The Judgement in Tarot: card meaning, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Judgement in Tarot mean?

The Judgment card can be interpreted as news, new opportunities and a moment of renewal that will come into your life soon. Despite this positive vision, there is also a warning behind the appearance of this card, about something from the past that may appear again in your life.

Faced with this confrontation with a situation from the past, it is necessary to keep in mind that everything that has been done in our lives at some point can return and its fruits will be harvested in the future. Therefore, this can be seen as something bad or good, depending on what you had left in your past.

Fundamentals of the letter The Judgment

The main points of the tarot card warn about a connection between the world of men and the spiritual world, which is shown through its graphic representation. Much of its symbolism deals with how we are metaphorically fired in the face of our actions.

Situations from the past, whether good or bad, can always appear in our lives, showing the results of actions that were committed at other times. Thus, it is important to always keep in mind that everything we accomplish in our lives, at some point, will appear again. This serves as a warning for your negative actions, because there is still time to repair these issues inyou.

This chart also speaks volumes about intellectual issues, and reveals that some of your decisions and understandings of life will need to take into account aspects of this in order to avoid bad and unnecessary consequences.


Through the Christian engravings two different ideas about the resurrection are presented. In the first one, the Gospels are shown that refer directly to situations related to the death of Jesus.

The second way of viewing the images is about the Last Judgment. Thus, the artists who were inspired, mainly by this second vision, to create these images took into consideration the symbols and verbal allegories for the scene to be narrated in the letter.


The letter shows the dead, who appear naked and emerging from their graves. At the time of the images' creation, this underscored a widely held popular tradition. Thus, it was part of popular belief that the dead left their graves as skeletons and clothed themselves in their lost flesh and skins as soon as they saw the light.

The image of these resurrected people, together with the angel who appears using a trumpet, refers to a summons and has a direct connection with the story of the Last Judgment. In a general symbolism of the situation presented, the letter speaks about the death of the soul and the forgetfulness of its purpose.

The major arcana

The major arcana are a group of 22 Tarot cards, considered as a reference to larger issues that have a much deeper effect or meaning. Each of them carries its own symbolism and meanings, which can represent different people or situations.

These symbols are meant to reveal things about self-knowledge in a little more detail, as well as provide prognoses for the near future. In addition, they can also be used for further counselling.

Meanings of the card The Judgement

The Judgement in the Tarot brings many meanings involved with changes and new events that will take the consulter to a new moment in his life. In general, this card deals with necessary and important issues. Therefore, you will be going through a transition from something that no longer matters so much to something that will make a total difference in your life.

This moment will also be of great importance for you to open your eyes to some things which you might not have considered at another time in your life. The situation can be described as a rebirth. Thus you will be discovering yourself and will have a new chance to change your life, with totally different and unique possibilities.

This card also brings an important interpretation for some weighty issues. It therefore speaks about problems or difficulties which have been faced in the course of your life but need to be left behind. Mistakes you have made should also not be dragged on for the rest of your life. In this way the moment is also marked by forgiveness.

New cycle

The changes that the card Judgement shows take you into a whole new phase of your life. This will be a new cycle, full of discoveries and revelations that you are not even aware of. Everything will be different and you, however much you may be frightened, will find yourself prepared.

In the beginning it is normal that you feel a little difficult to embrace the new, because what is common to you brings you comfort and is already familiar to you, but it does not necessarily represent something better for your life. You need to leave the past behind so that these new opportunities gain space and change your life for the better.


The word transformation is something very strong in relation to the card The Judgement. As the moment is all related to new situations that will happen in your life, you will need to go through periods of transformation in order to adapt to the new reality of your life.

The situations of your past, which will have more emphasis at this time, serve for you to understand these transformations in a better way and be able to realize your mistakes, as well as the points that need to go through this type of change so that you can enjoy everything new that will arise, with a new thinking and a new worldview.

Harvest time

The time is ripe to reap what you have sown in the past, and if you have acted correctly and tried to do good things, this will be reflected in your present life during this period of change and transformation.

