To dream of heavy rain: passing, thin or thick water, lightning and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of heavy rain?

To dream of heavy rain can have several meanings, depending on the factors involved in the dream. In general, to dream of a storm refers to emotions or changes, whether in the affective, professional or broader field.

Therefore, it is essential to try to remember the dream with as much detail as possible, which, therefore, will lead to a better interpretation, directing to a more accurate meaning of the dream. Better understand what each situation means.

To dream that you interact with heavy rain

In dreams that involve interaction with heavy rain, there is always a greater contact between the person and their innermost emotions. This fact makes them intense dreams, even if nothing happens that scares the person in their dream, because they will come into greater contact with their emotions. In this way, they will have a more intimate relationship with their inner self.

Therefore, to dream that you interact with heavy rain reveals your state of mind regarding renewal in your life, showing whether you are ready to change or not. This applies to different aspects, from spiritual cleansing to renewing relationships or changing habits that are harmful.

To dream of being protected from heavy rain

When you dream that you protect yourself from heavy rain, your mind reveals that you do not yet feel ready for a certain kind of change in your life. The symbolism of this dream is intrinsically linked to the act of protecting yourself, as if you were closed to new opportunities and, consequently, to the changes involved in the process of renewal.

Therefore, it is important that you evaluate what caused you to feel so closed to change in this area or in your life as a whole. Once you have done this, try to understand the pros and cons of this process of renewal, putting in the balance the favorable and unfavorable consequences of the process.

To dream that you get wet in heavy rain

The symbolism of getting wet in the dream by the heavy rain is directly related to acceptance. This process that involves accepting what occurs in your life does not mean that you are permissive, but shows that you are ready to close old cycles and start new ones. Therefore, this is a dream that symbolizes detachment and preparation for evolution in life.

When you dream that you get wet in heavy rain, you are receiving a message from the unconscious that reveals that you are in a favorable phase for positive changes in your life. This is due to the greater openness of your mind and spirit to new things, with the humility to identify your mistakes and correct them. Thus, you will evolve and change habits that harm you.

To dream of heavy rain and water

The symbolism of water is directly linked to the emotional field of the person, which is related even in spirituality, with the Orixá Oxum that acts in the emotional state of the individual. That is, the conditions of water in the dream will be an indicator of the unconscious about the emotional state of the person who had this dream.

Therefore, to dream of heavy rain and water means that this is a phase of life that you should take care of your emotional, to open paths and let go of what is not worth it. Thus, it is important that you evaluate your thoughts and emotions, trying to understand how to deal with them more effectively.

To dream of heavy rain and dirty water

Dirty water symbolizes an emotional upset or lack of advancement in self-knowledge. Thus, if you dreamed of heavy rain and dirty water, this is a sign that you need to renew yourself emotionally. This renewal can be done through a healthy period of introspection or the help of a psychologist.

So, to dream of heavy rain and dirty water means that you need to evaluate your thoughts, because this is an indication that some personal belief is generating emotions that wear you down. Thus, it is important to evaluate whether you have thoughts that lead to beliefs of worthlessness (in which you devalue yourself), unlovability (in which you do not feel loved) or helplessness (in which you fear abandonment).

To dream of heavy rain and running water

When you dream of heavy rain and running water, this indicates that you are in the ideal phase to renew yourself, letting go of toxic relationships and addictions that harm you. After all, the symbolism of running water is directly associated with transmutation, with the change from an emotional state considered dysfunctional, to a healthier one.

Thus, it is important that you evaluate what changes you want to implement in your life, so that you can walk a safe and well-defined path. After that, put your plans into practice, aiming for a better life.

To dream of heavy rain and clean water

Clean water represents the state of transparency, so that everything becomes clearer and doubts do not plague the individual as much. Therefore, clean water together with heavy rain represents a renewal on a spiritual level, with the cleansing of everything that is considered negative.

Therefore, to dream of heavy rain and clean water means that you are in a period when it becomes much easier to evaluate your own emotions, which will allow you to have this spiritual cleansing. To do this, be open to your own feelings and do not let uncertainties overwhelm you, and you can always count on friends and family who you trust and love.

To dream of heavy rain and other element

Sometimes, when dreaming of heavy rain, other elements associated with it may appear. Some examples are the presence of lightning, thunder, mud, wind and even hail. Understand the interpretation of each of these variables.

To dream of heavy rain and lightning

The lightning symbolizes the activation of the most intense side of the being, with great potential for achievements and greater appreciation of life. Moreover, this is a symbol of transformation, being a representation of intense spiritual cleansing, when combined with heavy rain.

In this way, to dream of heavy rain and lightning means that you will go through a phase of life that will be full of new projects and various external changes, such as the arrival of more achievements and even the establishment of an enterprise. At the same time, you will go through various internal changes, with reflections that will lead to greater contact with spirituality.

To dream of heavy rain and thunder

To dream of heavy rain and thunder means that justice will be served, so that you will have the return of some attitude of yours soon. Thus, if you have cultivated charity and love, being kind to people, you will soon receive a very good reward. But if you have taken wrong actions, you will also have your return.

To dream of heavy rain and wind

The wind symbolizes renewal and detachment, so to dream of heavy rain and wind means that you are going through a period of spiritual cleansing, with transmutation of negative attitudes for positive ones. Thus, it is important that you try to be in greater contact with spirituality and cultivate good feelings, so that this cleaning is effective.

