Tiger eye stone: how to use, chakras, elements, benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning of tiger's eye stone?

In this article you will learn the meanings and various possibilities of use of the tiger eye stone. This gemstone has a terrifying and protective energy connection, contributing to the strengthening and stimulation of courage and confidence on its wearer.

The tiger eye stone helps people to expand their consciousness, allowing the user to find new ideas and solutions to old problems. In this way, it allows an opening for a more optimistic and positive view of their reality.

Depending on the way the tiger eye stone is applied, there is a possibility that this gem will expose the mishaps in our path, helping us to overcome all obstacles.

All about the tiger's eye stone

The tiger's eye stone has the function of establishing a connection between our spiritual energy and the energy of the Earth. This is due to its particular characteristics, admired since ancient times. Learn some important information about this crystal.

What is the tiger's eye stone?

The tiger's eye stone is a gemstone of the chatoyant type, that is, it is a gem that simulates a visual effect similar to the patterns of feline eyes. In nature, it can appear in two types of shades: a more woody, pulled to the gold, and another reddish, pulled to the brown.

The tiger's eye stone has long been used by mankind to ward off the evil eye and to protect its bearer from negative energies. In Asia, especially, this stone has a very important symbolic value because of its use in Buddhist and Hindu cults.

What is the origin of the tiger's eye stone?

Traditionally, the tiger's eye stone was carried as a protective amulet against evil forces. It was said to ward off curses and protect the wearer from negative desires. It can be found in places teeming with wildlife, hot and dry climates such as India, South Africa and Australia.

In the 16th century, the tiger's eye stone was considered so rare that its value exceeded even the value of gold. In ancient times, it was also used as a protective amulet by Roman soldiers during wars. The Egyptians, in turn, believed that the gem's vibrations were divine vibrations themselves.

Properties of the tiger's eye stone

Like any crystal or ore used for ritualistic purposes, the tiger's eye stone has a set of specific properties. See below the explanations for each of its properties.


The colors of tiger eye stone can vary in the environment between gold, red, blue, black and brown. As the angle that light falls on the stone, its gold, yellow and brown bands change dimension, creating an effect similar to the opening and closing of a tiger's eyes.


The tiger's eye stone has an energetic connection with three of the seven most important chakra points in our body: the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra and the root chakra. Thus, this crystal can contribute to a better circulation of the energies centered in these points.

The solar plexus (Manipura) is the third chakra of the human body, located in the stomach region. Its function is to regulate our pride, self-esteem and self-confidence.

The sacral (Swadhisthana) is the second chakra of our body, located in the navel region in the lower abdomen. It is responsible for our sense of well-being, satiety and sexual pleasure.

The root (Muladhara) is the first chakra of the human body, located at the base of the spine, near the coccyx. This point is linked to our sustenance in the world, such as independence, money and survival.


The vibrations of the tiger's eye stone coincide with the same energies attributed to the number 4. People with affinities with the number 4 in their personality are known for their unwavering firmness towards their life goals, as well as their stability and confidence in the future.

In this symbolism, there is a strong attachment to security and materiality, ensuring that all aspects of your life are always in full working order. Number 4 also indicates strong family and friendship ties, financial stability and respect for others. It is a number that represents hard work, trust and loyalty to the principles you have chosen to adopt for your life.


The stars with the greatest affinity with the tiger's eye stone are the Sun and Mercury. The Sun's energy is intense, emanating with its rays of light the authority, the ability to lead and the essence of each individual, their central being. Through the energy of this star, we learn to express ourselves in the world.

Communication, intelligence and consciousness are the domain of Mercury, as well as logic and reasoning, our way of thinking and how we create and express our thoughts. This planet also leads us to overcome our obstacles and get answers on both physical and psychological levels.


The sun signs that most benefit from the radiations of the tiger's eye stone are Leo and Capricorn because of their deep relationship with trust and the search for solutions. The sign of Leo is known for its exuberance, strong personality and leadership. Ambition and idealism are present in Leonians, reflecting their greatness and vigor.

