The Pomba Gira Dama da Noite: Characteristics, history, phalanges and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is Pomba Gira Dama da Noite?

Pomba Gira Dama da Noite is a leftist entity of easy incorporation, usually the first entity that a medium receives. Like the other Pombas Giras and the Exus, also known as "street people", they work with energies related to human passions such as material possessions and carnal love.

The Dama da Noite is so named because she exhales the characteristic scent of the flower as she introduces herself to the gira or approaches someone she wants to help. She is a Pomba Gira who opens the way for other entities, but she is also responsible for the energetic cleansing of the medium and the environment.

History, characteristics and salutation to Pomba Gira Dama da Noite

Pomba Gira Dama da Noite, just like the other Pombas Giras, does not have a single life story, since any female spirit can go through this stage of its spiritual evolution. However, her characteristics differ from the other Pomba Gira phalanxes in some points.

The story of the Pomba Gira Dama da Noite

Although there are countless Pombas Giras of this phalanx, one is recognized as the first Dama da Noite, Carmem, a young orphan girl seduced by her cousin and abandoned on the streets by her uncles. Carmem was enticed by the boy who found her crying and took her to a cabaret.

The young man wanted her for himself, but soon became bored and released her to the other customers. When she was forced to lie down with an old man, Carmen tried to escape by hitting him with a lampshade. Angry, the man strangled her and then fell down the stairs, also dying on the spot.

The characteristics of Pomba Gira Dama da Noite

Pomba Gira Dama da Noite is a mediumistic opening entity. Her function is often to prepare mediums to receive other spirits. For this reason she does not work with dense energies, as she must remain in a lighter vibration.

They generally remain in the hall for a short time, for as they manifest themselves in bodies which they are not accustomed to, they must respect the limits of the medium's body. But they may also accompany a particular medium for his whole life.

Salutation to the Lady of the Night and its meaning

The main greeting to the Dama da noite is "Laroyê". Usually this greeting is followed by the name of the entity, in this case "Laroyê Dama da noite"! Which means "Hail Dama da Noite!".

Another greeting commonly used in Candomblé and Umbanda for these entities is the "Mojubá!", a Yoruba word that means: "I present my humble respect!", but which is also translated as "Salve! In this case, the greeting is made as follows: "Mojubá, Lady of the Night!

Ponto cantado da Pomba Gira Dama da Noite

The points are the songs that are sung during the giras of Exu and Pomba Gira. Their function is to tell a little about the history of the entity, to call the entities for incorporation, besides being a form of prayer, to praise that entity.

The points are usually songs from the public domain, being difficult to attribute their authorship due to the oral tradition of the religions of African matrix. Some are not even fully translated into Portuguese. There are many points to Pomba Gira Dama da Noite, all speak of their characteristics and their work, as we can see in:

Here she comes with her laugh

Barefoot walking down the road

It's a dark night but there's nothing to fear

Lady of the night came to protect you

She's the queen of the dawn

Through the cruises with your laughter

It's a dark night but there's nothing to fear

Lady of the night came to protect you

How the Pomba Gira manifests

The Dama da Noite has tastes and characteristics that differ from the other Pombas Giras. While most of these entities show appreciation for flashy and red clothes, the Dama da Noite prefers black and gold.

Due to his connection with Oxum, his voice is sweet and his manners are elegant, his presence is noticed by everyone in the room and he may present himself holding a dagger, with which he drives away evil spirits and cleans the energies of all who participate in the gira.

What Pomba Gira does for a person's life

Although many are afraid of Pomba Gira, carrying this entity is actually a great gift, since the Pombas Giras are in charge of opening the paths of their children and of those who seek them in times of despair.

In addition to boosting self-esteem, self-confidence, brightness and personal magnetism of those who carry it, opening the paths to love and prosperity, these entities also offer consultations and help others. Therefore, carrying it means having a great ally, besides being able to help others.

Relationship between Pomba Gira Dama da Noite and the phalanges

As she is an entity of preparation, Pomba Gira Dama da Noite communicates with all mediumistic phalanxes, because she is the one who opens ways for other entities to approach her children.

However, she does not present herself as belonging to a specific quality. You will never see a Dama da Noite presenting herself as belonging to the quality "of the souls" or "of the cemetery", for example. Her function is to establish communication between the medium and her entities.

Types of mediumship and how to know if I have Pomba Gira

All people have their spiritual guides, Pomba Gira is just a lineage of entities that help the incarnate in their journey on earth, therefore, we all have Pombas Giras. However, not everyone connects to this energy.

How do I know if I have Pomba Gira?

Everyone carries at least one Pomba Gira or other lineages of entities. Some guides are of inheritance, entities that already accompanied your ancestors and that continue protecting and helping the evolution of your family. Others, approach you to help you in your personal issues.

However, only those who have a developed mediumship can perceive this approach or manifest incorporation, which is possible for anyone. Everyone has some degree of mediumship, but not everyone develops it.

Possess auditory mediumship

Auditory mediumship is described as the gift of hearing spiritual messages, it usually manifests initially as ringing or pressure in the ear, incomprehensible sounds or even whispers. It is quite common to have the sensation that someone is calling your name at times when there is no one around.

Usually people think it is something imaginary, but it is important to observe if this feeling persists and at what times it arises. A good indication is to notice that these voices become clearer in times of danger, as if someone was warning you about something that is happening near you.

Possess vision mediumship

Visual mediumship is the ability to see spiritual manifestations such as vultures, lights or having the sensation of someone approaching even though you are alone. These are usually the first indications, but more developed mediums can come to see these manifestations clearly.

This is a more difficult mediumnity to develop than the auditory one, many people feel a lot of fear when they come across the supernatural and end up blocking this perception even without realizing or wanting to. Besides, this type of mediumnity demands more time of study or work in some spiritualist center.

