The Tower in Tarot: history, meaning, fundamentals, love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Tower mean in Tarot?

The card The Tower in the Tarot shows that your life will undergo changes that will impact you and show that the attitudes you have been having until this moment were wrong. This major arcane card indicates that these attitudes led to the events that you live in today.

However, she also says that you will have the opportunity to start over, and that however painful it may be, by keeping your faith, you will be able to find solutions. There are also messages about the ego, about the belief of always being right in your thoughts, not accepting other possibilities.

The Tower symbolizes the need to let go of the past in order to build new paths. Perhaps, with these changes, you go through moments of confusion to face unpredictable situations.

In the course of this article, you will better understand all these predictions for your life, for love, for work, and you will also know a little about the history of this card and its symbolism.

Basics of the card The Tower in Tarot

The card The Tower in Tarot, as well as other cards, has a story involving its creation, which also gives meaning to it. So, too, the drawings present on the card have meanings that interfere with the reading of the arcane.

In this part of the text you will learn about the history that gave rise to the letter The Tower and also the iconography of the image printed on it.


The story behind the letter The Tower comes from a biblical legend that talks about the Tower of Babel. The legend tells that, after the Flood, God commanded Noah's sons to spread across the Earth to multiply.

However, they disobeyed this order, and instead of migrating to other regions, they decided to build a tower right there. The idea was that the tower would be so high that it would reach the sky, and then everyone would live in it.

Then, as a form of punishment for the arrogant and proud attitude, God decided to make each one speak a different language. Thus, no one could understand each other anymore and they could not finish building the tower to live there.

This legend represents and symbolizes a punishment that brought confusion, as a form of punishment for the arrogance of humanity. The name of the tower, Babel, means confusion, that is why it was called that. It is because of this legend that the card The Tower brings messages of disorder and also about pride and arrogance.


The iconography of the Tarot card The Tower brings the demonstration of chaos and destruction in a very agitated scene. In the center of the card there is a tower, built on a rocky terrain, and that seems to be cracking since its foundation.

In the image, the tower is struck by lightning at its top, where its terrace catches fire and from there some people and a crown fall. Below there is the meaning of the images.

The lightning striking the tower represents a strong and unexpected energy that brings a revelation. The tower seems very strong, since it is built in stone, but a simple lightning is able to affect its structure. This represents the falseness of the human being, which is not a solid base for sustaining life.

The crown that appears falling from the building represents materialistic thoughts, so the image of the card really symbolizes total destruction, without the possibility of reconstruction.

Around the people who fall, there are 22 flames. These flames represent the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 10 points existing in the Tree of Life, which comes as the representation of hope, saying that divine intervention is always possible, no matter how bad the situation may seem.

Meanings of the card The Tower in Tarot

There are several meanings about the card The Tower in the Tarot. When it appears, it comes as a warning that the way the person is thinking and his convictions are wrong. It also says that insisting on these ideas could lead him to a more serious problem.

In this part of the article you will find the predictions of this card in relation to ego, vanity, greed and others. Keep reading to better understand what this arcane says.

The ego

The Tower in the Tarot symbolizes the human ego and shows that it is inflated and filled with pride, arrogance, power, repression and secrets that can lead to destruction. Usually, at this time, people start to believe that only what is valuable is their own needs.

Thus, they begin to chart a path to achieve their desires, without caring about the consequences of their actions to achieve them. In this way, these attitudes end up bringing situations into your life to remind you that humility is needed.


The message of this card in the Tarot speaks about the strengthening through moments of restrictions, frustrations and ruptures that arise naturally in the life of the individual. However, some people, when going through these situations, are taken by vanity.

That is, they cannot accept the trajectory of life, which is not always one of victories, and they rebel instead of using these events as an opportunity for inner growth. Thus, it is necessary to look at these attitudes and seek self-love and harmony to overcome situations in a more humble way.


The card The Tower in the Tarot also says that whenever a person relies on greed, looking only at a desire to be superior to others, their material life may be at risk. This is because the foundation of the life that has been built is underpinned by misleading values and beliefs.