The sign of Capricorn is the sign of intelligence, characterized by their efforts to achieve physical and spiritual balance. Capricornians tend to be calm and thoughtful, always seeking to expand their horizons and acquire more knowledge.


The tiger eye stone emanates energies linked to two elements of nature: fire and earth. The fire element manifests itself in creative and unique ways in each individual. Those who are radiated by its radiance are incredibly courageous and lively spirits. The influence of the fire element on our lives allows us to be self-reliant, spontaneous and passionate about life.

The earth element is responsible for creation and the tangible world. It is responsible for the comfort and material security of each individual. People under the influence of this element have a strong sense of duty, responsibility and reliability, and always act with caution in every situation.


The main deposits of tiger's eye stone are located in South Africa, Namibia and India, but there are reserves of this stone in other countries as well, such as the United States, Australia and Mexico.

As much as it is classified as a gemstone, tiger's eye is a fairly affordable gem if you want to acquire one, and these days, you can get one fairly easily.

Benefits of using the tiger eye stone

The tiger's eye stone is deeply associated with healing properties. These benefits contribute to your physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Here are the three healing dimensions of this gem and how each one works.


Full of vitality and always ready to cheer someone up, the Tiger Eye stone is an incredible fortifier for the blood and is exceptional for regulating our endocrine system. For those who tend to feel a bit sluggish or lethargic, the Tiger Eye stone can be used to spark motivation.

Increased energy levels, accelerated metabolism, and an improved sex drive are some of the effects tiger eye stone brings to your hormones. For those suffering from seasonal depression, the reddish tiger eye stone can retain the warmth of the sun, contributing to the relief of heaviness on darker, gloomier days.


The tiger's eye stone is responsible for eliminating negative energies, opening the root chakra and increasing self-confidence. It is an indispensable gem to stimulate emotional healing, helping the wearer to stay strong, centered and connected to their essence, regardless of the chaos that surrounds them.

Overcoming a lack of confidence can be achieved through the tiger's eye stone. Not only can it help strengthen your relationship with yourself, but it can also help you with the most complicated financial relationships. The gem also contributes to gaining self-esteem by cleansing the toxic energies around you.


For those who need help with willpower and security, the tiger's eye stone provides its wearer with that sense of safe haven. It brings us a sense of being safe, connected to the earth beneath our feet, and stable enough in this world to take ever greater leaps and explore the deeper levels of our spiritual consciousness.

Tiger's eye provides a solid foundation for us to feel confident and comfortable, allowing our physical potentials to be amplified and explored. It is a rooting stone, strengthening our foundations and stimulating the circulation of the chakras linked to security.

The tiger eye stone in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a practice that seeks to balance the energies of your home or work environment through modifications in the space and layout of the rooms. With the Bagua map of your environment in hand, you can see below which function the tiger's eye stone acquires in each of the eight areas.

Zhen - New opportunities

If you want to conquer new opportunities or start something new in your life, try placing the tiger's eye stone in the Zhen area of your home or work. The Zhen area is all about new beginnings and personal growth. The tiger's eye can boost this area, increasing your motivation and helping you take the first steps towards your goals.

Xun - Abundance

The tiger's eye stone is often recommended to increase abundance and prosperity in the home, which makes it an ideal choice for the Xun area. Try placing a tiger's eye stone in this area of your home if your intention is to receive more abundance in your life.

Tai-Qi - Health

Being a firm and pacifying stone, the tiger's eye is a great complement to the Tai-Qi area. In this sense, placing the tiger's eye stone in this area allows the entry of new ideas and solutions when it comes to your health, or it can also help you stay motivated in your wellness goals.

Qian - Good connections

To boost your confidence when contacting your friends, professional colleagues or clients, including important people you don't know yet, try adding the tiger's eye stone in the Qian area of your home or work.

Dui - Complete goals

Are you finding it difficult to stay motivated to finish the projects you've started? Try placing the eye of a tiger stone in the Dui position in order to stay inspired and ensure the pace of your progress.