To dream of heavy rain and mud

When you dream of heavy rain and mud, your mind reveals that you need to forgive yourself for past mistakes, so that you can build your future with serenity. However, pay attention to the fact that forgiving yourself for old mistakes does not mean that you will repeat them, and it is important to always seek to evolve in your behaviors.

To dream of heavy rain and hail

To dream of heavy rain and hail means that you will go through a challenge soon, requiring you to store your energy and know when to invest your time in what is really worthwhile. Done this, what would seem like an obstacle, becomes an excellent opportunity for learning and, consequently, personal evolution.

To dream of heavy rain of various kinds

If you dream of heavy rain, regardless of the other related elements, you have to realize an important detail - the type of rain. It can be fine, those that come to bother the skin, thicker, constant or just be passing, each with its interpretation.

To dream of fine heavy rain

First of all, it is important to understand that the fine rain symbolizes a temporary challenge that will bear good fruit. Therefore, dreaming of fine rain means that the problem you are going through will be solved and you will be able to obtain what is best for you at this stage of your life, even if it is simply for learning.

To dream of heavy rain

When you dream of heavy, thick rain, you get the message that it is important to invest in yourself and not sacrifice yourself for others. This does not mean that you should stop being selfless, but that you need to look more at yourself and attend to your needs.

To dream of constant heavy rain

The meaning of dreaming of constant heavy rain is that you need to maintain an organized routine to achieve your academic or professional goals. In this way, you will discipline your mind also to achieve other goals and have greater self-fulfillment, provided it is not exhausted in the work environment.

To dream of passing heavy rain

When you dream of light rain, you are receiving a signal from your unconscious that it is important for you to be more flexible in the face of life's problems, so you should be more understanding of yourself and not judge yourself so much, since everyone makes mistakes and you don't need to be perfect. In this way, dreams of light rain are reminders that you need to cultivate your self-love.

Other meanings of dreaming of heavy rain

There are a few more meanings of dreaming of heavy rain, which you can relate to your interpretation. For example, you may dream of rain coming, at night or during the day. It may also be muddy, falling into the river current or causing a downpour. Understand each meaning.

To dream of heavy rain coming

When you dream of heavy rain coming, you receive the omen that soon, something great will happen in your life. You can rest assured, because it is something that was already attracting your attention, causing you to prepare for this change. Anyway, keep your mind alert and do your best at this time.

To dream of heavy rain at night

It is in the absence of light that the shadows of the unconscious appear, so if you dream of heavy rain at night, it is a sign that you need to look inside yourself and try to understand what is making you act this way. Change begins from within, by analyzing the hurts, pains and other mental triggers, leading to growth and fulfillment.

For this reason, there are important measures that you can do to deal with your emotions. A very useful and simple example is the use of a diary, so that you express what you felt during the day, as well as all the situations that stirred your emotions, in a positive or negative way.

To dream of heavy rain during the day

If you dream of heavy rain during the day, get ready to unveil that project that has been stored for some time. This is because this dream represents a positive transformation, based on something that you have been planning but have not yet been able to execute. Because this opportunity will come soon, it is good to pay attention to the signs around you.

So, it is important that you have fixed in your mind that it is important to invest your energy in useful projects during this phase of life. Avoid spending your time in situations that will only consume your energy, taking care not to be exhausted by overwork. In this way, try to maintain a balance between your productivity and psychological health.

To dream of heavy muddy rain

Have you ever been enjoying the rain and realized that on the ground, along with it, came a large amount of mud? To dream of heavy muddy rain is a sign that the evil that they wished you is being wiped out of your life, thus ushering in a phase of prosperity and abundance, provided you can focus your gaze on what is good and that brings you happiness.

Therefore, try to let go of what doesn't do you any good and open yourself up to new things. This can apply to romantic relationships, friendships, and even professions or fields of study. Practice not dwelling on thoughts and know how to identify them, as well as try to focus your mind on other situations so you don't dwell on these negative thoughts for so long.

To Dream of Heavy Rain and Stream

To dream of heavy rain that falls in the current of a river can be a good sign, but with deeper implications. After all, it is the omen of a sudden change in your life, which can pull some roots from the bank, remove what no longer serves and mainly, take you away from where you are now.

To dream of heavy rain and downpour

The meaning of a dream with heavy rain and downpour can be shocking for the person, since it is a scenario that arouses many emotions. Therefore, to dream of heavy rain and downpour represents the need to let go, let go and accept the new.

In other words, this meaning can apply to some relationship, work or even some idea, it is already time to move in another direction. Do this before life itself takes charge of making this change for you, and it is necessary that you show initiative.

Does dreaming of heavy rain indicate spiritual cleansing?

To dream of heavy rain has another important meaning, but it is often overlooked - wrongly - by people: spiritual cleansing. Water is transmuting, it cleanses the physical and energetic body, taking away all the negative emotions of your heart.

In the same way, rain also helps to cleanse your magnetic field, thus eliminating denser energies that may influence your thinking, feeling or speaking. For this reason it is considered a powerful ally in various pre-Christian cultures, which explains the importance given to ancient rituals such as the rain dance.

In other words, to dream of heavy rain may indicate a heavier spiritual cleansing, even better if accompanied by wind, thunder and lightning. Thus, when you have a dream of this type, choose a safe place and light a candle to your guardian angel and thank for the deliverance.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.