The meaning of numbers in numerology and how they affect our life!

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Jennifer Sherman

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The numbers are a guide!

Since the smallest particle already discovered by man until complex structures, of biological or astronomical order as constellations and galaxies, the numbers are always present. There are those who say that they are the form that God communicates and even for the skeptics in relation to the existence of a universal creator, the numbers have their importance and their mysteries.

Numerology studies how numbers guide human existence, drawing parallels and connections between many different areas of life with numbers and their specific meanings.

Through tables of conversions of the characters of the name of the person, calculations are carried through arriving at numbers that describe the influence on aspects as the expression, the attitude, the personality and the way of the life of a person. In some aspects of numerology it is also taken into account the date of birth for the numerological calculation.

Travel with us on this journey through numerology and understand how to interpret the numbers according to cabalistic and Pythagorean knowledge. We will also understand how to read numbers according to business numerology.

How to interpret the numbers in numerology

In numerology, be it of which slope it is, the numbers function as a guide in the search of deep self-knowledge and of our link with the external world, either in relation to situations or people with which we coexist.

Through the name of the person being analysed we arrive at a numerical digit that will serve as the basis for interpretation. In general, numerology is not seen as supernatural or as an immediate solution to problems.

The assertiveness of the analysis of the numbers is usually high, which has caused more and more people from different cultures around the globe to adopt this technique. We move on to the understanding of how numbers are interpreted in Kabbalistic, Pythagorean and Business numerology.

How to interpret the numbers in Kabbalah numerology?

For the cabala, Jewish philosophical religious system that appeared in the medieval era, as well as words and letters, the numbers have energetic basis. Each letter converted into a number carries an occult energy that will be the base of the interpretation about all the deepest aspects of the individual.

It is the oldest form of numerology and is based on the Hebrew alphabet, which, unlike the Roman alphabet of 26 letters, has 22 characters. In this branch of numerology only the name of the person is analyzed, disregarding the date of birth.

The cabalistic numerology is very used in the choice of the name before the birth of the child and also for changes of name of adult people, with the intention to change the energy that the numbers related to the letters carry.

How to interpret the numbers in Pythagorean numerology?

Pythagoras, Greek philosopher and mathematician of the antiquity, is considered the father of the modern numerology. The Pythagoric numerology takes in account the numbers of 1 the 9, beyond the numbers masters 11 and 22, relating them with coming energies of the cosmos.

In this branch of numerology exists a table linking the alphabet to the numbers and it is through it that a name is analyzed. This table is today the most used for calculations of numerological analyses.

According to the Pythagorean numerology, each number is related to an aspect of the person and each number has different energies, having a positive and negative side. For Pythagoras, the numbers translate to the physical plan the ethereal aspects of the universe. It has, in this way, great importance in the life of an individual, being guide for professional vocations for example.

How to interpret the numbers in business numerology?

In this aspect of numerology the focus is the relation of the numbers in the choice of names for companies. Through the numerology business is chosen, or changed, the name of the business taking in account which segment it belongs and which objective is looked for.

For the calculation and numerology business analysis it takes in account the name the which the company is or will be known by the people. From this, the analysis is made taking in account a specific table directed for this slope of the numerology.

There are 3 types numbers in business numerology; the motivation number (sum of vowels and says about what you want to do), the impression number (sum of consonants and is related to the appearance that the company has or will have with the public) and the expression number (sum of all letters and is linked to the skills of the business).

Meaning of the number 1 in numerology

In general, the number 1 is related to the beginning and singularity. It is connected to leadership, creativity, willpower and achievements. It is the union of energies being the driving force of great initiatives. The negative aspect of the number 1 represents the authoritarianism and selfishness that singularity can bring about.

Often, excessive self-confidence or leadership positions lead the individual to a state of self-centeredness, so pay close attention to this if you see the number 1 in your numerological analysis. Read on to understand what Kabbalistic, Pythagorean and Business numerology tells us about the influences of the number 1.

Number 1 in cabalistic numerology

In the Kabbalah, the number one represents creation, where God created light and also defined darkness. People under the influence of the number one have the tendency to be leaders from birth without any fear of being pioneers in any branch or innovative idea.

They are individuals with great courage and initiative, but can have a large ego, thus being a negative side of number 1 for the cabala.

Number 1 in Pythagorean numerology

In Pythagorean numerology the 1 is the beginning of everything and primarily symbolizes individuality and pioneering. It represents the emanation of creativity energy by the universe and is linked to masculinity, courage and initiative to accomplish things.

People under the influence of the number one in their numerological analysis are ambitious, courageous and have appreciation for physical activities and exercise leadership in a natural way. The downside is that these strengths of the number 1 can cause negative characteristics if not worked in the right way, such as authoritarianism and arrogance.

