of what you plant in it. It's a year to bet a little higher on the things you've always wanted. It's about fighting for you.

Characteristics of People Born in the Year of the Ox

Hardworking, honest, fair and loyal to their goals and to themselves, this is the best way to define someone born in the Year of the Ox. Besides, they are very friendly, dear people who value doing good most of the time.

They are dedicated and usually fight to the end to achieve something. They think a lot and, most of the time, speak little or only what is necessary, especially when they feel challenged or intimidated.

Positive aspects

As they are thoughtful and very hard working, they usually cause much admiration in those who live with them, and are always recognized as leaders or wise people, who are perceived as being able to give good advice. They take pleasure in helping, which makes all the difference, as they get involved in the issues and really think to advise.

They always manage to move the world in a direct way, as if they were stronger than most. And the evolution of these people as beings is really a spectacle worthy of admiration, because every step can be seen. They struggle day by day and don't make a point of hiding it.

Negative aspects

When we talk about those ruled by Ox, we must think that all strength is based on a conviction and all conviction, however virtuous it may be, is a great stubbornness, and this is the worst quality of Ox, since it is rare when they change their minds, after all they think a lot and believe in their own capacity of judgment.

They are always right, even when they are wrong. Also, they can be a little insensitive, especially when they have a lot of work to do. When they focus on something, that is the only thing there is until they are done.

The sign of the Ox in love

The Ox in love is usually very passionate and involved. He looks for people who will take him out of his routine, but also who are committed to growing and rising, to reign with him when, together, they build an empire.

They are usually romantic, but always in a very personal and unique way, valuing the details of the other person. Usually, their "I love you" are not verbal, but with gestures, touches and even gifts. When in crisis, they always prioritize a good conversation to correct what is wrong.

Sign of the Ox in career

Career is one of Ox's main concerns, since, for him, life is the effort of the craft. He needs to always be at peace with his honor, with what dignifies him. For him, it is vital that he is doing something. Ox, even, is working even when he is resting, which, in parts, can be quite harmful to himself.

They don't mind starting over as many times as necessary, as well as fitting into any area, although they prioritize those they were born with a natural gift to develop. This proximity to themselves makes all the difference to the quality and success of what they produce.

Sign of the Ox in health

People ruled by the sign of the Ox are very concerned with health, especially that of their loved ones. They are usually the people who are invited to accompany people in examinations and consultations, as they pass on an aura of protection.

Normally, they tend to suffer from more emotional diseases, such as anxiety, depression and even heart problems due to the fast-paced routine, however, since they care about the issue, they are always in treatment.

Sign of the Ox in the family

You know that cousin that every aunt compares to the others, saying how awesome he is and how his life is all right? Boi is that cousin. Usually, within the family, he is seen as impeccable, caring, loving and hardworking, being one of the sweethearts.

In addition, since he is affectionate, he usually wants to bring everyone close and, when his victories are rewarded, he wants to celebrate with everyone, since he is grateful for the effort and collaboration of each one.

Famous people with the sign of Ox in the Chinese horoscope

Among the personalities born in the year of the Ox, are the American actor George Clooney, British actress Keira Knightley, supermodel Kate Moss and the famous Princess Diana, being known for being the philanthropic and controversial face that popularized the royal family.

The curious thing about Diana is that she was born and died in a year of the Ox, which can be quite curious and even cabalistic for those who study about the subject. To some extent, this is understood as an exact closure of cycles.

Is the Year of the Ox an ideal time to focus on professional life?

The Year of the Ox is, without a doubt, a great year to start focusing on professional life and its demands, since, energetically, it is a year of hard work and circular energy, which makes everything become more dynamic and easy to execute.

It's a time to study new life strategies, to think about tomorrow, always having in mind what you truly want. But don't think it's only about financial matters, since it can be a great opportunity to do things that you had put aside, like traveling and even some dreams.

The important thing is to channel all the energy of the Ox into something beneficial for you and your surroundings, so that together you can achieve all the goals set.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.