Uranus in House 8: astrological chart, solar revolution and transit. Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Uranus in the 8th house

When we talk about Uranus in the 8th house, we are talking about a great spirituality and desire for change, besides a justice and diplomacy that are a reference within the zodiac. Very focused on fascination, those who have this zodiacal classification like to be charmed, soaked by love, but always prioritizing the today.

As disadvantages, however, they bring a lack of commitment and disinterest when we talk about obligations. They want to love, to love a lot. Liking doesn't matter. This is mainly due to Scorpio's rulership, which elevates them emotionally, making them passionate and absurdly intense, even more so when we talk about a planet of resolutions and closure.

Meaning of Uranus

The concept of Uranus can be understood in two ways, although they are complementary: the mythological Uranus and the Uranus already within the zodiacal context. One inspired the other, but the basis is practically the same, only with a larger and more lyrical context.

So, when we talk about this planet and how it rules our lives, we talk about a much larger symbolism. Check now the interpretations of Uranus and how they connect in our lives!

Uranus in mythology

Greek mythology has its beginning in Uranus, who represents the heavens, who, uniting with Gaia, who is the earth, would have conceived titans, titanids and cyclops. Uranus was authoritarian and aggressive, making his children and wife his servants, subjecting them to aggression and punishment.

The last son of the tortuous couple, Cronos, got tired of the abuse they suffered and, together with his mother, would have killed him, cut his scrotum and thrown it into the sea. Thus, Cronos took his father's place and, together with his sister Rhea, they conceived six gods, the great ones: Zeus, Hera, Hades, Demeter, Poseidon and Vestia.

Uranus in astrology

In astrology, Uranus is considered a planet of generational relevance, since each cycle lasts 7 years, taking 84 Earth years to complete its solar cycle. Like the mythological Uranus, the planet is controversial because it points to a more negative realm.

It is usually related to feelings of ultimatum and brings a great tension, so, for example, if your professional regency is made by Uranus, it will always be a point of great anxiety and wear and tear for you. In addition, it refers to the end of cycles not very pleasant, as was the Uranus, marked by an extreme speed, being difficult to accept.

Fundamentals of Uranus in the 8th House

To understand all the symbolism that rules Uranus in the 8th House, it is necessary to know what is the meaning of the 8th House and how it rules our life and choices.

Normally, it is not very dear and, speaking of Uranus, which is a planet with a very intense and troubled symbology, the mixture can be quite explosive. Check out the fundamentals of this junction and how it affects those who have Uranus in the 8th house in their birth chart!

How to find out my Uranus

Uranus is a planet with a very long translational cycle, taking 84 years to make a complete revolution around the sun. Its 'months' last 7 years, that is, its regency in each planetary trend lasts all this time. Therefore, it rules entire generations.

To find out where your Uranus is, you need to look at what sign Uranus was in in your birth year. Predominated by Aries, Uranus stayed from 1928 to 1935, then from 2011 to 2019, while by Taurus, from 1935 to 1942, and since 2019, he is under regency and will stay until 2025. In Gemini, he stayed from 1942 to 1949; Cancer ruled him from 1949 to 1956, followed by Leo, from 1956 to 1962.

In sequence comes the regency of Virgo, which was from 1962 to 1968. Libra, from 1968 to 1975, followed by Scorpio, which ruled him from 1975 to 1981. Sagittarius, from 1981 to 1988; Capricorn, from 1988 to 1995, followed by Aquarius, 1995 to 2003 and, finally, Pisces, from 2003 to 2011.

Meaning of the 8th House

The 8th house is not very popular when we talk about astrology, because it is the one that takes care of closings and the end of cycles. However, what is little talked about is the strength that it emanates, since it takes a lot of strength to accept that something is over. It has this more melancholic energy, but works with a number of positive aspects as well.

Its fundamental principle is that nothing dies, everything is transformed, and the end of one cycle symbolizes the birth of another. This force used in rebirth is vital for life to continue in a healthy, normal and, above all, fruitful rhythm. It is necessary to die in order to be born. It is like that in nature, in the stars and in life.

What Uranus reveals in the Birth Chart

Uranus is a planet that guides impulsiveness and intensity in making things happen. It is fleeting and tense, but is usually relentless. It gets things done with force and does not give up, even in the worst scenarios.

