To dream of ex-girlfriend: false, ex-best friend, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of an ex-girlfriend

In general, dreaming of an ex-girlfriend means that you are very attached to the past. There are so many good things that have happened and special people who have come into your life that it is difficult to concentrate on the present. But be aware that, depending on the details in the dream, the meaning may be different.

Because the interpretations are so different it is necessary to evaluate the context of the story. That is why we have listed the various meanings according to each type of dream. Along with each interpretation you will find tips on how to deal with them. Take advantage of the instructions we offer to work things out.

To dream of former girlfriend of different types

Sometimes we have feelings in our heart that remain hidden from us. Fortunately, dreams have the ability to reveal this to us and we learn how to act in the face of this revelation. To learn more, check out what it means to dream of a fake ex-girlfriend, of work, among others.

To dream of ex best friend

When someone special passes through our lives we end up keeping good memories with her. To dream of an ex-best friend reveals that this friend was very important to you and to this day she does not leave your thoughts. You even miss living with her.

We don't know the reasons why you two drifted apart, but try to reflect a little bit on this ex-friendship that was so strong for you. Maybe she feels the same way, so it's worth looking for her and having a conversation. Maybe the relationship won't be the same as before, but it will be good for you.

To dream of a former girlfriend at work

Some dreams occur just to reveal to us what we are feeling at the moment. Dreaming of a former work friend points to the nostalgia you feel for the time you lived with this person. It is probably a friend who helped you a lot while you were in that job, which is why it is so special.

Keep in mind that friendships developed in the work environment are likely to end when you leave the company. It is important that you know how to deal with this so that you don't get stuck in the past. Keep the good memories and understand that everyone who comes into our lives always teaches us something.

To dream of a fake ex-girlfriend

Falsehood is one of the worst things that exist. But when it appears in your dream, you have the possibility to prepare yourself for what is to come. To dream of a false ex-girlfriend indicates that soon you will go through a financial squeeze. Large debts will arise, altering your budget.

In this case, you need to save your money right away. Set aside an amount and cut unnecessary expenses. If possible, try to acquire some extra income, like selling some product, for example. The debts that will come will be necessary in your life. Therefore, there is no way to escape from them.

To dream of a former girlfriend who no longer speaks

To dream of an ex-girlfriend who no longer speaks indicates that communication is lacking in your relationships. Perhaps you are a more discreet person who speaks little. But understand that communication is a fundamental point for all relationships. In addition, this aspect can bring harm in the future.

So it's important that you start developing the ability to talk a little more. Start little by little, like punctuation on a subject, for example. Try complimenting each other. Likewise, express your opinion in every conversation circle.

To dream of a former childhood friend

To dream of a former childhood friend indicates that you had a very beautiful friendship when you were children, but today you no longer speak to each other. This is because something happened years ago that interrupted this relationship.

There is a famous saying that goes: "Those who live in the past are museums". But in this case, going back to the past is essential to solve pending issues. Therefore, you should look for this person again and try to clarify everything that happened years ago. A clear conscience is worth a lot.

To dream that you are interacting with an ex-girlfriend

The interaction you have with your ex-girlfriend in your dream indicates that you need to change in certain aspects. But not only that. Check out the list of meanings below, such as dreaming of ex-girlfriend with your boyfriend, apologizing, stealing, cheating and more.

To dream of an ex-girlfriend with her boyfriend

As worrying as it may seem to dream of an ex-girlfriend with your boyfriend is not related to betrayal. Calm down, this dream indicates that you are stuck with something from the past. The dream does not reveal what it is exactly. But on reflection, you will know specifically what it is about.

In this dream there are past and present together, representing how much your past is interfering with your present. Therefore, let go of what was left behind. Look forward and move on. Otherwise, you will miss the good things of the moment and have an unhappy future.

To dream of an ex-girlfriend apologizing

Just as in the dream, to dream of a former girlfriend apologizing is a sign for the need you have to release forgiveness. Of course, there are very serious mistakes. But there are other situations that are likely to receive forgiveness. Therefore, you should reflect a lot on what happened.

Understand that forgiveness has much more to do with the person who is hurt than with the person who hurt you. Forgiveness is a choice that frees you from hurt, hurt that oppresses and suffocates you. Of course, forgiving does not mean forgetting, but it means remembering without feeling the pain. For this reason, choose to forgive.

To dream that you make up with an ex-girlfriend

In most interpretations, to dream of former girlfriend indicates something related to the past. To dream that you make up with former girlfriend is no different. This type of dream reveals that there are unresolved issues between you. Without understanding, this person left your life and today there is not even compliance.