Our past is never forgotten and the things that happened always influence our present. Therefore, they will serve as a reference so that similar mistakes are not made in the future. This is the time to take advantage of what life has to give you in response to your attitudes.


Some ideas that are very firm in your mind may no longer make sense at the moment, so this chart shows you a new path, in which you can free yourself from ideas that were once part of your life and thinking and which had some purpose. However, over time, that meaning has been lost.

This way of seeing things, in a freer way, gives you the opportunity to realize that you are getting a second chance to change your life and follow other paths that will lead you to happiness and personal fulfillment. Letting go of things from the past that no longer serve you is fundamental at this time.

The Judgement in Love

The readings taken from the card The Judgement, in general, can be applied to people who are in a love relationship as well as to those who are single but find themselves in search of experiencing love and finding a partner for life together.

We can understand this card in different ways, and therefore it is possible to understand that it brings important aspects for these two specific options. It is always good to reinforce that The Judgement speaks about things that will leave your life to make room for new ones. This also applies in the way of interpreting the card taking into consideration love relationships.

This will be a very positive phase and shows that you are seeking fulfillment in this field. It also reveals that you want to experience something of greater importance. The pursuit of happiness with your partner is shown in a very positive way in this chart.

For committed people

Those who are in a relationship may understand this chart as an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves them and perhaps is not doing the relationship any good in any way. It is time to evolve, change and move on to draw a beautiful story.

The desire to live experiences will be at its peak at this time in your life, and together with your partner you can go through a very positive phase. This is a time of great affection and the two of you will feel much closer than you have ever felt before.

For singles

The message of the card The Judgement for singles is clear and direct: don't feel intimidated by relationships that have gone wrong. As frustrating as it is to face a break-up, it's important that you don't stop believing in love and the search for happiness with your partner. You need to make room for the new to come.

You need to be persistent about this desire too as without effort nothing will happen in your love life. Stay tuned as the energies are favorable for you and this is an excellent opportunity to invest in love. The time is fluid and favorable for new passions.

Judgment at work

The revelations brought by the card The Judgement in are extremely positive and encouraging in various sectors. In relation to professional life this would be no different. So you can look forward to good times and you can reap the fruits that have been planted for quite some time in your quest to improve your reality.

Your professional life will go hand in hand with the other points in your life as this chart reveals. This will happen satisfactorily but will require you to adapt and understand that things have changed for the better, and that there is no room for division between what has already been done and what is present in your present life.

This card also gives you choices, because as it shows you need to let go of some issues and situations. Thus it is an important ultimatum for you to understand in definitive what your priorities are and if it is really worth keeping something that does not complete you to let something with a much greater potential go without trying.

For employees

The card The Judgement brings an important highlight for those who are employed. This is because it reveals that you will go through a very happy time in your career as there is a great possibility of being promoted, which will make your financial growth more expressive.

The wait for this moment was something that motivated you to continue and move forward for a long time. Now all the effort that was put in is being rewarded with an opportunity of great value for your professional life and your development.

But for this to happen, it is important that you show and see yourself as someone of value. Give yourself due importance because there is no one better than you to know your value.

For unemployed persons

If you find yourself unemployed at the moment, the card also makes some revelations and gives you advice of great importance for the moment. Opportunities are on your horizon and will appear in your life very soon. Even if the challenges are great, grab these opportunities because they will change your reality.

Another important point is that even if you are looking for a new chance and the situation seems complicated, you need to keep in mind that you have your value. Do not accept any offer they make you, especially if it is below what you believe you deserve. Learning to stand up for yourself is also important to not be passed over or live a life of dissatisfaction.

Combinations with the card The Judgement

Some card combinations, when appearing in a run together with The Judgement, can bring even more positive aspects to the interpretations of this card. However, others may show some instability in understanding some important issues.

As most interpretations for The Judgment are positive, the effects will not be so negative even when the card is associated with others which bring revelations of greater impact and which may show problems and negative future events.

The influence of these cards will not be so present and there is a strong possibility that the card The Judgement will always manage to stand out in the interpretations. This vision can serve as encouragement to those who still fear losing what took so long to conquer.