He is independent and the world is a toy to unravel, yet he still uses his principles. He is loyal to his values and to those he has chosen to serve and love. This intensity and loyalty makes them people who are passionate about what they believe in and who go for it no matter the consequences.

Uranus in the 8th House

A person who has Uranus in the 8th house brings a vital energy in the things he does, being very innovative and active in any situation. In addition, he has a very great sexual energy, which can have two ways of organizing itself in his life.

The first is by making them sex explorers. They are people who think about sex and how it can be even more profitable if it is understood in a different way. They are not afraid to take risks in that sense and if it wasn't good, just don't do it anymore. The other way is by making them be a little inconsistent when it comes to sex. They can be confusing and even adopt some strange behaviors.

Uranus in 8th House Natal

Uranus in the 8th House Natal brings a great force of transformation in the life of those who possess it, seeming, at certain moments, even something kind of magical. They give themselves to the experiences, making those shows, either beginning or ending, memorable.

The person tends to have sudden realizations. This is because he produces so much, does so many things that, when the fruits begin to fall on his head, he does not know from which tree they are coming. Usually, they are unique people, who deny standards of behavior and do not bother to be or look different.

Uranus in the 8th House in the Annual Chart

In the Annual Chart, Uranus in the 8th house says that this person enjoys the time spent alone and is very happy that way. They are looking for great things, so much of the time they are looking to improve themselves and achieve the best version of themselves, even though they love who they are and who they were, because they are very grateful with the time and the teachings it brings.

They are perceptive and prefer social environments that value their privacy. It is very common to see these people talking and helping others, but refusing to listen to hunches and opinions about their own experiences. They know how to solve their lives and this is what they expect the world to understand and respect.

Uranus in Transit 8 House

When Uranus is in the 8th house, it is normal that a lot of changes happen. However, they are not ordinary and healthy changes, but abrupt and severe in several areas of life. It is a period of instability, which can be very harmful for the beginning of new projects.

In this phase, one of the main changes is in the financial aspect, which can make everything even worse and more confusing. It's as if people lost the point of reference where they were oriented and everything becomes completely troubled and dark. But, like everything in life, it's a phase and only that. The idea is not to despair.

Personality traits of those who have Uranus in the 8th house

As everything in life, Uranus in the 8th house brings positive and negative points to the people who have it. Usually, they are very intense people and this intensity always brings some excesses to life, what rarely symbolizes something good, because the secret to a good life is a good dosage of everything, be it good or bad things.

Check out the main points in the life of those who have Uranus in the 8th house and how they prefer to do things!

Positive features

For those ruled by Uranus in the 8th house, moods are almost always positive, not caring much if things are falling apart or not going as planned. This positivity is always very good, making them great crisis managers. They look for beauty in imperfection and are great at cheering up friends or family when they are not well.

Another positive characteristic is that they always respect each other's space, never forcing something to happen, even if they really want to. They are determined, but this is not enough to overstep the limits of another person. They are usually very lively and know the right time to abandon a situation that is not doing much good, for them or for the other person.

Negative characteristics

The slightly more explosive temperament can be considered a negative trait as they can't handle their frustrations alone and always involve other people in the amount, which makes everything a little more troubled. They are always on the go and when they are not exactly how they want to be, they don't handle it well.

They become evasive, more aggressive, and even tend to be more isolated for a while than normal. In addition, they love to be right, even when they are wrong, and often rely on unfounded arguments to prove their point.


They always want to innovate when we talk about sex. They use what the market offers and the experiences talked about to try everything when the subject is sex. They do not stick to the traditional and, because they have the subject well accepted in their heads, they like to talk about and not just pretend to please.

They can be very direct when they are not satisfied, but, of course, they try to be kind and not let their partners down, since they are gifted with great sensitivity. The extraordinary is the simple when they think of sex and, usually, they are open to the most unusual and crazy experiences, valuing quality as well as quantity.


People who have Uranus ruling in the 8th house are detached, which makes them independent of almost everything. This detachment is practically a catalyst in their lives, since they are always moving around, because they always need to be delighted and in love with the situation, the place or the person.

This independence, especially when relating to people who are more attached, can be a problem, since they really don't care much about leaving everything behind to chase after a little butterflies in the stomach, just a feeling.

