What are the most angry signs? Check out this list with the 6 worst and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Check out the 6 bravest signs of the zodiac!

According to astrology, all people have positive personality traits mixed with negative ones, and this does not happen in a balanced way. In this way, some signs tend to be more "short-tempered" and angry than others.

It is very common for individuals to have a number of triggers that bring out their more temperamental side, as well as some days seem to be challenging our patience. Whereas for other individuals, spilling the coffee on their clothes is enough to ruin the day.

Since each sign has different characteristics, each one will have their own way of expressing anger and frustration. Want to find out if you're one of the hotheads of the horoscope? Check out the top 6 angriest zodiac signs below!

Scorpio Sign

The sign of Scorpio is intense in every way, so when its natives get angry, they'd better get out of the way or the situation will flare up. Find out more about Scorpio's temperament below!

Negative characteristics

Scorpios are famous for their determination which sometimes goes beyond the limits. They are capable of turning your life into hell if they don't get what they want, so don't even think of getting in their way as you're sure to regret it bitterly.

These natives are naturally dominant, so keep as much distance as possible whenever Scorpios get angry. This is because they will attack you in every imaginable way, always in a cruel and threatening way. You could say that they have the gift of finding anyone's weak point, stepping on your wound without mercy.

Plus, they lose control easily when they feel resentful or jealous. If they suspect you of lying, there's no room for conversation or forgiveness. Scorpio will simply cut you out of his life and plot revenge.

Positive features

The sign of Scorpio has as positive characteristics the strength and passion, besides being very loyal. They also love their loved ones unconditionally and do not measure efforts to make them happy.

Therefore, it can be said that friends of these natives are very lucky, as they will be treated with great kindness, empathy and generosity. In addition, Scorpios are confident, honest and exceptionally focused.

Determination, persistence, competitiveness and obstinacy are the key words of this sign. They are not afraid to fight tooth and nail for something they believe in and never give up until they achieve all their goals.

How to relate to people from Scorpio?

A relationship with someone from Scorpio is not always easy, as these natives tend to be very mysterious. However, the Scorpio becomes a super dedicated and faithful lover when their personality is respected.

Therefore, rule number 1 for a harmonious relationship is: don't ask questions. Even if you are very curious or intrigued about something, hang in there and wait for Scorpio to open up spontaneously. It will take a while, but success is guaranteed, since the stress of a conflict is avoided.

Besides, these natives are a kind of lie detector and easily notice when someone is trying to deceive them. So, the tip is to always tell the truth, no matter how hard it is. This way, they will value your honesty.

Virgo Sign

Virgo doesn't like to express anger and tends to repress it. This habit causes them to suddenly explode as their body fills and overflows with anger. This makes the outbursts have nothing to do with where they are, making the situation confusing for everyone. Learn more below!

Negative characteristics

Virgoans hate to show anger in public, so it's the small actions of people in their circle that usually irritate them deeply. Giving them a "poke" in their love life, going through their belongings or messing up their planning are actions that can mean the outbreak of war, because they are out of their minds.

It is as if the calm and centered Virgoan spirit is replaced by that of an angry Arian. This happens because organization makes this sign feel comfortable, in control of the situation.

Then, when something goes wrong, he loses his mind and goes out attacking everywhere and saying mean things. However, he regrets it after the outburst passes.

Positive features

One of Virgo's strongest positive traits is organization. There is no one better at putting together a schedule or even the entire planning of a big event. These natives are the masters in this area.

Another highlight is the determination, persistence, objectivity and appreciation of the work of the natives of this sign. In fact, it can be said that the Virgos are an example in the professional aspect, as they are very dedicated and responsible, even being seen as workaholics (addicted to work).

In addition, they have the gift of examining all the details of a situation, being able to find the best solution to mishaps that, at first, seemed impossible.

How to relate to people from Virgo?

A relationship with Virgo can flow perfectly at first, as this native is not yet comfortable expressing his deepest feelings and dissatisfactions.

However, know that their reputation as the grumpiest of the zodiac is not for nothing. As the level of intimacy increases, these natives may begin to list a list of things that irritate them.

They aren't afraid to judge others and stay determined until they hear the apology they believe they deserve, so be prepared to hear criticism and ask for forgiveness.

In fact, if you are not a priority in a Virgoan's life, don't expect an egalitarian relationship with reciprocity. However, as one of the signs with changeable energy, you sometimes recognize when you cross the line. This makes living together a little easier.

Aries Sign

Aries is famous for saying what he thinks, regardless of the opinion or feelings of others. Therefore, you have to be very careful when the Aries gets angry, because he literally lets fire out of his mouth. Learn what his main characteristics are below!

Negative characteristics

The sign of Aries is famous for its impulsiveness and aggressiveness. Its natives are extremely competitive and get frustrated easily if something doesn't work out. Moreover, they always respond with anger when they encounter obstacles and conflicts on the way.