Number 1 in business numerology

The number one according to business numerology signals innovation, credibility and leadership. Companies that have the number 1 as a result of numerological analysis have great potential for growth and to become the first in its segment.

The number 1 in business numerology is conducive to companies in real estate, finance and dealing with health insurance and will likely achieve success in an honest way in the business world.

Meaning of the number 2 in numerology

The number 2 in numerology is complementary to number 1, and brings aspects of calm and tranquility in opposition to the energy of movement and leadership of number 1. The sensitivity and subtlety of number 2 connects it to feminine energies, being a number that seeks a balanced relationship with other numbers.

It is loaded with intuition and brings a sense of balance in solving situations, being considered a number related to diplomacy, solidarity, emotions and patience.

For this high energy of tranquility and pondering the number 2 has its negative side when there is submission, doubts about the actions, shyness in excess and insecurities in general. Let's see below the different interpretations of the number 2 according to different types of numerology.

Number 2 in cabalistic numerology

The reference of the number 2 in the cabalistic numerology is given to the second day of the creation, where God separates the water from the lands and did not consider his work as good. It is the number where the individual is not moved by his ego, being thus, dissonant of the number 1.

For the cabalistic numerology the number 2 is the number of the people with the gift of pacification and the resolution of issues in a quiet and peaceful way. Individuals ruled by the number 2, according to this aspect of numerology, may have the tendency to be dependent, which can bring suffering.

Number 2 in Pythagorean numerology

For the Pythagorean numerology the 2 is connected to the energies of works directed to the collective and is considered as the number of the people who put the good of the others before themselves. It is a numeral loaded of cooperative energy, sensibility and diplomacy.

The negative side of the number 2 in Pythagorean numerology is precisely when this cooperative and sensitive energy is not worked with in the right way, thus generating insecurity and shyness in excess, as well as aversion to physical contact and excessive sensitivity.

Number 2 in business numerology

As for number 2 in relation to companies and businesses, in general we have a scenario where the team of workers will be the driving force and the cooperation between them and the company management can generate fantastic results.

It is a great energy emanating from having the right people for the right roles within the company and this in itself is already something great in the business environment.

It is an excellent number for recruitment companies, non-governmental organizations and other branches that are related to uniting and coordinating large groups of people for the common good.

Meaning of the number 3 in numerology

The number 3 is loaded with powerful meanings. Religiously it makes reference to the Holy Spirit and also symbolizes the union of body, mind and soul. It represents the triangle which is an important geometric symbol for several cultures.

It is considered by Chinese culture a perfect number, being the junction of heaven and earth that resulted in humanity. Follow what the cabalistic, Pythagorean and business numerology tell us in relation to the number 3.

Number 3 in cabalistic numerology

In cabala the main characteristic of number 3 is civility. People who have the number 3 in the cabalistic numerology calculation have the gift of communication and interactivity. They are talented, cheerful and have an above average creativity.

Solving problems easily is another characteristic of people who carry the number 3 in their name. They like to enjoy the good side of life and the profits obtained through their work. The negative side has to do with jealousy and gossip and they tend to be irritable people when criticized.

Number 3 in Pythagorean numerology

For the Pythagorean numerology the 3 is the result of the union of the 1 and 2 representing the multiplicity and relating to the energy of the communication, expression and adaptation.

Individuals ruled by the energy of number 3 are generally very friendly and optimistic, being very sociable and harmonious in their interpersonal relationships. They exert a strong magnetism and are key pieces to boost the development of those around them.

On the other hand, they may have difficulty finishing projects or plans as they have a somewhat exaggerated side which can get in the way. As much as they may seem electric or scattered they have a rather meticulous sense of observation.

Number 3 in business numerology

Companies or businesses which the numerological calculation results in 3 will be favored in aspects of expression, communication and creativity.

For the numerology business number 3 is indicated for companies that have as focus the interaction in relation to its public target through creative forms and much use of the word.

Branches connected to children's entertainment and companies related to shows and concerts are especially favored with the energy of the number 3.

Meaning of number 4 in numerology

As the design of the numeral itself, the 4 refers to closed and firm angles. It brings a sense of solidity and of everything that can be tangible. It is strongly linked to the symbol of the quadrilateral and the cross, thus bringing a strong meaning.

In Japanese culture the number 4 is avoided even to be pronounced, because it is related to death. The number is still quoted in the book "Apocalypse" in the Bible, as well as in the Indian Vedas bringing a sacred aspect to this numeral.

