To dream of masturbation: alone, with someone, with orgasm and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of masturbation

Masturbation is something natural and is recommended by experts to get to know your body better and even prepare it for sex with two.

In other words, it is not something that should be reprimanded, although many people are ashamed to practice or even admit that they practice. It is a private act and so, it can be done alone or in pairs. In the latter case, it is always good to guide the partner about the stimulation.

But what about dreams about masturbation? The meanings are numerous and do not need to be linked to the act itself. It is indicated to do a good research before drawing hasty conclusions about it. See below, some of the meanings of this dream in different forms and situations, and whether it indicates shame.

To dream of masturbation in different forms

Masturbation can be dreamed in different ways and among them alone, accompanied, by one or several people, being watched - there are numerous possibilities. But knowing their meaning is the most important thing today. See the interpretations for these and other possibilities, below.

To dream that you are masturbating alone

To dream that you are masturbating alone indicates that there is a feeling of shame. Currently masturbation is a taboo and a little discussed subject, which causes shame. When it appears in dreams it represents a feeling associated with embarrassment - the dream should not necessarily have to do with sexual desire.

It is normal that you have done something you don't want anyone to know about, however it has reached the ears of others - people the dreamer didn't want to know about the act.

Exactly as imagined, such people reacted negatively, perhaps because they do this action hidden. But the dream comes to calm down, to say that everything is okay and that your act is not a cause for shame.

To dream that you are masturbating together with someone of the opposite sex

If in the dream you were masturbating together with someone of the opposite sex means that you feel rejected by him or, who knows, do not know how to relate well with the same - but remember that practice is the way to perfection. Do not be shy to talk to a woman or man, because it is a human being just like you who, for sure, has qualities to be admired.

Having such a dream indicates identity problems. It is recommended that you relate more with the opposite sex, keeping in mind the idea of "if you are afraid, go with fear anyway". One day the fear will pass and you will gain experience. And so, with time the relationship becomes natural and you will feel more at ease.

To dream that you are masturbating together with someone of the same sex

A dream in which you masturbate someone of the same sex, can cause alarm and make you question yourself about your sexuality. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have this interest.

The dream may simply mean that you feel a deep attraction or admiration for that person you dreamed about.

To dream that you are masturbating at an orgy

To dream that you masturbate at an orgy indicates a search for repressed sexual pleasure, but on a much larger scale. It's okay to be dissatisfied with your current sex life, most people are not - perhaps that is why you have such exacerbated dreams.

But according to another interpretation, you apply this longing for growth in your life outside the sexual side: you desire growth in all aspects. Personal, professional, family.

To dream that you are masturbating and other people watching

If you dreamed that you were masturbating and other people watching, it means that you have a tendency to attract attention and love popularity. You like to be admired, that people feel your presence and also your lack. You want people to know about you. It indicates that you are completely content to be yourself and you value yourself and are proud of your own merits.

To dream that you are masturbating and other people watching is not directly related to the desire for other people to watch you in intimate moments.

To dream that you are masturbating in seductive clothes

For some it seems like a nightmare, for others something quite attractive and erotic, but the point is that the dream that you are masturbating in seductive clothes refers to what you hide and dare not express publicly.

It is common to have secrets and many want to keep them to themselves only, for fear of others' judgement or for pure privacy - what you want is yours alone and there is no need to share with others.

Other meanings of dreaming of masturbation

There are also other meanings for the dream with masturbation, whose meanings may be linked to shame, curiosity - and not necessarily to do with sexual intercourse. See below the meanings of some possibilities of this dream as an acquaintance, a stranger and more.

To dream of an acquaintance masturbating

To dream of an acquaintance masturbating indicates that the person you see in your dream probably feels lonely. She is distressed because of her own loneliness. In this case, it is advisable to approach and deepen your ties with her so that you can feel better.

She wants to share her life with someone who loves her - not necessarily a loving relationship, but it could be a reciprocal friendship. And who knows, that someone could become a good and reliable friend in the future.

To dream of a stranger masturbating

A dream about a stranger masturbating says that you have a hidden curiosity that you refuse to admit, but deep down, you enjoy. It is advised that you clarify your ideas and learn to admit your curiosity - but admit it to yourself, not to others. Your intimacy is yours alone and you don't need to share it with anyone. When you accept yourself, you begin to beauthentic. Invest your time in it.

To dream of an animal masturbating

A dream about an animal masturbating is quite rare, but it may appear from time to time in people's dreams. This indicates that there is a feeling of shame related to a family member. There is someone or a family group that commits attitudes that you consider shameful. Such attitudes may be related to various themes and issues that are opposed to your opinion.

The subject of the dream is an animal precisely because he represents something in which we do not place blame even in the face of the worst of behaviors, it is said that he is just an animal and we do not blame him for his unscrupulous acts.

To dream of masturbation and orgasm

There are three types of dreams that involve masturbation and orgasm. See more below. To dream that you masturbate and have the sensation of an orgasm says that you have a lot of energy to face the future. You also have a strong desire to make changes at work or at home.

To dream that you masturbate and have an orgasm indicates that you have a desire to enjoy life to the fullest. You may dream of having an affair with a stranger - or some sexual adventure of equal interest - to break the routine in privacy. You are looking for new sexual experiences.

To dream that you masturbate and have multiple orgasms means that you are dissatisfied with your sex life - but many are, so don't feel guilty or different. It also says that there is an unmet need that makes you uncomfortable with yourself.

You want to try new options - not necessarily sexual ones - and find someone who wants to share your experiences.

To dream of masturbation and vibrator

A dream about masturbation and a dildo indicates that you have circumstances present in your life, but you do not express them openly. You are a victim of your own fears and prejudices, so you hide or run away in order not to express your feelings openly. You are probably ashamed and dare not show yourself when you are conscious or with other people around.

To dream of sex toys need not be related to any sexual act. On the contrary, it indicates your ability to be independent. For it shows that you do not need a partner to placate your desires.

To dream of masturbation on television

To dream of masturbation on television means that you not only feel judged by another, but you are also judging yourself - you have experienced something new recently and do not view it in a good light. This may be connected to the sexual area or not.

Your behaviour has completely stepped out of your comfort zone and out of your usual attitudes. This may have happened in a relaxed moment when you allowed yourself to do new things and feel free! - it is likely that you were in a relaxed circle of friends or under the influence of alcohol.

The attitude is declared as something reprehensible by friends and family - if they know it - because you are not usually like that. But there is not something, necessarily, wrong with the conferred act. It just stimulated shame on your part and on the part of others.

You feel ashamed of your actions yourself - you need to deal with the choice that has been made and not contain it. You can't change the past, but if you realise that you have acted in a negative way, it is good to be cautious not to repeat the behaviour.

Can dreaming of masturbation indicate a feeling of shame?

Yes, being watched while masturbating indicates that you're doing something that you're ashamed of or that you're embarrassing your relatives and friends. This creates tremendous discomfort and may not be related to the sexual side of your life.

The same goes for dreaming of masturbation on television, that you believe you have done something reprehensible, just for stepping out of your comfort zone. You believe you have acted wrong for it and it causes you shame.

The act of dreaming of masturbation need not be linked to you wanting new sexual adventures, although it is possible. It may indicate changing views in the professional or family sector, or even with friends who need a shoulder to cry on.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.