The Sun in Tarot: card meaning, love, health, combinations and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Sun mean in Tarot?

The Sun card means success and happiness. Just like the star that nourishes and warms the planet, this arcane emanates a predominantly positive energy that involves the consulent's life.

This card is associated with the Sun in astrology and is therefore closely connected to achievements in life. It reminds us to look for the positive side of life, showing that hard times do not last forever and that the presence of the Sun shows that finally the storm will pass.

The Sun shows that you have achieved a sense of confidence capable of propelling you to achieve what you most desire. Therefore self-confidence and abundance are reflected on the surface of this chart indicating achievements made as a result of your own efforts.

However, even the Sun has its negative side, and this chart can indicate important issues such as lack of modesty as we will demonstrate later in this article.

Fundamentals of the chart The Sun

The Sun card shows the light of a new day headed by the figure of the Sun, the central element of the card. It is one of the most positive cards of the Tarot, indicating that you should not measure efforts to achieve your wishes. As we will show, its radiant influence brings with it incredible new opportunities.


After passing through the atmosphere of mysteries of the previous arcane and entering the watercourse present in the Moon card, the Madman woke up at dawn, near a mirror of water. He notices that the day is clear and realizes that the figure of the Sun is shining imposing, watching him.

Still in that scenario, he meets the solar children and starts to learn from them, realizing that the uncertainty of the previous arcane has crumbled with the arrival of the new day.

With this, the Madman learns to view reality with more optimism and begins to face life and himself in a more enthusiastic manner, so that his path is now made of the most dazzling rays of sunshine.


The iconography of the Sun card varies according to the type of Tarot, although some symbols are universal. In the Tarot of Marseille, we see two children, symbolizing eternity, playing under three rays of the Sun, the central figure of the card. One of the children touches the solar plexus of the other, denoting the willpower of this arcane.

In Waite's deck, we see only a child riding on a white horse in a field of sunflowers as background. He carries a red flag that means renewal, while the smile stamped on the sun figure symbolizes achievements.

In both tarots, the conscious prevails over the unconscious and innocence is renewed with the hope of a promising future.

The major arcana

The major arcana are composed of 22 enumerated cards. Each card represents a scene, with its own elements and symbols that help in the interpretation of its meanings. Each major arcana portrays a scene with one or more people, accompanied by their name and number in Roman numerals.

These arcana represent stages cycles of life and are considered by tarologists as a sequence of keys used to access the paths of a spiritual journey, whose destination is ascension and evolution.

Although some details present on the blades of the major arcana vary according to the type and origin of the Tarot deck, there are symbols of universal character that do not vary because they contain concepts essential to unlock their meanings.

Meaning of the card The Sun

The Sun chart signifies success, abundance and happiness. It is an announcement of good news with more insight, vitality, joy and clarity. The Sun shows that you are in a phase of life filled with positivity. Like the Sun, you light up and share your gifts with everyone around you. check it out!

Goal Success

The Sun chart represents success in your goals. Like the Sun itself, you possess a radiance that is able to light the way to achieve what you most desire on your journey. The success brought with this chart comes from your own efforts.

As indicated by the smile stamped on the face of the Sun in this chart, now is the time to celebrate the laurels of your achievements and be aware that what you have most intimately wanted to achieve is on its way.

Right now, make sure you set everything you want in motion and follow the path of your dreams: the Sun shows that everything can finally grow and shine as you always wanted it to.

Joy, vitality and light

The Sun has the power to emanate light and vibrations of high energetic standard manifested as joy and vitality. Like the Sun itself, its forces emanate intensely and convert into vitality capable of inciting changes and of radiating them to all those who are close enough to feel the energy of its rays.

Much joy and happiness are on the way. If you are facing a difficult period in life, this chart shows that the time for change has finally come and that the darkness of the night will make way for a beautiful sunrise.

It's time to harness the energy of this card to strive to pursue what makes you happy and radiate the bright energy that surrounds you.

Discernment and clarity

The Sun has the power to dispel the darkness that brings with it doubt and confusion. When this card appears in a drawing, it shows the elimination of doubt and the clarity needed to make decisions clearly.

The Sun chart shows the path to be followed through its rays which reflect presently in all areas of your life. With this energy, the time has come to make important decisions, knowing that they will come at an important moment and surrounded by an energy of optimism and positivity.