Regardless of what happened, you should seek out this ex-girlfriend and resolve the issues. It could be that she was hurt by some kind of joke on your part and you didn't even realize it. Mistakes are common in every good relationship. As for that, don't be worried.

To dream of an ex-girlfriend stealing from you

Every theft takes something from the owner. So are the painful situations that we experience: they take away part of our joy. To dream of an ex-girlfriend stealing from you means that you went through very unpleasant situations in the past that still cause you pain and suffering. These are sorrows and resentments that flood your being.

This dream tells you to leave all this behind and walk towards your future. Of course it's not easy. There is no button you can push to stop feeling the pain. But understand that for the pain to leave you need to take the first step. Try to stand up and forget.

To dream of an ex-girlfriend cheating on you

When you wake up from a dream about betrayal, feelings of distrust may arise. In the case of dreaming of an ex-girlfriend betraying you, it indicates that you are betraying yourself. That is, there is someone in your life that you are trying hard to trust, but you can't. It is as if you are obligated to believe in this person.

You need to trust yourself and your own intuition more. In fact, we should not put our full trust in someone we hardly know. Take it easy even and respect your own feelings. Don't force what is not inside your heart. Believe in your intuition.

To dream of a former girlfriend in different states

To dream of an ex-girlfriend in different states reveal different interpretations. Faced with them, you may know what to do. For this see what it means to dream of a pregnant ex-girlfriend, smiling and crying and discover their respective meanings.

To dream of a pregnant ex-girlfriend

One of the worst feelings that get in the way of a relationship is pride. It prevents forgiveness from being released and harmony from being maintained. To dream of a pregnant ex-girlfriend indicates that you are missing the old friendship but do not have the courage to seek it out. This has been a cause for concern.

Be careful, time is passing and you may lose the opportunity to live a great friendship again. Understand that in every kind of relationship there are difficulties and misunderstandings. Do not allow past problems to prevent this beautiful friendship to blossom again. Look for the friend.

To dream of a smiling ex-girlfriend

There are people who come into our lives bringing joy, peace and great learning. To dream of former girlfriend smiling points to the arrival of someone on your path that will awaken positive feelings in you. The dream does not reveal whether it is a friendship or a new love.

In any case, it is important to be careful not to rush things. Understand that any kind of relationship takes time to build. It is necessary to develop trust, respect and reciprocity. Therefore, do not dive head first into any relationship. Take it easy.

To dream of a former girlfriend crying

There are several interpretations of dreaming of an ex-girlfriend crying, but the main one is to indicate that you have taken a bad attitude toward a certain person. Somehow you acted with cruelty, hurting the other. Some even believe that your attitude was quite unfair.

Maybe you weren't in a good moment and you acted on impulse, but that's no reason to blame your anger on others. Understand that people have feelings just like you, so calm down and try to make amends with the person who was hurt. It will do you both good.

More ways to dream of an ex-girlfriend

Dreaming of ex-boyfriend kissing your friend or simply dreaming of a former friend indicates that your intuition is well refined. But this does not mean that their revelation is good. Check out the interpretation of these two dreams just below.

To dream of ex-boyfriend kissing your friend

It is not a good sign to dream of an ex-boyfriend kissing your friend. This indicates that you will be or are already the victim of some kind of betrayal. This is why the feeling of distrust has taken over your life. But calm down, you now know everything that is happening.

Keep in mind that the betrayal has nothing to do with you. People have their reasons for doing what they do. Your part is to take care of yourself so that you don't allow it to negatively impact your mental health. Also, don't try to get revenge. Wait patiently. The universe has something better to give you.

To Dream of a Former Friend

The main interpretation of dreaming of an ex-friend is to indicate that you feel threatened by something, but you do not know exactly what it is. Bad feelings are surrounding you, disturbing even the quality of your sleep. You feel as if you are in a conflict.

Be sure that this situation is your intuition warning you that something is going to happen or is already underway. It is important to stay alert to everything and everyone around you. It could be that some bad news will reach you. In any case, whatever it is, take care of your emotions.

Does dreaming of a former girlfriend indicate something from the past?

To dream of an ex-girlfriend indicates that you miss what you lived with her years ago. But according to the details of this person in the dream, other revelations are possible, such as financial problems, the need to change certain aspects, among others.

Now that you know the interpretation of your dream, take the opportunity to change what needs to be changed. Do not accept living in the same old situation, because your future depends on the choices you make in the present. Raise your head and look forward. Enjoy the moment and leave the past in its rightful place.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.