In general the number 4 brings a sense of organization and stability. It is present in several representations as the 4 seasons and the 4 cardinal points. We follow with the interpretations of the number 4 according to different aspects of numerology.

Number 4 in cabalistic numerology

People who are governed by the strength of number 4 according to the Kabbalah numerology are primarily honest and upright. They do not do well with falsehoods and appreciate sincerity with a well-established sense of truth.

They are the kind of people who take on serious commitments and responsibilities firmly and unyieldingly, which makes them somewhat authoritarian.

They are attached to rules and organizational systems, both at work and at home, which can generate a great deal of criticism from people with whom they may work as a team or relate to as a family.

Number 4 in Pythagorean numerology

The numeral 4 in Pythagorean numerology is one that manifests law and order. People ruled by the energy of 4 are rational and emanate loyalty and stability in any area of their lives.

They are often seen as tough and uncompromising, asserting their authority in terms of organization or ways of doing some work. They defend traditions and are often conformists, but they are self-assured and have an immense capacity to accomplish the most arduous tasks with great firmness and self-discipline.

The negative side of the influence of number 4 on a person is excessive attachment to the past, inflexibility and excessive criticism towards the people around him.

Number 4 in business numerology

Companies under the influence of this numeral have a great chance to succeed in activities related to security, physical care (gyms or beauty clinics) and activities related to the financial sector (brokers of financial market operations or banks).

As the number 4 is charged with energies connected to firmness, stability and well defined forms, it can also be used in branches connected to civil construction and matters related to family stability. Besides, they are propitious to exercise successful partnerships with public administration bodies.

Meaning of number 5 in numerology

Because it occupies the middle of the first numbers (from 1 to 9) in general, number 5 represents balance. It also refers to the human being, because it results from the sum of the 4 limbs (legs and arms) to the trunk.

Number 5 brings a sense of unity and balance and is also the sum of the 4 senses (touch, taste, smell and hearing), besides being the number of the wounds of Christ when crucified.

It has a central role in Chinese culture being the sum of yin (two) and yang (three) besides representing a cross in the ideogram used by numeral 5. See what the different types of numerology tell us about number 5.

Number 5 in cabalistic numerology

For being in the middle of the numbers, the 5 for the cabalistic numerology brings mainly an energy of freedom. It is related to people who are masters of their own destiny and who realize what they want.

The freedom to come and go guides people under the influence of 5 who generally hate routines and have an aptitude for work in which they are not tied to schedules or to the orders of bosses.

People ruled by the numeral 5 need to be careful about breaking rules and laws always seeking a balance between freedom and the responsibilities of life.

Number 5 in Pythagorean numerology

In Pythagorean numerology the number 5 brings the energy of the senses and sensations being the number related to trips and changes. It brings a sense of revolution and transgression of established rules and a sense of exploration of everything that is new.

Generally individuals ruled by 5 have quick and perceptive thinking, are impulsive and curious to the extreme. They usually accumulate general knowledge on a multitude of subjects without specializing in any of them. Nevertheless they are thoughtful, reliable and good counselors.

They tend to succeed in work without fixed hours and need to be careful not to be proud and rash.

Number 5 in business numerology

For its adventurous energy and exploration of all that is new the number 5 for business numerology is recommended to businesses dealing with travel and selling general products to the public (such as convenience stores).

By the prism of the energy of propagation and dissemination that the 5 carries is also indicated for educational companies such as colleges or language schools.

Companies whose numerological calculation result in 5 will have great probability of expansion with opening of branches in other cities, states or even abroad.

Meaning of number 6 in numerology

The numeral 6 is replete of meanings for varied cultures being present in the star of David, maximum symbol of Judaism, forming six triangles inside of a circle. In the antiquity it was the number of the goddess of the love, Venus and for the Christians it represents the days of the creation of the world.

It is associated with lofty ideals and balance, justice and in Chinese culture the number 6 represents heaven and its power.

Despite symbolizing virtues and having great strength, the number six has negative potential being called the number of bad luck by the Mayan culture and as the number of sin in the "Apocalypse", last book of the Bible. Check below what each type of numerology says about the numeral 6.

Number 6 in cabalistic numerology

People under the influence of number 6, according to the Kabbalah numerology, are loving and dedicated. They have a great capacity for responsibility towards those they love and are happy, honest and faithful.

They are usually sought out to give a word of comfort to friends and family in difficult times. Because they have a great capacity for love, they often become blind to other people's faults and can only see their qualities.

They always try to solve problems for those around them and for this reason they often become invasive and inconvenient. Individuals ruled by the energy of number 6 should beware of pride and insensitivity.