It's time to establish your goals and, from then on, draw up the necessary strategies to achieve them. Under the influence of this card, your path will be clearer and your choices more precise.

Optimism and abundance

The Sun sign is a symbol of optimism and abundance. These energies are present in your life and it is time to use them to your advantage to manifest what you want.

The positivity of this card brings the optimism capable of bringing you the abundance to which you aspire so much. Just as the rays of the Sun touch the children in this card, your life has been touched by them.

This solar energy brings the sense of optimism which is the fruit of your own efforts and it will make your life better and better. The impact of the Sun's positive energy will make you soar significantly higher and manifest abundance in all areas of your life.

The Sun in love

The Sun in love is an excellent omen of happiness and celebration in romantic life in general. It is a time when your personal brilliance attracts the right people to you. However, there are important details you need to know about this card, depending if you are single or in a relationship.Check it out.

For committed people

When the Sun appears in the draught of someone committed, it is a sign that the people involved in the relationship have a radiant connection. Your relationship is stable and the warmth of the Sun inspires an atmosphere of well-being, blossoming you.

The chart also predicts an engagement or even marriage. It's time to take advantage of the climate of harmony to establish closer ties with your beloved and enjoy the love you cultivate for each other.

If you are trying to become pregnant, the Sun may indicate the arrival of a child who will bring light into your life. If you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship, this card is a request to rediscover the pleasures of life together and fall in love again.

For singles

If you are single, the Sun chart shows that now is the time to show your brilliance to others. Under the influence of this chart you are emanating an admirable personal magnetism which can attract to you the kind of relationship you have always wanted.

This aura of charisma and friendliness is contagious, and so many people have a desire to be ever closer to you. The Sun shows the celebration of yourself, with the possibility of a lasting relationship.

To harness this energy, now is the time to put your face in the sun and visit places where these encounters are most likely to happen, so as to harness your personal brilliance in its entirety.

The Sun in work and financial life

The Sun's exuberant energy also reverberates positively when it comes to work and financial life. In general, the Sun suggests abundance, prosperity and success wherever it shines. As we will show, now is the time to seize opportunities, whether you are employed or looking for a job.

For employees

This is the ideal time to put your plans into practice and manifest what you want in your career. The Sun is bringing success, optimism and motivation into your professional life which will create an excellent working and cooperative environment between you and your colleagues.

If you are interested in getting a promotion or pay rise, this is the time to be more dedicated to achieving your goals. The Sun shows that you are about to be your best self and that many achievements are on the way.

This is the time to focus and utilize that energy that surrounds you, for with proper motivation, success will be yours.

For unemployed persons

If you are looking for a job, the Sun shows that an opportunity is finally knocking on your door. It's the ideal time to look for work and use this more optimistic and determined phase to achieve your goals and have the life change you aspire to.

This card is also a great omen for starting a new career. You will receive the support you need to achieve what you aspire to and this person will be willing to bring more happiness and optimism into your life.

Allow yourself to receive the help you need and be willing to look for your dream job. The positivity of this arcane will bring the light you need into your life.

Financial situation

The Sun chart foretells success and goals achieved and shows that your financial situation is stabilized and comfortable. You are reaping the rewards of your investments and work and it is time to take advantage of the energy of abundance that reigns in your life at this time.

Even if there are doubts about facts related to your finances, the Sun will make them visible and you can direct your financial life as you wish.

If you are experiencing financial problems, the Sun chart shows that there will be positive changes and your financial situation will soon improve.

Finally, the Sun foretells that the time has come to work to bring your innermost desires to fruition.

Combinations with the card The Sun

Combinations with the Sun card can be positive or negative. Overall, the presence of the Sun in a drawing shows that there are excellent opportunities for success and happiness on your path. However, it is important to keep an eye on nearby cards to better understand the facts and make a more accurate reading.

Positive combinations for the card The Sun

Positive combinations for the Sun chart are quite plentiful, revealing more details about the opportunity that is shining on your path. Some examples of positive combinations are:

  • The Sun and the Empress: end of infertility and hint of healthy pregnancy.
  • The Sun and Judgement: vocation for the area you work in and fulfilment in your career.
  • The Sun and Car: Success is approaching in a triumphant way. This could include a pay rise, promotion or starting a new partnership. Take more risks and you will be rewarded.
  • The Sun and the World: a love will appear soon. At work, represents completion of project.
  • The Sun and Ace of Cups: opportunity for joy and happiness.
  • Negative combinations for the card The Sun

    The Sun is such a positive chart that there are few negative effects from its combinations. When the Sun is followed by a chart, it usually shows the nature of the brightness that is appearing in your life.