Another negative point is that they have no patience. Heavy traffic, for example, is more than enough reason to ruin the day of the Aryan, making him swear at everyone. He does not mince his words.

As this sign is ruled by Mars, you have great difficulty when it comes to controlling your feelings and you explode at an impressive speed. However, you move on just as quickly, as if nothing had happened.

Positive features

Aries has as a positive characteristic the power of action, because its natives are very agile and dynamic. So, they usually exude energy and joy when they are in a good mood. It is impossible not to feel infected by their vitality.

Another highlight is their boldness and creativity. These natives love surprises, novelties and unique life experiences, as one of their passions is exploring the world in search of incredible adventures.

In addition, the courage of Aries draws attention, because they are always ready to face any challenge with great strength and determination.

How to relate to Aries people?

Relationships with Aries people are usually very fun and full of surprises, so don't expect anything monotonous or routine as one thing they hate is predictability.

However, not everything is a bed of roses, as these natives usually have what we call a strong temper. They are the best people in the world, as long as you agree with everything they say and always let them win.

For them, coming second is a catastrophe. Also, don't expect Aryans to assume they have made a mistake and ask for forgiveness. That will never happen.

Sign of Capricorn

Capricorn is one of those signs that don't usually explode in anger, unless they are pushed to the limit. When this happens, there is no stone left unturned. They crush everything that is in front of them, including their feelings. Find out more below!

Negative characteristics

Capricorns tend to be bossy and authoritarian, as they can't hold back when they disagree with something. They love to have their say on everything, but hate receiving criticism or suggestions on what they need to do.

They are usually reserved and don't like to admit mistakes, even if the mistake is obvious, so they always have a lame excuse on the tip of their tongues.

In addition, they believe they know more than others, making them quite stubborn. Another negative point is that they hate to leave their comfort zone. Taking risks, then, no way.

Positive features

Among the positive Capricorn characteristics, the one which stands out is the great sense of responsibility. These natives are extremely meticulous and professional, having the ideal profile for the work field.

No wonder they are often considered the best workers in a company. However, they need to learn to relax and have some fun, as they can take their work addiction to another level: they are the most workaholic of the zodiac.

They are also very reliable and, despite their serious façade, have a great sense of humour. Capricornians also stand out for being exceptionally patient, persevering and determined.

How to relate to people from Capricorn?

Relationships are not easy for Capricorns as they feel they can lose control at any moment. This is very bad for them as they need to dominate everything.

Also, Capricornians are mysterious, and you probably have to live with the feeling that your partner is hiding something, a secret that you keep under lock and key.

Generally, it is nothing serious, this happens only because this sign wears a kind of "emotional armor" and does not know how to live without it. In addition, another point to consider is the lack of romanticism, since Capricorn tends to be practical and reserved.

Leo Sign

Just like the animal that represents them, the sign of Leo is not afraid to roar. These natives tend to think only of themselves when they are angry and never apologize for their bad behavior. Learn other characteristics of the Leo sign below!

Negative characteristics

The sign of Leo is famous for being quarrelsome, as they find it very difficult to keep a cool head. Usually, even the smallest everyday setbacks have the ability to irritate them deeply.

A tip for the other signs is to never borrow anything from him, because he'll be very angry if the borrowed item comes back stained, for example. He makes the most dramatic scene in the world, even if you're in public.

In fact, since he is ruled by the Sun, Leo believes he is the center of the universe and never gives up on a confrontation, especially if he thinks he is right, which is always the case. When he feels his ego is under attack, he brings out the worst in himself.

Positive features

A positive feature of Leo is the power of counseling. Their natives like to encourage others to follow their dreams, always with the same intensity as they pursue their own goals.

In this way, they show a facet that is usually ignored or overshadowed by other personality traits: generosity. The Leo loves to live in a happy, harmonious and prosperous environment. Therefore, they help everyone around them to achieve a successful journey.

By the way, since they can't keep their mouths shut, they inspire and even force their friends to bring out their best version of themselves, valuing their talents.

How to relate to people from Leo?

The relationship with the sign of Leo can be a little troubled. It is worth remembering that these natives are, even if deep down, a sensitive spirit who hides behind a domineering facade.

The golden tip for a healthy relationship with the Leo is to always praise him when he is angry. This is because he will feel happy, majestic and with his self-esteem up there, which will immediately dissipate the tense atmosphere.

Another important point to take into consideration is the dramatic personality of these natives. In a conflict, they don't rest until they show that they are right (even if they are wrong).

Sign of Aquarius

Aquarius is a very sociable but somewhat mysterious sign, and because these natives are extremely sensitive, they can explode from one moment to the next, and for no apparent reason. Learn more about the Aquarian below!

