What does smelling cigarettes mean for Spirituality?

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of smell of cigarette for Spirituality

The astral plane and the beings that inhabit it can communicate with the material plane in many ways. One of them is through olfactory mediumnity, when the person feels a smell that is not physically present in the environment.

One of the most common smells is the cigarette smell, which can be felt at home, in the car or in any other environment. Although the olfactory mediumnity is not so rare, few seek to understand in depth why they are feeling the smell in question.

If you have smelled cigarettes recently and you were not near a smoker, it may be that a spirit is trying to send a message to you. To better understand what this smell represents and find out if you are clariolfactory, that is, if you can exercise mediumship through smells, follow this article!

Possible interpretations for cigarette smell

If you were in a place where it was not possible to smell cigarettes, perhaps you are clarious and are receiving a message from the spiritual plane. This message may be a warning about a spiritual presence or a negative environment, or even a spirit that possessed the habit of smoking during life.

To better understand the possible interpretations for that mysterious cigarette smell you smelled, keep reading.

The negative spiritual presence

The smell of cigarette can indicate a negative spiritual presence. In general, unpleasant smells are a sign of proximity of entities with a heavier energetic vibration. In the case of cigarette, it can indicate the presence of a disincarnated spirit who had this addiction and who, even after death, continues to suffer for it. This addiction can even hinder the process of passing onAccording to the spiritist doctrine, an unpleasant odour may indicate..:

1 - The smell of the person's aura, which if it is sour and detestable points to an involuted being, probably due to degrading vices.

2 - The smell of thought, which is when negatives exude smells with a metallic touch and that cause a strong energetic impact on other people.

3 - The smell of feelings, which is when they are hateful such as grief, sadness and anger, have fetid and unpleasant smells.

Places with negative energies

When passing near places with negative energies, it is common to feel heavy and uncomfortable with the vibration of the environment. This can generate a negative feeling and end up disrupting your day. Therefore, it is important that you move away from these places as soon as possible so that there is no negative interference in you.

Someone tries to communicate with you

It is probable that tobacco odors originate from disincarnate people who were smokers for some long periods in their past lives and now they miss nicotine. These spirits still experience great suffering and anguish for their dependence that persists until today.

About smelling cigarettes and what to do about it

Although it may seem a little scary to smell a smell coming from the spirit world, rest assured that often that cigarette smell is just a spirit trying to communicate. In any case, read the following section to find out what to do if you still smell it and how to do a purification ritual to protect yourself from negative energies.

Is it normal to smell cigarettes out of nowhere?

If you have smelled cigarettes out of nowhere, it is important to observe your surroundings. If someone is smoking near you, of course, it is normal to smell a cigarette. But if you cannot determine the source of the smell, it shows that you have some spiritual sensitivity.

In this case, your olfactory mediumship is very acute and this means that there is a spiritual presence that is exhaling the smell of cigarettes near you. Although it is strongly associated with a negative and heavy aura, this does not mean that this spirit is evil. But rather that he exhales an unpleasant odor due to his addiction to tobacco.

What to do if you still smell it?

If you feel uncomfortable with your olfactory mediumship, then it is necessary to do some spiritual work so that you can rebalance your energies. For this to happen, you will need to do some prayers asking God and the Benign Spirits to help you deal with this situation.

If it doesn't work, seek help in a spiritual center to better understand this phenomenon and try to deal with it more effectively. Talk to people with higher mediumship so that they can guide you and establish harmony in your life.

Complete protection and purification ritual to get rid of the smell

As we have already mentioned above, these smells can indicate a presence of spirits with a negative aura in the environment. Therefore, it is recommended that you be careful so that these vibrations do not affect your well-being and bring disharmony to your daily life.

If you are feeling this smell frequently, it is advisable that you perform a complete protection and purification ritual to get rid of the smell. In this way, you will be able to ward off the negative spirits around you or in certain environments. The first thing to be done is to take the bath of coarse salt. The bath will help in the process of purifying your body and will allow the ritualbe more effective with your solution.

To perform the purification ritual, you will need only two ingredients: well-dried eucalyptus leaves and 1 white plate. First, place the leaves inside the plate and put fire on them, let them burn on the plate.

Allow the smoke to spread through the environment and stay close to the smoke to eliminate any remnants of negative energy. It is important to perform this ritual for 7 days in a row and at least twice a day so that the environment fills with the smell of eucalyptus and eliminates any possibility of you feeling the smell of cigarettes again.

It is possible to prolong the effects of this ritual by using eucalyptus incense, as it is simple and does not exhale as much smoke as leaves. In addition to leaving the smell of the environment pleasant, it will keep the negative spirits away.

Olfactory mediumship and communication through smells

Olfactory mediumship is described as the gift of sensing smells that are not on the material plane, but only on the spiritual plane. This ability is not so rare and should not be ignored, since a spirit may try to communicate an important message to you through smells.

Also know that not only experienced mediums can receive warnings through smells. Allan Kardec, codifier of the spiritist doctrine, states that all people can exercise mediumship, varying only the sensitivity and the way it manifests itself. So, to better understand this type of mediumship, keep reading!

What is olfactory mediumship

Olfactory mediumnity is the ability to communicate with the spiritual plane through the sense of smell. The clariolfactory person is able to feel the smells associated to the spirit that is in the environment. This smell can be a characteristic perfume of the person or even a food that he liked to cook,

The main characteristic of this phenomenon is the fact that there is no possibility of this smell to be present in the environment. For example, it is possible that the medium who has this gift can smell a flower that the spirit liked in life, but there is not even a single specimen of this flower in the environment.

