What does Rune Jera mean? In love, health, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what the Rune Jera represents?

Jera is the twelfth rune of the Old Futhark and its name literally represents 'year', an example of how synchronicity also operates between the runes, since the year is formed by 12 months. Like the rune Dagaz, Jera is related to time. However, unlike Dagaz, Jera points to a longer period.

In the current calendar, Jera is related to the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the promise that positive change will come, but that one must wait until the darkness of winter makes way for the light of summer.

In this article, you will learn about the symbolism and meanings of Jera. Starting from the history and origin of runes, we present its relationship with deities of Norse mythology, its challenges and tips on how to interpret it in various areas.

Understanding the Rune Jera

The Rune Jera is related to the year. To understand it, you need access to the history and origin of the runes, their relationship to the Norse gods and the relevant aspects related to their form. You will learn about all these topics below.

Origin and history

The origin and history of runes have two major strands. The first, if based on historical facts, archaeological artifacts, and linguistic evidence, indicates that runes in general are considered variants of ancient italic letter systems.

The second explanation has a mythological basis, more precisely in the Old Norse poem known as Havamál, "The Proverbs of the Most High".

According to this poem, the runes and their powers became known to mankind through the god Odin, who sacrificed himself on the tree of life, Yggdrasil, so that he could access its ancient wisdom.

Norse God

Jera is related to a range of Norse gods. Initially, because it is linked to time, Jera can be said to correspond to the Norns, a divine triad that represents the Past, Present and Future.

In addition, she is associated with the myth of Baldur and Höd. While Baldur was killed on the summer solstice and reborn on the winter solstice, Höd was killed on the winter solstice and reborn on the summer solstice. Because she represents fertility, Jera can also be corresponded to the gods Frey and Freya.

Format and representation of the Rune Jera

In Ancient Futhark, Jera is formed by two parts that resemble the letter "L". Each of these parts represents a sickle that is used to mow arcs in the air in wheat, rye and flax fields during harvest time.

As her name suggests, being related to the English word for year, 'year', Jera represents the year or even the harvest. She is the symbol of change that comes when the ice is melted so that the first signs of spring are perceived. In this sense, Jera is the moment of change achieved after a long period of waiting.

Meaning of the Rune Jera

Jera means the return of the seasons and the cycle of the year. It is a rune that symbolizes time and everything that moves, so nothing ever stays the same since the universe is constantly changing. It brings the promise of hope through change that occurs slowly, smoothly and naturally.

Generally, Jera is an auspicious sign of the end of one cycle and the transition to another with a better beginning, based on the harvest of the seeds that have been cultivated throughout the year. Due to its cyclical nature, this rune brings with it the mystery of the return of things. It is also associated with fertility, grain and the abundance brought by the harvest.

Positive aspects

One of the positive aspects of Jera is that it brings the deserved reward for past actions. It can indicate dream fulfillments, growth, prosperity, abundance and happiness. The time of stagnation has passed and it is time to break the ice so that new dreams can blossom.

In addition, Jera is usually a sign of change for the better, with the end of one cycle so that a new one can be started. She is also related to the energy of fertility and due to her association with seasonal cycles and agriculture.

Negative aspects

One of the negative aspects of Jera is given by the maxim "you reap what you sow". If you planted wind, don't expect to reap anything but storms.

Also, because it represents permanent change that happens slowly, this rune may indicate that you will need to exercise your resilience to survive the difficult period you find yourself in.

However, when the right time comes, all the waiting, patience and resilience invested will pay off: the sun will rise for you at the end of the whole process.

Different interpretations of Rune Jera

In this section, we present you about different interpretations of the rune Jera in readings about health and personal life, love, work and finances. In general, because it represents the year, Jera is related to results achieved after a long period of waiting. Check it out.

Runa Jera in health and personal life

The Rune Jera is usually a positive sign for matters related to health and personal life. If you have been ill, this rune shows that things will finally get better as you are finally heading towards recovery.

If you're asking about a way to improve your life and your health, Jera points to the importance of planting what you'd like to reap, so go on a diet and exercise regularly.

Since Jera is linked to the Earth's movement around the sun, remember the importance of exposing yourself to the sun. Jera is also associated with the human development cycle, seasonal diseases, and issues related to the gastrointestinal and reproductive systems.

Runa Jera in love life

In love life, the Jera rune points to a relationship that has ups and downs and requires important decisions, but this is not the time to give up. However, remember that it is important to cultivate positive feelings and habits so that you reap positive change that results in a happy relationship and a healthy union.

Jera can also indicate important changes that will happen in the long term. Because it is related to fertility and the god Frey, Jera can indicate pregnancy and the arrival of children.

Runa Jera in professional and financial life

When she appears in a reading about professional and financial life, Jera indicates success. She is a great sign for issues related to entrepreneurship and speaks of the importance of investing money so that it will pay off in the long run.

Jera also points to a time when your efforts will finally be rewarded and you will be able to reap the fruits of your hard work. Especially if it is combined with the Fehu rune, Jera indicates material gains.