Negative characteristics

The sign of Aquarius has a peculiar way of getting angry. First, these natives usually stay away from people until they feel calmer, ignoring the source of irritation as much as possible.

However, if they can't control their emotions, they lose patience and go into a mode of extreme anger, leaving everyone amazed and wondering where this super-negative energy came from.

The problem is that Aquarians do not say why they are angry and expect others to be able to "read their mind" and understand what they are feeling. Therefore, it is practically impossible to define what really bothers them.

Positive features

It can be said that Aquarius is a unique sign, as it is a free and friendly spirit, always ready to help others. These natives have an incredible humanitarian sense and are great counselors.

These people cannot remain silent when faced with any kind of injustice. They are not even a little afraid to actively fight the current system on behalf of oppressed groups.

In addition, they are individuals endowed with a high degree of intelligence and rationality. With an extremely positive world view, they do not tolerate pessimism and are the best friends of hope.

How to relate to people from Aquarius?

The beginning of the relationship with Aquarius is usually fantastic, as these natives easily win others with attention, affection and respect. In fact, their joy is contagious and enchants everyone, leaving a warm and harmonious environment.

However, the key to the Aquarian's heart is not won so easily, as he needs to feel that you understand him perfectly, including the rollercoaster of emotions he carries.

Also, as your natives are more reserved people, they like to spend time as hermits, recharging their energy and releasing any tension from the day to day. They don't usually vent, so let them heal their wounds alone.

Are the other zodiac signs also brave?

All signs have a weakness or a trigger that makes them lose their minds. However, some are more aggressive and explosive for trivial reasons. Check out the following to see what can get the rest of the zodiac out of the mood!


The sign of Taurus is usually among the most patient, but this does not happen if the native is accumulating frustrations. In this case, he explodes with great intensity, saying everything he thinks and then distancing himself.

When they feel hurt, these individuals are unlikely to change their minds about a person's actions. They may even hear an apology, but they probably won't accept it.

One strategy to find out if the Taurus is angry with someone is to observe his cues, which are usually subtle. He becomes quite cold before erupting into a rage and losing his temper.


Gemini is a sign that loves to communicate, you could say that their natives even talk through their elbows, so their way of expressing anger and frustration is through mean and sarcastic words, shouting and scandals.

However, since you have a certain level of duality in your personality, you can also acquire an extremely cold attitude when you are close to the person who made you angry. Therefore, if you have hurt a Gemini, you can expect a dramatic scene worthy of a soap opera or an indifference to freeze your heart. The reaction of these natives is unpredictable.


Cancerians are emotional and sensitive. It doesn't take much to upset this sign as they are also pessimistic and suspicious. These natives are prone to throw a huge tantrum during arguments with their friends.

For example, if Cancer isn't invited to a party, he'll probably send a text overflowing with irritation the next day. Depending on the level of frustration, he may go on the attack on social media.

As you are ruled by the Moon, your feelings can change as quickly as the waves of the sea. The way you feel emotions and how you respond to them is not always the most reasonable, especially for the other person involved.


The Libra sign hates any kind of confrontation, so it doesn't show that it is angry and tends to repress negative feelings. However, it may not be able to control itself, losing its head. Be careful, because when this happens, it will be overwhelmed with hurt and frustration.

However, after a good outburst, he returns to his natural state of calm and desperately searches for a reason why he exploded. This is because this native hates to lose his composure and always tries to keep his balance.


Sagittarians are ruled by the element of Fire, so they usually have bouts of rage that die down quickly. One way to deal with an angry Sagittarius is to ignore their words and attitudes.

This happens because these natives tend to spend a few minutes rambling, talking nonsense, until they forget the real reason they blew up.

These individuals have frankness as a weapon when they are angry, but they also tend to distance themselves and ice the person who has angered them. In addition, some beings take impulsive actions and let immaturity win out, since they do not know how to tame frustration.


It is quite difficult to find someone of the sign of Pisces angry, but when it happens, the scenario is usually typical of the greatest horror stories. These natives can become violent and even take a self-destructive attitude.

In addition, the famous fertile imagination of these individuals tends to add even more drama to the situation. When Pisces gets too angry, they take it out on the weak point of the other person. In fact, this is one of the talents of these beings: they can easily find the vulnerability of others.

Once the negative energy passes, Pisceans need some time alone for heart, soul and mind to regenerate.

After all, which is the angriest sign of the zodiac?

The angriest sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. When these natives get angry and have an outburst, they usually scream a lot and throw objects, and may even hurt anyone who is around and has nothing to do with the fight.

The typical Scorpio intensity can be compared to a double-edged sword, as it is a catalyst for conflicts. Another feared characteristic of this sign is the thirst for revenge.

Also, it's worth noting that Scorpio never forgets who has screwed up. A betrayal, lie or insult are more than enough reasons for these natives to plan an exemplary retaliation. So be careful not to piss this sign off and be their next victim!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.