Number 6 in Pythagorean numerology

In Pythagorean numerology the energy that 6 transmits is in the sense of synthesizing responsibilities, either in the family or social area. Home, family and community are pillars for those who are under the influence of numeral 6.

Individuals ruled by this energy tend to be perfectionists in everything they do, and because they are loving, they find it easy to deal with humanitarian issues. Empathy is a key part of the energy of number 6.

The negative side can surface in the form of insecurity making the person domineering and controlling, and when contradicted, they become irritated or depressed. Because they have heightened sensitivity, they may feel oppressed in tense environments or situations.

Number 6 in business numerology

Related to the business environment, the number 6 favors philanthropic activities focused on community actions seeking the improvement of the community in which the company is inserted.

Companies or businesses whose numerical results result in 6 will also succeed in activities related to family reunions, whether in the form of an event space or company focused on organizing weddings and birthday parties.

Home improvement oriented offices like interior design, gardening and architecture are also favorable under number 6.

Meaning of number 7 in numerology

The number 7, or perfect number, is the most sacred among all and is the most significant for several religions, myths and also for numerology. This numeral is the most mystical and the most connected to occult knowledge and to the mysteries of the universe.

There are numerous references about number seven in the Bible and several other religious scriptures and in numerology it carries a strong sense of search for deep self-knowledge. 7 also symbolizes renewal and consciousness. We follow the meanings of number 7 in the different aspects of numerology.

Number 7 in cabalistic numerology

In cabalistic numerology we find in number 7 the highest vibration of perfection. This numeral carries the energy of God and represents the 7 colors of the rainbow and the 7 days of the week. People under the regency of the energy emanated by number 7 are intimately connected to intuition, having as characteristic patience and curiosity about the mysteries of life and the universe.

They are usually people who seek to delve into complex matters which, for most people, have an air of mystery and mysticism. They are not very friendly, but choose their companions very carefully and with criteria that not even she can explain.

They are individuals with a brilliant mind and an immense capacity for analysis and are able to find answers to many complex and mysterious subjects for most people. Because they are introverted and interested in different subjects, they may have a tendency to isolation and unwillingness to interact with other people.

Number 7 in Pythagorean numerology

For the Pythagorean numerology the 7 represents the emanation of the energy that forms the totality of the Universe and is strongly related to the search of occult knowledge, introspection and interior peace.

It is the number related to the wise and intellectual and to people who go in search of information and answers beyond the understanding of the environment in which they live. People ruled by the energy of number 7 are detailed and demanding, especially with themselves.

They can often seem insensitive and distant because they are immersed in thoughts and questions that most people would not be able to understand. For this reason they must be careful not to isolate themselves or become too eccentric.

Number 7 in business numerology

In relation to the business world, number 7 is favorable for companies that deal with secret and specialized subjects, focusing on a very specific market niche. It is not considered a good number for companies, as it can cause difficulty in finding the specific market niches and thus reach their target audience.

Because of the energy of deep studies that the 7 carries, it is also indicated for companies that teach a specific course or subject.

Meaning of number 8 in numerology

The numeral 8 symbolizes infinity, something where there is no beginning or end, like the design of the character itself when positioned horizontally. It also refers to the intermediation between heaven and earth, the physical and spiritual, symbolizing balance.

In Japanese culture it is considered sacred and for Christianity the number 8 symbolizes the resurrection, thus being the representation of renewal and prosperity. We move on to the meanings of the number 8 for the different types of numerology.

Number 8 in cabalistic numerology

In cabalistic numerology, the number 8 is very similar to the number 1, bringing a sense of everything being ready and accomplished. In the Jewish tradition, it is in the eighth day that occurs the circumcision of the boys making them ready for the contact with the sacred.

Individuals ruled by the number 8 tend to be highly successful in the business world and are spiritually balanced and thoughtful.

They are people with great persistence about their goals and embrace projects and ideas tirelessly. They need to be careful not to become ambitious or abuse the power they can achieve in the material world.

Number 8 in Pythagorean numerology

The Pythagorean numerology has in the number 8 the emanation of the energy of victory and prosperity. It represents the good administration of material wealth and recognition before others.

Individuals ruled by the energy of the number 8 are able to put their material ambitions into practice and are persevering and firm in their purposes. They are also extremely capable of starting over, thus representing the energy of rebirth which the number 8 carries.

If not handled properly, the energy of the number 8 can lead to excessive materialism and lack of patience with others. Being very self-assured, people of the number 8 can often become overbearing and arrogant.

Number 8 in business numerology

In business numerology the 8 brings an excellent energy of competition in the face of competitors. It is an energy which can result in market leadership in challenging areas.