Rune Jera inverted

Jera belongs to the group of runes that has no inverted position.

How to play the Rune Jera

After understanding the meanings of the Rune Jera, it is important to learn how to interpret them. For this reason, we have separated its advice and challenges so that you can access the energies contained in the essence of this rune and thus its interpretation becomes clearer.

Advice from the Rune Jera

Because it indicates an impending change, Jera points to the importance of preparing for them. In this way, you can reduce the possible adverse effects that will come with this change. Some of these changes, even if they take time to occur, can change your life drastically.

Therefore, it is time to prepare yourself to foresee the changes and not end up disappointed or finished at the end of the process. Remember that Jera indicates permanent change and that it stems from your own actions. Therefore, another important piece of advice that this rune brings is: plant what you wish to reap.

Rune Jera Challenges

When Jera appears in a reading, one of the big challenges behind this rune is waiting. Even though it indicates that something positive will happen, since its name is derived from the word meaning year, you may need to wait approximately the period of a year before you get out of the situation you are in.

Therefore, you must exercise patience and remember that for great things to happen, it takes time for them to be planted, to sprout and then to be harvested. Another big challenge is your association with the Law of Return. In other words, you will reap what you sow, so be prepared for the harvest period.

Further information about Runa Jera

After learning her advice and challenges, it is important that you learn other information about the Rune Jera so you can connect with her energy. In addition to showing you how to use your energy properly, you will learn how the rune reading works and other important information. Check it out.

How to use the Rune Jera

Jera is an extremely positive rune that can be used to bring about positive changes in your life. In general, it should be used for anything that involves time as a central theme.

You can also use it to help you complete a difficult task. Unlike Dagaz which is used to speed up the course of change, with Jera the process is long, so be prepared to witness all the stages of development until you see your project come to fruition.

Therefore, it can be used when we want something that is more lasting and requires time for change, as is the case of personal evolution. Use it also to learn to be more patient and resilient.

How runes work in reading rituals

The runes in reading rituals work by bringing concepts and images linked to their carved, painted or sculpted form. In addition, each rune has a specific phonetic value and meaning and it is important that you understand these to then use them as an oracle.

The word rune itself is quite magical, as it means mystery, secret or whisper. Together, they will bring images of situations that refer to the question asked during the reading. Although the rune symbolism has a historical root, most of the meanings we use today are not historically attested, as they were developed by the Western esoteric system.

Consequently, it is essential not only to read their origins, but also their modern interpretations, as it is only recently that they have gained popularity as an oracular system.

How to make the runes and the towel

To carve, sculpt or paint your runes, use material of natural origin, preferably wood, seeds or stones. As they do not have curves, due to the fact that they are an ancient writing system, they are easily carved.

To make them, use a sharp knife if you want to carve them out of wood or seeds, or a steel file to carve them out of metal. If you don't prefer, you can paint your symbols on your chosen material. Give preference to paint in colors like black, white, gold or red.

To make the towel for runic divination, always use a natural cloth, preferably linen, of white, black or violet color, color linked to psychic powers. If desired, draw on it circles representing the kingdoms in the mythological tree Yggdrasil.

How to prepare and how to do the reading

You will need concentration and adequate space to prepare for the reading. Although you can use the runes as an oracular practice on any day and time, full moon nights are most suitable, especially in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).

Having the element of fire near the reading place is essential, as it represents the light that illuminates and darkness of the unknown (white or lilac candles are most suitable). If you prefer, burn sacred herbs for oracle reading such as mugwort or light an incense for divinatory practices, such as moon incense.

Then, place the rune tablecloth on your reading table and ask your questions. Finally, remove the runes for each question and interpret them.

How to know if the result is positive or negative

As in any oracular system, to know whether the result is positive or negative, you need to consider many variables. Initially, pay attention to the meaning of each rune, considering the question asked and its relationship with it.

Then, if the rune has a variation of position, notice it, because there are variations of meaning according to it. As with the tarot, an inverted rune does not necessarily indicate something negative. In the same way, a rune in the natural position is not always a positive sign either, it all depends on the context.

The relationship of the runes present in the game is also essential, especially if we consider that they were used as a writing system. Therefore, they can indicate letters or even form words.

Does the Rune Jera represent the harvest?

Yes. Because it is closely linked to the seasonal calendar, Jera represents the time of sowing and harvesting. Like a farmer who knows the proper time to separate the seeds, prepare the soil, plant and harvest, working with the energy of this Rune will make you learn to deal with changes that need time to happen.

In runic readings, Jera usually represents that something is moving towards the appropriate time for harvest or even the time for planting. She asks you to be mindful of your actions and thoughts so that you reflect on your commitment to the things you wish to manifest in this lifetime.

Remember that you reap what you plant, so remember your long term goals and especially the consequences of your actions. This way, you will understand what is happening in your life and you will be able to start a new cycle, in which you will be able to plant ideas and reap your achievements.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.