    As we know, not all that glitters is gold, so watch out for the signs. Some examples of negative combinations are:

  • The Sun and the Hermit: a false person will be revealed.
  • The Sun and the Devil: Your happiness is dependent on something material or someone. Your quest for success awakens your darker side.
  • The Sun and Death: the opportunity that seems promising will soon show its true face and be extinguished.
  • The Sun and the Tower: ending a relationship.
  • A little more about the chart The Sun

    The Sun is a fascinating arcana. In the following sections, we will present the relationship of this card with health and show that the presence of the Sun even in its inverted position is an excellent omen. At the end, we will give important tips to understand and align yourself definitively with the energy of this powerful card.

    The Sun in health

    The Sun chart is the personification of vitality and health in all fields of life. In general, this chart is a great indication that your health is in perfect condition.

    Even if your health is compromised at the moment, the Sun shows that this phase is temporary and that soon you will feel better and your physical and mental conditions will be restored.

    When the Sun appears on a drawing at a time when you are thinking about dieting, it will bring you the motivation you need to achieve your goals. Finally, if you have been pushing your luck, the Sun is a request for you to pay more attention to your health.

    Inverted card

    The Sun in the inverted position is a sign that you are experiencing difficulty in perceiving or accepting the positive aspects of situations that occur in your life, probably due to unforeseen events that insist on appearing.

    These setbacks end up clouding the light of this chart and prevent you from feeling the positivity and enthusiasm characteristic of this chart. The inverted Sun also shows that you may be being deluded and deceiving yourself by seeing extremely positive aspects where there are none.

    In love draws, the inverted Sun signifies boredom, inability to realize happiness in your relationship or not valuing it.

    Other main meanings of the inverted Sun chart are:

    - Unrealistic expectations;

    - Temporary difficulty;

    - Devaluation of work;

    - Overconfidence;

    - Over-optimism.

    The Sun in the yes or no strip

    When the Sun appears in a yes or no drawing, the answer to your question is 'YES'. It is an extremely positive card that represents productivity, potential, achievement and your talents. So, feel the Sun's rays shining on your life right now, motivating and inspiring your steps.

    The sun is a clear sign of encouragement, so don't stop doing what you're doing until you achieve your goals. No matter if there are rocks in your way, you will easily get around them, for they are only a cloud and soon the sun will shine brightly in your life.

    This card shows that you are on the right path to get what you want and be successful in life.

    Challenges of the chart The Sun

    The Sun card brings with it the challenge that something that was hidden is coming to light. Despite the positivity brought by this arcane, looking at the Sun can blind you if you don't have the proper filter.

    The Sun represents a place in life where you should be, however, don't let yourself be led solely by its brilliance. It is often a challenge to allow yourself to be yourself, as this can sound selfish to others.

    Furthermore, many people do not accept the light of the sun, even after having failed in life. Finding your place in the sun is a challenge, but remember that the sun shines on everyone, as long as you are willing to face it and no longer hide from it.


    The appearance of the Sun in your reading is an extremely positive indication. It is important that you use this energy to draw up plans to achieve your goals and manifest prosperity and the abundance you desire.

    This arcane reveals everything that was hidden, bringing discernment and clarity for you to see the big picture and make the best decisions based on conscious attitudes and the necessary objectivity so that your plans can become reality.

    The Sun is the center of the solar system and so you will be in the spotlight in the coming days. Show off your natural talents and aptitudes and, like the Sun, emanate your light wherever you go, leaving your positive impressions on all those touched by your rays.

    Can the Sun chart indicate a good time to share joy?

    Yes. The Sun is a positive indication of your current position in your life and indicates a good time to share joy. Because of your achievements and the atmosphere of optimism and abundance that surrounds you, it is time to spread the energies of this chart and inspire others with your happiness and confidence.

    In this period when this card appears, people will be drawn to you as they will notice your ability to emanate positive energies and light wherever you are.

    Your success is admirable, and you are at a moment when you are able to share the fruits of your efforts with the people you love. Just as the Sun shines on everyone, it is time to use your abilities to light the way and contribute to a better world. In this way positive energy will be enhanced and the Sun will be increasingly present in your life.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.