The number 8 brings good energy to conquer businesses that will bring good financial gains and is very suitable for self-employed workers who will compete with a large number of people.

Meaning of number 9 in numerology

In general, number 9 represents completion, effort and power. It is a strong number that carries in itself energies of leadership being the sum of 3 triangles also representing wisdom and integrity.

In Chinese culture it represents the 9 heavenly circles and is therefore a number of good luck, and is also revered in Greek mythology and Christianity.

The negative side of 9 represents possessiveness and lack of guidance and for cultures like Japanese and Aztec it is considered a bad luck number. Check the different interpretations about number 9 according to different types of numerology.

Number 9 in cabalistic numerology

For numerology based on Kabbalah, 9 is the sum of the spirituality of all previous numbers and brings the energy of understanding and unconditional love. People influenced by 9 are recognized by the trust they transmit and the dedication and understanding they emanate.

Because of the unconditional surrender that the 9 carries, individuals influenced by this numeral should be careful about expectations in relation to others. Expecting the same surrender and dedication in relation to others can lead to acts of rudeness and even actions that hurt ethics.

Number 9 in Pythagorean numerology

The number 9 is the number that carries the cosmic energy of compassion and brotherhood for the Pythagorean numerology. It represents the search for perfection and the completion of desires and aspirations. The numeral 9 also carries with it the experience of the previous numbers bringing a sense of spiritual completeness.

It is widely associated with love in universal form and individuals ruled by the energy of the 9 are generous, romantic and persistent in professional projects and in love relationships.

The negative side refers to possessiveness, narcissism and consumerism, for they often appear to be complicated people, but this happens when they meet along the way people who show laziness or lack of empathy.

Number 9 in business numerology

As it is a number that carries the energy of compassion, number 9 is indicated for companies or businesses that can somehow act in helping others, such as NGOs, philanthropic organizations or in the area of health, for example.

If the branch of operation is focused on obtaining profits, the number 9 may not be ideal, because it represents the end of a cycle to start another. It may represent short cycles of success and obstacles along the way. If the numerological calculation of the name of any existing company results in 9, it may be suggested to change or adjust the name.

Meaning of master numbers in numerology

Formed by two characters (11, 22 and 33) the master numbers reinforce and exalt the meaning and energy of the repeated numbers.

They are considered of special value in the analyses and if the numerical sum of the person's name results in the master numbers 11 and 22, they should not be added. The number 33 can be added, but it will have a differentiated analysis.

We will see below the meanings of the master numbers 11, 22 and 33 in numerology and how they exert influences on our lives.

Meaning of the number 11 in numerology

Master number 11 brings the strength and intensity of number 1 and the wisdom and tranquility of 2, the result of the sum of 1 + 1. It carries strong spiritual and intuition energy.

People ruled by the energy of 11 are special, carrying strong idealism, being the individuals who bring solutions to problems through inventions focused on the good. It is a numeral that influences as to ambitions and leadership related to the power of charisma.

It is often called "The Idealist" by numerology and is also related to extrasensory powers and mysticism.

Meaning of number 22 in numerology

Master number 22 is closely related to work and the ability to make other people's ideas real by putting them into practice. This master number influences the individual who will have a brilliant mind and quick and effective reasoning. Having the strong tendency to follow his intuition by taking the reins of his own destiny.

Those who have the influence of this master number will be destined for great achievements that could have a significant impact on humanity. It is determined as "The Builder" by numerology.

Meaning of 33 in numerology

The master number 33 entails the mixture of the inventive and energetic aspect of the 3 with the caring and maternal vibration of the 6 translating into a strong energy of caring for others and a lot of inventiveness and creativity.

It is called "The Leader" and results in the individuals under its influence a position as a teacher who creates innovative ways to care and teach with zeal and love. Number 33 is charged with the energy of forward-thinking and leadership ability in addition to unusual self-control.

Generally, people who have 33 as their main numerological influence take positions of leaders who are not concerned with their personal ambition, but rather with the development of the collective.

Do the meanings of the numbers in numerology show us everything?

Known and studied for millennia, numerology translates through the interpretation of numbers the energies that influence us in all aspects of our existence.

Be for the optics of different slopes as the numerology pitagórica, cabalística and enterprise, the numerais bring bigger clarity ahead of lived situations, serving as aid to enlarge our self knowledge and our conscience.

In general, the assertiveness of numerological analysis is much higher than other mystical knowledge. Therefore, it is followed to the letter by many people, whether for decision making or choice of names for children, for companies and businesses.

If you seek answers through numerology search on applications or sites that make the analysis for free. Also seek to understand what each number represents and what energies they emanate and, thus, will take advantage of all the potential that numerology brings us.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.