In this way, it is possible that your way of seeing reality is being threatened by a mediocre and reduced vision of yourself and also of the values you have in your life.


The legend related to this Tarot card, about the Tower of Babel, symbolizes the arrogance and haughtiness of man and an ambition built on false thoughts of power. Therefore, this card warns you to understand if any attitude you are taking is based solely on vanity.

Probably, she is not the best advisor to make decisions, nor to guide your paths. So, try to seek self-knowledge, to better understand how to change these attitudes and have a simpler life with more love and charity.

The Tarot Tower card in love

The Tarot card The Tower also has predictions for love and relationships, both for people who have a partner and for those who are single.

In this part of the text you will understand what these predictions are, what messages they bring for those who are married or dating and also for those who are alone. Check it out!

For the committed

For people who are committed, The Tower is about changing your attitude. If you continue to resist changing your behavior and the way you react in the relationship, your relationship will probably come to an end.

Therefore, it is important to seek a frank conversation with your partner and try to understand what can add value to the relationship. Listening to the other party is necessary to understand what needs to be improved to build a better life for both.

For singles

For people who are without a relationship, who are single, the message of the card The Tower in the Tarot comes to say that you need to change some attitudes and beliefs. It is possible that, without noticing, you are doing actions that push people away.

Therefore, try to look at yourself and pay attention to your way of acting, to see if there is something that may be preventing you from meeting new people. By identifying inappropriate behaviors, if you are looking for a relationship, analyze the possibility of changing.

The Tarot Tower at work

There are also some messages brought by the card The Tower for the professional area. These messages are directed both to people who are employed, and to those who are in search of a new opportunity.

See below what these predictions are and understand how they can be applied in your professional life.

For employees

For those who are employed, the information brought by the card The Tower in the Tarot is that financial difficulties may affect your performance at work. So, to avoid problems, try to restructure your financial life.

Another message brought by this chart to those who are working is that professional changes may occur soon, so be prepared.

For unemployed persons

For those who are unemployed, the message of the card The Tower, is the need to get rid of outdated beliefs. It is important to seek new knowledge, renewing and updating their courses.

So, try to keep up with the changes happening in the world around you and upgrade your training to find a new job.

A little more about the Tarot card The Tower

There are many predictions brought by the Tarot card The Tower, and these can be changed if the arcane appears inverted. Therefore, in this part of the article, you will find information about the meaning of the inverted card, about the Tarot draw and some more tips.

Inverted card

When the card The Tower appears inverted, it speaks about internal changes, which happen slowly, and which will bring some inner battles. These battles will attract transformations in your beliefs, values, purposes and meanings of life.

In the end, you will realize that these moves have come so that you can move forward in your own life. Despite the discomfort that the changes will cause, they will also bring more inner strength and balance.

In print

The drawing of the Tarot cards comes to examine and work some situations of rupture and breach of expectations. The functions assigned to the cards have the purpose of bringing understanding of some facts.

They also serve to show the spiritual and higher meaning of the facts and the reasons for crises. In addition, they reveal what needs to be done to resolve these difficulties.

Some of the functions of the Tarot reading are: to bring the light of consciousness and reason, to show that it is necessary to destroy what is excessive in your life and the necessary actions for reconstruction of your personality.


The first tip on how to act when drawing the card The Tower is not to see it only as a negative message, because it can help you review weak points in your life that need improvement.

Also, look for ways to reverse the situation, using calmness and patience. Look for the right ways to increase your self-knowledge and thus overcome the difficulties shown in the letter.

Does the card The Tower mean destruction of something?

The Tower is about destruction, but this should not be seen as something negative, but as a way to rebuild your personality in a positive way. It brings messages about destroying ego, vanity, arrogance and haughtiness.

These are behaviors that usually do not bring any benefit to any individual. Therefore, seeking self-knowledge and humility, in this case, can be a good way to perform a reconstruction on oneself.

We hope this article will help you better understand this Tarot reading and bring greater self-knowledge to your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.