They hate routine

If there is one thing that bothers someone with Uranus in the 8th house, it is routine, even more when it is dull and boring. People with this astral regency look for adventure, for fun and for things that thrill them. They need to be thrilled to be well. This is the vital energy that keeps them alive.

In this way, they always look for professions and people who seek to be in the same frequency as them. But, lack of routine is not lack of organization, since they manage to divide the time and do everything they propose, but in the way they are most comfortable and happy.

The influence of Uranus in the 8th house

Uranus in the 8th house has a much greater influence than in other houses, because it deals directly with endings and beginnings, with temperament, routine and how the person faces the adversities of life and the proposals for change that life offers.

This makes every process memorable and each niche of life is unique and very well delimited. Check out how Uranus in the 8th house can influence each branch of life of those who have its ruler!

Love and sex

Besides rebirth and death, when we talk about Uranus in the 8th house, we are also talking about sex. Who has it, is usually very focused on sex, being a substantial part of his or her life, but not always in a positive way, and can generate a series of conflicts, even existential.

This is because, in positive cases, the person is someone who is very sexual, exploring their capabilities in this sense and never being afraid to try new things. However, in negative cases, the person has various insecurities and issues, which, because of the importance they attach to sex, brings problems with self-esteem and even some more serious crises.


People ruled by Uranus in the 8th house tend to be quite negligent with their own health, since more delicate matters are usually not among the things they want to do. They like practicality and nothing less practical than spending a whole weekend in a hospital doing a complete check-up.

However, when we talk about other people's health, especially the health of those they cherish, things change drastically, since they do not measure efforts to help, assist and even bear costs on behalf of the health of those they love.


Family is almost a dogma for those who have Uranus in the 8th house, since they dedicate themselves body and soul to those they love and respect. They are loyal, patient and conciliatory when it comes to family.

Almost always concerned, they always want to provide them with affection and care, being very close when we talk about health and comfort issues. If they can do anything to make their loved one's life easier, they surely will.


They love to work, but they don't like routine, which can be quite challenging when talking about professions. Therefore, they usually look for professions with more flexible routines or even that have different days.

It is common for them to look for things that are more free and on the streets, as well as having a bit of adventure. Police officers, firefighters and journalists can be great choices when those ruled by Uranus in the 8th house are looking for professions.

A little more about Uranus in the 8th house

There are some states that the planets go through that cause influence in everyone's life, but mainly when they are ruled by the planet in question. This is a very curious fact, since it is always a phase, not a permanent state, which can be very interesting to influence the decisions of the period and how we should follow from then on.

Check out some distinguished transactions of Uranus and how it in the 8th house can affect the lives of people ruled by it!

Uranus retrograde in the 8th house

The passage of Uranus retrograde in the 8th house is very curious, since it brings, besides a great luck in the period, being great to win money, make bets and even venture in love, a sudden desire to understand about the occult and everything that involves it.

It is normal during Uranus' retrograde sojourn for people to feel closer to religions they have affinities with or to begin searching for a new form of faith. Quantum physics also becomes of interest, which is very good for fostering spirituality.

Uranus in Solar Revolution in the 8th House

When Uranus is in Solar Revolution inside the 8th house, we are talking about a period of imagery reinvention and even personality reinvention. It is a period where people want to be different and be different, but in a thoughtful and elaborate way, not just changing. They know what they want to be.

Do you know when, in a movie, the character goes through a big turnaround and comes back totally changed, with different clothes, different hairstyle and even with another personality? This is exactly what the Solar Revolution in the 8th house ruled by Uranus brings.

Uranus in 8th house synastry

In the synastry, Uranus in the 8th house means that the person's life will go through a sudden great transformation, not always as positive as we would like, but it will be important for life to gain a more expressive and uplifting meaning in this new phase, which may bring great surprises and meanings.

This process will also be a very delicate time, as denied and neglected feelings will need to be resolved at this time. These will be melancholy times, but times of definite resolutions for life, which are generally fundamental to growth as human beings.

Why is Uranus in the 8th house a sign of sudden death?

Uranus in the 8th house, for some specialists, is a sign of sudden death, because Uranus has a symbology that refers to the ephemeral, dynamic and fast, and when aligned in the 8th house, which is responsible for the closing of cycles and beginnings, it makes mathematics simple.

Of course, everything is free for interpretation, not necessarily being the death of people, but the death of times, relationships and cycles, which are not always good, in other words, great news.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.