How can one pick up odors from the Spiritual Plane

Perhaps, you are wondering how it is possible to smell smells that are on the spirit plane. This is because spirits possess the ability to emanate the vibration of the smell that they smelled while they were alive.

In the case of cigarette, a person who smoked all his life still keeps this smell in his memories. Allied to the addiction and the will to smoke that still remain, even after death, this spirit continues vibrating the characteristic smell of tobacco.

The problems of olfactory mediumship

Although the olfactory mediumnity is a gift that allows the communication with the spiritual plan, if it is uncontrolled, it can bring harm to the medium. In some situations, the smells coming from the astral plane are so strong that they can confuse the individual.

Besides the possible mistakes that can be committed, the permanent presence of these smells can signal the presence of obsessive spirits and other carriers of negative energies. Thus, if you are constantly feeling smells from the spiritual plan, it is necessary to be careful and seek help in specialized centers to maintain your vibration and spiritual attunement.

Chico Xavier and the magnetization of objects

Francisco Cândido Xavier, better known as Chico Xavier, was a famous Brazilian medium. He is considered one of the most important exponents of spiritism, since he was able to communicate with thousands of spirits, psychographing several messages for their families.

Many who had contact with Chico Xavier affirm that he had the gift of applying rose scents in objects through magnetization. So, when someone touched this magnetized object or even the medium's hands, he felt a pleasant rose scent.

Are there relationships between olfactory mediumship and Umbanda?

In Umbanda, olfactory mediumnity is considered as one more way to get in touch with the spirits. Besides, it is believed that some entities are also capable of exhaling certain aromas, which are felt during offerings or rituals. The Pretos Velhos, for example, usually exhale the smell of coffee and tobacco, since they are assiduous consumers of them.

Common smells felt by those with olfactory mediumship

Besides the smell of cigarette, there are meanings for several other smells that are felt through olfactory mediumnity. In general, it is considered that pleasant aromas, such as those of flowers and herbs, signalize the presence of spirits of light, high spirits, mentors and other entities with positive energies.

However, unpleasant and heavy smells relate to the presence of dark, umbral and negative spirits. Stay tuned and read what each smell below can indicate!

Smell of alcohol

Like the smell of cigarettes, alcohol when identified in the astral plane indicates the presence of a spirit who was an alcoholic during life. In more serious cases, it is possible that these spirits use the bodies of people with the gift of mediumship to try to take advantage of the drink, influencing these people to drink.

Smell of sulphur

The smell of sulfur brings a warning, since it is common to inferior spirits. Generally, these spirits are in the threshold, place where they stayed until they redeem their faults, hatred, crimes and omissions during the physical life. Thus, this smell carries negative energies.

Smell of food

Although not as common as other scents, the smell of food is common to spirits attached to food while alive. It can either be exhaled by lower spirits who are still trying to rid themselves of lower desires, or it can be exhaled by disembodied spirits who just miss a certain food.

Smell of smoke

The smell of smoke can signal the presence of disembodied spirits who have died due to fire or combustibles, such as fires or traffic accidents.

Scent of candles and incense

On the other hand, the smell of candles and incense reminds us of people who were religious and devout in life. This smell is the vibration of their dedication to spiritual practices, therefore, they are common to the spirits of priests, monks, friars, nuns, priests, etc.

Smell of urine and faeces

If you have smelled urine and feces, know that you may be in contact with a spirit of a person who has died very old and has been bedridden for a long time.

The fact that these people cannot control their physiological needs and, many times, stay with geriatric diapers causes the astral body of these spirits to exhale this smell. In some cases, these spirits have not yet detached themselves from the aging trauma and, therefore, they have this smell.

Scent of perfume

The smell of perfume emitted through the vibration of spirits can have two meanings. It may have its origin in a disembodied person who used that particular perfume and who is using that smell to communicate with you.

The other possibility is that this spirit is attached to a person on the material plane who uses this perfume. In this case, the disincarnate was unable to detach himself from this person and make his passage, perhaps out of love or some other feeling.

Scent of flowers

The scent of flowers is the most common among clariolphatives. Some sense the scent of roses, lilies, orange blossoms, lavender and a multitude of other wonderful flowers. This is usually a great sign and indicates the presence of a higher being, a spirit of light, high spirits, mentors and even guardian angels.

In general, the scent of flowers refers to beings that vibrate with positive energy and are at the service of God to give you a message or help you in some matter. If you smell this scent thank you and ask the good spirits to help you in your spiritual elevation.

Does smelling cigarettes to spirituality indicate the presence of bad spirits?

Olfactory mediumnity allows people who are sensitive to the spiritual plane to feel smells that are not present on the material plane. These smells can indicate the presence of spirits, as well as a place charged with good or bad energies.

The cigarette may only indicate the presence of a spirit that, while incarnated, possessed the smoking addiction. So, this spirit may not be bad or evil, but is only suffering by his addiction that continues manifesting after death.

However, the smell of cigarettes, especially when constant, can indicate the presence of a bad spirit that can harm your energy balance. Therefore, if you feel this smell frequently, it is recommended that you perform purification and protection rituals like the one brought in the article.

If the smell still remains, seek support in a spiritist center or religious place of your preference. But, remember: it is very important to pray for your protection and for the spirits that make contact with you. This will help them to continue on the path.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.