Possessing oneiric mediumship

Oneiric mediumship is often a form of first contact with the spiritual world. This type of mediumship consists of having predictions or making contact with some spiritual entity in a dream or semi-sleep state.

This form of mediumship is more common because, being in an unconscious or semi-conscious state, the medium presents less resistance to contact with the supernatural world. However, it is more difficult to recognize which dreams are spiritual contacts and which are only imagination

Do you have to be a medium to have a Pomba Gira?

You don't need to be a medium to carry Pomba Gira dama da Noite or any other entity. Actually, all people have their entities and most of them are Exus or Pombas Giras, since these are the entities that are closest to the material world.

However, to get in touch with your Pomba Gira you need to develop your mediumship. Most people have some degree of mediumship, but few seek to develop their gifts or receive a strong calling in this regard.

Symptoms of the person who has a Pomba Gira

Symptoms would not be the most correct word, since it is not a disease, but here we use the sense of indications or traces. There are some perceptions that can be altered by approaching this entity. It is important to observe them if you suspect that your Pomba Gira is wanting to manifest.

Sudden urge to drink or smoke

The desire to drink or smoke attributed to some entity is often an excuse that many people use in order not to take responsibility for their acts. The function of the cigarette and the drink in a gira is to be an instrument for dense energies to be transmuted into more subtle energies.

What can happen is that the person can taste the drink or smell the cigarette when this entity approaches. But, not necessarily the desire for feeding vices. Actually, these entities are against human vices.

Feel the presence of Pomba Gira

Feeling the presence of a certain entity is the main form of manifestation of spirits who want to communicate with you, protect you or call you to work spiritually. Usually this presence is felt as an aroma of flowers, cigarette and drink, or chills.

Some people even see the energy emanating from their own body or the spirit near them. But these are cases of more developed mediumship or urgency to seek spiritual help.

Feeling more sensual, secure and self-confident

Feeling sensual, secure and self-confident are perhaps the first indications that your Pomba Gira is near. This indication refers more to women, as most people who incorporate Pombas Giras are women, as it is a feminine energy, which most men are culturally taught to block from a young age.

When someone is with their Pomba Gira strengthened and close, generally their sensuality blooms, their mannerisms and way of walking become more elegant, charming, and their personality begins to exude magnetism and self-confidence.

To dream that you carry her in your lap

This is a dream that manifests itself in important moments of the life of the medium. Usually this dream happens when the person is going through some difficulty and his guide seeks to show him that is present, offering his lap, his calm and energy.

Another possibility is that the medium doubts of his mediumship and the entity decides to present himself so that he has no more doubts of his presence.

Having the revelation made by a Medium

Having your Pomba Gira revealed by a medium is one of the most common ways to discover your mediumship. When another medium alerts you to the proximity of an entity it means that your moment to develop your gifts and give way for the spirituality to work is near.

It is common for this to happen because most people block their mediumship, either through fear or beliefs, and cannot establish this communication in an explicit way. So your guides use another open channel to communicate with you and show that they are close by.

Sympathies for Pomba Gira to help with issues in your life

Although some people call them sympathies, the correct names for spells done to ask for protection from the entities of the religions of African origin are offerings or ebós. The ebós are works done only by the saint's assistants. And even the simplest offerings should not be done without guidance.

Simpatia para Pomba Gira away enemy

To make a sympathy to ward off a person who is harming you you need a virgin and wide glass, half a glass of brandy, a pepper finger-of-moça, seven stones of coarse salt, a clove of garlic, a nail, a black candle, a red candle and a paper with the name of whom you want to move away.

On a Monday of waning moon, mix all ingredients in a jar, except the candles, put everything in the cup and light the candles outside the house asking Pomba Gira Breaks all to get away from you and put this person in a good way, but away from yours.

Sympathy for Pomba Gira to attract love

For the sympathy to attract love you need: a new glass of your favorite perfume, nine red candles a bowl, a glass, a white plate and champagne. On a Monday of the crescent moon put the perfume glass on the plate between three candles, forming a triangle, light the candles in a safe place and outside the house.

Place a glass of champagne and a glass of water next to it. Repeat the procedure for three consecutive nights, pouring the champagne and water into the sink in the morning. Ask the Lady of the Night to help you find love, but do not mention names. Whenever you go out at night, use the perfume.

Sympathy for Pomba Gira to win admiration

To make a sympathy to win admiration you need: seven cinnamon sticks, seven cloves, seven slivers of ginger, seven yellow roses and seven drops of honey. On a Monday, boil all ingredients asking what you want to Pomba Gira Maria Quitéria.

After the mixture has cooled down, take a normal bath and pour the preparation on your body from the neck down and do not dry yourself after the bath. Wear white or yellow clothes to attract power. Always do it during the crescent moon, as often as you wish.

What are the differences between Pomba Gira Dama da Noite and Pomba Gira do Cabaré?

While Pomba Gira Dama da Noite is the name given to a phalanx of Pombas Giras, that is, a group of entities that call themselves that and work helping inexperienced mediums in their first incorporations. The Pombas Giras do Cabaré are, in fact, a quality of entities of several phalanxes.

These denominations cause a lot of confusion for those who are getting used to the religions of African matrix. But, while the phalanxes are groups of Pombas Giras that present themselves with the same name, as for example the Marias Padilha or Marias Mulambo; the quality of each Pomba Gira usually varies.

There is Pomba Gira Maria Mulambo do Cabaré, as well as Maria Padilha do Cabaré, and so many other phalanxes that work energies in the same way that the Pombas Giras do Cabaré work. However, the phalanx of the Ladies of the Night does not present itself under any denomination. Therefore, there is no Dama da Noite do Cabaré.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.