Gen - Knowledge

Adding the tiger's eye stone to the Gen area of your home or work environment can contribute to expanding your consciousness and enhancing your psychic gifts.

Li - Recognition

To be recognized for your talents and merits, you must be brave enough to share them. Often, this means stepping out of your comfort zone. Try placing a tiger's eye stone in the Li area of your home to encourage your courage and boldness.

Kan - Career

Finding your path in life, as well as new career opportunities, also requires action and a willingness to open yourself up to fate. To do this, you can place a tiger's eye stone in the Kan area of your home or work to remind yourself to always keep taking action towards your goals.

Kun - Relationships

The best relationships include passion (fire) and stability (earth). To allow these two qualities to be in harmony in your personal relationships, add the tiger's eye stone to the Kun area of your home.

How to use the tiger eye stone

To receive the energetic effects of any crystal or mineral it is important that they are close to you, either on your body or in the environments you frequent the most during the day, near the doors or the windows. See some examples below.


One of the most effective ways to make the most of the tiger eye stone is to keep it close to the skin. Gemstone jewelry is one of the best ways to absorb the healing properties of various crystals, as the skin feeds directly from the very source of energy radiated by the stones.

Bracelets, pendants and rings with the tiger eye stone are popular ways to flaunt the gem. Perhaps most effective is wearing it on a bracelet or ring, as it keeps the stone close to the lower body position for longer, keeping it connected to the chakras it has the most affinity for.

People suffering from joint strain can use the tiger eye stone because of its healing properties. The stones can also be used for meditation, accompanied by personal spiritual practices.

House decoration

In the domestic space you can find the balance of energetic vibrations through the practice of Feng Shui. In this sense, the tiger's eye stone can be adopted to ensure confidence in your actions and to keep you always cheerful. In addition, it can attract good luck and dispel your fears, helping to make the house a safe haven from the outside world.

Decoration of the work

The tiger eye stone is extremely useful for the application in Feng Shui in any type of office or work environment. After all, it encourages you to maintain focus, bringing another level of perception to complex situations and helping you avoid procrastination to get the job done efficiently.

Types of tiger eye stones

In the natural reserves of tiger eye stones is common to find two variations of shades due to the characteristic geological formations. We can speak of a golden and red tiger eye stone, each with a specific vibration. See below the specifics of each.

Golden tiger eye

The golden tiger's eye stone is useful when you need to act in a more rational way, rather than starting from your emotions. This makes it a great stone to use in situations where you know you will have to make decisions and don't want your feelings to get in the way of your judgment. It is also a protective stone that can increase your ability to pay attention to detail.

Red tiger eye

The red tiger eye stone is recommended to increase your motivation and also your libido. This gem can also help boost your energy levels if you are feeling discouraged or unmotivated.

Further information about the tiger's eye stone

Are you interested in knowing a little more about the tiger's eye stone? Check out the following for some additional information when it comes to employing this amulet in your life.

Cleansing and energizing of the tiger's eye stone

One of the easiest ways to cleanse your tiger's eye stone is to put it in water and let it rest. For a really deep cleanse, plugging your stone back into the earth is also a good solution. Whether it's burying it somewhere safe for a night or placing it under your favorite tree. The idea with this is to let it root back into the earth to find its strength again.

Who can use the tiger's eye stone?

Anyone who feels insecure or has difficulty making decisions at important moments can benefit from the energies of the tiger's eye stone. People of the signs of Capricorn and Leo can also use it as a way to enhance the positive characteristics of these signs.

Can tiger's eye stone help you be more connected to the present moment?

The tiger eye stone is an amazing amulet for dispelling fear, increasing your levels of protection and bringing positive transformative powers into your everyday life. It is an important stone for those who struggle to feel safe and feel they need to connect more with the present moment.

Connected to Mother Earth, the natural world, the ground underfoot and ancient spirits of protection, the tiger eye stone is an interesting choice for those who wish to improve their self-esteem and self-confidence.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.