Positive combinations

One of the most positive combinations that can happen in a drawing is that Judgment appears in the same game as The Mad One. When associated, the two will put a lot of emphasis on issues of new beginnings and rebirth. It seems that this will happen through a decision made by you.

Together with the card The Magician, The Judgment can bring an even better vision of your present and future. This is because this combination reveals that the intense changes that are happening in your life, however much they are demanding of you, will be very positive and satisfying and will certainly guarantee you a sense of fulfillment.

Negative combinations

The combination that can generate more conflicts in this situation is the one seen in front of the card The Judgement appearing inverted together with The Madman. All positivity will be put in check here. Without being inverted, it brings a much calmer vision of your current moments.

But being associated with The Fool, there is a potential for you to feel more lost and disoriented about what you should do. The projects that you have dreamed and wanted for so long become confused and you start to feel that they are not even as certain as you imagined before.

A little more about the card The Judgement

The card The Judgement can reveal to you many benefits and good moments in your future. However, none of this is coming to you for free and is the fruit of your efforts. But for everything to happen the way it should and for you to receive what you so much desired finally, it will take a little more courage and focus.

If you are willing to change your reality and face a new opportunity that will bring you happiness and satisfaction, you need to transform what is wrong and not part of your reality. Your path should be moved only by things that bring you something of value and that still make sense to you.

Well-being will not only be felt in relation to satisfaction with what has been happening, but will also be reflected in health issues, both mental and physical. It is a good time to focus on these issues, because they are of great importance for our life and cannot be neglected.

In health

Health will also be favored at this time and we can point out that it will be something comprehensive, both physical and mental health will be going through a positive moment, in which you will feel good and recovering from previous situations, which caused this to be left aside and you began to take less care of yourself.

Now is the time to put these issues above all else and to take advantage of the good times to take care of yourself, value your health and take care of what is of much greater value to your life. In the difficult times you have been through, you have certainly learned a lot about this and will now value your good health more than ever.

Inverted card

The card The Judgement, when it appears inverted in a reading, brings some negative signs. In this case, it can show that some issues that are part of your personality and are quite negative.

This can happen when you find it very difficult to accept that things need to change. There is a resistance on your part to understand this need for change, and you are resistant to staying the same.

Thus, you have been denying to yourself that some actions were harmful, but you insist on the mistake and keep assuming this negative posture. It is necessary to have an analysis so that you understand that this behavior will not lead anywhere.


The biggest challenges that can arise on the way in relation to the card The Judgment is the understanding that some things do not deserve to accompany you for the rest of your life, because they are not positive for your new moment and will not make the slightest difference, and may even harm the good things that have been achieved with much effort by you.

This will be the greatest problem faced and revealed through the chart. The situations are positive but require understanding and acceptance. Without this it is not possible for anything good to happen in your life. This will be a challenging time because change is always complicated.


The best tip that can be given to you with the card The Judgement is that you need to let go of things. Understand once and for all that something that was part of your life and at that time you considered good, no longer makes sense and does not fit. Therefore, it should remain in the past and in oblivion.

There are no real possibilities for change in your life if you are fixated on ideas that don't serve you and are no longer part of you. Moving on will make you feel much more fulfilled, but this will only be understood by you after going through this mourning period of letting go.

Can the card The Judgment signal a good time for reflection?

The moment revealed by the card The Judgement is very positive and brings a chance to reflect on life in general. This is because with new events and possibilities, it tends to get a little confused until there is an adaptation. Understanding that everything is changing, even if it is for the better, is complex.

This card can make you feel a bit reflective about your interpretations and visions for future times. This way of thinking will be positive for you to understand things clearly and realize what is best for you. Without this time to think, possibly your actions will be unfounded and you will tend to fall into error, as it will be easier to stick with what you already know.

The Judgment gives you several options for change and different paths to follow. You just have to understand what is best for your life now and find within yourself the courage and the need to move forward. The chart tells you a lot, but it depends solely on you the next steps to be taken.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.